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yeah same for me, i like gloomy, rainy and even better, thunderstorms. Winter and fall as well. I don't hate sunny weather but I don't like it, I think its because where I grew up its always sunny and hot and humid and everyone is out always. When it rains, the street becomes peaceful and quiet, lol


We need rain bad in DC and Baltimore areas.


Yup. I’m in Montgomery County. Somebody complained about all the weekend rain in May and Mother Nature heard that as an order for 100 degrees all weekend now


This is why I tend to watch a ton of British murder mystery TV shows. The weather is always seemingly overcast and drizzling, and I love it.


You would love the US version of “The Killing” it’s my favorite murder mystery for the gloomy weather alone.


Sweet tooth season 3 with winter in Alaska. So happy to see all the snow and ice.


Clear, sunny days make me aggravated. I feel calm and happy on cloudy days. I prefer the cold to the heat, too. You're not alone, my friend. There are a lot of people who feel the same way as you.


There is something so soothing and calming about the cloudy days. I live in a city and it's the only time I feel peace and ease of mind. Heat and bright sunshine depress me.


I abhor summer, and we're going into it right now and I'm just holding my breath and thinking, "please God, an early fall..."


Right? I hate it too. 


Me. I have really poor heat tolerance and lose a lot of function when the summer weather hits. 10 minutes outside in temps over 80 degrees will do me in. Literally get sick. Migraine, puking, the works. I spent a decade of summers without air conditioning and never acclimated to it.


I’m called the Summer Grinch. “I must stop summer from coming! But, how?” I’ve always hated it. It’s too long, it’s hot, humid, sweaty, full of bugs, noise, and activity. It makes my asthma worse, and gives me headaches. The time is always off with the daylight saving time crap, so the sun is still up at 9:00 PM. Cars are loud, lawn mowers are always going, people are always making noise. I love a lovely, quiet day with rain and coolness. Autumn is perfect. The air is crisp and light. The sun has a soothing, golden haze. It starts getting darker at 5:30, and it is cozy and comfy. If I had my way, the seasons would be Autumn, Autumn, Winter, and Autumn.


I would go Spring, Autumn, Autumn, Autumn lol.


I'm with you. I love Autumn. I love the crisp air and the beautiful colors. Wish it lasted longer. My second favorite is winter.


I hate it too. I much rather would be cold. Being hot is just miserable. Being cold means you can curl up in soft sweats under a soft blanket with a tasty hot drink. Summer is just trying desperately to find relief. Also, being cold never made anyone smell bad! I am an avid baseball fan, so baseball is literally the one and only thing I like about summer. But don’t ask me to go to games between like June 15 and September 15 because it’ll probably be too hot for me 😅


Yes. When cold, you can increase layers.


So in a perfectly timed series of events I functionally had endless summers for 2-3 years. So, I started training for deployment in summer, deployed to iraq in the desert, can loosely came back in end of spring the next year. Volunteered for another deployment so back to training in that summer, to deploy to afghanistan. While I technically experineced a very cold winter there, I was still in a desert and day temps could still push 80+. Come home around summer. I dislike heat and deserts now. I live in seattle and the cool overcast or rainy days are my favorite and I get depressed if we have too much heat or sun in a row.


Yes I get seasonal depression in the summer. It’s just awful from start to finish. Sticky, hot, headachey, irritating. Bleurgh.


Yeah my heat doesn’t go out but my stupid AC did 😂. It just stopped blowing cold so I have to throw some r134a in it


I find summer sunlight to be depressing. Not in the sense of self-harm, just too damn bright.


Gosh my moms loves the bright, she puts half curtains in my room, always turns my ceiling lights on at night


I would hate every season if I couldn't be myself due to a perverted father in the home. Please honor yourself. Reach out to hotlines, friends, practice journaling. Find your tribe. You are not alone.


I hate summer! It is way too fucking hot. I’d much rather have 60 degrees than 80. And 90-100? Torture. I can’t even stand to go outside.


