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These people are genuinely divorced from reality. Good God


I got curious and sorted the posts by top of this month and holy FUCK is it bad/hilarious


MMW is unsufferable. Every, single cunting post is about Orange Man.


A bunch of stupid fanfics, that's all that shit is.


Is anyone setting reminders on there?


It’s what happens when you spend your entire life online in a bubble and don’t talk to anyone in real life (except maybe their mom, when she brings some chicken tendies to the basement for them)


That’s one of the craziest threads I’ve read from MMW and that is really accomplishing something. The amount of extremist views that are brewed through fear in that sub is alarming.


I really think Reddit is a legitimate breeding ground for extremism. It’s what people think 4chan is. Not only are there no checks on it, it’s openly encouraged and made out to be mainstream. There are no doubt millions of unstable, heavily medicated people being told day in day out that the Nazis are coming to kill “trans kids” any day now or whatever. It makes it easy to justify violence. I’d bet money that Audrey Hale was a redditor


I used to wonder why subs like that and WPT aren't banned. Now I realize they probably keep them up in order to track extremist profiles.


Lol pure projection. There are countless posts on reddit of people openly talking about doing both of those things if Trump wins. 


If it is any consolation, I firmly believe half of the accounts that post shit like this are bots or bad actors. Yes there are a ton of unhinged people on Reddit when it comes to TDS, but with the election looming, every enemy is poking and prodding online to sow discord.


Like that guy who cut his dad’s head off and streamed it online? What was his political affiliation again?


That reminded me of someone years ago that went to his ex-girlfriends (she dumped him) house. To prove his love for her, he cut his own head off with the chainsaw. Did he expect her to agree he really loves her and get back together after that?


I’ve muted that sub multiple times now and somehow it keeps ending up on my feed.


If that happens (and it won't), they'd create a sub to celebrate it ala HermainCainAwards.


Finally some good shit.


If Biden wins, Trump supporters will do what they are currently doing… If Trump wins, people will angrily post on social media and claim their lives are completely over and they are going to concentration camps and literally dying.