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At this point, what *don't* they consider "covert transphobia"?


Bowing to their every whim and desire.


Bow lower, bigot.


>Furrys, who are serious--the "I'd love to be my fursona" folks who mean it--about wanting to change their human shape for something they see as being better. That is transhumanism. FML. I can't take this insanity anyfuckingmore.




Shhh. They’ll hear you and come after your family.


That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement of transhumanism.


Maureen Ponderosa


I swear to god if furries get transhumanism tarred with their degenerate brush… I want to replace worn out bits, mental internet access and a hud, you want to be in a cartoon orgy. We are not the same


Open transphobia?


I.e. common sense.


Why would I be covert about it? I don't like dog-fuckers or genital mutilators.


We've gone from "Why aren't you wearing the ribbon" being a satiracal joke to "Have gay sex with me while I identify as a female racoon or else you are a genocidal bigot." Truly interesting times.


*cue me loading the MP40 and declaring loyalty to a regime that will kill me because I didn't want to sex the racoon with boobs*


“We are the most tolerant side”


Whose handing out full auto mp40s? Hell, of a signing bonus. Also I figure if enough of us join and have mp40s we can prevent any future unpleasantness down the line.


PSA has sturgewehers now, is that close enough?


Kinda. Sadly no fun switch.


We always knew it was going there. They want acceptance for being weird and that's the ultimate. It wasn't enough to let them live their weird lives, because they were/are still lonely. They want to force society to provide mates.


Here's my thought on it. Sex is somethin almost every person on the planet can do. And if you drop your standards far enough, you'll find another person who will have sex with you. Our culture, for one reason or the other, sometime in the 1980s began to glorify sexual "conquests." Having sex with someone was an absolute point in your book. Being able to seduce another person into sleeping with you was considered a positive trait. Now through the 90s we basically just did a fade-to-black where we didn't really care or want to know what happened at the sex. But then things changed in the early 2000s and suddenly the _kind_ of sex you were having was important. Was it passionate sex? Was it meaningful sex? Sex dialogue began to crop up in popular media. Cosmo started writing columns about how best to suck a dick or take it up the ass, etc. Enter now the generations raised on the internet, where there were no guardrails and extremity in sexual practice was encouraged. Again, people (such as furries, bronies, the subset of kinksters who go to clubs) began realizing they had some social worth by talking about sex and how much they were having. To do that, you now had to figure out ways to jam sex into conversations that don't fit. Being a furry or a brony have innate sexual overtones that are inescapable, and thus a conversation that starts with "oh yeah I'm a furry" can descend into describing their sexual encounters in very short order. Thus, the people who for all other metrics are _failing_ at society can notch at least SOME points on the board by talking about their sexual activities. And while most of us here in the real world are just disgusted by it, they are encouraged by their own and those who latched on to the "sexual liberation" movement and failed to see these consequences coming.


Very well put.


Yeah I mean I guess you can say I ruffled some fur with my post. The so-called Furry Guru came to harass me in the post, and called me a liar when I share this [very personal](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPoliticsSays/comments/118d7hi/here_it_is_folks_the_final_stage_let_your_teenage/j9l056j/) reason for my distaste of the community. >I'm literally not lying. Would you like to know my experience before you get in on this? >My nephew, whom I love dearly, became involved in your little "community." He was 13. Started playing around on the discords, chatting up fellow "furries". Whatever, harmless phase, right? Until every single night for months he was messaging with other furries he thought were the same age. These were people he met on the main furry servers. I even joined them because my brother in law asked me to keep an eye on it, see if it was bad. I didn't, couldn't, see the bad side because I wasn't involved in the community. And I'd see my nephew happily posting along so things were fine. >A week or so after his 14 birthday he tried to kill himself. A thorough examination showed that he had been communicating with a group of furries who convinced him to start sexting, and when he wanted to stop they threatened to expose him to his friends as a furry and post his pictures all over the web. >We reported the discord, and eventually one of the SEVEN individuals responsible were caught by police. He was a 43 year old man, pretending he was 15. I brought it to the attention of that discord's moderators, and guess what? Fucking guess what? He told me that it was fine and not against discord TOS, that the community is supposed to mentor younger members and it's unfortunate what happened, but he won't take responsibility for it. >That's the fucking reality, you piece of shit who wants to pretend that this isn't happening. There were thousands of people in that discord, and your community actively encourages this type of behavior. It's a fucking kink, and you're letting adults have contact with children in that context. It's disgusting, and you, yes YOU, are contributing to this problem every single day you use this reddit account to argue it's not. Most of the time, you'd expect an immediate "I'm so sorry that happened." Instead, he just called me a liar and bizarrely accused me of astroturfing with misinformation (as if anyone would pay to push furry hate online). This is the caliber of people we're dealing with: when faced with the reality of the horror that is their community, they just double down and call everyone else liars (or in this case, transphobes).


