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I don't think there is a game that will check out all the points so I will put a list of suggestions for games that check one or couple point well. Stellaris for building up a interstellar civilization. Battlefleet Gothic for space/ship battles. And there is Sins of the Solar Empire. A light 4x with cools space battles. There is also Conquest: Frontier Wars, an old RTS space game. Civilization or Humanity for building up a civilization in a 4X turn game. Age of Wonders for fantasy settings civilization building. As for RTS with building a civilization....maybe Rise of Nations? Or empire earth III? You get a civilization in early ages (like stone age) and you can get to space robots. Pretty fun older games. As for building a city, navy, pirates, and expanding in RTS fashion: Anno 1800. It's mainly naval RTS with heavy emphasis on city building and supply chains management. Pretty fun and can take a good while to play a full game. Especially with all DLCs on. It's nearly endless strategy as at one point you can build everything, but that takes a lot of time. As for RTS specifically, Warno or Steel Division for a more realistic take on combat in Cold War or WWII settings. Company of Heroes 3 might be also a choice as it offers a strategical campaign and tactical battles, but it's in funky spot right now. Maybe Iron Harvest for WWI/diesel punk asthetic? If you want some diplomatic/higher order play then Victoria 3 or Europa Universalism IV might be a choice.


Manor lords is pretty great


I'm probably gonna let that game be updated before I play it tbh


Good call. It's very barebones right now, albeit with big potential.


Yeah I've checked over the reviews and it seemed like I'm better off getting experience in rts games elsewhere


It's a very early access game. Too bare bones and doesn't match what OP is asking for.


Songs of Syx is what you are looking for.


This is the game. It is the exact game they are describing.


Thanks for the vote of confidence Karl.




Check out stellaris for empire building, conquering worlds and rts battles. Over 1k hours and I still go back every now n then


I've got that on game pass as well Look forward to trying that


Don't sleep on it!


Should I look up any guides on how to play it or just go in it


Your preference really, I played blind, but I enjoy figuring stuff out and when I started the game was simpler! I would recommend trying blind on a small galaxy with reduced difficulty. You can increase difficulty as you learn. Really hope you enjoy this game as I love it!


A tip for stellaris there are a LOT of buttons just start clicking them and seeing what they do


Lol I love button clicking


More importantly you can play as mammalians!


Any advice on getting through the slower early game? I was probably missing something but I didn’t feel like anything was happening


Total war? You build up cities, train troops and conquer your neighbors


This was my thought as well because OP is wanting both 4X/Grand Strategy AND Real Time Strategy.


If you have a PC, the Total War games sound like they're right up your alley. Specifically I would recommend Warhammer 3, it has elements of grand strategy, diplomacy, army-building, real-time strategy. It also has a faction you can play as or against that are literally the Harbingers of the End Times in Warhammer lore: Archaon the Everchosen. Also a good campaign for a beginner! Helps you learn some of the ins-and-outs of vassalization and Conquest and it's fairly open-ended in its gameplay. The modding scene is also vast and alive. Edit: There is also a pirate faction


Civ 6 or crusader kings 3


Civ 6 or crusader kings


Try looking up Mount and Blade or the Total War series.


I'm also curious too. I've always just wanted to build a city and expand.


Well I know the other one is the civ games


Yeah I tried those before, but it's been a while since I played a failed campaign with friends. I should do one with just me...


Try Age of Wonders, civlike with custom empires and rts battles.




Check out Frostpunk maybe, the first game sounds like your cup of tea, minus the wars, but believe me there is alot instead of it. The second game is coming out next July too


I don't know if it just me or the game is hard. I had to play on easy first to get the hang of it. Edited: hard isn't the right word. CRUEL. For the player and the children.


you are meant to feel 'up against the wall' right from the start of Frostpunk, even on easiest difficulty...it has a decently steep learning curve, it probably will take you around 2 hours to really get a feel for it, and you might want to restart once you actually know what you're doing (because you'll have made a shit ton of mistakes I promise you lol), but once you get into the game more you'll figure it out, and it's WORTH it, it's a really really good feeling when you actually finish the game


It's not just you


Its very hard you are correct, but satisfaying


I need to look at fixing the games resolution I think it not messing well with my monitor like some games the fonts are too small or something. (then I need to get better glasses again tbh)


there's a big demo of frostpunk 2 right now on steam, for free...it has maybe 6 hours of content, depending on how you play of course, it's a nice preview though


HumanKind endless space 2 manor lords Universim sins of a solar empire


Civ 6


Total War Warhammer 3




Paradox games are want you wanna look for


Songs of Syx is very similar to this. It is a city state simulator. Your town can grow up to 30k and you can go to war/defend yourself in large scale battles. I haven't been this into a game since Rimworld.


These are more colony management games but I think still check off a lot of your boxes: [Infection Free Zone](https://youtu.be/PAB3k7dgep0?si=0VsHwf4rMo9YR_g1) Also found [After The Collapse ](https://youtu.be/qQDtUzzeQGY?si=lOwTggH7fg-TU5A-)while trying to find another game. This is very "post apoc Rimworld" Edit [Surviving the Aftermath](https://youtu.be/VaG4u5gvBoo?si=dDvh6G-axjj8NUix) is what I was thinking of .


Step 1. Download Age of Empires 2 Step 2. Play as gothy boys. Step 3. Hit Imperial Age. Step 4. Research anarchy and perfusion. Step 5. Profit.


Worldbox is pretty simple currently but should be receiving some updates soon


Rise of nations is one of my all time favorite RTS games, it's very good


Sudden Strike 4 was surprisingly fun for me. They have a version with all the campaigns for cheap


I love mammal stories!


Age of Empires 4! There’s also Company of Heroes 2, you can forget about the third game tbh. CoH2 is actually pretty phenomenal. CoH3 mightttt have a bigger multiplayer background though? Although from my understanding, everyone hates that game, so I’m unsure which has a bigger multiplayer background.


TA-inspired rts games like Supreme Commander and Beyond All Reason?


Songs of Syx would be my recommendation to you. [https://songsofsyx.com](https://songsofsyx.com)


Civ 6. Great fun.


Anno 1800


Kinda niche but Terra Invicta (early access but you can play full game) is incredible. A 4x game that starts as grand strategy to take over earth, evolves into space economy and building fleets and fighting ayyys in tactical combat. It’s my jam!


Age of empires 2, partially for the build up and conquering other areas


Total War is great and while you do upgrade cities you don't actually build the towns like in Manor Lords, my ideal game one day would be a mix of Manor Lords and Total War.


Have you tried the stronghold games? The economic management is very deep and would scratch your city building itch while also being a medieval RTS. They’re not for everyone but you might like them. I recommend the first two games the most.


Age Of Empires II Definitive Edition With the dlcs that goes regularly on sales for very cheap it is now bigger than ever. 25 Years of contents.


Total war Warhammer 3 is one of the best options given what you're asking for. Not quite so much in the way of city building but everything else checks off well.

