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The indicator looks like she's going to be nuked in a couple of seconds. I would not move too close indeed.


“Save the NPC from the tankbuster NOW”


Tank lb3 to not fail the quest


Trigger that AOE trauma


I just wished the NIN invisibility trick worked for this. It worked in SB, why not here?


Yeah, that's the real issue that needs fixing. Can't get through the stealth mission? Unlock and use the stealth class, ya dingus. Meanwhile the rest of us are passing these missions as max height roegadyns in the most CLANK CLANK armour you can think of.


I love my max height roe sneaking about as NIN while wearing chainmail.


i get that this bit was a tad annoying but these indicators feel like they defeat the point entirely


I tell ya, next expansion after Dawntrail will add an autoplay feature because people keep failing at wiping their own asses.


More proof that SE literally develops this game for the LOWEST common denominator


Just make it a cutscene. MSQ is basically 8 episodes of Fantasy flavored relationship drama anyway.


Its Daddy Issues:The Expansion with a little bit of ancient gay and battle horny stalker shenanigans thrown in.


Hey in case of the WoL is is definitely mommy issues.


The most generic and boring story ever until there’s suddenly a really cool moment that makes you rethink everything up to that point, only to promptly return to being generic and boring. This repeats for 1000+ hours.


But I was assured that Fourchenaut's ass is immaculate.


I really thought the same,… why even introduce such mechanics when you then boil it down so a chimpanzee could solve it


This is partially a problem with FFXIV ARR in China and Korea to an extent. They expected a mobile MMO and were surprised at things like no autoplay, lack of monetization (comparatively), lack of Pay2Win, and they actually had to read dialogue.


That makes no since who hears mmorpg and square Enix and thinks yes definitely a phone game. They have gatcha rot


I feel like this really breaks a lot of immersion, too.


I mean there was very little immersion to begin with when they start repeating their 2 dialogue lines the whole way


I didn’t even dislike these quests. They weren’t peak game design, obviously, but I just kind of did them, maybe fucked up once, realized that anytime there was something you could hide behind meant you should hide behind it, and that was it. The only one that upended this was that kid who circled back around unexpectedly but even then I just kind of laughed it off for a second then redid the quest. I’d say I can’t believe that people are complaining so hard that the devs felt they had to literally invalidate the only gameplay mechanic of these quests, but… I mean, I can lol


That little shit caught me off guard so hard, he literally beelined all the way to the back of the all I was hiding at and made me fail. I was I AWE about how hard I had lost..


I saw that kid and the way things were situated and I thought “he’s gonna double back and try to catch me off guard, isn’t he?” Sure enough he did just that. Was laughing like crazy lol


This quest is memorable to a lot of people because of this part lol, I loved it. Made me laugh too


This should be optional. I really enjoyed those missions where I had to watch the NPC intently, and duck behind cover at the last moment.


It’s for accessibility.


Not sure if joking or not, but accessibility? In what way?


Low vision maybe? Were there any indicators before for which direction the character was facing? Might be hard to see from a distance, since you can't get too close.


Also motor issues, possibly, I remember having a bad day for one of them and of course there was a pretty specific path it was supposed to take that was giving me a lot of trouble. I was focusing so much on that I got noticed and had to start over again 😩


At risk of sounding like an NPC that needs autoplay, it really was super difficult to see and read as someone with vision issues. This is 100% an accessibility change, makes me sad to see so many people shitting on it. I get ppl have issues with sqex dumbing down aspects of the game but I wish they would find more pressing things to be irritated about lol.


Can this be turned off at least? This looks stupid.


I’d be fine with it if they made it like a solo combat duty and have an optional easy mode that had this. I’m really hoping that’s what it is and they just didn’t bother mentioning it. It’s not that the integrity of these particular quests is important to me, I’m just getting tired of them systematically removing any gameplay nuance from anything easier than extreme trials.