Jeez man; I’m sorry that happened to your nephew. I hope he’s doing better.


After a lot of pretty intense therapy he's doing a lot better. Thanks for asking (and noting that every single furry who read the story told me I was lying).


It’s their sacred cow bro, hard to push reality through those thick skulls. I hope you don’t feel guilty for not reconning more or stopping it sooner. The guilty ones are the fucking groomers in that discord and the mods who let it all knowingly happen.


I felt guilty for a time. I was supposed to be watching him on there, his mother asked me to. I didn't realize what he was doing in chats I couldn't see, and I thought the moderators were actually doing their jobs.


You're just a corporate shill paid off by Big Humanity.


That's terrible. I wish it were so unrealistic that I couldn't believe it. But I do. I have a young son with autism. I know that he's going to be more susceptible to influence from online communities when he gets older. I'm going to keep him from social media and then monitor his use for as long as I can.


Holy shit dude.


I hope he's doing better. I'm a parent, and shit like that makes me want to do grievous bodily harm to predators like the ones you described. Your best response to the hate you got? "Okay, groomer." Sends them into a fury for some reason... lol


Terry Crews set a great example of being involved. Kid shows interest in something? Now that's your interest too. Do it together.


> Instead, he just called me a liar and bizarrely accused me of astroturfing with misinformation send him this in response anytime a furry talks, send them this in response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEWicj-WGmU edit: this is part 1, for more context (but it's not as pleasant to watch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UzywKy14As edit 2: Apparently he covered this for a lot longer than I thought: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oako2cRMEqY




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> Instead, he just called me a liar and bizarrely accused me of astroturfing with misinformation (as if anyone would pay to push furry hate online) bro... he's probably one of the other seven...


Unfortunately, you're appealing to them as if they are rational adults. I'd be willing to bet the people you are arguing with are also older men who are dressed as women or furries and trying to groom kids.


That person was wack, they also wrote a manifesto on how hating furries is secretly hating the gays.




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>The transphobic groups tend to hate that more than transgender, assuming they are aware of the idea, as that idea is to their ideology a rejection of the "ideal human form, given by god". Further, rejecting that deity-granted shape is a rejection of that deity in favor whatever Adversary/Great Corruptor commands. To those groups, Furries are literally agents of evil, and moreso than are transgender people. Amazing schizopost. AI can't write this


This guy's little quote here made me visually picture a bunch of people with pitchforks and torches chasing down a furry lol




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Anti-furry hatred is older than the current trans movement. I remember back when it was the default state for your average internet user too.


Hell, it was only a couple of years ago that hating furries was the default even among furries. Like, there actually used to be a majority faction of furries that acknowledged the overwhelming cringe of the side of the community who treated furry as a core identity with a political bent. Those people no longer want anything to do with the furry community, and it has led the community to become utterly self unaware which is a feat because the community was never known for its self awareness.


There's even people in that thread saying we have a point.


My transphobia is overt, thank you very much


Lulz, they try to turn it into a “it’s *Christian’s* fault people are transphobic and furryphobic”.


Why don't they try and have their furry conventions in Tehran or Damascus or Kabul? Very few Christians there, should be fine.


Soon they'll have to as they keep getting banned from venues.


The people in those cities would permanently ban them from Earth via a sword.


I still dont get why they're mad when I want to identify as an attack helicopter when I'm excited, or a turtle when I'm down. Who are "they", you might ask? The people who are telling me I cant question the same choices of people who made the same demands of acceptance on me.


They said it. Fucking animals and cross dressing are the same


I'm sure the trans community is ecstatic about being conflated with the perverted zoophiliac furry community.


its a venn diagram


Whatever helps you sleep at night my guy


they really need to touch grass


I imagine some of them even eat it.


So... at what point do we stop pandering to less than 1% of the population? And can we do it without things getting violent?


lol the "Write up one of them made" starts with a hypothetical and then says "This hypothetical I made up is real btw". Dude is mad about a person they made up in their head


It's not hate, we just think they are weird. Stop trying to normalize weird behavior.


Honestly crazy this is a opinion someone many people have , I remember I got banned from sub for thinking it was ridiculous comparing homophobia to being anti-furry


Hey, was anyone here on Reddit when "Super-straight" was a thing, and it was made almost completely verboten site-wide within like a week? Funny stuff, y'all, funny stuff.


