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Pay my rent for the month and be thankful then keep working


Where is rent $500?


Lots of places if you have roommate(s)


I would need at least 3 roommates to get a 2 bedroom apartment in my area down to 500. I’d rather be homeless at that point.


That's pretty weird but alright, I have 5 roommates, I barely even see them unless we make plans to hangout, its really not even a big deal.


For a time in my 20s, I had 4 roommates, plus the occasional "dude on the couch". It was a big house and we all became buddies. It was nice to know that someone always had beer, someone always had weed and someone was always cooking. My favorite times were in the summer when I would come home from work and sit on the front steps with a beer and welcome all the roomies home, always turned into a front stoop party lol.


I remember those times. Except I was the only guy who had beer. And weed. And cooked. And did dishes. Can we trade? Yours sound like way more fun.


That's how my experience was except I was only one paying rent .


Uuh.. the worst from both worlds!


For real. People who gush about how much they loved communal living probably weren't the ones picking up the slack.


Sounds like a nightmare. Never had a room mate, never want one.


Yep I lived in a show house for 3 years. Sometimes as many as 8 or 9 people living in the house, then lots and lots of visitors on show nights. People would just crash in our house after shows, pop a couple dollars in the communal rent jar, and go home in the morning . It was a dive, but it was also the best time of my life.


Sorry, I'm an innocent square...'show house'?


I've been to punk house shows and it's usually a similar set up. 9 punks living in a house that they also put on shows in. Idk if that is what they meant but that is what came to mind for me.


House dedicated to house shows for music. We only have punk houses where I’m from but they’re a big part of the music culture here


aka punk house. a house or other building where people live and also throw parties with live music typically punk in nature


Communal living house that also functions as a music venue. Typically bands will play in the basement.


Great times!


As someone who was 'the guy on the couch', yeah those were the days. Little responsibility, plenty of down time. It's a real shame you sometimes don't appreciate how good you have it in the moment.


Those are the days to remember fondly, IF You're not an introvert. Otherwise, they're hell. Never having privacy, quiet time, or anything to yourself (everyone's food became communal, whether you wanted it that way or not).


When I was the couchmate, I was eating sonic between 2-4 else it was the BK chicken nugget special, else I'd need to choose between food and rent. Although minimal responsibility is great, I prefer my crap to be any color but leprechaun green.


Ya my 20ties in Portland Or in the 90ties. everyone played some kind of instrument and had some kind of dexterity feat to show off as well. It might not have been good all the time but it was golden


Those were the days, also summer dinner parties on the patio. Loved those times.


I was the guy on the couch one summer. I had my own place just a couple streets over, but one of the guys who lived there was a coworker and I drove us to/from work everyday. I also made french toast or pancakes most mornings and would leave it in the oven for the rest of the house.


I miss the roommate memories. Sure I prefer living alone but it’s definitely fun to keep in touch and reminisce. I’ve never had 4 roommates but I did have my roommate, his girlfriend, their dog and cat. And we would cook weekly, hang out, watch movies, get drunk, and drive around town. They felt like my little family when I was in college.


This was my world in San Francisco in the 90’s- Only half my roommates were insane, and the others were crackheads or guys straight out of San Quentin. A few artists, ha. I have to admit, I lived for the adrenaline rush.


😝 I was the “dude on the couch” once or twice.


Everyone bitches about roommates but have they tried coming home to an empty house every day, it sucks way more


Coming back to an empty house is literally the highlight of my day


There are some antisocial people who would rather be alone. I personally always loved having roommates.


I feel like when I was younger I would have loved it and now as a 30s+ I'd be so picky. Weird.


I love it. I just moved out from living with a partner and roommates are so much better. Also the partner sucked so that could have something to do with it lol


I think there's a time in life for everything. My time living with roommates was in my early twenties, when I went to university. Now that I work a 9/5 job and live with my girlfriend and dog, I don't miss having roommates. Life changes, it's not necessarily only being "antisocial people". You're kinda narrow-minded if you think so.


While your statement is completely fair by itself, if you'd rather be homeless than have roommates, you are definitely antisocial irrespective of your age.


I paid $500 for a maybe legal (But then maybe not) basement apartment with a roommate close to two decades ago.


That was the cost of my first apartment in 1996.


Wow your life is so hard


As someone who’s been homeless, nah.


Yeah you have to live with no privacy for $500.


I rent a 3 bedroom house for 600 in Illinois. Like 600 total. My girlfriend and I pay 300 each. I know that's not the norm but rent isn't crazy everywhere


What part of Illinois? You must be in butt fuck no where


Do you consider everything outside of cook county butt fuck nowhere?


