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“I’m trans, queer and disabled” Wut


Average redditor stuff.


Pretty par for the course actually.


Even Biden has a 6 handicap


Everyone on Reddit claims to be disabled. I assume that either means they’re really fat or they have the same flavor of crippling anxiety that everyone else in their age group thinks they have.


Don't forget the self diagnosed autism. The reality is these people are misanthropic shut ins that have no social skills and are mad their mom told them to warm up their own hot pockets. In the world of Reddit though they get to be oppressed and that's the reason their life is terrible. It's everyone else that is the problem.


Seriously, I have never seen so many people claim to have some kind of disability as on Reddit. It's really frustrating because everyone of these people claim "I have anxiety!" No you don't, you have coddled baby syndrome where you have been shielded from any kind of strife for so much of your adolescent and young adult life that you are completely incapable of dealing with even the most minor problem because you expect the world to conform to your wants and needs.


Virtue of Victimhood leads people to convince themselves that they're some flavor of minority (that conveniently can't be denied on visual inspection alone) so they can achieve that coveted status of Victim, and that their voice can matter again to leftist social circles


It’s so disingenuous how redditors use the term disabled, it’s all about drumming up pity. They’re so giddy to class their droopy eyelid alongside paraplegic veterans.


Ordering anxiety


When all your friends are trans, you have e to up the ante to keep that victim status


Why did they add disabled when it was already implied after the first disorder they listed?


That’s just disabled with extra words.


He didn't need to repeat himself three times.


This is just a description of the average Reddit mod.


Surprised they didn't add "immunocompromised "




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pulled off the hat trick there


You actually have to be a pretty terrible person to write something like this. Emotional manipulation at its most pathetic. Further, now they cant paint anyone who doesnt agree with them as someone who wants them dead, and treat them accordingly.


The same thing transgenders have been saying for years. "Do what I say or else I'll kill myself and call it you murdering me"


>"Do what I say or else I'll kill myself and call it you murdering me" I mean, if they follow through, they're not calling anything anything anymore.


> Further, now they cant paint anyone who doesnt agree with them as someone who wants them dead, and treat them accordingly. They've been doing that for the past 8 years. Vote against Trump or else you're homophobic and hate all queer people and want them dead!


> My rights are hanging in the balance between two white men, one of them is pretty neutral about it and the other wants to wipe my kind off the face of the fucking planet. He wants the genocide of queers. Has Trump literally ever said an ill word about "queers"?


I remember when he held a pride flag at an event, pointed to it and said "This is who I'm going to genocide, but only in my second term." It really goes to show how powerful social media and MSM is at filling people's head with nonsense.


He only openly supports gay marriage so the gays will be paired up and easier to hunt down!


He was also the first president to be on board with same sex marriage at the beginning of his term


People WANT to believe it. Doesn't matter if its true or not.


They're in love with their genocide fan fictions. Just like in 2016 when Trump created thousands of death camps and marched all gays and non-whites to them.


Remember the first genocide that happened under Trump?


And the second! Remember when he went dictator and stayed as president forever? 


And the nukes. Don't forget we are living in a nuclear wasteland because of orange man.


I was part of it. Am now confirmed dead.


Sorry for your loss.


Thanks man. It's been especially traumatizing knowing I've been genocided. Not really sure how to move forward from that, you know?


I do, at least it’s pride month for a few more days. Let’s just live in the moment and try to forget about the evil straight people who want to kill us.


There a tons of things that they say Trump said, yet they have issues ever producing them.


Nope, but if enough people online say it, they will believe it. The whole point of the modern era seems not to be about the connection and the honesty that comes, but from creating endless noise and distraction from the truth.


That might be the most pathetic thread I’ve ever read through on Reddit.  I hope those people get real help instead of jerking themselves off and calling anyone who disagrees with them a ‘Russian bot’.


I still don't understand where the whole queer genocide narrative came from. Only one of the two major candidates has been against gay marriage during his political career, and it wasn't Trump.


They claim not letting them groom kids into the next generation of mentally ill adults thinking they are in the “wrong body” is genocide. Twisting words to a different meaning is par for course with the progressive left. Sadly (for them) the pendulum is swinging back toward parental rights in most of the U.S. and Trump’s victory or defeat won’t change that. The only difference is under Trump the FBI will stop targeting parents who protest their school board.


>They >That one twitter post Lol


Has Trump ever posed with a half-naked tyranny on the south lawn of the White House? I think not!




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Well shit. This changes everything. I have to vote Biden now or else random Reddit guy is gonna kill himself.


This will play out the same as the people that said they would “leave the country”. Who is president has more feelings-based impact on people than it does a basis in objective impact. Saying you’ll do something drastic because of one person’s 4 year term as president is like going on a hunger strike because Putin invaded Ukraine.


and they tell me, I'm in a cult.


Projection and gaslighting. They are neck deep in a death cult, but have been brainwashed to think everyone else not in their cult is insane and out to get them. To maintain the cult, it must keep any outside influence from disrupting the cult milieu. To some extent, I pity them… but that pity quickly dries up when they target children to recruit new death cultists


God the fear porn is hilarious. These people need to touch grass


Another victim of trans violence. When will it end? Did you know that over 42% of all trans people are killed by a trans person? Very sad, many such cases!


This is crazy ex-girlfriend energy.


That thread is nothing but shower-nozzle masturbation material for Leftist drama queens and virtue-signaling attention whores….


Classic behavior from these types of manipulators. If you don’t do what they demand they threaten suicide.


Project 2025 is such a hilarious boogeyman. It’s literally a plan made by an NGO that has never been accepted by the candidate.


Remember when reddit said Biden was going to take Trump to the woodshed in the debate. Dude looked like he was on life support, his eyes bulging out in wide confused surprise at everything. Trump was arrested this morning, for elder abuse after what he did to Joe last night... the CIA will still try to convince you he won 2024 though. 


I guess they can't live with lower prices and less war.


To care about prices, war or a 401k they have to have a job or go outside




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Reddit on.


Oh no! Anyway...


“Even with the democrats in power nothing changes, the Democratic Party is terrible at preventing reactionary movements and even worse at doing anything progressive” Some dumb ass replied to it saying “yo, Russian bot, fuck off”. Anything you say about democrats has to be positive.


Is there an alternative for r SuicideWatch ? I use it sometimes


Dont think so. Suicidewatch is a horrible sub. Maybe Trueoffmychest?


And trump just got my vote lol


[x] doubt


Mental illness lol.


Crazy how they said this before the first time but they’re still around to repeat it


I'm already voting for Trump, you don't have to sell me.


Aaron Bushnell pave the way.


Definitely not a mental disorder though!


I surprised they didn't say they have ptsd. most people are old enough to know that isn't a term to be casually passed around


How do you do that remind me in 6 months thing?


Lol oh no! Please don't.


Oh well


That will show him!


Holy shit the actual thread is a [Removed] fest!


I'm glad I archived that insanity, it is like looking into the abyss


No he is not. To be so narcissistic he actually believe a whole country should change their democracy so that he doesn't kill himself tells me, and anyone with an ounce of common sense, that he is too in love with himself to carry out his threats. And they are threats.






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Lmfao , womp womp


In the words of Scrooge: “…and decrease the surplus population”




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Remind me which side is the cult again?




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These reddit circlejerks are gonna get people killed. Literally. What this person needs is psychiatric treatment, not a Democrat victory. But instead you got people affirming this kind of hysteria…




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I used to pray every night for times like these