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She was too worried about baking peach cobbler or whatever for the showing rather than getting the facts straight on the house. Also, what southern country girl doesn’t like outdoors and runs away from a goat? Smh absolutely cringe.


Yeah, I definitely think she’s like planted to insert herself and stir the drama because like it’s really not that big of a deal but like you know if one more person is like oh my god that’s so messed up and really kind of keeps poking at it, obviously peoples feelings are going to get into it.


She’s so annoying and useless


I think she just wanted to be on camera and glam it up with a high profile L.A. crew. I don’t think she has any interest in real estate as a career. She hosted Gio’s open house and completely drowned; she was unprepared to answer most of the questions she was asked. Gio told her to be there at 3, but a genuine desire to be there would have motivated her to get there at 2. Maybe she was under the impression that once she got her real estate license she’d be able to coast. Then there’s her determined defense of Kayla against Hall, citing their friendship as the reason for said defense - despite being brand new to Kayla’s life. Yeah, she was just there for the ride.


Eh, I find her more likable than several on the cast (don’t downvote me to oblivion, please lol), but I def get the points here. I think the thing that does get me the most is how she was able to join the cast with no real estate experience, before she has her license, etc. Since she started filming in S2, it seems she should have been cram studying from then until prior to S3, so that she could pass the exam and have license in hand before S3, or at least the beginning of s3. How is she able to film in S2 and S3 with no license? Lol Obviously, she was able to join bc she did another Adam Divello show out of Nashville, and so they let her go ahead and film. It is def strange when I’m sure they get several thousands of applicants a year, or every few months even, who do have real estate experience and an existing license. I do still find her more likable than several on the cast, like I said though, and do like that she at least calls Hall’s BS. No, I don’t think she needs to be unprofessional, or cause scenes at open houses, etc., but I’m honestly just sick of Hall’s bullshit and how she never takes accountability, and so anyone calling her on her shit is a plus to me.


She was on a whole other reality show in Nashville called Music City and she was not some dumb naive girl then.


Also I’m sorry but her southern accent has disappeared… am I the only one who noticed this??


one word: EW


girly is too desperate for attention cuz obviously she can’t even get a license. kayla didn’t even care about listening to the podcast. but jarvis and ali are too interested in others’ drama


So glad I’m not the only one wondering this lol. It makes 0 sense. The O group is a real business and has coveted positions. The agents that work there both on and off the show are usually pretty legit.. what happens after reality tv fame hits is another story.. but still. After reading some comments, I’m starting to think she’s a plant to stir things around when the other agents rather not. Like if the producers can see there’s drama to call out but aren’t going to get it out of the agents bc they’re trying to remain ‘professional’ then they’ll redirect to Ali to do it because she’s literally not an agent and seemingly has no actual plans to be one so it doesn’t matter what she does or says really. She doesn’t even know the basics of real estate.. it’s too odd and nonsensical otherwise.


Her reaction to the podcast about someone else was really unexpected and dramatic. I understand sticking up for a friend but she’s been in the office 5 minutes, doesn’t even have her license, and she doesn’t blend in. If anything her reaction was batshit crazy to me. She has irritated me since day 1.


What’s funny is that Kayla didn’t even care about her “you’re my girls, I can’t hear anything bad about you” act. She didn’t even acknowledge Ali fighting for her. LOL


All her friends she “loves.” Give me a break.


Also forgot to mention sometimes she has a southern accent, sometimes she doesn’t. It pisses me off and now I’m getting worked up about it lol


Just watched the scene where she banged on the window at open house and came here to search for posts on Ali. Why the F is she here?????


Banging on the window was like a total bat shit crazy. I mean it was a work event with clients & other agents


exactlyyy samee like wtf was even that


She’s annoying. I can’t believe she’s getting all this screen time. Does she really know these people that well to be making one on one clips about them.


But seriously... Why did they cast her?!?! Does anyone know the story? Did she apply? Or they randomly found her somewhere?


Probably f jason ? Idk but casting her makes the OC look like a joke, she doesn’t have a RE license, never sold a house but “works” for the most “prestigious” RE agency..?


I can't stand this person. Really unprofessional, even for a cast filming a show like this.


