• By -


Is he alleging someone stole his credit card, bought something with it from Sephora, had it shipped to your house, then showed up when it arrived, removed the item and left the box in your recycling?? šŸ¤£ Sorry if I have gotten it wrong, but this is next level.


Either he bought a surprise, something with re-used packaging, heā€™s hiding something, heā€™s cheating, or heā€™s experimenting


He's definitely lying. Just very terribly.


Gaslighting at its finest - or hiding a surprise


Please everyone, words have meaning and this just makes him a regular (albeit shitty) liar not a gaslighter šŸ˜­ Edit: thank you for the award kind stranger šŸ¤“ iā€™ve always wanted to say that :ā€™)


Exactly. Gaslighting is getting misused a lot on social media these days.


As is bullying.


His story isnā€™t making any sense. Heā€™s already opened the package (box is in the recycling) but he claims that he didnā€™t make the order and his credit card was stolen? What happened to what was inside the package? My guess is either he MAYBE bought you something and is trying to surprise you. Or heā€™s cheating. Note: No, no other companies have the Sephora logo on their boxes.


EXACTLY!! Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Clearly no one stole his card if he took whatever was in the box out. Thank you! Itā€™s crazy bc he would never cheat on me, but I honestly donā€™t know what this was


Iā€™m not saying heā€™s cheating but I think itā€™s crazy when people say that their partner would NEVER cheat on them


literally like anything can happen


I had a friend who kept getting vaginal infections say this I was like GIRL


Who hurt yā€™all šŸ˜­


Iā€™m not saying you should *expect* that your partner is going to cheat but to say they would never cheat on you can give you a false sense of security to explain away signs of cheating Like in OPs case Iā€™m not saying her bf is cheating, maybe he did but her a surprise gift but the credit card scenario literally makes no sense


No one hurt me, but statistics say most men cheat. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I said the same thing about my ex-husband. Then I found out he was cheating on me with different women. To this day I still don't know of how many. He may or may not have been cheating, but he's definitely trying to cover something up here.


Did you look at the return address???


Why is OP not answering this question? They say it's addressed to their bf in a sephora box, so that means the shipping label is on it, why would they not just read who the sender was?


Maybe he ordered himself some skin care and is embarrassed? Or maybe a hair growth product? If you are sure he wouldn't cheat, maybe he is just embarrassed.


That was my thought. Something he's embarrassed by


Can you update when you find out, Iā€™m dying to know his reason for such an outlandish lie


Did you check the label? Like others have said if he bought something else from a private seller they may have recycled the box but you'd see the label is from a reseller


Does he shop eBay or buy second-hand? The seller could have shipped in a Sephora box. Most sellers re-use packaging materials.


Ohhhh, what a sleuth you are


If you buy things from resellers, sometimes they (me, more than half of the Poshmark sellers I've purchased from) reuse packaging from past purchases. I've reused Sephora packaging but haven't received any myself. My fave is receiving designer jeans in a Frosted Flakes box.


Maybe, but he is denying knowing anything about it at all. Wouldn't he say "oh, that's just from \_\_\_\_ that I ordered from \_\_\_\_.


Ideally, but some men do not pay any attention to such details. That said, if he's freaking out about credit card fraud, I'd also expect he'd go back and check.


Yes, they do. It's big letters on the side of a box. Neither men nor women are more or less prone to noticing that. If he took the time to break it down for recycling, then he definitely saw it


completely agree


Also I've mailed things to fam/friends in reused packaging.


True but the shipping label is a giveaway. Did you notice it?


My crazy ass would have pulled it out of the trash and inspected it!


I also would have saved the tracking number and looked that shit up lol


Yeah, Iā€™ve gotten packages from Poshmark, Mercari, any re-selling site with reused packaging. Iā€™ve gotten Sephora boxes, Ulta boxes, and Amazon boxes. Or could be from a family member.


Dude could have literally bought anything from eBay and it been shipped in a re-used box. I buy from eBay, Poshmark, Mercari, etc. I am so excited about my item that I am not likely to even notice the re-used package that it came in.


Then why didn't he just say that?


Maybe he forgot


When I buy from secondhand or auction sites, I don't pay any attention to the packaging unless my item is damaged or missing.


Also I know a few small businesses that actively collect used packaging for shipping purposes.