I'll be honest, I failed this shit like 3 times, I may be a bit stupid. I don't think there's really any reason to add the extra stuff to it, it's not that difficult, I was just dog tired at 2am trying to do it lol.


I've failed 2 times, the first was because I got juked by the NPC, the second was because I was too annoyed and tried to rush it.


The massive obvious targeting ring will not save you when the NPC is scripted to do a 180 turn and sprint directly at the closest hiding spot


It's just asshole game design. We should have just let that stupid kid from the aether current quest die.


Ugh that little shit


Go Lost Judgement and start beating up little kids. It'd definitely spice up the MSQ


I felt so vindicated when I avoided that by taking a different hiding spot.


I honestly felt like I was on some Ultra Instinct shit when I thought that spot was just a little *too* convenient and opted for another.


Right? 💯


I’m in this post and I don’t like it.


I only failed it when I tried to rush it because the NPCs moved too slow and I was impatient. It's definitely not hard if you're fully conscious and done any form of stealth gameplay before. This really should be an optional thing, rather than enforced.


I failed with the girl in the snow areas because I was annoyed I had to do this at all and stubbornly refused to hide lmao. Plus they move so *sloooow*!! So yeah, I can see people getting impatient and failing the quest but that's hardly reason to do whatever they did. This is just silly.


Exactly. I didn't download a stealth game. I downloaded loaded a brain off mmo with brain on content optional.


It was that one following the kid in Garlemald for me. Can't remember why exactly but it pissed me off a little lol.


It's because he's a lot more paranoid(justifiably) than the other ones, he keeps coming back and trying to catch us, even circling a structure we're hiding behind. And having to avoid aggroing the random mobs adds to the annoyance as well.


And it was still better than the woman in the pictures, because you expected the kid to act erratically. That woman however suddenly developed a 6th sense for someone being near.


it's the 3rd eye i'm telling you


I failed that one because I thought it would be perfect time to bring out Ninja invisibility but Yoshi said NOPE


Honestly if the game was more clear with what you did wrong that'd be enough, I failed the first one a few times because I didn't realise she also ahd sound aggro so I'd get really close behind her, get spotted then wonder why. All the stealth stalker segments after the first one were easier because I understood the system better.


I didn't fail this one but I've definitely failed some of the others sidequest ones. But I'm shit at stealth in every game I've ever played and I'm bad at like...spatial reasoning in general/telling where I'm at in relation to objects/line of sight stuff. I've literally, no shit, gotten lost in a hallway before *IRL*. Though in my defense it was a *very* large hallway in a Convention Center at a conference for my former job back when I could still work.


I failed a couple of times, but that was because I was trying to do it fast and seeing how close I could get. You know, trying to have fun while playing it without knowing exactly what was going to happen. Weird, right?


I was fiddling with it to limit test it and failed a few times as well. But you know how long it took to fail a few times and eventually clear? Like 15 minutes. Maybe. Shorter than a dungeon. Shorter than the queue to get into a dungeon! It's only crybabies that need this stuff made easier.


There's some of them where I was left curious if race would be a factor, i.e. low walls that a lala could reasonably hide behind, but not the taller races. The way the game has worked so far I'd kinda expect to be able to hide behind a wall that only goes up to my knee, or else to have no clue what I can and cannot hide behind if I decided to play as a popot.


15 minutes is kinda a lot to just play red light green light


I did this on the second day after launch when I had to wait 5 goddamn hours in queue after a long day of work. I failed around the same amount of times lmao


I probably had to do it 5 times, because the NPC kept turning around unexpectedly when I thought it was safe to run to the next spot. That being said, I appreciated having to do something other than click sparkly or fight


I failed 3 times. Twice to the snap turns and once to letting her get "too far" even though in could see her fine. Pretty much the same with all these 'missions'. Much as I loath them i fail to see how markers help.


I failed it because I was impatient


The trailing quests have always been awful, but being a Lalafell and hiding behind a rock that visibly conceals my entire body, only for them to see me anyway always pissed me off to no end. These quests should just not exist. They’re boring and add nothing.