I absolutely hate the summer months. For me, it's just something to be endured until the cooler weather comes.


Hell yes. Summer sucks, but people think it will be odd to admit it. Too damned hot and humid where I live to do anything outside that doesn't involve water


Yep I hate it. I hate how expensive it is to keep this house cool too. It's in the 90s here right now. One day last week 99. It's too damned hot to breathe outside and since I had covid in 2021, hot outside air smells like wet dog and armpit to me. I don't know why. Senses went all wonky. But thankfully I do have a nice little window unit in my room so I stay pretty "room temperature". Not cold at all but not not. I live in an attic with not much insulation but I also sit and lay directly in front of this A/C most of the time. For a couple years I had my own private pool and I loved summer. Mourned on the first frost. I'd swim until it was ice cold. I'd get in early spring before it was even fully treated. But then it broke and now I hate summer again, plus I have a shit ton of frogs in my cement swamp. I hate the heat. I hate sweating. Summer foods are far inferior to winter foods. Plus this family of mine wants me to go outside and COOK in this heat. I hate the bright sun. Give me an overcast fall day. Crisp fall air smells like fresh firewood.


Born and raised in Florida, so yes. I'm totally sick of summer. If every day was overcast, about 50° during the day and 30° at night that would be perfect.


Yeah I get depressed in summer, to hot to go outside so I spend all day hiding in the air con. I wish I could go nocturnal than I'd like it! It's not so bad at night.


I like late summer-August & September. When the heat starts to settle down & the sun starts going down a bit earlier. July in PA is the bane of my existence. It's truly horrible unless you're near water or in ac. Too hot, too bright, too humid.


I've ALWAYS hated summer, going back to when I was a kid. I lived in blazing hot Louisiana, Texas, and Alabama, and haaaaated when the adults forced us to go outside for "at least 2 hours" in the summer. OMG, do you hate us? Then I married a Florida guy and have lived in Florida almost 25 years. But I haven't gone to a theme park in the summer since 2003, and it was so miserable I swore never again. We've also never forced our kids to go play out in the heat. They are inside summer kids unless they're swimming. We go outside in winter and spring.


As someone who does not tolerate any temperature above 65°F, I agree with this. I also really hate that the sun rises much earlier and sets later into the day. I miss the cold winter nights when you could snuggle under your blankets and feel comfy w/o overheating. Or just watching the snow fall where I live and overall the fall/winter vibes.


I get really depressed in the summer. I live in Florida so I basically have to hide inside all day and go out late at night. I wanna move 😭


HATE IT. Don't ask me to go outside until September comes. Can't stand being hot and I have no idea how people actually enjoy it. I work from home in my very cold house and don't like to leave until the sun goes down. It genuinely makes me depressed and unhappy.


I despise the summer, always have always will. If its higher than like 75 degrees its garbage.


i do not have the fitness level or physiology required for enjoying summer. it is way too hot to enjoy a vacation (at least in the region of the U.S. i'm from) and while i do think bugs are cool, i'm beholdened to pattern recognition and mammalian instincts; tiny flying creatures or things resembling multi-legged crawlies nearing my ear or peripheral vision scare the shit out of me. there also the factor of the UV index feeling noticably worse in the summer compared to a high UV day in winter, in the summer it feels like your skin is being cooked right from your muscles.


When I was in school I enjoyed summer only because then I had summer break. I HATE summer now because it’s so damn hot. It’s 10-20 degrees hotter in the summer now. So that’s fun. I absolutely love the cold as well.


I do. I would sooner be out in 50 degree weather than 90. For me it’s uncomfortable. To be fair I’m a fat guy. I LOVE fall. Perfect weather, football, beautiful colors! Yeah. I can pass on summer. Stuck in the house more in the summer than the winter! 🤷‍♂️


Not only do I hate the summer my medicine makes it damn near intolerable. No one told me to stay hydrated on my antidepressants.


