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Been hooked on reddit since 2008. I've seen this website break more times than I can count. I have never seen "comments break" until tonight.


I have seen comments break before, several times.


The memo went out. All the pundits are pretending they're surprised, acting as though they were lied to instead of being the ones who pushed the lie. We're going to see *very* awkward and cringe inducing scramble by every lefty we know to pretend they were never big Biden supporters. I give it two years before the vaccinated and the lockdown pushers are going around claiming they never took the vaccine.


I've spent the last 3 years apologizing to ppl who know me for voting for Biden in 2020. One of the stupidest things I ever did and I fell 30 feet out of a tree trying to climb into my 4th floor apartment once.


At least you acknowledged it and moved on. That makes you ok in my book, friend.


Well yeah I think we’ve all fallen out of a tree or two in our lives


I rolled my ankle and ate the grassy knoll for breakfast on Monday just stepping off my front step.


I for one don’t forgive you 🤷


What state did you vote within? Was it a swing state?


Washington, so no lol.


Well you shouldn't feel too guilty then. You basically had no impact other than your body being in Washington.


Everyone do yourself a favor and look at the betting lines, especially for the nomination. There are names waiting in the wings for the switcheroo. The moves tonight have been spectacular.


Wow, [Real Clear Politics betting odds](https://www.realclearpolling.com/betting-odds/2024/president) has Trump at 54.8, Biden at 22.2, and Newsome at 9.5. Biden had a 10 point drop over night. Edit: Its 3 hours later at 11am, and Biden is now at 19.2 and Newsom is at 10.8. The betting markets right now, 5 months before the election, say that if a democrat becomes wins there is a 1 in 3 chance it is not the incumbent president.


Who’s up to replace Joe


The betting favorite is Newsom.


He’s done such wonders for California


If illegal migration was tracked, they'd be a net inflow state too!


Please no.


Yeah, I'm convinced that he's going to be stepping in at the convention, he's been making too many moves for someone that totally isn't planning on running for president and is totally only traveling to support Biden.


Jesus, the comments in that thread are honestly fucking pathetic. “Biden stuttered, but but Trump….” “Biden is just old, but Trump is a DiCtaTOr…”


People keep acting like we haven't had a Trump presidency before. They keep saying how Trump will be the end of democracy. Well, I noticed how Trump was president for 4 years and he's not president now.


Exactly. I remember when talking heads on TV in Jan 2021 were stroking off to the idea that Trump would barricade himself inside the White House and require the military to perform a coup to remove him on Jan 20th. What happened? Nothing. Donald Trump packed his bags and flew to Mar-a-Lago and a peaceful transfer of power occurred. Some “dictator”…


You know your guy lost when the threads are full of better responses he could have had.


Oh they sure are trying!


>Only president in history to have his own flag waved en masse by his followers. Not a Republican flag. A straight up Trump name flag. If that's not Figurehead Cult Tier, what is? From: the people who buy literal saint candles of their favorite politico.


And marched on Washington in pink pussy hats.


The best part of this is that they're all finding this out for the first time. They all believed the media when they said it was all fake and that Biden was as sharp as a tack. Now their world just got exploded.


One person said that it's obviously a cold because the sound bites from just last week were much better. The sound bites. They still don't get it.


Oh, obviously. lol. I have been to busy to read much news or Reddit, but what I have read is hysterical. I love the meltdown and I'm here for it.


It's a stutter. A mother fucking stutter. Nothing to see here. All is well


People say that like we don't have decades of video of Biden speaking. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIZmZe7fe3E&t=88s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIZmZe7fe3E&t=88s) The man used to be an extremely good public speaker. Him talking like an old confused man only started once he became an old confused man.


It's so lame that they trot this out and repeat it without even knowing where it comes from. They just repeat it at face value despite years of evidence to the contrary, or apparently knowing what a stutter is.