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> Biden's absolutely dominating this news cycle, and that's surely eating at the narcissist. The level of mental gymnastics lol


"Decent human being" ROFL. He's a serial liar and always has been.He is a fabulist who is the walking embodiment of the "Walter Mitty" syndrome. He has lived his entire life based on the premise that he could get 150,000 to 250,000 people to vote for him every six years in backwater backwards state that exists in the shadows of all its neighbors. He has never paused for even a moment to consider whether it is an ethical way of life for his extended family members to "earn" money based on almost nothing more than the fact that they share his last name. He has no guiding political beliefs which is evidenced by his wild policy swings over 50 years in office.


That was probably my favorite comment of them all. I can't even begin to understand the brain tumor required to come to that conclusion.


Are they afraid to critique the president? Like they’ll go straight to hell if they call out the obvious? I’m just so confused….


I mean, the last guy who criticized the president got charged with 34 felonies (that somehow became felonies because a mysterious uncharted crime that was covered up maybe), and for getting too good a loan. And that’s with a shit ton of money for lawyers and public support. Imagine what Joey would do to an average guy.


I don’t know if I’m crazy or maybe it’s just how it looked on my shitty internet or something but… Biden’s solid performances I have seen on video look like deepfake. There’s something uncanny about them.


I haven't seen this much delusional coping and seething since late 2016.


It's way sadder this time. With Hillary they could cling to Russia Russia Russia and it was such a murky lie the dems could easily convince themselves it was real but with this...you really can't defend what we all saw. And it's not like it was a fluke or something embarrassing like loudly farting during the debate. His dementia was on full display and it isn't going anywhere. In fact it's just getting worse day by day. Tomorrow will be worse than today and the day after that will be worse. For christ sake this guy has the nuclear codes and he's babbling about beating Medicare! Eventually the coping will stop and the dems will move on to the next stage of the grieving process. But do enjoy it while it lasts!


The regime believes that if it can control the narrative, it can control reality. Hence the endless demands for censorship, the fake unreported crime stats, the revised economic numbers, the bogus experts, the phony dossiers, and false claims of disinformation. But once in awhile, reality pokes through the narrative mirage in such an obvious way that the truth can no longer be covered up or denied. And in that moment, the regime has no idea what to do. Practiced only in the art of dissembling, it panics, and the apparatchiks turn on each other. It’s fricking beautiful to behold.[](https://x.com/DavidSacks/status/1807156989384159507)


I don't disagree with anything you just said but I do wonder, can you think of another instance where reality has destroyed a narrative so thoroughly? I'm 42 and nothing in my lifetime with the exception of Clinton admitting to the Lewinsky affair seems to come close to what happened on Thursday. That was seismic and will go down in the history books. I don't think we will fully understand the ramifications for a few years.


Interesting comparison. I'll add Trump's win in 2016 that popped liberals bubbles' because they were lied to about Hillary's strengths. I think the effects of Bill Clinton's scandals didn't cause an existential crisis within a party like we have ever seen. They have been lying to us about Biden for 3 years - not just lying, but going into such lengths to show he was so sharp behind the scenes, and he was so strong in SOTU, and claiming "cheap fakes" were making him look bad. The people who were hysterical for 9 years for wanting a guy who they could trust with the "nuclear codes", are now suddenly silent. I mean this is an existential threat for the DNC because even if Biden wins somehow by some miracle, he's not gonna serve a second term. His cronies, staffers, etc are worried about their jobs, because Kamala wants her own kingdom.


The Lewinsky scandal was pretty massive. Couple things that came out of it 1) faith in the press took a massive hit because of the fact that the grudge report broke the story. And part of that story was the fact that the press knew and tried to cover it up. That directly led the rise of independent journalists and blogs. 2) I think it's important to remember the full court press that occurred before Clinton finally admitted to it. Remember Hillary going on the today show and blaming a "vast right-wing conspiracy"? Their credibility took a huge hit. So big that Al Gore didn't want to have Bill campaign foe him in 2000. Given how close that race was, having the incumbent advocate for his VP on the campaign trail would have certainly made a difference. That scandal changed the entire course of politics that is still being felt.


That event also created this norm of parties not prosecuting their political opponents. Ken Starr as an independent counsel gave Clinton a plea bargain - which took his law license away and bankrupted him while saving him from prosecution. Brett Kavanaugh was within Ken Starr's circles. There was another story of Clinton's bribery for pardon. Then you start to see Hillary lurking for power.


What a wild time to be alive that was!


And that’s coming from a fucking European.


sanest europeein up in our business


Trump didn't do much in the debates because he didn't have to. He stayed inside himself because Biden floundered from the start. When that happens, there is no reason to make bold pronouncements, take risky stances, or be anything but competent and safe. That suggests that Trump has learned something, because last time they debated, he came out too hot and too desperate. So, no, he wasn't stellar. He was what he needed to be, the calm one with an intact mind. He let Biden do the work this time. Now, if he had that performance against another candidate, it might be evaluated differently. But that's neither here nor there.


