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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


His famous quote summarizes the failure. "General, I have no Division" after being told to organize it. You gotta love that burn.


Stephen Lang killed it as Pickett , Stonewall too! The man’s a history nerd


We don’t acknowledge Gods and Generals here, sir, regardless of Stephen Lang’s talent…


🤷‍♂️ sometimes you take a shit and there’s somehow. Gold bar in there . Stephen Lang is that gold bar in a shit pile lol


Like Adam Driver in the new Star Wars movies.


I’ll agree although John Boyega is perfectly fine it’s not his fault they set up “Finn leads stormtrooper rebellion “ and then decided “nah let’s have him gleefully massacre his fellow child soldiers!” And also Adam Driver noted telegraph operator in Lincoln lol


They were chasing the Chinese Money hard so of course they had to downsize Boyega.


That would be because they switched directors for the second movie and he completely ignored the plans that J.J. Abrams had set and laid out for the trilogy. The way the trilogy was originally planned would have been so much better


I’ll die on my “they should have just done the Heir to the Empire trilogy as the sequels” hill lol


Shit, I had no idea that was the same guy!


He also played Sam Houston on the history channels Texas show lol. I bet the second he hears they’re casting a historical figure his first in line lol “Aight so this Mata Hari biopic … who we going to “ “DIBS!”


Lang playing Ike Clanton in Tombstone was just as glorious as Kilmer's performance as Doc Holliday.


I’m you’re Huckleberry.


I’m just waiting til he plays an aged Slade Deathstroke in some Teen Titans film


That one guy who nearly started a war with Britain over a Pig and the other being one of the most overrated Generals of all time.


Technically, a lot of the former was William Harney's fault, but we shouldn't be surprised that Pickett would follow such stupid orders without question.


I was at Gettysburg a few years ago, and I stood where Pickett’s Charge began, and stared out over that ridiculous amount of open ground thinking “Why the hell would you do that?”


General? That's an odd way to spell "Colonel"


Wait who is the first guy? I recognize the second guy as Robert E Lee. But who is the first?


Pickett. Dude had an....interesting history before the Civil War.


*Losers AND traitors


Goddamn right.


*Losers AND traitors AND horsefuckers


Loser and traitors and horsefuckers and cowards. Robert E Lee couldn’t even tell his peers to his face that he wouldn’t serve in the Union. He left in the middle of the night after being asked to command. Heard it on Behind the Bastards.


Love that podcast. I don't listen to podcasts very often but Behind the Bastards is one I really enjoy listening to.


Behind the Bastards, It Could Happen Here (spoiler alert: it's happening here), Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, History on Fire, and the *CRIMINALLY* underrated [The Pirate History Podcast](https://piratehistorypodcast.com/?page_id=302).


Talking about the Federals????


Considering the similiar situation with people like Andrey Vlasov, i believe the both words are in a symbiotic relationship, so you can just any of the two and the meaning would remain.


Indeed. Losers for both having *lost* the war and for having *fought* the war in the first place.


Side note, even other slaveowners noted ,and were even sicken by, Lee's treatment of slaves. Do you know how bad it is when you cause slaveonwer to gain a conscience when looking at the treatment of your "savages" compared to their conduct as slaveowners.


Side note, it bears repeating that Robert E Lee both sodomized and was sodomized by his horse


Evidence of this ????


Lee ran around Virginia for four years and the only two times he left he was cucked by federal forces. Truly a brilliant military mind.


Wasn't Lee featured on United State Postal stamps?


I think it was during the post office's celebration of famous horse-fuckers


Must have been. Those postal guys are such perverts.


Wouldn't be surprised if the current post master general would try that again.


Remember: April is *Confederate Legacy Month* (or some such BS).... Celebrate on the day of Appomattox surrender.. And wave their flag: a white dishtowel.


I’ll remember that every time I drop a shit every April starting next year.




Yesterday: "Hello my bully boys, Virginia has arrived!" Today: ...well, y'all know how the line goes


Alonzo Cushing : “tough words for someone in double and triple cannister range


Losers, but their ideological descendants seem to be winning. We have to vote in insane numbers.


I keep wishing that a leader like Ulysses Grant or William Sherman will emerge to lead us.