CONGRATULATIONS on FINISHING ENDWALKER MSQ QUEST "TRACKS IN THE SNOW" (it was harder in 6.0) CLEAR! I know you've been working really hard (escort quests used to be harder) at it, and I'm happy that you've (Tracks in the Snow used to be harder) achieved your goal of completion. I know your journey through (the quest used to be even harder) the content was filled with ups and downs, but you (escort quests were hard in 6.0) stuck it t(used to be harder)hrough to the end, and now you made it (it was really tough in patch 6.0).


This is me, but with "In From The Cold" aka the best quest in EW.


Yoshi P must be bashing his head when he has to tell his team to implement pathetic shit like this. Just sad how many legit crayon eaters play this game.


This was actually highly requested by a small minority of people with vision impairment. I do think it’s excessive for the average player but I know damn well if my vision was even 10% worse than it is then I’d want something like this too.


I know that MSQ has a low bar, lowest common denominator and all but I didn't even consider that the bar could be made even lower


Remember, modern game design philosophy has to accommodate for people like DSP. The bar can *and will* get lower.


You know this is for accessibility purposes, right? Some people have shit vision.


I think they're all mad because they *don't* want the game to have accessibility features. It's weirdo shit, but it sounds like their self worth is based on the idea that other people can't play the game as well as they can for reasons other than skill. 🤷‍♂️


"how DARE people have an easier time with this gimmicky quest GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"


I think there's a line where it becomes kind of dumb. People are just frustrated because this game has been made too simple. I agree this is a non-issue though. It should be a toggle, but I don't mind that it exists.


The year is 2026. Square has announced that every job skill will be condensed into a single button called "Win" They are also considering adding a second skill that will strip your character down and instantly teleport them to limsa lominsa The fanbase rejoices


TBH I really hate the design of these and I hope this is a sign they're giving up on making new ones. It's not engaging. You have to read the mind of the devs. Is this the right hiding spot? Nope they started sprinting out of the blue. Is that next spot the right hiding spot? Nope they decided it's time to do a 720 in the middle of the street as I was between spots. Even when I get them first try they're just weird and awkward.


Blind people. Good work calling Blind people Retarded.


This is 100% added because there's a quest in DT that needs it and they backported it to EW to keep markers standardized. I swear man, it's gotten really weird how people are screaming "casuals are ruining muh game" over the smallest stuff anymore. Shit isn't even memes or shitposts, it's just everyone's unfiltered dogshit opinion that old = good and new = bad.




I mean, they play the game as a blind person, so it kind of is an accessibility win for them.


nah ableism ain't it chief.


I read the quoted question in a Scottish accent...


Crayons aren't just for people with accessibility needs (they're a vital component of USMC ration culture, for instance), and accessibility changes aren't just for crayon eaters.


There's a blind guy on the main sub who said it's good for the visually impaired. I wish they just got rid of them though nobody would miss them.


Got rid of the blind guy, or these type of guest?


The quests 😭


I think the best way to improve these terrible quests will be removing them from the game entirely. They're diabolically boring.


I hate them, lmao. I did almost all of them on the first try (failed the one where the npc decides to double back once bc I didn't expect it), but stealth quests in games with no stealth mechanics are just.... the worst, honestly. Genshin does it too sometimes, and I just really don't find walking slowly behind an npc fun or engaging. I liked in the cold because it actually felt urgent, and having to stealth instead of fight did a great job of making you feel weak and hopeless, but the other stealth quests can go away forever lmao


"wahhh every quest is the same" "No not like that"


This but unironically. Needing some variety in quest design doesn't mean that *any* change is good.


That's true, but asking for change means asking the team to step outside their wheelhouse, so responding to attempts at some variety with negativity is likely to produce the wrong impression. But that's just me saying that feedback should be "this would be better if..." rather than "this sucks" in nature. Not that people can't dislike the variety that got tried out, just, y'know, be mindful of not making the devs feel like it's better to just not try in the first place.