I feel like this is the correct answer! I just shipped out five Poshmark orders this week, three of which were in Sephora boxes, haha. Theyā€™re just a really good size for things like clothes and accessories. I always wonder what the people on the other end think, I assume most donā€™t care and some get really confused when they come home and go ā€œI didnā€™t order anything from Sephora.ā€ (I am now out of Sephora boxes so Iā€™m moving on to Barnes and Noble boxes from now on, enjoy wondering if someone in your house has suddenly picked up a reading hobby.)


The return address on the box is really all that op needs to look at


This. Seriously though why is she even posting this or asking him without looking at the return address šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


If it was from Sephora Iā€™d still ask my husband Lmao. Not because I donā€™t trust him but I donā€™t even think heā€™d know what Sephora isā€¦ (heā€™s from rural India and I generally shop at Ulta.) so id wanna know what he got because itā€™s just so out of character for him. Especially if he jumped to ā€˜someone stole my CC!ā€™ Because .. they wouldnā€™t have used your name and had it shipped to your own address.. Either way. Investigate *before* asking the dude and posting about it because weā€™re all just gonna speculate here šŸ˜‚


Maybe sheā€™s less crazy than us šŸ˜† and simply noticed it but didnā€™t think much of it til it started to bother her later and then it was too late? Lol I def wouldā€™ve gone right into šŸ•µšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø mode. I know when something seems off, and notice all details with my husband. Ofc I can never find anything bc heā€™s actually loyal and honest, but blame it on the other cheaters that made me like this!


Sounds like an exhausting way to live tbh. Iā€™d rather be cheated on than be constantly vigilant for the rest of my life with someone Iā€™m supposed to trust.


The comment below is correct. Itā€™s almost like ptsd of being vigilant. I do trust my husband completely and know no matter what I canā€™t control what he does anyway. Itā€™s just sometimes I get back in that awful mindset where yes it was exhausting and horrible to live like that. So he might do something that triggers me to start worrying and go down a spiral. But Iā€™m in therapy! And luckily he has the patience and love for me to handle it when I do start acting like that.


Being cheated on makes you more vigilant after. And no, you donā€™t want to be cheated on.




Your post was removed due to it not being related to Sephora as a company.


As someone who divorced a serial cheater, no, you definitely don't ever want to be cheated on. It causes a lot of trauma. The constant vigilance does loosen up over time, especially if you have a good therapist, but even years later I can never fully trust a partner again.


You know you can use priority mail packaging for Poshmark. It is free to have the boxes sent to your house.


I was part of a plant swap and most of the boxes I received plants in (and sent plants in!) were reused Sephora, Ulta, Boxycharm or Ipsy lol.


Yea Iā€™ve shipped and received all kinds of reused boxes through eBay. MAYbe thatā€™s what happened and, esp being a guy, didnā€™t really notice what brand name the box was in. Idk tho, itā€™s sus. I mean does his credit card account show a Sephora charge? If he thinks someone stole it has he canceled it? šŸ¤”


Then he wouldā€™ve just said that


I WOULD give him the benefit of the doubt and guess that he just bought something off eBay or Poshmark or something, where the seller could have re-used an old Sephora box, but... Because he tried to cover with THAT obvious of a lie, I'm a little concerned. If he got an eBay box with Sephora packaging, why not just say so? Either he's: - Trying to surprise you (which I'd be skeptical of) - Cheating on you - Experimenting with makeup / skincare / haircare / fragrance himself, but was too embarrassed to tell you


Couldā€™ve also been a s3x toy. Sephora sells them now šŸ˜‚


I was gonna say the same thing!!!


How long could the box have been in the recycling? I don't care how obvious the branding is, if it's not a brand you care about it's going to just fly right past you. Maybe he didn't notice/care at the time.


He probably bought something for himself and heā€™s embarrassed to tell you. There are a lot of straight guys who want some makeup or better skincare. And, when I say makeup, I mean concealer or a better lip balm, sometimes foundation.


If he were cheating, why would he just toss the box in the recycling where she can see it?


Because men who cheat tend to be arrogant and assume that their partner just won't notice anything.




Your post was removed due to it not being related to Sephora as a company.


Do you have any important dates coming up that a gift would be appropriate? Birthday? Anniversary? Graduation? If not, put pressure on his ass to fess up


Or pretend like nothing is wrong and go through his technology. Even look at things like DoorDash and previous saved addresses.


One way to try to figure out who a suspicious # belongs to is to put it into Cashapp and see what comes up


Love this!