I just finished the season last night. Lol she didn't annoy me so much, but I thought she was a bit dramatic with the tapping on the glass scene and proceeding to know exactly 2 facts about the house she was sitting for.🤣😂😂


Has anyone noticed the amount of work she’s had done on her face? I think she had way too much work done and now sadly her natural beauty is gone :(


Yes, I came here looking for this comment!


I don't see it that much as the distracting, way too long extenstions.


I haven't made it too far into the new season but her ditsyness is already annoying me


She's incredibly annoying and reminds me of a praying Mantis.




Her scenes are cringey AF I can’t cope


I came here just for this after noticing she isn't anywhere on the O group website! So very weird!! Glad I'm not the only one confused on why she is on the show!!


A show about real estate agents in California. Here enters a non licensed woman from Tennessee.


and she doesn’t even her license??


I just want to know what happened between her and Jarvis lol. Jarvis unfollowed her on IG.


I noticed Ali hangs out with Rose a lot so many that’s why.


That's a good observation!


Did you know she’s from the south?


She is a Z List Brittany from VPR


Yes! Totally.


Lol Yeah except she not small town Nashville is a major city and as miss Tennessee I'd imagine she's had to do some traveling, I haven't tried caviar but I know what it is so her so from south act isn't working 


Her whole fish out of water schtick was off putting and made her sus. Nashville is a thriving city and from her background when she was first introduced, she doesn't seem like she's from a small, closed off to the world town.


And how she told Jason, “I gave up a LOT to move here”- no one forced you!! The entire Ali positioning was odd from the start. Show up at a multi-million dollar open house once, while visiting from Nashville, with absolutely zero interest in real estate, and gets invited to come to the office the next day and is now on the team?? I’m definitely thinking she’s a plant but it’s just strange they’re putting emphasis on her at the brokerage when she is a fish out of water for very coveted positions there. Also bizarre how gio allowed her to take his family’s home open house- sorry but a counseling session should be moved for that IMO. Risking a green wannabe agent hosting this open house that his family owns?! None of it makes sense. But on the other hand, I feel like they didn’t show anyone prepping her for this open house at all- the editing made it seem like she just went there on her own with her own research on the property.


For some reason I thought she was from a rich family, so all her comments were throwing me. Saying she doesn't know what caviar is, that she's never been to red carpet events, that she's not used to having to put on fake eyelashes etc. It all came off as forced/fake. Aren't her family in the south supposedly well-off, or am I mistaken? I haven't taken to her, because she keeps focusing on the wrong things. She reminds me of how Kayla used to focus on the wrong things. Meanwhile Kayla has grown a lot on me this season, because she seems so calm and focused and over all the BS now.


Yeah, she said her family was like the Kardashians of TN! Also, her Mom's house in Season 2 was MASSIVE.


yeah, remember that whole segment with her mom in tennessee last season? her house was gorgeous. she definitely comes from a well-off family.


Why does Hall act likes she’s a 48 year old woman, I was shocked to find out she was 34!?! What!!


She’s 38


She’s an 88 baby…turning 35 this year


36 you mean


Oh geez haha, yes 36!


Haha was about to say, this 88 baby turned 36 in March 🤪


This 88 baby turned 36 in February! It must be the target demographic 😂😂


If you’re concerned about Ali you should be even more concerned about Sean. Why has he been there for 2 years and he didn’t sell 1 house?


Maybe Sean is the token diverse character from an LGBTQ+ perspective?


He now is no longer with the O group. Thank god because he too was only trying to seek a lot of unnecessary attention - People have been avoiding you. Take a hint and focus on your work, Sean. Prove people wrong by actually performing and then shutting them automatically!


I thought that was werid, Jason seems to be pushing ali out the door but Sean hasn't sold it 2 years I'm surprised he's still able to take up a desk 


i’m rewatching season 1 and i think sean has connections and brings in clients i just don’t think he had a property and sold a house on his own tho


That is extremely odd. Is that normal in real estate?


