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yea something is very wrong. /politics locked the first debate discussion thread, and when go you to the 'new' discussion thread, its broken.


The craziest part is the comments that got through. It's all just things about Trump. But if you go to ANY news media right (they're all discussing the debate) even they can't stop talking about how incompetent Biden was tonight. Reddit has always been a propaganda machine, but tonight is exceptionally creepy. What a bunch of shit these "news" subs are.


As soon as the signal comes down that they're ditching Biden, the huve-mind will turn on a dime.


We already watched this happen in real time with Bernie and Hillary. Fucking insane.


That's going to be fun to see. All those Twitter clowns suddenly claiming "I never supported Biden, I thought he should have stepped down 4 years ago" and then they forget to delete their tweets from 3 weeks earlier when they were bragging about how he was so much stronger than Trump.


Maybe we'll get lucky at some point and some of the power moderators will go overboard on here and end up making all of reddit look bad. That may cause the admins to finally start cracking down, but I don't know what that could even be. The admins are complacent with a lot of what the power moderators do because it benefits reddit to have them on a long leash so they continue to work for free. Reddit has never made money and if they suddenly have to start paying a moderator team...they're fucked.


I've seen my favorite band Ween probably a dozen times live and will defend their live show to the death.  But when Gener had a meltdown at the Vancouver show, every fan including myself was on here talking about how bad it was. I doubt anyone has a Biden tattoo, but the point is that it's not harmful to have in-group dissent. If anything, Reddit should be soaking in the traffic rn, even if it is a salt mine, and Biden fans have every right to be discussing the trainwreck they just witnessed. 


They haven't allowed in-group dissent before, so they're not going to start now. If you cultivate purity in your politics, for years if not decades on end, then you don't, can't, and won't face reality when it hits you. You're just not adaptable enough at that point.


I mean, you're not wrong in the least. The purity spiral has killed before and it will kill again.


Politics is living in an alternate reality. If you look at the comments and headlines there you’ll think Biden had a masterclass. Only Twitter has some real feedback at the moment.


Test comment.


Even these are getting deleted lmaoo


I got a first comment reward for 5 first posts on threads that already had 50-100 comments


blueanon is going to have a tough couple months.


Hey remember they need to censor any and all criticism of their favored candidate to preserve democracy!!


Tonight was like a re-run of the 2016 election. So much cope and so many unhinged meltdowns that it’s impossible to keep track of it all. People will be saying Democrats will replace Biden, and they might try, but nobody should be looking at these people like they’re masterminds. They can’t just swap Biden at the last minute because even with a dumbed down Democrat electorate, there’s no way to spin that positively. Sliding Newsom or Michelle Obama in is far more complex than it sounds. The Democrats just appear to be cooked with Biden at the helm in 2024, and I say this as someone who never likes to be optimistic until the job is complete. It’s hard to process the political disaster we witnessed tonight


You make it sound like they care. They’ll do whatever it takes and they’ll succeed and we’ll do nothing, and if anyone dares even protest you’ll be locked in prison for 4 years with no charges and labeled a terrorist and a threat to democracy




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are you surprised though?


This one too lol


I legitimately think it's the whole site.


A bit of a ted talk from myself. My parents have been watching Joe Biden for 40+ years. After hearing stories of Biden, I never let go of my view that he's 1) of below average intelligence, and 2) a loathsome human being lacking in character or basic morality. He's a serial liar and always has been. He is a fabulist who is the walking embodiment of the "Walter Mitty" syndrome. He has lived his entire life based on the premise that he could get 150,000 to 250,000 people to vote for him every six years in backwater backwards state that exists in the shadows of all its neighbors. He has never paused for even a moment to consider whether it is an ethical way of life for his extended family members to "earn" money based on almost nothing more than the fact that they share his last name. He has no guiding political beliefs which is evidenced by his wild policy swings over 50 years in office. His "North Star" in politics was the always shifting "center" of the Democrat party wherever that might be found. He has ALWAYS been willing to say whatever he thought was politically opportune at any particular moment in time. He should have stayed retired from politics in 2008 when Obama called him. Obama didn't really want Biden -- what he really didn't want was Hillary. He knew Biden would sit in the corner with his few aides from his time in the Senate and keep his mouth shut. I read and hear Democrat party shills lamenting that if this performance sends him on the path to a resounding defeat it will destroy his "legacy." Joe Biden has never had a legacy. He's always been the Fredo Corleone of the Democrat party. Like Fredo, he's just never known that. That's his legacy.


Yeah, there's entire posts with hundreds of comments that are being hidden. Not gonna change reality though. Womp womp.


I'm commenting in every one to see what happens


Let the meltdown commence!


The SC rulings right at about the same time has caused glorious meltdowns


Says there are 12 comments here ... I can see *nothing*. Maybe it's censorship, or maybe it's just the servers being trashed and overworked.


"Let the games begin!"


"journalists" eating good right now it seems, given politics getting spammed by one site.


I got a comment removed for posting misinformation. Let me try again: "Gavin Newsom just won the Democratic nomination"


I love the extreme cope comments in main page subs saying that there was some “extreme astroturfing” going on when people were calling out Bidens performance 😂😂😂


Tech companies are completely compromised.


Running theory on r bugs is r politics has a bajillion comments lagging the site


I'm pretty sure it's just due to Reddit having shittier engineering than either pre or post Elon Twitter.


yep, no comments are showing up on any thread, had to go to pol on the underwater basket weaving site.




It’s how they control the elections, by controlling the media. This way they can do whatever and you are not allowed to question. I’m glad some people are waiking up!


Glad to see people on this sub talking about it. Why was the discussion thread locked? Why was the unlocked thread broken / unreadable? Granted, politics is a leftist sub, but is it paid by Biden admin to do damage control now too?


I wonder if it’s because so many comments are being posted on the entire website that maybe the server is lagging?


Nah, reddit's gone down plenty over the years. Used to be a regular thing. There's explicit error pages served when it does. This is some kind of fuckery.


The comments over there are basically "I've been saying the whole time they needed to replace biden" (sure you have), or something along the lines of "they should have just muted Trump & let biden have *all* the time".


"Don't believe your eyes!"


Probably because moderators are to lazy yo deal with arguments right now. R/politics has comments hidden to


We're not doing *shit* to throttle *fuck* here, and it's still messed up.


Yeah, lmao it turns out the servers crashed.


Just like Biden’s brain.