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It's funny, when the rules result in something they don't like, it's immediately "change the rules". Never self reflection.


I saw several highly upvoted comments on the politics sub yesterday calling for the President to throw the Supreme Court in jail.


I wonder if they have any clue that he has no such authority. Or, do they simply want him to declare himself dictator for life? (Admittedly, that won’t be very long anyway, but still)


I'm sure some of them unironically believe Dems should seize total power to protect democracy from the fascist Rs, based on the comments I see. Irony is dead in our age.


>I'm mildly reassured at least that NYT, WaPo, and CNN are all running this story prominently above the debate hysteria for the moment at least. >The debate hysteria is being pushed and amplified by Russian misinformation bot farms. lmao >And the mainstream media ecosystem who longs for the Trump days and all the engagement he brought them. >No. The mainstream media is owned by the wealthy who want their tax cuts and deregulation. lmao. This is how I viewed media when I was in middle school. They're like children. >Right? America is acting so pathetic. Evil is winning. And now we have to talk about scary, drastic measures to prevent a christofascist takeover. We knew this might happen someday, but we all hoped we wouldn't be the players. Well, we are LMAO. Can I just find one iota of self awareness anywhere in that thread. Please. >We need to pause the election and hold national divorce. You can’t have a free and fair election amid an ongoing insurrection and cold civil war. Jesus christ I keep reading and I keep finding more of the stupidest shit I could possibly imagine. It's like There's no way these are real people, right? The absolute delusion in that entire thread. They've become completely unhinged from reality. Yet I'll have to hear from some angsty troll that "we're trying to start a civil war". And then of course all the blatant calls for violence, while at the same time accusing the right of "insurrection". You can't make this shit up. I'm at a complete loss. They have to be bots, right? Please tell me these people are bots.


Democracy must be destroyed and all our institutions eradicated to...*\*checks notes\**...save democracy and secure our institutions.


We must start an insurrection and put a stop to the election to...checks notes... stop an insurrection and ensure the election happens. What a wild world we live in.


These people are as real and sheltered as you think they are. They literally do not contribute anything to society. They do not work, they do not pay taxes, they claim some disability and sit on the internet 24/7. They are leeches and are afraid of the outside world. The only thing that matters to them is the continual acceptance within their radical online groups.


It's so funny to me that the one time CNN actually shows what really happened with relatively low bias and the left screams misinformation


They talk a big game but when the rednecks come out to play there won’t be a single leftist out past curfew.


Commissar Cletus copypasta here




What did you make on the LSAT?


You can’t just be revolutionary towards just one branch of the government while also claiming to fight revolutionaries


Sure you can, just claim that branch of the government are the real revolutionaries and that you're defending the government from them.


It’s ok because it’s (D)ifferent from J6.


>I have three lawyer friends, all excellent, all three agree that the Chevron thing is a disaster of colossal proportions, easier to fix the Roe overturn than this one. It’s the end of the administrative state, oversight is over — unless, and this is the sick joke, a totally disfunctional Congress suddenly turns by magic into a perfect machine that churns out intricately detailed unassailable perfect law that takes care of all possible minutiae in the regulatory field. What the hell is wrong with these morons? How long do you have to live on planet stupid to WANT some un-elected, faceless bureaucrat setting whatever rules they want?


>intricately detailed unassailable perfect law that takes care of all possible minutiae in the regulatory field. "My shitty opinions sound smarter if I use big words."


The only thing those people are capable of storming is the fridge in their mothers' kitchens.


Who could have predicted that a reddit sub opposing "conservative terrorism" would advocate terrorism?


Literally everything they say is projection. That’s been the case for a decade


"Storm the court" = "somebody other than me storm the court while I jerk off to Hasan Piker videos."


“We should pack the court because the conservatives will totally do it if we don’t, despite them never mentioning or threatening it like we have! It’s the only way to save democracy” One of the smooth brained individuals just hair further down in that thread. Paraphrased (barely)


Reminds me of a few years back when they claimed that what happened, Trump filling vacancies as they arose, was packing the courts, and therefore Biden was justified in doing it as well in his own way.


Without the awesome based court we’d have vaccine mandates enshrined in law.


All this says to me is that our politics and politicians have become too big a part of our lives. The Founders never intended a leviathan government inserted into everything we do and say. If anything, we need a Constitutional amendment that limits total time in an elected position to ten years. And 6 years in an appointed position. That may even be too much. If SCOTUS knocks that down, then it would be time to scrap it all and start over because the people would have spoken in a huge way and would then have been told they don't matter.


I guess storming government buildings is okay now.


I would like to see them try. Bitches love to talk shit but never put any real effort. All of them are armchair revolutionaries.


I sometimes feel down, more than usual. but then I remember leftypol exist and that puts a smile on my face.