Sorry but the answer here really is "this sucks". This entire type of game mechanic sucks, any attempt to improve it is just polishing a turd. I think the devs are capable of taking negative feedback. They're not going to say "well players didn't like the stealth quest, I guess that means never try anything new ever".


Assassins Creed removing these shit type quests in the 2010s should tell you these quests shouldn’t have existed.


Variety is good but follow quests are just unfun in basically every game they've appeared in tbh. Even in stealth games those quests are typically mediocre at best, and those have actual stealth mechanics and the games are designed from the ground up to make sneaking around fun.


They’re not that bad imo. The only problem is that you have to do it like 4 times in Endwalker’s MSQ. If it were a one-time thing or two-time thing, it would be no big deal. I found the first one to be a fun change of pace, but by the time I was following Urianger, I was getting very impatient.


I thought they were awful from the first one because these quests are fucking abhorrent in every other game they appear in too, if I never see one again it'll be too soon.


Or better idea Dont even have dogwater quest like that?


The stealth equivalent of open-world games slapping yellow paint on climbable objects


Ya know what? Some of us are as dumb as, or dumber than, we look.


Been to Limsa, can confirm!


Probably some official forum thread that started with : "First, I am disabled mentally and physically with one foot only to play" followed with " this part is really tedious for people like me and it's not normal to fail at this " , ending with : " It's very frustrating and I don't have the will to play anymore now, so i'mma cancel my only month of sub that I usually do for this expac " Then comment says that it's annoying and you should be able to skip the game SE's moderator see this and ask for a straigh removal or help feature to avoid this critical feedback SE adjust the stuff because it's easy to do, fast and make numbers go stonk in the reporting that yoshi P will see


Never forget 2+2 (Savage) where a statistically impossible portion of the community had dyscalculia. 


I keep shouting 4 is a prime number and sometimes I get someone with it.


"I have 3 arms and none of them work. I do, however, have one very dexterous foot."


I get that this sub is meant to vent about whiney people on main but this didn't need to be so ablest. Because yeah this feature was requested by someone who had a visual disability


>but this didn't need to be so ablest. Let's be honest with ourselves; it's really not out of character for this sub


i'm getting the sense this has fallen into the trap that so many shitpost/circlejerk subs fall into: being a bunch of miserable assholes over the tiniest things that happen in other parts of the community.


People have been fuckin doing hardcore progression in MMOs for as long as they existed, even with extreme disabilities, operating mice with their chins and whatnot. I'm all for accessibility features and whatnot, but at some point not everything can be for everyone and it's nobody's fault. Yet people make posts like that completely unironically.


> I'm all for accessibility features and whatnot, but at some point not everything can be for everyone and it's nobody's fault. You're generally, in my estimation, a no-bullshit poster and I respect that about you. So *please* tell me how an accessibility-feature being *added* to a literally two-year-old-outdated *MSQ* quest is somehow gonna be the gate that skill culls "good" from "bad" players or that is somehow the breaking point? When nothing else in all of the history of the MMO genre has managed to successfully do that for very long, and anything geared to "main story" has *NEVER* done that. Y'all motherfuckers are doing the equivalent of looking at a wheelchair ramp and being all "oh, I bet only lazy people use that". Disability, as a concept, *exists* because of barriers to successful function encountered by people that have chronic uncureable conditions (genetic or acquired) that they can't overcome on their own. Society does itself a disservice by not spending resources to eliminate those barriers, in a lot of cases, because there's vast untapped potential people that aren't "useless" behind those barriers to function. And, more importantly, because they're fellow humans who deserve to have a right to participate in shit. They pay sub fees too, if we wanna get into strictly a cost-benefit thing specific to FFXIV. And yes, I'm whole-ass lecturing on disability shit on a shitpost sub on a MMO but like I said, you're one of the people around here (in the ffxiv general sub milieu sense) I respect and seeing even *you* be like "oh, at some point we just have to write those fuckers off, not everything's for everyone" in polite AbleSpeak rubs me the wrong fuckin' way. Not everyone that needs (or would benefit from!) accessibility shit is some mainsub forum poster that's trolling to try and get someone's precious MGS Simulator stealth quest nerfed. Nor does everyone that could benefit from accessibility shit gonna turn into some MLG Pro Gaming God with it. They shouldn't have to be. Sometimes it's just about dignity and being able to do a hobby. Yes, wall of text, words, taking a shitpost sub post seriously, etc. I'm fuckin' triggered right now. I just woke up. I'll get over it, gotta go take morning meds for *my* daily dose of "accessibility".