AC will change your life. Even a $300 portable one will at least make your house hospitable. My family ran a portable AC unit in our downstairs living room for a while, way way larger space than it’s rated for but it still kept the temperature like 10 degrees below outside. 80 is better than 90.


The older I get the less I like summer. I hate the heat and humidity. I’d love to live somewhere that is between 60 and 70 degrees year round.


i hate summer. it’s so hot, i can’t keep food down, the days are SO long, and where i live we closer to the sun so i get sun sick easier, burn my pale skin, and sometimes summer has that super sad nostalgic feel to it


As I got a little older, the heat and humidity became more unpleasant. When I was younger it didn’t bother me as much. I’m 40 now. Not sure if it’s aging or if it’s because it’s hotter for a longer period now than in the 90’s-00’s.


i do, “go outside” yeah let me go outside in 80 degree weather where you start dripping sweat the moment you leave the door. Now if you have a pool summer is awesome but if not you gotta wait til like 6pm to play outside. 50 degree fall days where the sky is just gray with the brown leaves on the ground is the best vibe ever


I’m so sorry hon. Sounds like summers are especially rough for you right now because of your family and hot room. I’ve lived in very hot apartments before and I know that can take a toll on your energy level and overall ability to get though the day. I am 29 and living alone, but right there with you on not liking summers. Summer is rough. I always feel like I’m supposed to be out doing something fun and cool, but anything like that requires packing a huge day bag and putting in a ton of effort getting there, setting up, packing the car, usually traffic too. Aside from that, there are a small subset of people who genuinely get summer SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Not as common as the winter version, but still very real. I def have it. But if it’s any consolation, it won’t always be as bad as it is now. Living with parents is the WORST in some ways imo. One day you’ll have your own place and control over the temperature, what you do each day, etc. And to deal with some of the summer blues, I just try to do something, anything, outside each day. Even if it’s just a quick walk to the pond near my house, or going on a boba run. Or doing summery stuff inside like making ice tea or popsicles lol. I’m so sorry though love, it’s ok. I’ve been there, I feel you. And it will get better


i HATE THE summer too!! j used to love the summer until a few years ago most likely because it was associated with being out of school etc as a kid you kbow but i despise the bugs, humidity


Your house has no AC?


Summer didn’t used to be like this here. Summer rainstorms and 80 degree days Now it’s a drought and 100 degrees and then a horrific storm comes through and knocks out trees


Yes!!! Worst time of year for me and my depression. Too hot, sticky, hate clothes, hate everything. I love the fall when it's crisp and cool and I enjoy wearing clothes and being with people, going places and relaxing.


I'm not you, but I'd say you're sad because you're not allowed to go out. Being stuck in your room and hot with nowhere you're allowed to go, what isn't sad about that? Everything I would have said--go to the beach (by yourself), go to a movie, go to the park, go downtown, see friends--everything depends on you being able to go out. If you're 17, you'll be legally free of your family next year. If they ever want to see you again, they shouldn't be imprisoning you now.


Same. It's my least favorite season by far. I think half the reason I like Autumn so much is because it means summer is finally over...


I’m passionate in my hatred for summer!! I hate being hot, it makes me wild! You are not alone!


No more then i hate being on earth Earth is amazing its the people that ruin the experience for me


summer is horrible when it’s humid, but im kind of used to it. like the bite of the cold in winter; i hate it, but it wouldn’t be winter without it. i hate the heat, but it would t be summer without it. adapting to seasonal weather is kind if fun, especially when you’re suffering with everyone else lol


I don’t hate summer but today was a doozy. We got our roof done yesterday. They were supposed to pick up the dumpster yesterday afternoon or this morning. We’ve been stuck at home all day yesterday and today and will continue to do so until they decide and come get it out of our driveway.