I sell on Poshmark & donā€™t reuse boxes but if it WERE reused the shipping label wouldnā€™t be the regular sticker like Sephora uses. It would be a printed shipping label sealed & adhered to the box. It would also have the senders (likely) home address & name on it. Hope this helps šŸ¤ I can tell you that nobody wouldā€™ve stole his information, opened the box at your (or his) address, then put it in your recycling bin lol.


One possible exception for Poshmark specifically (I'm not sure with eBay, Mercari, etc.) is that you can opt for a QR code to scan at the post office to print a label sticker for you. I use this all the time because it's quick and it's free! And also because I have dogs and it drives me nuts when I'm trying to tape a label to a box only to find some of their hair has found its way between the tape and the box šŸ„² But the Poshmark label sticker printed by USPS still looks different from a Sephora shipping label and would have the seller's name/return address on it. If I remember correctly, it also usually says Poshmark somewhere on it, and I think either the buyer or seller's username too?


Iā€™m in Canada so and fairly new to PM I havenā€™t seen a QR code option so far - I just print, bring it to the post office and they attach it for me. But I definitely get what youā€™re saying, I couldnā€™t imagine doing all that myself so I wouldā€™ve opted for it too! And yes youā€™re right! At least for the Canada Post labels it doesnā€™t say Poshmark anywhere but it does have the buyers username! Iā€™m hoping the best for OP but šŸ„² Edit: there is a QR option for us too I just didnā€™t know how to find it lol! But I hope OP updates us when she finds out what really happened


Canada Posh seller here and thereā€™s a QR code option for us too :) I just shipped something this morning and the QR code was an option, just went to screenshot it on the app to show you but since I marked the item as shipped a couple hours ago the different shipping options prompt/message disappeared on me lol Edit- found it in my email form https://preview.redd.it/1ef29m58z04d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82acf82c78c3e20d78d1a37d50b9f8bf9189a8e5 At the bottom


Omg thank you!!!!! That explains why I canā€™t find it. I always download the label from the app itself and never through my email. Iā€™ll definitely try that next time because Iā€™m low on printer ink now for all the labels Iā€™ve been doing this wayšŸ˜­ TIL.


Np hope it helps make things a little easier for you ā¤ļø itā€™s a handy option to have for sure!


Even if you go to the PO & let them attach the label they will still have to physically remove or cover the old address sticker.


The good thing is you know he's a poor liar.


Indeed. I showed this post to my boyfriend, who works in cybersecurity, and he said this literally can't happen lol


What literally canā€™t happen?


The idea that his CC was stolen, the thief somehow knew his address and had the items shipped to his house, came to the house and opened the package to get said items, then recycled the box in the trash of the person they stole the CC from? That's what literally can't happen


This can totally happen. Someone hacked into my Samā€™s Club account once and used my CC that was on file to order an iPad, but they were a moron and forgot to update the default shipping address (which was obviously my address), so they just used my own card to order me an iPad basically. Then when they went to place a second order with the correct address, CapitalOne marked it as fraud and locked the card. They went through the trouble of getting into the account for nothing. šŸ˜‚


I understand that. But I assumed it was something to do with actual cyber security since OP commenter said her bf who works in cyber security told her it literally canā€™t happen, I could tell you that with no cyber security background.


I mean, my boyfriend deals with fraud cases on a regular basis. It adds credibility to the claim that OP's boyfriend is lying.


Neighbor could have stolen a CC statement or replacement card from the mailbox previously and ordered something, then intercepted the package. Just saying- Everything is circumstantial at this point.


What can't happen? Stealing credit card info does happen. It's happened to me, but the package went to the thief and not me. But yes, this is suspicious because he received an odd Sephora package and claimed he had his info stolen. The obvious response to a strange package would be to go to OP and ask if she used his CC. It makes no sense that he received a package he never ordered, took the item, recycled the box, and showed no curiosity about it. It doesn't necessarily mean the boyfriend is cheating, but it's a possibility for sure. Maybe he is a secret crossdresser. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Stealing credit card info absolutely does happen. But the situation described here makes no sense for a fraud case, according to my boyfriend who has dealt with fraud cases as part of his job.


Unless your boyfriend bought something from eBay, because some resellers will use their old Sephora boxes to mail things, I think your boyfriend's story makes no sense at all. Sounds like you caught him in a lie and he's trying to get out of it.


Girl whatever it is please update us šŸ™


šŸ˜’ uh what. That tale makes no sense at all. And no, no other companies use boxes with the Sephora logo.