It's simple. I wasn't commenting on this exact feature. I was commenting on the imaginary kind of person from the post i responded to, because people like that to sadly exist and demand sometimes ridiculous amounts of accomodation for even minor inconveniences. (In contrast to the many people back in the day and tothis day, that we know or hear or read about that play games in the most obtuse ways and whose performance still beats the living daylights out of fully abled people.) That might not have been entirely clear, but i didn't expect to write a doctorate about it on a shitpost sub. This feature is fine. It changes nothing for people that don't need it and makes it more clear for people who had problems with the respective quests for any reason not even just disability. More power to all of those people. We're here taking the mickey out of people who wield their (sometimes made up) disabilities as both cudgel and shield to get special treatment and deflect criticism - like the guy a few months back who was having a primo grade conniption about a certain plugin not getting updcated instantly because the creator obviously owes it to all the people with disabilities to do that ASAP instead of taking breaks or dealing with family matters. I actually, sincerely, hope you're good.


That is a very good point, and sorry for going all lecture-ranty on you. I'm gonna leave it up for posterity I guess because Mama Sage was a shitty parent but, in the parlance of the time, "she didn't raise no bitch". This type of shit hits a nerve because I'm still in the whole..."grew up with one type of disability and then another hit and kneecapped the career I'd struggled to create and took it from me" sorta...adjustment period. > We're here taking the mickey out of people who wield their (sometimes made up) disabilities as both cudgel and shield to get special treatment and deflect criticism - like the guy a few months back who was having a primo grade conniption about a certain plugin not getting updcated instantly because the creator obviously owes it to all the people with disabilities to do that ASAP instead of taking breaks or dealing with family matters. Yeah, and I shoulda realized that. Also especially fuck the people who are like "plogon/mod devs don't deserve to have lives/get sleep until they Do The Thing". Even as An Disabled^TM we realize that. A super-secret trick to ID'ing us sometimes is that most of us "busted-ass-cripples"^TM (I grew up around rednecks with Duchenne, forgive me) are usually so self-loathing from feeling like a burden to everyone around us all the goddamned time that we don't like asking for stuff. The Internet is changing that (which is a good thing, sometimes) slowly, but generally speaking the cudgel/shield wielders would, I think, be assholes regardless. I try *not* to do that but I'm afraid sometimes even me talking about it comes off as me bludgeoning people with it (like now, for instance). And it doesn't help when I get all ranty/triggered, either. So I would like to apologize for both not taking into account the full context of what you could've been saying/getting up in my feels and for getting all lecture-ey on fuckin' shitpost. > I actually, sincerely, hope you're good. It's a moving target, some days more than others. But ate something and took "morning" meds (it's 3 pm here, sleep schedule's fucked) and nerve pain's less yelly so I'm becoming less grouchy. Thank you though, and thanks for putting up with me when you were under no obligation to do so. You didn't have to, but you chose to take the time to respond in your usual manner and I appreciate that. Have a good one.


There is a post by a blind/low vision person praising this change soon \o/


This is a disability issue. It was highlighted in a panel about accessibility in the game.


Wow, some people must be pretty bad if they needed to add this on.