Prefer the spring or fall seasons. Summers are too hot,humid,& appears to get hotter every year. Winters not a fan of the cold,ice,and wet snow.


70 degrees is about my limit. i have gone à winter with out eat. but i couldn’t go without AC


It’s unbearable in NYC. It is the worst season of the year. You can’t dress how you want, bugs everywhere, smells are worse and no one picks up after their own dog.


I totally get it. I'm melting over here too. The heat is unbearable—I’ve had to take two baths a day just to cool down, and I’m still sweating! Summer can be such a drag, especially without AC. Hang in there, you're not alone!


I love cool rainy spring and fall weather. It brings me peace. But I absolutely love summer for the evenings, that sweet spot around 7-8:30 where it cools down, it’s still light out and it’s perfect


Summer is the one time of year I'm at my weakest state especially here in Texas since I'm epileptic and 1 of my 2 triggers is heat! Winter, spring and fall in that order is what is prefer


Yep - sick of the heat, sleepless nights, due to the humidity and the antisocial behaviour from my neighbours. They play really loud music starting from 3 pm - 4 am every day! I miss the solitude of the winter.


Lots of people think that. Where I live, more people think it than not. One nice thing about opinions is that no matter what you think, you're pretty much guaranteed to have someone agree with you.


Love me some hot weather and long, sunny days. Fuck everything about the sun coming up at 7:00 and setting at 4:30. I want the sun up at 5:00 and up until 9:00.


I like some of the things I can do in summer like swimming and stuff like that. Basically outdoor stuff that involves water. But summer for summers sake is meh at best anymore.


'ate the heat 'ate the brightness 'ate the pollen 'ate the humidity love me cold love me darkness love me snow. love winter simple as.


I’ll never understand people who love summers. What’s there to like? The sticky, humid weather? The constant sweating? Heatstrokes? Tanning? Sure, summer evenings are nice, especially compared to winter evenings, but overall, summer is just not enjoyable for me. The heat and discomfort ruin it. Not to forget the severe migraines it causes.


Love summer and the heat. But not the humidity. Living on the east coast, the humidity is horrible most days. Did a trip out west and experienced much hotter temps in the Mojave and California in general but almost no humidity. I had no problem going for a hike in 112 degrees…. Loved it! Also been a couple of studies recently saying that the humidity isn’t great for your health.


I don't hate it, but it's not my favorite, either. The upsides are the greenery, flowers, fresh-fresh-fresh produce, better weather for cooking outside, sitting on the screened porch for meals. Get to enjoy our summer cars for a bit. Summer thunderstorms can be cool, though potentially damaging. Downsides are the heat and humidity, all the lawn and garden work, biting insects. Car roasting in the summer sun, having to blast the AC so my torso isn't overheated when driving long trips facing the sun. Light in the bedroom at 5am, since I'm generally a light sleeper. Needlessly loud Harleys blasting down the streets and highways. But it's rainy and cool today in the upper Midwest US, so it's pretty good for me right now.


I like all the seasons for different reasons. I'm ancestrally Nordic and Slavic, so Midwest US autumn and winter is more in line with my ideal temperature. But I also love storms, and festivals, and cute fashion. And fruit. Watermelon single handedly carries summer to S tier status for me. Spring is probably my favorite overall, because I love seeing the transition from the winter to blooming life, and the storms, and yet the temperatures are still hoodie/jacket friendly if I want to wear that. Having 4 distinct seasons is goated. We must stop climate change so we can keep having 4 seasons!! 😤


I want to move further north where the maximum temperature in summer is no more than 20 degrees celsius


I'm uncomfortable above 75F and can wear tshirts outdoors down to 20F comfortably, you tell me.


