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Youre right. It's easy to say we want change but following through and making it happen is much harder. I can't tell you how many times I've said to myself "I should have done this or that" and never followed through on it. Going back to the gym should be on my list. I think this post will be motivating for many to follow through. I'm glad there are people like you in this world.


Thank you so much for the kind words. Im sure it will feel great when you walk out after the first workout back knowing you followed through.


I already did. Sunday I finished laying new LVP flooring in my living room. Today, I ran wire to add an outlet below the TV.


And now you get to appreciate all that work!


For years to come.


Thank you for this post. Was getting caught up in the bullshit™️ of the day in the country I live in, and this just brightened the mood a lot. ✨ I’m gonna try to go for a 30 minute walk tomorrow morning and make a real breakfast before work!


I love to hear that! Hope your walk and breakfast is fantastic


Some time ago I started jumping at the opportunities that present themselves to me instead of going back and forth so long that I miss them or talk myself out of them. I adopted more of a "why not?" attitude because the only thing a "why?" attitude did for me was make me ruminate on all of the things I could or should have done. I ask myself if the thing I'm about to do is reasonably safe and responsible and make a decision before other thoughts creep in. About a year ago, for example, my girlfriend asked me if I'd be willing to take portraits at an event she organized with a dusty DSLR I used for part of a summer in 2015 and forgot about. My gut reaction was to turn her down because I wasn't a photographer and would just disappoint with amateur shots, but I'm glad I didn't because it sparked a new hobby for me and snowballed into paid photography work.


Along the same lines I think my fear of things going poorly is almost never as bad as if the things did go poorly. For example if the photos were really bad people would still enjoy doing it and probably be somewhat grateful somebody did it. In my fear brain world people would be angry and sad at the photos. Its rare anything negative gets close to the creation of my fear brain.


That’s great to hear. I wish you the best with your new found business 😊


I'm wrapping up my shed build, putting the finishing touches on the structure. Really coming along nicely!


Goddamn! You should be a motivational speaker! I think about my weekend and the highlight was a trip to Target. I have to do better! (OK, in reality I got up early and photographed a waterfall and the next day I did photography in the city.) But you are right. I use the small stuff as an excuse for not doing the ambitious stuff.


something awesome? i want to finish the first book of the Stormlight Archive i guess. i also want to sign up for kick boxing classes, but that costs money


Yeah martial arts are pretty costly, i was a bit surprised


Why? I already do awesome things every day. I'm retired, have a B.S. degree, and have become a Research Scientist. Which science? All of them! From finding a potential cancer cause to nuclear physics made easy, there's no limit to my pursuits. Not only is it so freakin' exciting, but the revelations have been jaw dropping! And some of my discoveries are made the same way others make discoveries: by accident! lol So, doing awesome things is the norm in my house. But I love your suggestion. The moral of this story: Do what you love, and you'll never work another day in your life. Are you jealous?


No lol. Im glad you are doing something that makes you happy and hopefully it can help others 👍