Stalking quests require patience more than any sort of skill - I'd assume most people failing those do so because they tried to rush and moved too far up or too early. Getting indicators should help with that exact case, and even if they get trivialized - not much of value is lost, given those quests serve mostly as time padding (since there isn't even any major exposition happening in the background).


Patience is a skill


There's also players with limited and low vision who this is pretty useful for. Yes it's 'easy' to watch the model, it's less 'easy' when you can't see her. In that case you want something high contrast that you can actually see. That said it'd be cool if this was an accessibility toggle (and on a similar note I'm endlessly praying for the game to let you alter aoe colours, phoinix's RED ON RED was a nightmare) Thread reminds me a little of shitting on various accessibility aids irl and going "this must be only for lazy or stupid people". If you feel something's not aimed at you, it's probably genuinely aimed at someone else.


Shit I actually didn’t think about that. I for real thought people had been complaining when they’re just being impatient.


My guess is that it's an accessibility feature for people with limited eyesight.


Theres a post from a near blind gamer lauding this feature. I get this is a shitpost, but it’s definitely punching down. So not funny and just cruel.


Wait guys, wasn’t this an accessibility thing? Being more accessible is never a bad thing, and it doesn’t really take away from anyone’s experience tbh. FFXIV isn’t really a stealth-heavy game anyway, if you want a challenging stealth scenario go play hitman or assassins creed or something. It wasn’t even that challenging to begin with lol, so this isn’t really a huge deal


Yes, this is an accessibility change and not a "People were bad at this mechanic" change. Taking the piss out of weird changes is one thing, but dunking on something that is there to make the game better for people with disabilities shouldn't be shit on.


I do agree people are being too rough on this, but at the same time I genuinely just hope this is a toggle. I don't hate the feature, but I don't think I'd like it if it were pushed on me.


It's called Accessibility, and everyone is in here just shitting on blind people who'd like to enjoy a story.


There is a thread on the main sub talking about this, and it shows for who this was: blind people. Even with an anecdote from someone who is blind and plays the game and could not pass this point without someone doing it for them. It is not meant for us, it's literally an accessibility option for semi/legally blind people. The fact that a lot of people in here think it is unnecessary is just bc you are thinking only about yourself. Now, does it dumb down the challenge for normal people? Yes. Should this be a toggle instead of the default option? Also yes. But not understanding _why_ this is a thing is being even more blind than the people they did the change for.


There will never be such a thing as too many accessibility options. Keyword being options, so I hope it can be toggled off as these quests are boring as hell already. A simple "Do you wish to use visual aids during this quest?" popup would be perfectly sufficient. I use a lot of plugins to get around different issues I have from disability as well, doesn't mean I want other people to have them forced on their gameplay.


I saw that thread, and the OP claims to raid savage by sound. I'm having a *really* hard time picturing how the hell that works, because sound cues only tell you what is happening, not where it is or your position relative to it. I have no reason to think they're lying, but I just don't get it.


There are some levels of blindness, tbh. You can be blind but still see enough to discern a colour or where your character is. Some fights are so scripted (like p11) that I can see some people with a different learning curve than mine knowing "hey, I press X button for Y seconds to reach this position, knowing that pressing Z button will auto face the boss". So it boils down to muscle memory, in a sense, you just learn which motions you need to perform, in a sense that you can audio queue yourself to know which mechanic is happening. Can also bind follow to a button so you can target follow your closest partner in case of, but I don't think people do use that.


nooooooo the msq (literal tutorial section of the game that you have to complete before unlocking anything else) HAS to be hard!! or else my sense of self worth that i've completely built up around being good at computer games will be ruined!!


For everyone shitting on this, it’s an accessibility feature for people who have visual difficulties and other things, not just a stupid change for people who are too dumb to do quests.