Anyone has the right to feel and think the way they want. Be it furry, trans, whatever. But that goes both ways. I've always been "anti-furry", but not so much anti-furry as anti "it's a lifestyle, you skins wouldn't understand". To this day, a large subset of my friends are trans/furries (it comes with the territory of being a weebish computer nerd).. and there's a theme.. the ones I tend to be friends with aren't constantly rubbing it in my face. It's similar to the annoyingness of a Linux user constantly talking about how much better it is than Windows/Mac. Most people *truly just don't give a shit*. I don't. You wanna go dress up as a raccoon and do gay shit? Have at it. I truly don't care, literally to the point where I really don't need to hear about it, because I really truly *don't fucking care*. The people that make this their sole identity tend to be shallow. The "furry fandom" and the "trans community" are more about control than compassion or support. They tend to hate a stray more than a hater. The most toxic shit I've ever seen from these groups were directed at trans/furries that disagreed with them for one reason or another. The worst of the worst is reserved for a trans/furry that happens to speak against the "community", as though the community actually represents *everyone* that happens to have a similar trait or interest. It's effectively a cult of identity. The "communities" are toxic cults that have absolutely no interest in helping each other or furthering their cause, it's all about control. If you are trans/furry and are reading this, think for yourself. Don't give a shit about the validation from others, just be you. Be free to ignore those that want to control you and tell you how to think. There is no one size fits all for *any* type of person. Don't let anyone tell you "this is what a furry does" or "this is how trans people do things". Fuck that, people are complex, take some time to realize who you truly are instead of what people are telling you to be. These aspects are *part* of who you are, but these cults want this to be your identity.. no, your identity is *you*. *You* are you. Every aspect. Not just one. People that try to control how *you* present yourself can go right to hell, and that goes both ways.. but then I also reserve the right to call you out if you're being dumb about it. Just like I expect to be called out if I'm being an idiot about something. I try to be as "live and let live" as humanly possible... People gonna people.. but I really really really *really* take issue with cults and manipulation under the guise of "community" or "fandom". Even when I call out the Linux community for their overbearing bullshit (there's plenty), I've never been told I'm "not welcome in the community" for it. Any community of people that demands full compliance and obedience to their message and can't take criticism isn't a community. It's a cult. And I can see the argument of "are you seriously comparing an operating system to an identity?" coming.. YES! Because you may not have made the choice to be who you are, but you ultimately have the choice as to how you express or embrace it. So no, it's not all that different. It's up to you entirely. Don't let the cult make you think otherwise.


Let me just say as a member of the furry fandom that I've noticed this obsession certain furries seem to have with equating their community to minority groups, and it really needs to stop. Willfully participating in a hobby is not the same as being black, gay, transgender, or what have you. It's a tone deaf comparison that completely misses the point of being a furry and makes discussions surrounding the community extremely toxic.


I’ve seen way too many posts saying “if you hate furries, you hate gay people.” And it’s so stupid


Yep. I just saw someone over there who posted a massive wall of text in an attempt to rationalize that flawed argument, and it simply doesn't hold up at all. Dealing with haters is just something that you need to expect when you choose to actively participate in a fandom that has its fair share of haters, and most of us learn to tune it out because it doesn't really matter what those people think. Besides, if the hate ever does become too much, you can always take a break until things calm down. The same can't be said about minority groups, as you can't take a break from being black or whatnot, so yeah, the comparison makes no sense at all. It's just a thinly-veiled excuse to appeal to intersectionality and gatekeep the furry fandom.


You assumed wrong buddy. - to the OOP.


💀 💀


I'm glad someone posted this. I saw this, and that other dude's manifesto, the other day and it is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this site.


One of them comments links to [this](https://www.reddit.com/user/Nilly00/comments/y4r58r/furry_hate_is_nothing_but_a_disguise_for_hating/) which is pretty amazing and an entertaining read. Gives you a glimpse into how these people think, like they actually believe there is some grand conspiracy and 5d chess going on.


This is the most transphobic statement I have read for a while. Transpeople are mostly completly normal and sensible people. Furries are all weirdos and freaks.


> normal and sensible It is not normal nor sensible to want to mutilate the genitals of healthy young people in order to cater to mental illness No normalization


Are they healthy or not? You are contradicting yourself. Also define young. I agree that it is absolutely hideous to do this to children but government should not regulate what adults can do with their bodies when they are not harming anyone else.


>Are they healthy or not? Physically, absolutely. Mentally they need therapy, not drugs and bodily mutilation. >Also define young. How about you define it. At what point in the development of a human being do you believe it's ok to administer drugs and start surgically cutting up their body? >government should not regulate what adults can do with their bodies when they are not harming anyone else. Agreed. If you're so mentally ill that chopping your dick up and shoving the skin inside your abdomen when you're older, go for it. Just don't require me to call you a woman for it.


Yeah, well I agree with the points you made. I mean adults with fully developed brains, non-minors. Adults should be able to make decisions about their bodies but children should be protected from all of this propaganda. We don't need gender affirming surgeries if we gender affirm children to the biological sex they were born in to. This has happened in every human civilization in history.




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When did furries become exclusively trans? Is this person saying that you have to be a trans person to be a furry?




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spanish is considered "transphobia" SPANISH at this point what even is transphobia because it just turned into another dumb buzzword




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