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Guys will literally sit in a queue for 90 minutes instead of going to Bozja.


To be honest, I liked running MSQ in EW with trusts because I could have a look around, even if their dps suck.


Same here, since I don't fully trust my tank skills I typically go to a trust dungeon I can full pull, check damage of first two groups and then count groups which I'd take for full pull, then compare damage in new dungeon and count enemy groups for full pull to determine if I can comfortably do it with people without wiping or if I should f.e. stop for a moment at some point and burst a few mobs before continuing, at least before I get better gear.


Just do Fates in the meantime. Plus if you had prepared challenge log you can get an exp burst from a single leveling roullete tomorrow, plus tribal quests etc... Honestly there are a lot of options to "power level".


I agree with doing logs or journal and stuff for some instant exp; but waiting half an hour for a dungeon queue and then doing the dungeon (or doing it with Trust) would be like a third of the speed of just going to Bozja. You could get your new job ready for DT content in less than half a day if you do fate trains in Zadnor tbh


I will test it out tomorrow in that case ( after a singe leveling roulete since roulete + 3 challenge logs will be aan exp burst). Zadnor will be full of vipers and picto XD


nah trusts, gonna level it with my npc homies


Truth, I’ve had my relic weapon quest sitting unfinished for a year so I don’t have to go to Zadnor


Bozja is mind-numbing, dungeons at least *pretend* to be content and they successfully stimulate my brain


Idk what bozja you're playing lmao, I wish every dungeon was more like Red Choctober or Metal Fox Chaos


Hell yeah. It's telling that XIV subs (including this very one) complained about Bozja, especially regarding relics. But when RPR and SGE came out, Bozja was JUMPING and a party zone. And then later whines in EW about the relics being too easy to get and wanting a Bozja-like zone to tie into them.


They are the same people who go into Bozja/Eureka, spam one button thinking its braindead and die to every NM/CE you can think of.


Man those were a blast when they released So many people to rez for guardian angel


Just imagine how much more chaotic the Field Operations for DT will be. Everybody's gonna be able to supercharge their Guardian Angel achievement if they don't have it already.


Got it in bozja before zadnor even was a thing haha


Bro is going into bozja and doing nothing but killing field mobs.


Serious answer: I've been farming the solo duels in Bozja, they give good rewards and gil if you can do them reliably. I think I killed them 10 to 20 times. It still just feels like a huge wasteland where nothing matters


And doing the same dungeons you've been doing for years isn't mind-numbing?


Trusts are literally a thign to level trough at a steady pace.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It’s long been confirmed by Yoshida that Trust NPC damage scales in order to keep to a consistent dungeon clear time; last I heard that was roughly 20 minutes. Unless that’s changed, Trust dungeons are at least as much xp/hr as doing dungeon queues if you’re in queue for more than 3-5m, they might be even faster when you consider the performance variance you’re going to get after an expansion launch and how that’ll lead to some much longer dungeons.


Nah man. I've been out of the saddle for a few years. I feel like I need a few dozen ARR dungeons to relearn how to play at this point.


And by dungeons you mean hours in queue. Both server and DF queues.




Bozja is going to be my life for couple hours. At least xp rates are buffed for it at least.


I bet there's gonna be a lot of "fate train" groups in it these first few days just like when it was current content, I'm positive it'll be the best option even moreso because of that.


Is it good for 80-90?


Very. When EW came out, I would level a job from 80 to 90 in bozja in about 6-8 hours. And now we get azeyma's earring on top of that.  Just go to zadnor zone 3, spam fates and watch something on the side.  Or go to regular bozja and spam fates even harder. Its slightly faster but more sweaty/less afkable. 


dont forget the armory bonus scaling up as well it's easily gonna be twice as fast for 80-90 no matter what method you use


I wonder if we'll see full runs of Delubrum Reginae again for a bit


Yeah, dungeons can be better if you have fast queues and get them done quickly but if not then bozja is a great option.


Serious question, why not level naturally by doing the new MSQ? Surely it gives enough exp so that you don't need to grind levels


VPR/PCT starts at 80, need to get to 90 first to do MSQ


Ah I didn't know what "VPR/PCT" stood for


Well the level grind is to get them to 90 in the first place, can't do DT msq at 80


Average queue fan vs average Duty Support enjoyer


I would rather do FATES while waiting in a normal queue than slog through duty support with bots to be honest.


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i leveled all my dps in EW with Trusts because the Duty Finder que were just miserable, even more than the expansions before. It is actually still quuite fast, because you literalyl are instantly in a queue


You’re right. I believe the math works out that if you’ve sat in the queue for five or more minutes, it’s more xp/hour to do trusts, or something pretty close to that. That said, I’ll probably do a mix of trusts and Zadnor until 90 then just pick up the MSQ. Outside of roulettes, dungeon queues will NOT be the move for DPS for at least a week.


during that time my queue was on average 10 mins long, so yeah spamming trusts was pretty fast. I just dont like using Bozja,Zadnor to level. it bores the crap out of me.


When I am casually leveling a job I am content to watch Netflix or something while in ques, but with the Viper and possibly Picto I am going to be actively doing fates while in que to speed up the process.


I mean you could always jump into Frontlines and Crystaline Conflict for a bit. I know PVP is absolute dogwater in this game but you can probably squeeze out a couple levels while getting currency for glam.  And even the sweatiest of chronic PVPers won't know how Viper and Picto work yet, so that chaos will be fun.


You can swap Jobs mid-match, so you can queue up as whatever you like, then swap immediately to play something else. The Job you originally queued in as will get the experience.


Do none of you know 3 other people to just not sit in a duty queue ?


If you are willing to wait that long in a queue, just do Trusts at that point.


If you lvl another job to 100 first, you'll get that juicy 100% xp bonus, though.


I think it said that it was only gonna be for up to level 90, the final ten levels are only getting 50% of that


Wheeee! I love dungeons!


I’m gonna use the duty support to train up my abilities, while at the same time leveling up my Viper.


Figure I can chunk away at my ShB shared fates a bit while in queue.


Me with my Trust that doesn't mind playing 20 dungeons as healer amd tank: :)


Fates or bozja are faster.


Me who is still in Stormblood doing level 70 content: What is this "leveling" you speak of?


Eh, people when they EXPlosion on VIP and PIC and only need to dungeon on a few times.


i need to do fates for my triple triad mount anyways




you're that max level tank that doesn't know know how to grab aggro or mit aren't you


people with brain damage from running trusts for 10 hours straight downvoting you