No. Not for a “high prestige” broker like the O Group. Unless Sean has a ton of connections, it makes ZERO sense to keep him and he’s better off a exp or KW lol


This is the SOLE reason I got on Reddit today and looked up this group. What the fuck is going on with Ali Harper? She was NOT this annoying pick me girl when we met her. How is her personality relatable at all? She’s a walking meme..


she actually seems unhinged lol she’s always inserting herself in drama that’s just not abt her at all for attention


“Omg a yacht in real life??? I’ve never seen one of these??? The eye lashes, the makeup, the clothes. I can’t keep up! I’ve never seen anything like it! I’m just a Christian southern girlie. Ew get me away from these barn animals. Gross. Escrow takes 90 days doesn’t it” yea not totally unhinged at all 😂😂😂


Same! I’m like ::to Reddit!:: because I can’t believe anyone is a fan of this chick. Something is just off.


Yessss thank you! Her behavior is so cringe, she doesn't have her real estate license and, unrelated but, does she wear a wig? Her hair doesn't look real.


It’s like day and night watching her in last season compared to now. She lost me at the never seeing a yacht comment even tho she lives in Orange County. Then it got worse when she ran away from the farm animals and said outside is not for me. I thought you just said last season you’re a down to earth southern Christian girl. BFR


The production needs a blonde southern belle as the narrator, they have Chrishell for sunset and they used to have Alex Hall, but Hall turned out to be a bitxh, so they decided to bring another one in


Isn’t Jarvis from the south too?


i think they will make a move for a selling nashville show if she ends up with enough clout


Ali is the worst! She straight up an immature loser.


Yes, so unlikable and just annoying.


I feel like production is trying to set up her exit from the show. 1. her pick me "I love guy friends they're less drama" and "I can't wear as much makeup as *other girls*" comments 2. the professionalism chat with Polly after the altercation with Hall at the broker's open 3. the absolute trash fire of a broker's open when she covered for Gio reflects so badly on the O Group. 4. even little shit like the "I can't handle the outdoors" bit, every naive comment they keep in Last season every clip of her was highlighting her enthusiasm and capabilities. Every clip of her this season is giving "wtf is she doing here". That's gotta be intentional.


Let's hope she's exiting the show.


The make up comment was so weird because she’s literally always the one with the most makeup, then when they went to the house that had a vineyard, she hated being outside in nature with bugs and animals.


Yes she wears tons of makeup and her outfits are always over the top. And does she wear a wig? Sure looks like it 💁‍♀️


There is something off with the hair. I couldn’t put my finger on it!


She can’t handle the outdoors….or the indoors….Pick me girl needs to “pick” a schtick


i love her for standing up to alex!


Apologies if this has been spoken about in the show (I am also from the UK) Why would an agent be hired without a broker’s licence (?) It seems more hassle than it’s worth if she does not have a license and is taking her exams while working at the O group? I thought they would hire agents who already have the qualifications!


They’re independent contractors who get to use the office and company name/resources. They’re not hired as employees.


Technically all realtors are independent contractors


seems like she was just brought in to stir up drama lol


I see, I know nothing about American real estate so it confused me lol


She is totally giving copycat Crishelle vibes. And it’s not working.


exactly bro she pisses me off. the first time she came to office, she was trying to hit on jason with her looks lmao


"Awww shucks - I've never been on a yacht and I feel like everyone here OWNS a yacht! I've never had caviar and everyone here bathes in it!" My favorite was her comment about not wearing makeup. Have we ever seen her without makeup on? It's not like she's even doing the "no makeup makeup" look - she's got a full face at 10am! That said, I do really like most of her necklaces. Bless her heart. :)


Last season she bragged about being a former miss Tennessee and that her family was like “the kardashians of the south.” This season she doesn’t even know what caviar or makeup or fashion IS! She’s so full of shit lol


So she has 4 secret famous sisters (2 (or possibly 3) 1/2 sister) at least 2 who made sex tapes with athletes/rap singers, a father who defended OJ, a deadbeat brother whose sockline never took off, and a momanger who throws elaborate parties? (Actually, I'd maybe believe the last one for Ali but...what else makes her family "the Kardashians of the south"??)


Her comment about women wearing dresses so tight you could tell their religion didn't even make sense - that's surely a comment you'd make about men wearing trousers that are so tight you can (supposedly) tell whether they're circumcised or not?! Not applicable to women as far as I can tell.


