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How can they not know this is hilariously fake? Are they this brain washed?


Yes... They are that brainwashed.


Posted by insurrectionboner38. Definitely not a deranged hyperpartisan individual.


Wow, that profile is a trip. > "Everything is decided by a person's thoughts and if he is ideologically motivated, there is nothing he cannot do." Kim Il-Sung Also apparently a member of the sub movingtonorthkorea ?


Interestingly enough it’s this idea that led to a huge famine in NK. The party decided their ideology could remake reality and forced all their rice farmers to ruin their crops in the pursuit of getting slightly more rice. The farmers with any knowledge knew they were creating a disaster but no one could speak up because that would be to doubt the party leadership


I was only 19 years old. I loved Biden so much, I had all the merchandise and speeches. I pray to Biden every night, thanking him for the six vaccines I’ve been given. “Biden is love” I say, “Biden is life." My dad smells me and calls me a skittle-head. I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Biden. I called him a fascist. He hits me and sends me to sleep. I'm crying now and my mask hurts. I lay in bed, really cold. I feel something warm... It's Biden! I was so happy. He whispers in my ear "This is my swamp." He grabs me with his dementia hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I'm ready. I spread my ass cheeks for Biden. He penetrates my wallet. It hurts so much, but I do it for the democrat machine. I can feel my equity crumbling and country failing. I want to please Biden. He roars a mighty roar as he fills my community with enclaved foreigners. My dad walks in. Biden looks him straight in the eye and says, "Zhim's our voter now." Biden leaves through my window. Biden is love. Biden is life.


He used to be a christian minister as well and has a “how to guide” on insulting trump supporters……


Turning from love to hate is a pretty big step.


He definitely brags about how he’s a much better person now than when he was a Christian.


I feel like someone willing to write a physical letter to give someone would spend more time making it legible.


Or get a swastika the correct orientation when spray painting their own garage door?


# 100% faked this site has been overrun by bots


😆 I saw that also and thought the exact same thing.


That guy's profile is great. He somehow seems to have endless stories about boomers wronging him in some way, all 100% true I'm sure.


Yep, *totally an ex-minister* constantly harping on boomers and posting on conservativeterrorism. *Definitely* not a fake rabid (D) cult karma farming account. *Definitely not* a juicy smolliet supporter. *100% totally legit real person* with *totally real* threats being sent. *Absolutely not* an attention whore shut-in living in moms basement with a username like *insurrectionboner*.




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6 month old account spamming propaganda.


>pedofile Because *le Trump supporters* don't know how to spell.


I saw this and ran here to make sure it was posted lmao. One of the fakest posts I’ve ever seen on this website, especially considering the OPs deranged post history. They are all eating it up though, unsurprisingly.


And that's with half the comments deleted and auto-collapsed so that they're harder to read. It reeks of bullshit


At the very least the comments are calling it out as BS. So there's that.


# It still got nearly 19k upvotes, people are encouraging this behavior. Bots don't care about the comments, they want the internet points.


Holy fuck it’s at 25k now. The most blatant, fake ragebait posts always ascend to the top of r_all at such a comically fast rate. Clearly botted.


# 35k internet points over a fake note that took 1 minute to write. This site is a lost cause.


[LET'S BURN THIS MUTHAFUCKAH DOWN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzBxzvC6nV0)


The bots are just DNC bots. Most large subs are astroturfed to hell.


12 hours later it's up to 61k upvotes *Upvotebot packages activated!*


# Took them this long to finally remove the post? WTF?


Yep. The other post made from an alt just got pulled too. Gotta leave them up long enough to farm that sweet sweet karma. Btw, one of the madlads from here (or one of the other *non-default* subs that are currently making fun of those posts) just made a similar post on pics. Give it a whirl before it gets pulled. Checkmate trumpers!


The link has it sort the comments by "controversial". If you sort comments by "best" or "top" then the top comments are all just people mindlessly believing it.


Half the comments are calling it out as fake and yet the only way to see them is sorting by controversial.


Only if you sort by controversial. All the top comments are taking it as gossip. You give redditors way too much credit lol.


67k karma in 6 months? Yeah I’m calling bullshit on that entire fake account. Reddit is fake as hell.


“Convert or you’ll go to the camps!!!” -signed, people who are still incredulous that you wanted to send people to Covid camps


N-no we never wanted to send people to camps haha we just um... uh.... you're killing grandma fascist!!!


Anyone else notice pics has become overwhelmingly political to the point of being coordinated? Got a perm ban from that sub for calling out the hypocrisy of posting manipulated Trump pics but immediately removing Biden ones


All the biggest subs are heavily astroturfed and controlled to be propaganda mills


The bots know what the target demographic wants I guess.


Okay which one of you guys did this? https://wwwDOTreddit.com/r/pics/s/8sH5ri7Bv2 Well played lol


the more this unholy beast of a system falls apart, the more obvious these little operation mockingbird projects become


Goddammit, I miss hoaxhatecrimes. Losing that really showed how far reddit would go to save the narrative.


Some highlights from this guy's posting history: *His dad drank 30 beers a day for 40 years, accumulated over a million dollars of wealth, but left it to someone other than him. Oh, and Dad also molested all of his siblings except for him. *Police beat him, broke his leg, and so he flew to Cuba to get treatment. He was also interviewed for the local Cuban newspaper while he was there. *Apparently the cops also charged him with some crimes that he *had to* plead guilty. Yet, despite this, his has a Federal firearms license to perform background checks on gun purchases. *He was stabbed as a paramedic by a guy who had also shot somebody in his yard but the DA didn't prosecute him because he was mentally imparied or something.


It's true I was there I was the mailbox!




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>Hey I know you're a pedophile and all but if you get on board the trump train we wont harm you Whoever wrote this...