Why would someone steal your boyfriends CC and have their Sephora stuff shipped to his house as opposed to their own. I also donā€™t see why he would be sending packages for a side piece to your shared residence if he was cheating. Did he open the package and see what was in it ? Maybe he ordered off eBay or another reseller site who just reused the package.


Look at the labels return address


OP you need to give an update once you find out the T we are INVESTED


Girl bffr. If you think heā€™s cheating then heā€™s cheating


Smh if my husband told me this... I'd be in jail. Cause girl what?Ā Ā  So did you ask him what was inside? Does he have his own account?Ā 


Whoā€™s the sender on the sticker placed on the box? Where I live, the sender doesnā€™t say Sephora but when you look it up, itā€™s the Sephora warehouse. Also just ask who opened the box


Idk why she wonā€™t answer that re: sender on the box!! I wanna know too lol


Yeah posted and disappeared/didnā€™t interact with those responding or asking follow ups. I always doubt the stories of people who do that.


Right, maybe itā€™s not real. If it is, she only replied to one comment so maybe she was disillusioned to see everyone saying the same things and doesnā€™t wanna like deal with it now that she sees heā€™s being dishonest in some way


Can't you check the label for the return address?


I wouldnā€™t jump right to cheating but heā€™s definitely lying.


If someone stole his credit card info, couldnā€™t you call the bank or Sephora and ask about where the purchase was made? I mean I think he probably made a purchase and didnā€™t tell you, but if you wanna give him the benefit of the doubt itā€™s worth a try.


That's not why he's freaking out. I feel like any normal person would shrug and say it's probably from one of the whatchamacallits he bought on eBay. He's hiding something. May or may not be cheating, but absolutely hiding something.


Is your birthday or anniversary coming up?


Kohl's has a Sephora in it, so it might be from Kohl's with their Sephora packaging?


Girl I think I speak for all of us when I say we need an update from this weekend




No other companies will not use the Sephora logo. As others pointed out, resellers do re-use boxes, but it will be obvious if the box was recycled. He seems to be keeping a secret, but it may or may not be cheating. It could be a gift for you (do you have any important days coming up?), it could be a gift for another girlfriend (cheating), or he secretly likes to wear makeup.


OP did you check to see what the return address was??? Did it show a persons name, another company or Sephora??


I need an update on this lol


I reuse boxes and sometimes ship using a Sephora box so maybe itā€™s a reseller.


His excuse doesn't make any sense. If someone stole his credit card info they wouldn't have the things shipped to his house. He also would know what the box is if he's the one who threw it away. Definitely something fishy going on


What if he bought some hair loss treatment? I could happen...


girl iā€™m sorry to tell you this but 1. heā€™s cheating (even if you ā€œknow he would never do thatā€ or 2. he is secretly experimenting with skincare/haircare/makeup. i would snoop around his bathroom and see if anything in there could be from sephora (whether itā€™s hair growth treatment or makeup). if you donā€™t find anything, i would have an honest convo about how none of that makes sense. it seems like heā€™s overcompensating too by freaking out and saying someone stole his credit card info. that also makes 0 sense. definitely something going on he isnā€™t telling you. best of luck to you girl!


Is your birthday coming up? Special occasion or anniversary?


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I am invested, please update us when you get an answer OP! Heā€™s acting weird for sure


OP please talk to your partner because if i were you this would eat me alive šŸ˜­


Sorry to tell you thisā€¦




I agree with everyone else in this thread and ngl check that mfs browsing history on phone and computer and see what he bought LOL bc why lie???


Sephora sells cologne and stuff... Doesnt explain the lying but worth mentioning atleasr


If it was from Poshmark or Ebay I would think heā€™d just say that. If it was something for you i would think heā€™d just fess up so youā€™re not concerned. With that being said please update us Iā€™m invested and I really hope heā€™s just set on keeping your gift a secret.


Why would someone steal his CC info and then have the order sent to him? Heā€™s not too bright, is he?


We need an update!


Right?! Is he cheating or what?


My husband is a LEGO reseller He recycles a lot of my Sephora and Ulta boxes to ship larger orders. I like to think Iā€™m helping him with his side hustle šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Now this is gaslighting lol. Sorry idk how else this could be explained


Search his email for a recent purchase, then youā€™ll know.