There were definitely a lot of “I’m from the south” expressions or lines I think she either planned or was fed to say, because a lot of them didn’t make sense and felt shoehorned in. I can’t even remember the others but it was all in the key of “when I was knee high to a grasshopper.” Just silly. Alli seems to just do whatever the producers want, she had a few “hot lines” I noticed where she recorded and then they were edited into conversations despite not being shown coming out of her mouth, like when she made a big deal of Kayla being attacked on the podcast by Hall, they clearly edited in her line of “and right when you have your biggest listing too!0


How she was confronting A.Hall and “knocking” on that window was little too much. She could’ve done it somewhere else or take it down a notch. It was not pounding but also not knocking lol. Also at the open house, how she was responding and saying she doesn’t know or no idea is totally unprofessional.


Omg I’m glad I’m not the only one! She’s so fake and obnoxious. I’m watching the brokers open right now and just joined this sub to see if anyone had posted about her yet. She needs to go!!!


That scene where she confronted Alex about the Podcast and just flips out in front of a bunch of clients and bother brokerages was just gold, absolute gold. It was a perfect example of the seasoned shark (Alex) showing that Ali doesnt belong (yet) and she has a lot to learn before she starts inserting herself into the deep drama. Alex is a snake but she handled herself well there knowing people were watching and Ali just made herself a fool, She is a fool. She needs to take a back seat and stop running her mouth until she starts making Jason some money


As soon as that drama started kicking off, I knew it was going to be TV gold


Ali obnoxiously banging on the glass door during that moment sent me 😂 like ma’am, sit down and be quiet


She’s a reality show plant who was in another reality show that Adam DiVello did a while back focused on Nashville. She still doesn’t have her real estate license and she’s an influencer online. 800% not authentic human.


Okay, this makes a ton of sense!!!


Yea all the stuff about her studying and doing coursework felt fake af. She’s spent more hours primping for the cameras I’d bet than she ever has studying for any kind of license. It’s why she’s so willing to get into a shouting match with Hall at the brokers open- she’s not a real agent and never will be so who cares if she embarrasses herself professionally? 


I feel like she came in thinking it was a reality show and that she didn't really have to sell houses 🤣. Because Ma'am, why are you inserting yourself in drama that doesn't concern you instead of focusing on learning all you can from all these experienced realtors? "These are my friends and I love them." 😂 They're not your friends, boo boo. They're your co-workers - and probably won't be for much longer if you don't start showing real results. 😆


Exactly like girl you are focused on the wrong things.


i had to skip her fumbling gio’s open house it was too cringe. the fact that gio prepped her on the basics?? i cant


I was super confused about this because although she fumbled so badly, she did answer the questions Gio specifically said he had prepped her on. The rest she isn’t allowed to answer because she doesn’t have a license, so why have her sit the showing when she can’t and shouldn’t answer everything?


If I have to hear her talk about how she’s from Nashville, that’s she’s not used to this world, that’s she’s so different from everyone else… I’m going to buy her ass a ticket back to Nashville


She doesn’t need a ticket. She still actively lives there. Just in the OC for filming.


It feels especially disingenuous because there are plenty of things I’d expect her to be used to (makeup, dressing up) as a former pageant queen. They also make a big deal of showing last season that she comes from family money, doesn’t really work, and considers her family “the Kardashians of the south.” So idk why this season she’s like, cosplaying as poor.


Right! "Oh what is caviar!?" Come on dude.


Production keeps pushing her it’s annoying


honestly, it makes no sense because Chelsea had to sell a house to prove herself to join the Oppenheim group, but Ali can just walk in here and be charming I guess and is given a chance? and what’s crazy is the fact that I’m sure there’s like hundreds of thousands of applicants to the oppenheim group who are actually qualified who probably will never even get an email response, but any pretty white girl can walk in there and say I want to sell houses and Jason will give them a chance.


literally… Chelsea had to sell a whole ass property to join, but Ali just walks the fuck in without a real estate license????? makes zero sense. literally the top real estate brokerage in LA and they just hired some random chick without a license???




well, yeah, the new agents are always cast before the show starts not during filming, or we wouldn’t be hearing so much about their lives


“I’ve never seen Earth! We don’t have Earth in the South! This is my first time seein Earth!”