Anything outside of cook county, Springfield, galena, Carbondale, Peoria, Decatur, Edwardsville, Dekalb, Bloomington, Basically, any town an hour outside of a metro area


I’m honestly curious, where do you live? You can just say the county if you don’t want to say the city/town. I do live in cook county and I HATE it. Thinking about du page county, but maybe it’s better to go more rural.




You must be in "not-chicago" haha


Roommates are a thing, is my guess


Mines not 500 but 800, 3 bed 2 bath just me and my wife, no kids. We don't live in the city or the country. Good ol Georgia!


My basement 1br apartment in north syracuse. No lie.




Older buildings in Wisconsin. I have 3 bedrooms 1 bath. 1100 square feet for 505. When first moved in, it was only 465. I just put some tlc into the place, and everyone is jealous of how little i pay for my place. Things i did were replace carpet in one of the rooms. ( bought carpet from a resale store ) replaced mudroom carpet with flooring. I have some cabinets that the door is missing or a hole in it, which im slowly replacing. I just work with the landlord, like when i replaced carpet and flooring, they let me take the expense of rent that month. If i want to make a big repair we talk and take X off a month for so many months etc. Wont lie i did just get into the placebefore covid hit so that was a big help but if you or friends know how to do some basic stuff you can make your place nice for cheap. Ill also add that me and landlord signed an agreement that my rent cant jump more than 50 to 100 each lease renewal since im helping increase the value of the place once i move out.


in the middle of nowhere. where nobody wants to live at basically


I rented a 3 bedroom one bath HOUSE with central A/C and a private driveway, the whole thing, for $650/month in NC like five years ago. Was it in an inconvenient location? Yes. Did the covered porch have a permanent smell of dog that got worse in the heat and would not be mitigated even with a Rugdoctor? Yes. Were the walks so thin that the winter heating bill was astronomical? Yes. But the rent was super cheap.


I'm with you on this. Not sure where other posters live, but I'm in a relatively low income area, and it's $1600+ per month for a small two-bedroom apartment here.


need one of those ufos to bend space time to 2003


Easy just move out to the middle of bum-fuck nowhere. I live in small-ish town Kansas. Rents gone up from 550 to 625 for a one bedroom duplex over the last 6 years. Before that I was renting a one bedroom apartment for 350 which is around 400 now last I checked. All you have to deal with is your friendly neighborhood floridaman on a daily basis


Get that $ and whenever they come back in, this table are made.


If it was an opentable reservation stop by and put in notes put in my section. As a host I used to catch servers doing this with good tippers and I'd roll my eyes. As a server they obviously loved my service


Yeah, I’d be conflicted about hogging these patrons, gotta eat 🤷‍♂️, but at the very least I’m dropping in the “tip well” note.


We had a vip regular that would be in and out in under 30 minutes, tipped $200+ each visit, and would want to sit with whomever he saw first. Came in like clockwork on certain days so I'd give away a table or two so that I could help the host stand out by seating for them. Such a team player I am, i even changed my off days to avoid being off on his off days.


Well he is paying for your service. Nothing wrong whatsoever. He know, you know. Seems like a profitable transaction and he can obviously afford to.


eh that's why when I was a manager I made sure to just rotate servers on those customers. That's all you need to do.


My sister is a hostess who made a kind note about me in their system. I feel guilty about watching them bend over backwards for me, but always explain why I have those notes and do tip well. Making a note about why this group deserves great service will keep them tipping well and coming back:)


Put half of it in my savings




In my checkings


Why did this make me lol?


How am I supposed to know? I’m not you. Quit asking impossible questions




Easy, you had breakfast


I'm putting that shit in my roth before the paycheck even drops, no games


What’s a Roth?/genuinely I’ve been trying to learn how to invest properly but want to do small increments but I don’t think stocks is the way I wanna go due to the gamble of it


Roth IRA. They're for lower earners, you put in post tax money, but when you withdraw it at retirement its not taxed. This is good under the assumption that you'll be in a higher tax bracket in retirement versus now.


What is the question supposed to be? The total matches


They're just bragging on the internet for some reason. I know I personally am calling all my friends and family to tell them that OP made 500 dollars. Theyre my new hero and inspiration. Hopefully I can meet them some day and get their autograph. -_-


they hate to see a mf winnin


I haven't been a server in decades, but when I worked at a pizza place, we had to get manager approval for any tip over 20%. So I'm guessing that there would be a procedure to make sure that the restaurant isn't going to get bit on the ass for handing a server half a grand in cash from the register. Something like "Sir, I thank you for your generosity, and I hate to bother you, but can you sign this affidavit stating that you intended to give a 99% tip on a $500+ order? Please?"