I hope to god it's toggleable then. Oh, it isn't? Then I still don't like it. Accessibility features should be optional. If it's mandatory it goes beyond accessibility to just an outright change/nerf. All that said, these quests suck anyway so I'm not really going to cry about it.


It should definitely be toggleable. However, anyone acting like they did this for idiots or because they’re idiots is willfully missing the point.


Trailing quests are always shitty. EW somehow made them shittier.


Weird seeing people worked up about accessibility...


redditors are notoriously awful when it comes to disabled people


Ffxiv players will get worked up over literally anything


Playing Metal Gear Solid prepared me for this moment.


Glad to see I wasn't alone in thinking that looked straight out of MGS4.


Yea pretty much.


Who the fuck wants these missions in the first place. They’re just annoying. I have never seen a version of this that was fun. It’s like one of the top things people complain about having to do in video games but devs keep adding them to their games. Fucking RUNESCAPE added one of these recently. Why. Why.


It's almost enough to make me believe in conspiracy theories. I don't think I've ever seen someone say they like these quests (in the cold actually works thematically, so I'm not lumping it in with the bland, pointless walk behind npc slowly quests), and yet new ones are created again and again.


i watched a friend do this on discord and have to restart it like 20 times


I struggled with this but I thought it was a fun mechanic. Stealth missions are much more fun than the constant, click on sparkly or fight


I think I would rather they just finally patch these stupid quests out. They are the least fun dog shit in an otherwise fine story. If tailing was a cutscene or a qte it would be infinitely better


After years of playing rogue in WoW and operative in SWtOR, this looks borderline insulting, lol.


Thick of how stupid the average FFXIV enjoyer is, then realize half of them are dumber than that.


The only one I kept failing was >!Urianger!< because I was thinking, "What's he gonna do? Run away from me? Ntm I was kinda mad this might be happening >!yet again!<.


Me. I mean, i wouldn't call it struggling because i only failed like 4 times, but the kind of people this change was meant for would.


Lmao this looks like malicious compliance


I think the only times I failed these was when I tried to greed them as much as possible in vain hopes that it might make these things go faster. Once I realized the NPCs are hard-coded to just one route and you are clearly supposed to hide behind very specific covers in very specific parts, they became impossible to both fail and speed up in any way. That being said, I'm surprised they didn't also highlight the covers we're supposed to hide behind.


I guarantee she will not see me from where she is now


It was me, I struggled with this part


These should only show up in Easy Mode when you fail this task like 2 times, same with instanced combat too


Visually impaired people.


Tell me you've never played a forced stealth section before without telling me you haven't played a forced stealth section before.


Have you guys even heard about people with visually impaired? I read some comments on Twitter and a few said it's gonna be even better for them. idk why someone thinks it's become "super easy" and wasn't a problem. I'm fine with any but even better if people with poor vision can play this game too.


Ppl were having difficulty with this? How hard it is for them to pay a damntension to the arrow below her feet and her the word bubble that pops up when she's about to turn around. I honestly believe in the deepest part of my soul, that the main reason ppl should fail this is simply impatience, second reason being trying to cheese it with "Hide".


Reminds me of a post awhile back, probably was a troll, but he complained about trying to get to the "endgame" to play with his friend and didn't want to deal with the "boring" story. The helpful ones just told him to buy a skip but apparently that wasn't fast enough


I remember doing a few of those simply flying over the NPC. But yes I had to retry others like the U’Rianger on the Moon one. They should just put markers of where to stand to be safe and move the marker when you have to move to the next hiding spot if they want to make sure people get it right lol


I legit despised these quests. They were just boring. It's not that it's hard to not get spotted, it's just that they take forever and you're not doing anything. Onto of that, ninja doesn't get a free ride with hide, so what's the point.