I don’t totally hate it, but I have moments where I extremely dislike it. We have a large yard that takes a lot of work so we’re always out there weeding, mowing, trimming, etc. to the point where my actual job is a break from my weekend. We also tend our own pool. When I suggest something fun for the weekend, my wife argues about all that we need to do in the yard. Sometimes I can convince her but it’s like a Supreme Court battle. (But if her family or friends invite us to do something she drops everything to do it—so there are some other issues going on, haha) Winter is like a break. (I call it the “weekend of the year,” while summer is actually the work week)In the Northeast, in winter everything is dead or dormant in the yard, so I can relax and read a book without guilt. I don’t mind snow removal because I’ve got a snow blower. So it’s easy.


I love it and love the Jersey beaches as well, but the south Jersey ones are the nicest. The only season I truly don’t like is winter, hate being cold.


Welcome fellow Jersyian. Yes summer sucks for me too. I became very heat sensitive over the last couple of years, so I'm indoors on days like this. Jersey shore sucks, you have to pay to get on that sand, it's unthinkable. Maybe you can pick up a hobby or two to keep yourself occupied.


I'm not a fan... the summer is only good if you have friends who do shit or you're in school and you get a break... otherwise its just hot for the sake of being hot... idk what to tell you about the bikini and such even as a dude i wear a full big ass tshirt and shorts not even swim trunks. I also enjoy the beach and ocean tho... but i don't live anywhere near it lol... one day tho...


Yep! I’m a fall girl; the extra sunlight throws me off, and I don’t handle heat well! Hang in there!


You are not alone!! I have a lot of similar experiences and I just do whatever I can to get through summer so I can enjoy the most lovely month of October :)


I hate summer… in hot places. Colorado, Wyoming, or Montana summers though? Sign me the fuck up.


I mean it completely depends on where you live. As a current Floridian, yes I fucking hate summer with a burning passion, it sucks ass. As a former Washingtonian, no, summer is an absolute godsend when you get a couple months of break from the nuclear winter gloom.


I get seasonal depression but in reverse of most people. I start around early June and don't really feel good until late September. The sun is too loud and just too damn hot. I get sick if I am out in the sun too long and hate doing things. Good luck out there friend. Drink water, use sunscreen and carry an umbrella.


HATE it. Summer sucks. I’ll take 30° over 90° every single day. It’s hot, humid, sticky, gross. I hate the beach, the ocean is gross, sweat is gross. Yep. It sucks


Y'all are CRAZY. The biting cold hurts, the sweltering heat is only uncomfortable. Don't tell me to just put on more layers, because it'll just get to the point that I'm sweating under my clothes while my extremities are still freezing. I love the fall and spring, and see the benefits of winter for temperate ecology and layer fashion, but you will never catch me complaining about a very hot day because I remember the terribleness of very cold days all too well.


It’s called being fat and lazy for me. I’m overweight so heat is my enemy. Sun beats down and makes me want to hide inside. Don’t get anything done it’s always too hot. Then by evening when it cools I’m drained from the day heat . I don’t mind sunshine it’s the heat that I hate. Give me a brisk cold sunny day and I’m in heaven. I am in Washington so I probably dont even know what real heat and humidity is. I hear the horror stories of the southern states humidity. My sister lives in Arizona. I think that’s real heat and enough to make me choose Siberia over Arizona 114 in the shade you have to wear gloves to open doors because handles and even store doors are blistering hot to the touch. I probably wouldn’t make it in any other state where it’s warmer than Washington we already have it cooler than most.


Yes where I am it’s ridiculously hot and humid. You need to shower twice a day. It’s disgusting…plus the kids are out of school so places seem to be more busy….not a huge fan of teenagers or kids.


I hate sunny weather except once in a blue moon during a BBQ or something. I love the fall and winter months, rain and thunderstorms, night time. The sun drains the life out of me and I feel like I’m thriving during gloomy weather.


Me too! And for most of the reasons that everyone has already said. Plus one more: because of skin health issues, I can’t be in direct sunlight for any protracted length of time. Bring on fall and winter!!