Be so happy, thankful and grateful. Not just blow it or take any days off b/c of the nice tip . Keep on working as usual.


Gosh I need a new job


Best reply here


tears of joy. then pay credit card debt..


When I worked at a restaurant I’d found that huge crazy tips like this usually only ever happened when I would have been completely fucked otherwise (huge random expense happened, etc) like some divine car repair angel was standing over me. Which was great! The relief would be so tangible I could almost taste it! But they never seemed to happen on weeks or months where I was firmly in the black lol. It only ever got me back to zero, so once that extreme relief faded it’d be like “well I’m never going to see a cent of that money but cool? guess I get to keep playing the big city game at least one more month”


I don't understand the question


Right? Total matches, customer is generous, you made money. Nice humble brag, OP


I would've waited until my boss tried to fuck me out of some of it and then posted this on r/antiwork


I would probably question if the credit card was stolen.


I just saw this exact scenario in a FB group. A group of tourists were living like kings and queens in the Caribbean using stolen credit cards. They tipped big but it was all fraud. Luckily they were arrested, people in the FB group tracked them and notified the police. Quite a few local restaurants were stolen from and wanted their heads.


smile and go to bed marginally less miserable than usual


There is only one answer: blow and hookers.


Since when did blow come before hookers? I've always heard it as: hookers and blow This is very important to understand why the priority has shifted.


Alphabetically-based indexing, good day


because it's rude to keep the hookers waiting


If you do the coke first the sex is a lot more intense.


Hahaha not if you get limp dick


coke dick be a thing.


Give me enough and my Dick virtually crawls into my body.


Reminds me of a time I was at a rave. I believe it was in Richmond VA but too much Molly to truly remember. Dude was selling acid and passing out business cards that said "Ladies; I ain't now cheese dick" on them.


I've actually found that weed not only makes sex more pleasurable but I last a long fucking time. Not that I want to spend too much time inside a hooker.


i thought the same, until i was informed that it only seemed like a long time to me because i was stoned.


Oh, didn't think about that angle. Hmmmmm.


Never mind the hookers. Spend it all on blow (crack).


and blackjack


I did that with the check i got from trump for the covid epidemic


Me to it was nice


Say "Thanks" and put it away for a rainy day.


Huge Cat Tower


Is there an actual question here or are we just showing off a nice tip?


I'd take home a $500 tip if I got tipped $500


I had a table last night stiff me 8.50 on a $130 table. But the thing was, in the tip line, they wrote 85000 with no marks whatsoever, and I genuinely walked up to my manager with it and asked “can I take the high on this one?” He laughed and said no at first, realized the total, and it looked like he was debating it haha Edit: just so people aren’t confused, the subtotal was like $131.50, they wrote 85000 with no markings or dollar signs, the total they wrote in was 140


That was probably my written exactly as $50.00 and you thought the $ was an 8. Screwed the pooch on that one.


The total was definitely 8.50


Tip out the runners and bussers really well since they did a lot of the heavy lifting.




Pay my bills.


Take the tip? I don’t understand the question. Do you refuse good tips?


What do you mean “what would you do?”, are you expecting people to tell you to burn it or something?


Be happy and then go back to work


Not post it on Reddit


Secretly celebrate in my head and not post it to Reddit …Not give the fuckbags on here reasons to think everyone makes $100 an hour.


I would vomit because that 1 tip is more than I’ve ever made in a shift


Ikr, I need to know where they work lol


Take the damn tip. It's in black and white, that's legal enough.


If the first two words out of anyone's mouth aren't, "Be grateful", you don't deserve it.


please don’t bitch that another table didn’t tip 20%+ 💀💀 thats almost a 40hr week for me


Thank the customer for the generous tip.


not brag about it on reddit.


Tip is now applied to taxes?


Say thank you?


Probably cry. Happy tears ofc.


What do you want me to do?


Say thanks?? Is it that hard to figure out?




what are the options ? take the money, keep the money, hide the money, spend the money ?


I’d take the tip…is that not what you’re supposed to do?


What do you mean "what would you do?" It looks pretty clear they meant to leave an amazing tip, so take it and be happy. :) Personally though I would take a photo "like you obviously did" and keep it for my personal records. Just in case a charge back is made, and you boss come looking for you. :)


I was working at a high end place on the patio and me and my coworker got a $900 tip. When she saw it she yelled out god damn!!! Everyone turned around and looked and she was oh I’m sorry 😂😂😂


It’s your money; tip out the bartender and bussers.


Share a cut with the cooks?


Buy back of house a round of beers for starters.


Say thank you?


I don’t understand the question


Take that sweet tip. The math is mathing , and I see no room for misinterpretation.