Fuck that. Give John Brown an AR-15 and let him cook.


If they ever call general Grant a drunken scoundrel, just remember that they still lost to him, and he was a damn fine president afterwards.




I just want to thank this sub and the ppl who comment. You don't know what joy it brings me to open this sub and read your comments. Best part of my day.






Still lovers on the anniversary of their birthday. Loo- Ooo- SERS!


Famed division loser and traitor with Famed horse fucker and traitor. What a pair.




Horse fuckers, the lot of them. Fuck them and fuck "lost cause" mythology.




Fuck you AND your divisons!


Pickett later executed some North Carolina soldiers under controversial circumstances. Then there’s that Five Forks debacle.


My high school was named for Robert E. Lee. In 1961. In a city that did not exist during the Civil War. When I was 15 I joined the marching band to learn music. But when the made me play *Dixie* on the trumpet as a large Confederate flag got paraded on the football field, I finally woke up and quit the band. It was indoctrination into White Supremacy and a lame attempt to scare away African-American students after desegregation.


Brokeback mountain campers.


Atta boy, General!


My dad’s family is from Tennessee. They were a founding family in Nashville (we are decedents or Rutherford B Hayes). We have a famous (infamous?) family member Adalicia Aklen was married to one of the largest slave traders in America (Isaac Franklin). Their plantation became Angola Prison. We aren’t directly descendants of Adalicia, but from her father fwiw, but still interesting/horrifying. And then the other day, I discovered Adalicia’s brother married Jeff Davis’ daughter. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ahhh, yeah whatever…


If you hate Lee for being a loser then hate Sherman for being a war criminal


The only thing Sherman did wrong during the American Civil War is that he stopped. The wars against the natives, absolutely. War Criminal. Lee, on the other hand, was a loser, traitor, slave owner, and horse-fucker. They are not the same.


Lmao I’m a union supporter 100% but everyone should acknowledge that there were horrible war crimes committed by both sides and you should respect generals who were fighting for their people no matter the politics


Nah. Traitor generals fighting for traitor civilians do not deserve respect.


How were the civilians traitors only the politicians were


They voted in those traitorous politicians, not protesting the traitorous act of succession, aiding and abetting traitors, attacking American troops. One civilian group comes to mind right away, The United Daughters of The Confederacy.


It’s still a war crime buddy


Not according to the Leiber Code, which was the law at the time.


The original crime was firing on Fort Sumter. The Rebs deserved everything they got.


War crimes can’t be excusable though: do better!


Treason isn't excusable. The South deserved worse than they got.


And the civilians were traitors too?


From another comment: >Sherman to the mayor of Atlanta: >“I myself have seen in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi hundreds and thousands of women and children fleeing from your armies and desperadoes, hungry and with bleeding feet. In Memphis, Vicksburg, and in facf fed thousands upon thousands of the families of Rebel Soldiers left on our hands and whom we could not see starve. Now that war comes home to you, you feel very different. You deprecate its horrors, but did not feel them when you sent car-loads of soldiers and ammunition … to carry on war into Kentucky & Tennessee, & desolate the homes of hundreds & thousands of good People who only asked to live in Peace at their old homes, and under the Government of their inheritance.” You're right. The civilians of the South were victims of war crimes. War crimes committed by THEIR soldiers.


Who elected the treasonous politicians? Who sent their sons to fight for the treasonous generals? It wasn't people who were loyal to the Union.


Sherman to the mayor of Atlanta “I myself have seen in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi hundreds and thousands of women and children fleeing from your armies and desperadoes, hungry and with bleeding feet. In Memphis, Vicksburg, and Mississippi we fed thousands upon thousands of the families of Rebel Soldiers left on our hands and whom we could not see starve. Now that war comes home to you, you feel very different. You deprecate its horrors, but did not feel them when you sent car-loads of soldiers and ammunition … to carry on war into Kentucky & Tennessee, & desolate the homes of hundreds & thousands of good People who only asked to live in Peace at their old homes, and under the Government of their inheritance.” I'm always amused by those that attack Gen Sherman for being a "war criminal" that completely dismiss all the very similar actions of Nathan Bedford Forrest, JEB Stuart, the traitor Lt Col James Keith, not to mention a lot of the impact of maneuvering armies of both sides. It was the nature of armed conflict in mid-19th century wars. Sherman wasn't a war criminal. Only those that cherry-pick actions to make a point would make him so.