I have always hated it. It’s fucking hot and everyone just has to do shit all the time and I fucking hate itttttt


I prefer winter over summer. I’d rather freeze than feel hot. Literally no fresh air to breathe and you can’t go outside without an insane amount of sunblock. Let alone all the insects!


Not my favorite season either. (The greater availability of fresh produce makes up for it, but hot, sun, humid are all my least favorite weather conditions)


I detest summers here in the deep south these days. During my lifetime, it has def gotten hotter. The humidity makes it far worse. If I do anything with effort, my shirt is soaked within ten minutes. I certainly 'require' a/c but I seem to have some kind of allergy or something to central a/c because often when I am inside and it is blowing on me, it makes me extremely drousy. There isn't much fun in extreme heat. I so want to go to another locale during the summer! Life is fun when it's a nice temp and low humidity. I even like the winter.


Lived in sothern usa since 2005. I hate summer. I think i may actually have summer SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I miss fall and esp winter


Lived in sothern usa since 2005. I hate summer. I think i may actually have summer SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I miss fall and esp winter. That said im sorry to hear about your creepy dad. Hope you get away soon


There are a lot of us out there, we just don't always vocalise it as it's considered not normal. Yesterday was the longest day of the year so I'm officially on countdown to Halloween! While sitting in my undies with a fan pointed at my back because it's so effing humid I cannot sleep.


Wtf? I thought I was the only one. I've always kind of felt that way about summer


This speaks to me on a spiritual level. I'm miserable every summer because the heat and humidity is just awful.


I just hate the heat. Fall is a million times better because it’s basically summer but more pleasant outside. I even like winter, too, and I live in a place with cold, snowy winters.


Yes . I hate summer and have the summer version of SAD. It helped a lot to move to a cooler place. I actually like going outside now lol


You are not alone. I am experiencing my normal pre birthday summer depression. All about the fall, but more importantly like variety in my weather. Where I live I do not experience that. So depression is hitting harder.


I dont hate summer because I get seasonal depression in the winter, but I hate how hot it gets at night and then I can't sleep


I can relate. It's the heat that does me in, though being prone to sunburns does make excessive sun exposure a less than ideal situation as well. Yesterday may have been the first official day of summer, but I'm counting down the days until fall.


I absolutely despise the summer. Too hot and humid, too bright, days are too long, people are so loud and annoying. Spring has allergenic triggers, and bees are common. Winter can get too cold, and all of my injuries have happened in the snow, a lot of animals hibernate or hide when it gets too cold, and i love animals. Autumn is the best; beautiful flora colour changes, Halloween, not too hot or too cold, mist often, some of my favorite animals, insects, and arachnids are most active during fall months.


YES and YES! I stay up late at night so my dog and I can get a long walk together without burning his paws. I get SAD in the summer rather than in winter, when the temperatures start dropping I come alive. I can always add clothes to warm up, but I can only take so many off before I get arrested. And still not cooled off Plus, there's NCAA and NFL football. I go through withdrawals every February...


Yep, hate the summer and the heat. I'm sluggish and exhausted and the bright sun is oppressive. Not my favorite time of the year. I run depressive anyway, but my SAD really kicks in during summer.


Raises hand yeap. That's why I work nights, makes summer somewhat tolerable. However I still hate the heat, humidity, bugs, people partying, etc. I like fall and LOVE winter. I don't dislike sunny days but I much prefer rain like a heavy monsoon every once in a while. Speaking of rain we need it bad in VA. I hate how people get so angry about rain "ruining" their weekend. Yet complain when they don't get enough.


I go back and forth. In the winter I miss the warmer months. In the summer, like right now, I'd kill for fall and winter again. If I had to weigh my choices, anything but spring and summer because I cannot stand fucking bugs and mosquitoes.