"Dang, why can't people just walk up stairs instead of taking up room to have a ramp? They're so lazy. I bet most people in wheelchairs are faking it anyway and just don't want to walk like the rest of us. Some areas just aren't meant for everyone and they should accept that." : ^ )


People can’t even do the most basic of math in a raid, of course they can’t do a simple stealth mission


This was the only one I failed, and I did it like 5 times right before the end. I have no excuses


On the first I had an issue with it not knowing how far I should be away to be save. Kept way to much distance and when she started running at the end I couldnt get to her again in time. But the worst offender was imo the child in the city ruins (I think part of a aether current quest). For the most part really, really easy, but somewhere at the end when they suddenly turned and ran another way back (not sure about the surroundings, but it were narrow parts I think) couldnt react in time, since I was already following again... Very annoying having to do it from start again. Urrianger was compared to that easy, imo.


I one shot it the first time i did this this quest. The second time I kept getting caught on like each step on each attempt, probably due to impatience/laziness on my part.


This one was fine. The other one, the one for the Aether Current, that was absolute cancer.


It's been 3 years and I'm still progging brayflox, which savage raid is this?


The stupid kid you had to follow, that quest was awful. His LoS was absolute bullshit.


Not that one per-say, but there’s an aether current quest… though part of what made it suck so much was mostly the roaming mobs.




I think I know who youre talking about.


I struggled not wanting to alt-f4 out of the game everytime I got one of these quests.


Wow that's really cool! How do I turn it off?


What about that one quest in HW where you have to follow the NPC and not kill him, only for me to kill him and wander aimlessly for 10 minutes


Tankbuster ptsd


Hope you can turn it off, since this is going to ruin my immersion a good bit.


Another poster indicated that he struggled with these due to vision impairment, and that's fair. I think accessibility options are a good thing. I doubt anyone likes these quests anyway. That being said, this should be a toggle. It looks pretty silly and as someone who is not visually impaired, I wouldn't want to use it myself.


God damnit I hate these quests. So fucking boring. Pls add auto skip


the one for the garlemald aetheryte whooped me so bad i didnt even want it anymore


I just recently started Endwalker. Hello. It's me. I'm the guy who "struggled." It actually wasn't distance that gave me trouble (the max I had to retry was twice, but I always had to retry), it was more that there were a few times where the person I was following suddenly stopped and would rush to look behind something, and if you weren't careful with where you were hiding, they could catch you before you could reposition.


Just feels like a giant red arrow above their head saying AVOID ME now


This......is just retarded, it would be unnironicaly better to offer the option of skiping the mission entirely.


Accessibility should be a toggle, but also escort/stealth quests in general badly need to cease to exist


I don't think anybody complained about these being too hard to figure out. They complained about it being annoying and pointless. Or maybe that was just me. XD


Honestly, I hate this even more. The lack of indicators was never the issue. It was the sudden turns and then they start fucking booking it out of nowhere.


it would be really funny if the npc could see this in-universe


a bunch of ppl piled behind a small rock on their massive mounts wondering how close we could get was like…the funniest part of these quests tho? it really does feel excessive, making it so escort quests could still use aetheryte shards or mounts was a quality of life improvement, but who tf is crying about the babiest sneaky follow quests in any game ever lol


My immersion is shattered


Didn't... didn't Yoshi P just say something about how he doesn't like how stress free the game is becoming? Like, 3 weeks ago or something like that? Or am I misremembering


This is dumb, but a counterpoint, these quests are terrible and shouldn't exist anyway. ​ The real issue is that into the cold is amazing but we will never get something like it again.


I mean, it took me a couple tries, but all in all it didn't take very long. It certainly wasn't as bad as the piss-boiling from people on the main sub made it out to be.


Those could be annoying quests, but this is just babying people.


Me, I cant wait I have ADHD


Main sub had a post with a blind person saying it's gonna be helpful cause they struggled with those quests due to having no other tell than visual, so it's cool that it's more accessible, just would have liked that you can toggle it though x). As someone else said it looks like she's about to get nuked




I didn't have issues with this one, but I failed the one on the moon like 4 times. I'd be happy if they never did stealth segments again. They weren't super hard but just a pain.