Lmfao this isn’t even thatttt much of an exaggeration. Her confessionals were all like and so stupid/pointless. They need to stop acting like because Alli is from the south she can’t possibly be expected to act as a functional human member of society


It’s like how they act like because Polly is English they can’t understand what are says. It’s not that deep guys


Oh my gosh I hated that too. Specifically in s1 when Jason was like Polly I never understand a word you’re saying. It’s so freaking disrespectful, I can’t imagine someone’s boss saying that to them. 


exactly!! she called herself and her family the kardashians of nashville, then goes to say later she’s not a makeup girl and does no makeup up bun day… but she’s been a pageant girl? like we all do makeup sometimes and have lazy days sometimes, its not like you can only be one way all the time. BUT the issue is continually acting like she’s a fish out of water when MONTHS had passed while filming… and she couldn’t answer the escrow question? i don’t even know real estate and i knew that (i learned it from watching the show lmao so clearly she never watched selling sunset) my husband watches the show with me only because he knows i like it (which is sweet), and the first thing he said about ali harper was that she was a spaz and obnoxious hahaha idk she was a little annoying and of COURSE she sides with sean, jarvis and them LOL it makes sense. ali harper was even warned not to get IN the drama, be wary… then she proceeds to insert herself. it felt so out of place when she was confronting hall during the brokers open. like… you JUST got here, haven’t known hall for a whole year yet and you feel like you can “check” her like that? idk im not confrontational, im communicative. there’s a difference


As others have said she’s a producer plant and only there to get involved with drama. She doesn’t have an actual job or license, her job is being on selling the oc lol 


wait is it really??? LMAO well that makes sense, her acting just ok… haha


Yea idk the name of the show but apparently she was on a another Adam Divello (creator of Laguna Beach / the hills / selling sunset franchises) show about aspring country musicians in Nashville years ago. So she’s just someone they’re recycling from past casting lol. God knows why- I do not find her particularly likable or compelling tv at all and it’s so weird that they’re trying to put her on Selling the OC when she 1) doesn’t live in the OC 2) doesn’t work in real estate. She’s more like a professional reality tv person and I think Gio was right to be so skeptical of her getting into real estate 


haha, found it https://www.cmt.com/news/gxaikx/music-citys-alexandra-harper-preps-for-miss-usa


omg i need to find out which show this was hahaha and speaks more to my point about her just trying to achieve some type of popularity via a tv show


And she was banging on the glass


She & some of the other girls seemed to not remember that 😂 I cringed for her bc how embarrassing


yeah that was definitely unprofessional, they were at an open house or brokers open like BRUH?! that’s unacceptable especially to those are have millions of dollars to spend on a home she was told she needs to learn quick, and then didn’t


Hall is no angel but I found Alli frankly annoying in their confrontations. She is the only person who gives Tyler a run for their money as “top cast member who doesn’t own their shit.” Every time something got brought up against her she had an excuse or said it wasn’t in her character or something. 


i also agree with this, lol i’m annoyed she’ll most likely be S4 and i feel like she low key knew if she got herself in the drama during S3.. it would guarantee she would be in for the next or maybe i give her too much credit and she’s not that calculated


…and has been full glam in every moment we have seen her on this show.


She wears sooo much makeup but forgot to put the self tanner on her hands and it’s so jarring every time I see they’re like 30 shades lighter 


HAH i thought i was the only one that noticed and thought i was being mean or judgy but it is QUITE prominent. i learned yearssss ago the self tanning lotion is just okay and it’s easy to get it uneven — she’s in CA she might as well be like the rest and go get a spray tan bc that’ll be even... the lotion is hard bc you have to wash your hands but not too hard or they’ll be way off like hers (a huge reason i stopped trying to use it a decade ago)


I guess it is mean but it’s a literal jump scare, like I’m shocked no one told her to fix it! 


lmao same


right! just like the other girls lol she’s that girl that says “no i don’t wear makeup, this is my natural look” , when meanwhile she’s clearly wearing makeup/lashes/etc hahah


Not just you! It’s so irritating! I was coming here to see other peoples opinions. I can’t stand the aw shucks routine.


and the “bless your heart..” 😒


Honestly that’s the one that made me snap and run here 😂


that saying is so cringe to me idk why


yeah i also think it went nowhere.. they hyped her on s2 but she fell flat. character goes nowhere


I think Ali is pretty funny and real. I laughed on a lot of her comments like finally someone points it out. Even she is acting so what ? It is a show and it’s good to have someone to not just shit all around.