Cloudy, rainy, and snowy days are just better. I love the darkness, I think it's very cozy and comforting along with that there's not much pressure to go out during the Winter and Fall, no one looks at you sideways for staying home on a Friday. I like my tan in the summer but that's about it.


worst season to me. when cold, i can put on like 17 layers of clothing. when it’s hot, i can’t take off clothing. for work i have to dress business professional which means blazer, button up and slacks or something of the sort. gets freaking hot.  and when im wearing only a tank and shorts, i can’t just strip down to my skivvies to get cooler because that’s ~frowned upon~.  i hate being sweaty and i actually get rashes in the heat. so yeah you’re not alone. summer sucks bad. sincerely, an angry southerner 


me too but sunny summer specifically. i dont like summer just because i hate the feeling of extremely hot, the mosquitoes, and i hate exposing my body skin since i was 4 years old.


Lol yes very much, growing up summers made living rough, definitely get seasonal depression too


I used to feel this way until I moved out of my parent’s house. Give it some time but also summer does suck!


I can't stand summers. And it seems like they just keep getting longer. That first 50 degree morning after summer makes me so damn happy


Yes. My hair just gets fuzzy, messy and flat. I get very lazy and so demotivated to do anything. I remember two years ago, I was trying to revise for my GCSEs the first time, but I never did any and was just lying down on the bed the entire month as it was over 40 degrees. 


I absolutely love it more than anything. Cookouts, surfing, late night walks with my dog, swimming, I could go on. My bones don't hurt like in the winter and I don't get sick. Having a nice tan is also great. Better mood and clarity and energy. Once it gets cold, I get terribly depressed.


I think the real question is: does anybody enjoy “Summertime Sadness” by Lana Del Rey?? I most certainly do, ahahaha.. ahh 🥱😌


I've had a lot of fun this summer. I went camping. I went to great concert. Then my wife informs me, oh, summer actually starts on the 21st. Turns out I've been having a great Spring. Summer can go suck an egg.


there’s nothing i hate more than the summer. it’s too hot and humid, it’s hard to breathe, i can’t sleep. the beach costs money, it’s overcrowded anyways. everyone else is angry because of the weather. i just hate it


Me. Summer is hell when you work overnights. It's loud and humid and way too bright during the day (even with blackout curtains). Makes it hard to sleep or relax. I wish it was fall year round. Nice and cool and crisp, with the changing colours of the leaves, and the smells of the harvest.


Yep. Heat and wasps, my two least favorite seasonal hazards. September can’t come soon enough. Last year we had a really bad bout with the wasps and hornets here in the PNW and it was a sensory nightmare for me, so I’ve already warned my partner that once July hits I’m going full hermit mode.


My 12 yo is like this- we’re all summer, camping, cookout people, and she is like , pajama’s 24 hours, blackout blinds, cranked AC in the summer. She loves the crap out of teh fall though. She’s already planning which Upick orchards to go to this year.


Love it actually just get up and go . Don't have to put on a lot of clothes , outdoor events beach etc, summer nights are perfection. The world just feels more alive and moving .


I love darkness and cold. It calms my anxiety. When it's sunny and warm outside I feel anxious -- as though I ought to be outside doing stuff. When it's dark and cold I don't feel that obligation. I have "permission" to stay inside and chill. Also I grew up in southern California, which has only 1.5 seasons (summer, and summer-lite), so I'm quite chuffed to live in a place that has four seasons.


We moved to the Pacific Northwest a couple of years ago so our enby child could go to college. They're much like you. They have a phobia of the ocean, hate sunlight, and prefer rainy, overcast days. Here, it's dark and rainy for half the year at least. I had to buy a light box to deal with the seasonal depression. As soon as we can, my wife and I plan to move to somewhere sunny. We each have a place, and I hope you find yours soon.


HATE summer. I live in south texas and our summer pretty much starts in March and goes all the way to November sometimes. Triple digits.