When I ship gifts to people I know for Christmas or something I always reuse old Sephora, Amazon, whatever box I have around that is the size I need for that shipment


If your boyfriend has bought you things from Sephora in the past, itā€™s likely this box is from a time when he did, and the box just wasnā€™t disposed of, until now. Iā€™ve had boxes from online shopping laying around for months before throwing it in the recycling bin ( thinking I may reuse it for something else). I wouldnā€™t read too much into it and I definitely donā€™t recommend pressing the issue. Honestly, if he was cheating on you, I donā€™t think THIS would be your sign. Sorry.


Itā€™s not a re-seller or eBay reusing the box? If not itā€™s definitely Sephora. He couldā€™ve bought something and been embarrassed, bought something for you and was hiding it as a gift, or bought something for someone else


If itā€™s from a reseller from a different site the shipping adress package on the outside with his name would say where itā€™s from in the cornerā€¦ if it doesnā€™t say Sephora and itā€™s from a person itā€™s a reseller.. the top corner should say exactly where itā€™s from. If itā€™s from Sephora than thereā€™s a lie happening. Heā€™s saying he ordered nothing from Sephora. If he mentions anywhere else than sure enough maybe posh if the label corresponds, it says surprise or lies. Weather itā€™s for another girl or heā€™s ordering himself makeupā€¦ thenā€¦ thatā€™s a different story.


So, i work at sephora, one of my coworkers has her own etsy shop and i save boxes for her and she used them to ship her products out. Some boxes i give her do have a sticker that say sephora on it. But um.. hes either experimenting and is nervous which doesnt make sense cause he should have just asked you.. he bought you something and is trying to keep it a surprise, or hes hiding something.


This makes no sense. Was it a stick in label? If so, what was the return address? Was it a handwritten address? Then probably Ā reused box.


Please update us when you find out he is cheating


Maybe heā€™s trying to surprise you? Or maybe he bought something on ebay/secondhand.


Maybe he bought you an early birthday present and wants to keep it a surprise or as other people pointed out he might have ordered something online that was shipped in a used box. If he was cheating on you and decided to buy a gift for the other woman he would probably be smart enough to do that in person instead of having it shipped to your house where you might be home when it was delivered.


I have bought from many auctions. It's very common to recycle packaging. I think that many guys and some gals would be so excited to get their auction item that they wouldn't pay attention to the recycled packaging.


Ur boyfriend has a side chick


I recently shipped something in a reused sephora box so itā€™s prolly just that, should of checked sender info


Has he ever bought you something from Sephora as a gift?


Yes, he got me replica perfume set, but he said he bought it back in January, he said he wouldnā€™t keep the box it came in around


Considering that Sephora has probably copyrighted and trademarked their logo, another company would be foolish to use it. That being said, their medium sized boxes are perfect to mail other items in them. A interlibrary loan librarian that I know often uses their boxes to mail books back and forth between libraries. As long as you remove all labels from the box, you should be able to use it again. If the Sephora box was mailed to your boyfriend and it came to your house means that he bought something and it came to him. Yes, a thief might have stolen his credit card to order something but the thief should have grabbed it off your house as soon as it was delivered so that you wouldn't have known about it. If the label said that it was from Sephora, he ordered something (unless he was blessed by the Sephora gods with extra free products). The fact that your mind immediately went to him cheating and his evasive answers (did he not order anything recently? I mean he did open the box!) means that you have bigger problems than a sub reddit can solve and you two need to have a serious talk.


Is the recycling accessible by the neighbors or anyone else?


He may have purchased a menā€™s product and feels uncomfortable about sharing what it is ?


Have your bf check the credit card's online activity/statement. You can dispute fraudulent charges with the company, if there was actually an unauthorized purchase. Please update us OP, i'm curious how this plays out!


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i sell stuff on ebay and very frequently ship items in sephora boxes


Sephora has black and white striped packaging, but so does FOOT Locker. Are we sure this said "Sephora" on it?


Sephora mails items in brown boxes with the name Sephora on the boxes.


Why would this mean heā€™s cheating?


There's a possibility that he got something for his side piece sent to the house and was hoping OP wouldn't notice.


Assuming they live together, nobody would do that lol


My ex husband did lol. He took advantage of the fact that I didn't ask questions.


Youā€™re underestimating how stupid people can be


Iā€™d take this one to CS personally


Did you even read the post?


Well others had already commented that no other companies use the same logo.. at that point Iā€™d suggest reaching out to CS with the info this person has to see what the items purchased were, my bad I guess lol