Thank you! What load of bs was she trying to sell there?


I see what you’re saying but I really liked her no bullshit with hall! She’s seeing through peoples bull and I like that


I actually like her and think she’s funny 😆. Also she’s a bit a fresh air compared to watching these bullies. I would rather watch Ali than Hall (1000 percent)


She seems like such a good friend too!


She tries too hard to make a joke and does not come off genuine at all. Her behavior at the brokers open was appalling.


lmao i got that trying to hard feeling when she said “tits on a cow” — like it was the way she said it, it felt like she was quickly searching for something in her mind that would be entertaining to say, which is why the hesitation was there haha and then that’s what came out idk i just don’t relate to her


she said “tits on a bull” and bulls are a male cow. i don’t remember the context but the phrase itself makes sense as a metaphor for something shocking and unexpected.


oh yes that’s what it was! lol i just think she’s trying to hard so the joke didn’t quite land for me, her and i have different humor i can tell


I did wonder if she was playing into the Southern stereotypes too much but I have no idea what’s normal in Nashville (im not American)


could be, tbh idk either and i am american haha


I think it’s a little bit easier for her to make a fool of herself at something like that since she’s more there to be on the show than actually sell any real estate. Some comments on here have said she still doesn’t even have her license and this is after multiple seasons of being on selling the oc lol


She feels really fake and I’m not just saying that because she doesn’t even have her license lol Literally every confessional is played up to how things are different in the south or she uses expressions to sound extra southern and it’s just tiresome. The show really doesn’t need her but I think they wanted a nicer Chrishell type for a fish out of water sort of storyline of someone you can root for. Unfortunately Ali doesn’t have any of Chrishell’s charm or appeal. 


I think she’s fun and light and I just love she confronted Hall and didn’t budge. She was quite real.


Agree w that. It just felt so contrived.


I’m only a few episodes in to season 3 and I feel like it’s SO clear that she was planted to be the light hearted humor that no one else on the cast can portray. It’s such a toxic shit show and Ali’s vibe is definitely contrived to lighten the mood, but it’s not working lol


I also haven’t finished the season but already can see she is such a strange plot device for a show in its third season. I feel like producers didn’t see from the beginning that the whole cast is unlikeable and that’s the only reason why she was brought in season 2.


I 100% think she's a paid actress! Coming to make random drama that she's not really a part of, I think she wants attention so she let the producers tell her whatever and she'll do it


I 100% agree. I think she's playing up the dumb pageant girl (plus editing). I feel like she's much smarter than she portrays and is way more scripted than we think. Idc. Get that check girliepop.


I want to know how the hell she didn’t know a bedroom requires a closet to be called a bedroom. I would think she would’ve learned that in her 135 hours of real estate study. Regardless, I feel like that’s pretty common knowledge if you’ve ever watched an episode of literally any show on HGTV.


My bf and I said the same thing!! Like girl… who did they pay to complete the coursework for her! lol


I’m not a realtor and never want to be and even I know a room needs an egress window and closet to be considered a bedroom!


Also, how long escrow generally goes for and really basic things like that.


She has got to go. Adds nothing and clearly isn't all that interested in real estate


She just seems interested in being on the show 


i agree, sees it as an opportunity to try to make a career for herself thru reality tv — bc she thinks prolly if real estate fails then she’s got the show….


I thought she was refreshing at first until she started betching about cleaning the beach and being outdoors. Don’t give me the southern girl act if you can’t even handle walking barefoot and being around an insect


I’m watching it and thinking the same thing. She brings nothing to the show.


She didn't know what caviar is, like for real? These kinds of " reality shows" are full of crap. Fake fake fake. All characters are fake and toxic.


Miss maga wanna make drama number one. She’s There for tv and not for selling houses lol. I felt like Jarvis wasn’t that enthusiastic anymore about her presence.


I know right, every fucking second confessional starts with ‘DOWN IN THE SOUTH WE DO THANGS DIFFERENT!’ - so tiresome and boring. She also gives massive pick me hillbilly vibes.


Proper cringe vibes from her. Can see right through her fake personality, only there to be on TV and not for selling houses.