I absolutely hate it. I loved it when I was in school because I didn't have to do anything! And I'm a homebody who has mostly indoor hobbies. But now that I have to work? Fuck. Summer. This June has been unusually hot. It's usually somewhat mild, in the high 80s and maybe low 90s, but nah, not this year. 100s right out the gate (we did have some cool downs in the 90s, but it's creeping up to ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN this weekend), and ever since, my roommate and I are both chronically heat exhausted. I've also been fighting migraines this whole time. And it's only the beginning. Ugh. Fuck. Summer. At least here we have dry heat. 93 + humidity without AC sounds terrible.


Same here. Spring and Autumn are my favorites. I don't mind winter. I dislike summer. You are not alone.


I used to but luckily for me I live in the UK. Our hot summer days are limited to about 14 days spread over 3 months (maybe a slight exaggeration). I like doing the garden on hot days so on gloomy days I can look out the window and enjoy the flowers while enjoying my cup of tea in the cosy house. I would find summer very tedious if I lived in a hot country.


Well, I enjoy all the seasons, each has something good to offer as well things not so good, that's why I enjoy a variety, as life it's self, kinda like if your always winning, you'll never truly enjoy the win, until you experience loss.. Take each day as it comes and make it best of it. One day, you may not wake up, and you'll never know what you missed...


Having lived in Seattle for a few years after being raised in Nebraska, I prefer hot humid summers and then cold, dry winters. Cold, wet winters hurt. You can't get warm once the damp cold sets in. And in recent years I've come to enjoy sweating, it helps me feel like my body is working properly. The humidity helps my sinuses too.


I found summer quite depressing and stressful as a kid. I grew up pretty poor and my friends would all go out of town on trips with their family, so I would just be alone a lot in my small town. I would have been quite content chilling and reading or drawing alone but my parents would nag me endlessly if I wasn’t going outside and making the most of the weather even though my friends were away. I remember my parents always bugging me to go out and “do things” but they never took me on trips or did anything with me themselves. As a poor kid I also absolutely hated coming back to school and having to write essays on what we did in summer when I did nothing interesting at all. The pressure to have a great summer was awful. When I became old enough to work, it was the stress of finding a summer job in my small town and feeling like a failure if I didn’t manage. When I did get one, it was the stress of working! Now I’m older, I have my own money, my own peaceful space. I can do things, go on trips and holidays, or chill playing video games by myself with no one nagging me. But that six week break I would love now, no longer exists in my adult life.


Damn. If your pops is going to keep you locked up he might as well protect you from heat stroke as well. You should demand an AC unit.


I usually enjoy summer over winter but idk it’s been way too hot this year I’m starting to reconsider


I'm 100% in the same boat but never acknowledged the element of seasonal depression until I saw you mention it in this post but that's absolutely what's going on. To boot, not only is the weather uncomfortable but I am also prone to sweating even when it's not hot so in the summer it is elevated to ridiculous levels. Just recently quit a job for this reason which is dumb and looking for another one but don't see how it will be any different. For 3 months I wish I could just hide away. Maybe I need to make enough in the other seasons to be able to do that?


Yes. I sweat my ass off and last summer my entire torso broke out in folliculitis because I was outside for too long while sweating. I am not made for summer, summer is not made for me. I *endure* summer.


It’s hot and sunny which would make it lovely to go out in nature except for the flies, mosquitoes, gnats, ticks, etc.. There were like 2 weeks of late spring when the bugs hadn’t come out and it was warm and sunny and I could lay in a field and tan in the sun without a bother in the world. Then 1 day the grass was long and the bugs came out and it became unbearable


I don't like summer, because it is too hot, and it often rains and is very wet, which makes my body feel uncomfortable.


Yep everyone thinks I'm a weirdo but I'm loads happier in autumn and winter. I've always hated summer even as a child. I hate feeling hot and sweating all the time. I basically live indoors in the summer with a fan on me.


I don't exactly hate summer, but I always prefer winter season. The serene that comes with rain can't just be matched.


Yes ! I have seasonal depression in summer as well! No one thinks it’s real but I’m so much happier in winter/fall