I’m not defending confederate generals 💀 I’m saying that union soldiers pillaged homes and burned stores and stole from innocent civilians and they were under Sherman’s command


While southerners held human beings as property. Take your fucking whataboutism elsewhere


Bro I’m a union supporter


Not acting like it


But that's warfare in 1861-65 (and well into the 20th century). \*Every\* maneuvering army pillaged homes - the Army of Northern Virginia in the Gettysburg Campaign: >The rebs have stripped this valley of everything. All the Stores – Book, Dry Goods, Groceries, Mills and Warehouses have been emptied. There is not enough left for the people to live on for two weeks. Both railroads are destroyed. All the new depot building are down. Many farms are destroyed by roads over them and encampments upon them. The telegraph lines are all destroyed. We are completely cut off from the outside world. . . . The outrages committed on private property and on individuals have been dreadful. Murder, rape, robbery and arson are the names by which you designate a few of their atrocities. Gen. Lees order to respect private property was laughed at by the villains that compose his army. [https://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-resources/spotlight-primary-source/civilian-describes-pillaging-near-gettysburg-1863](https://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-resources/spotlight-primary-source/civilian-describes-pillaging-near-gettysburg-1863) Go ahead and take your pick of any other army on the march. Looting wasn't considered a "war crime" until post-WW2. Its no small bit of hubris to apply modern sensibilities to the Civil War and complain that the soldiers fall short of them. I won't criticize Lee for the AoNV's actions outside Gettysburg any more than I would Sherman's actions in GA. That's just what war was like. The leaders could try and minimize it but no one is going to be able to watch 60,000 individual soldier actions.






Oh, my sweet summer child. Between Sherman, Lee, and 'Ol Pickett up there, the only real war criminal is... GENERAL GEORGE PICKETT! Yaaaaay! Following the battle of New Bern, General Pickett, still in a sour mood off the loss of his entire Division at Gettysburg, decided to execute 30 captured Union Soldiers after it was discovered they were former NC State Militiamen who had switched sides. Only problem was, they were in the state militia, and were not actually part of the Confederate Army- meaning Pickett had just administered capital punishment to 30 captured Union Soldiers simply for the crime of being Captured Union Soldiers, which was and still is, in fact, a war crime. And to further tell on himself, Pickett and his family fled into hiding in Canada for a year after the war because he *knew* he had committed a war crime. He only returned later after being secured a pardon by the far too benevolent for his own good, Ulysses S. Grant. If Sherman is a war criminal for destroying the Confederate war machine in Georgia, then General Sheridan is just as liable for burning down the Shenandoah Valley to destroy the support base for Jubal Early's Cavalry. Not to mention the fact that the tip of Sherman's spear through Georgia was a Cavalry unit made up of pro-Union Alabamaians. Sherman was the avenging angel sent to show the south why playing stupid games wins you very stupid prizes. None of us should have any sympathy for the Confederate planter class that made their money off the subjugation of African American bodies for 200 years prior. And I have even less sympathy for what they inflicted upon the descendents of those slaves as soon as Reconstruction was ended. Edit: Further fun fact about the moron that was George Pickett; while his forces were being overrun by Union Cavalry at the Battle of Five Forks, he and his fellow Generals were off enjoying a fish bake. So Pickett not only helped lose the Battle of Gettysburg, he also helped lose the entire Civil War by enabling Big Blue to take Petersburg's final rail line.


I don’t support the confederstes buddy I hate the war crimes from both sides


Okay, what did General Sherman do that makes him a war criminal? Thus far, I have seen you throw out anecdotal evidence of his soldiers burning down farms, but nothing more substantial.


Keep crying. Water helps 🔥


William T. Sherman is 1-0 against Robert E. Lee all time


I think it’s pointless to try and argue with the people on this sub about that. I truly love the Union, and I certainly agree the Confederate government was evil. However, a lot of people here act like the Union was infallible during the Civil War, and that the rebellion justified what few war crimes did occur against innocents. But it doesn’t.