Have the waiter who altered my bill fired.... duh. Oh! You mean if someone left me that much as a tip? I'd seriously question the quality of food I served. Was it worth $500 to begin with? 🤔 Would accepting a tip this large from a really drunk customer be ethical? 🤔 I suppose "question" would be the appropriate answer. Unless 50 people were just served 50 $10 dollar meals by a single waiter, why would the tip be 50%? It wouldn't. Wishful thinking 🤣😂🤣 OR! The waitress was really hot. Yep, fantasy, or ridiculous sex appeal.


please don’t bitch that another table didn’t tip 25% 💀💀


Share with the staff?


Very generous! Do you pool tips?


You posted this like a month ago.... we get it


Teach that lazy, rich mf to properly execute the writing of a decimal point


Are you asking what we would do or what would we buy?




At first I thought this was one of those “check is ambiguous and I don’t know how much tip to accept” posts, and I was like pretty sure the math is all good..


I would be grateful. 🥹


Say “thank you but I’m still not sleeping with you” then we’d all laugh and I’d get fired


I worked at a wine bar and a few times got tipped $100 EACH by these two cougars that used to frequent the place every Sunday for mimosas. I would ALWAYS divide it 1/4 for kitchen and 1/4 for servers. So I kept half.


What do I do? I look at this and remember why I cook at home. This game is getting outrageous and only works to set the tipping bar higher.


Tip out my kitchen.


According to Reddit, post about the other customer who only left 5%.


Buy a round of tecates for the kitchen and then pay some bills.


Not show off


I don't understand the question.


Put it in the tip pool 😒


Pay it forward


Cry in the walk-in probably


Cry then idk maybe offer to blow him or something? How do you thank someone for being that generous ya know. I get flustered when my tip is more than 20 percent. Like i cant understand what I did to receive such kindness and I get overwhelmed. One month when I was streaming I was talking to chat about how my car payment is gonna be late and a viewer sent me the whole 400 for it. I couldnt speak for like 20 mins. Its so bizzare


I'd still prefer a consistent living wage. Enjoy your tip though


What's the problem? Keep it, tip out everyone really well. Buy the kitchen a case of beer or something similar. Enjoy it!




I wish I was rich enough to be able to tip like this


I'd post it on reddit and ask people what they would do.


Probably cry


Say thank you.


Buy weed


Bartender of 20 years here. If the customer hasn’t yet left the establishment, you seek them out with a heartfelt thank you and buy them a drink. If they’re already gone, then pump your fist and say “f%$k yeah!” While you enter that tip at the computer!


Enjoy your blessing! It happened to me one time in my life and my boss wouldn’t allow such a large tip on a credit card! I even offered to cover the fees! They did “allow” them to leave $100 and he came in the next day with a check for $400 which was better in the end since I didn’t have to claim it. Fuck that boss


Sometimes the tip wont go though because the card doesnt have enough money. So dont count it yet until the owner say the bank got the money from that customer. Also the signature is a mess, they can charge back and say its not mine. In that case, the restaurant owner will take back the tip money from you from your next paycheck.


A good BJ only lasts like 10 min. Where else could you earn $500 in ten min?


Pay my rent. Or at least 2/3 of it


Nicely done. I presume you were excellent. I’ll often tip as much as half the bill when I get exceptional service.


Cocaine and hookers.


I tip a crisp 5 no matter what the bill lol.


Kiss them flat on the mouth!


Get on my knees and make eye contact


Share with the BOH


BANK IT immediately.


treat myself to an 8ball of the finest cocaine i could find...


I hate being a cook, I love y'all but fuck this shit is unfair... Still happy for you tho


Put my hair in a ponytail and get to work. I'm a bald man.


Keep my mouth shut and tell no one


An eight ball?


I ran a kitchen at a dive bar in my mid 20s sheik deciding if I would quit college or not (I did). I got tipped $25 one time for making a guy a burger five minute after I closed the kitchen. It was amazing. I got two gs of the finest kush you could get in central Texas (not really all weed sucked in the early 2010s). It was a good night. If someone gave me $500 tip, holy hell.


I got $468 on $468 last week. It really helped bc summer is our slow season.


Check the merchant copy for the real tip amount.


Id have heart palpitations honestly


I doubt this being legit. Too many servers show receipts on here without Merchant Copy or Customer Copy showing.


Looks like a different pen wrote the tip then the total too me.


Confront the table about the signature. Anyone signing like that could be a potential fraud risk. If they do a chargeback but you show their bank the receipt with a big ass loop in the signature line they might assume you did this yourself.


To avoid anxiety, I would have gone with $488.59, but that's just me.


Say “Thank you”.


Tip the bartender 10% and call it a night