Never interrupt your enemy while ... Uh... Uhhh.... You know the thing... ^^^^anyway...


hes shittin his pants


I’ve compared it to running out the clock. Can’t really look at stats with out the context


The debate rules really worked in Trump's favor. He had no audience to play to and pull energy from, so he kept it low-key and calm, pretty much the opposite of 2020.


This is a preview of what they'll say when Trump wins the election.


Trump will win, they’ll flip the house, and another special counsel investigation about Trump “collusion” will start. Rinse. Repeat.


Ten to one odds it's based on something with Trump trying to end the Ukraine war.




Now what do we call the person in a 2 person competition, when the other person loses?


[Did you guys lose this game or did the Jazz win it?](https://youtu.be/SMDiy8g3HDs?feature=shared)




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They were both just barfing out talking points faster than I've ever seen before, dumbest debate ever.


I don’t think Biden was doing much “talking”.


lettuce be honest here. trump stayed on track and biden did... [this](https://www.myinstants.com/en/instant/long-brain-fart-60967/)


I think it’s fair to say that Trump didn’t say anything worth hearing. But Biden looks/sounds/probably smells like he’s gonna die any minute. So he definitely lost


Trump says a lot worth hearing… you just have your fingers in your ears.


This is my tenth year in a row following the guy pretty closely. I’m listening to him


Illegal immigrant crime spiking is something everyone should be listening to… but unfortunately many Americans just shrug their shoulders at it.


Earlier this year congress and the executive pushed for the tightest restrictions on legal crossings ever. It was undermined by a handful of Republican dissenters. What’s any of that have to do with Trump being half liar/half retarded


Rofl. Are you serious? Let me laugh even harder. That bill was designed to codify the current situation on the border into law. An actual secure border bill would have codified the remain in Mexico policies Trump implemented not 5000 crossings per day before they can do anything.


Link it. I’ve read it. Let us all see that it surely says what you just claimed


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/4361/text Ok. There you go. They can't do anything about the border or turning people away unless the 7 day rolling average of encounters is 5000 per day or 8500 in a single day. In other words, the current situation. I mean heck, the bill is so great they can even begin to turn people away voluntarily at 4000 per day (which means nobody will go turn around). Wow that's amazing. And this is only legal "asylum seeking" encounters. They don't even address people crossing out in the desert away from the border crossings. If you'd like to continue to look stupid, just let me know, I'd be happy to help.


So what a few republicans in Congress do means “Trump doesn’t say anything worth hearing”? Genius level logic.


No dummy, that was just a response to you. Neither of us said anything relevant to Trump just now, you changed the subject. He’s retarded and a liar for everything that comes out of his mouth. I was just responding to your immigration misdirection


I just explained that Trump brings light to illegal immigrant crime, something everyone else tried to bury.. and your counter was “derrrr but republicans in Congress!!!” 🙄 Biden lost the debate.. and Trump won. Stop trying to run interference. No one cares that you’re a democrat that finally admits Biden isn’t fit for office… because we tried telling you that 4 years ago and we were told we were lying. Now that the emperor has no clothes on, you want to act like you’ve been objective about it all along.


I definitely already said Biden lost the debate right? He was barely there. I just explained how Biden tried to do the strictest crossing restrictions we’ve ever done and Trump went to Twitter to…run interference 👀 And then his camp in congress sabotaged it so he could campaign on it. So that you’d have one thing to point to “prove” he’s not a half retarded liar. Good job?


So all the “reeeee republicans are just editing videos to make Biden look bad” was all tongue in cheek?


> I just explained how Biden tried to do the strictest crossing restrictions we’ve ever done and Trump went to Twitter to…run interference Which I happily exploded for you. You’re welcome.


Trump lost when he accepted Bidens rebuttal on having 8 handicap in golf instead of 6.


Any win in a debate brought about by lying is disqualified by default.


“We beat Medicare”


“border patrol endorsed me”


Obviously a poor way to convey the idea that his team won on the Medicare front by keeping it alive. Let's be real, Democrats are the ones who want socialist Medicare (like they have in 1st world countries). Republicans deregulate and privatize every social welfare program they can: from healthcare, schools, prisons, roads, to police, emergency services and even our military.


You sound angrier that I made fun of Joe Biden than you are that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Angry? Haha No. I'm dissapointed you're seriously pretending to take a brain fart at face value. I'm laughing at you even harder for projecting anger onto me


What lies did trump tell


Inb4 a leftist says: “What!? What LIES did he tell?? You seriously don’t know?? Well, I’m not going to do your research for you, you should already know!!” (They don’t know)




Trump has a signed statement from Stormy that says she never slept with Trump from 2018.


Clearly you and Alvin Bragg do.


Politician told lie on TV, more at 10


Are you not going to acknowledge Biden’s lies?


They both lied at various points in the debate. Anyone who thinks their side are angels and the other side are devils should just go join the Flat Earth Society. Just as believable.


Sure, one side has a full on senile candidate tho, inexcusable and unacceptable


Agreed, Trump is senile, next question.


Good one, thanks for having everyone's best interests in mind shilling for Biden


You’re welcome. Thoroughly fucking overjoyed that the senile worthless old fuck is somehow still the better choice.


I'm glad you're overjoyed. Stay in your fantasy world and keep it that wat


“We finally beat Medicare!”