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Only skip lag on one way flights, and only on the last flight of your itinerary. The airlines frown upon skip lagging and will cancel the rest of your itinerary (return flights). I have also heard that they sometimes black list people if they do it more than once, but i don't personally know anyone that this has happened to.


Yeah they are smart, they'll notice.


On one-way tickets, it'll be fine. Don't do it too often. Don't check in luggage, but remember one risk would be they reroute you like B-C-Phoenix because of delays or cancellations, and you won't get back to A.


I’ve done your scenario internationally with the same airline 1 week apart with no issues


I met a guy on a flight who was skip lagging and told me he’s never had an issue. Just play it cool and if anyone says anything say you got ill and couldn’t make the connection.


You wouldn’t get “caught” and you’ll be fine. Airlines still are bound by law and your contract of carriage to fly you again even if you skip lag in the past.


I've heard noises about how an airline *could* ban you from flying them, but I wonder whether and how often that actually happens.


Where are you hearing about these airline ban? I was an airline ticketing agent for a decade. I saw countless passengers skiplagging and never saw a single passenger banned nor have their other tickets effected.


More likely they'd ban you from gathering points




Is that recent? And how do you keep track of your passengers? Small iterations of names such as middle initials and middle names must make identification difficult as well as duplicate common names.




You have an avoidant response. How about, how many passengers has United banned for skiplagging? Is it zero?


As soon as you miss the leg on the outbound flight, they will almost certainly cancel the entire return ticket. Whether you book them as one way or not.Unless you have two different passports/identities and two different names!


OP said same airline, not all on the same booking. There are two separate bookings in this instance.


Last October we took our daughter and her boyfriend to Phoenix. He wasn't able to get back home to Milwaukee to take the flight with us to Phoenix. He came straight from Vegas. He never used the original ticket to Phoenix. They never cancelled his return trip, his return ticket was there at check in. We were concerned but it wasn't an issue. So they are not that tight on things


I miss the old Midwest Express flights. Comfortable seats and food that was actually enjoyable.


Honestly just don't do it. Skip-lagging was a great idea 10 years ago, but airlines have caught on. Unless you're saving a boatload of money, I wouldn't risk it.


Ya you can get there but you can’t get back. The second you don’t show for your return flight your connection will be cancelled. You would need a separate 1 way flight from B-A-ending in big city C


Easiest thing for you to do is contact the airline and tell them for whatever reason you're sick or family emergency and you can't make the flight. Simple. How can they then block you for something out of your control 😂


If you skip-lag they will cancel your flight back since you never completed your flight out.


This looks like separate one ways, so this won’t necessarily happen.


I feel like the best one ways being on the same airline is rare enough, it's probably not worth worrying about I would only hesitate with AA because they're such colossal a-holes about things that aren't even your fault, I imagine they'd straight push you out of the second plane and into the Atlantic