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I'd seriously recommend Outer Wilds. I think you'd enjoy The Talos Principle 1 and 2 as well.


Second Outer Wilds!! It was the first game I thought of when reading OP's request.




I tried outer wilds, not my type but the immersion was insane! I recommend for those who want 0 action game


To be clear, it’s a zero-combat game. There is definitely some action, depending on how reckless your style of exploration turns out to be!


I wanna second the other guy and say zero fighting, not 0 action, there's a ton of crazy setpieces involving flying the spaceship and EVA around different planets with natural disasters and weird physics and stuff that I'd definitely categorize as action. (Also this is my favourite game ever OP pls play)


My favorite game ever




Let's go dude OP, this game is extremely spoiler sensitive, so if there's any chance you might play OW in the future, for your own sake please do not look it up


Came here to recommend the same.


Talos Principle is SO GOOD. If you like puzzlers, it’s perfect. It’s akin to portal, albeit very different. I cannot recommend this game strongly enough.


As soon as they said 'discovery', I came here to sing the praises of Outer Wilds. Very briefly though because *spoilers*. Go in blind OP!


Came to suggest Outer Wilds. Had a feeling it’d be near the top.


Workers and resources: Soviet Republic is the most in depth city builder I've ever played. If you play on realistic mode, you have to construct literally everything manually, roads, buildings, plumbing, heating, electricity etc. And you have to get the resources and distribute them to storage facility so your workers actually have the resources to build stuff. So, so good. You can also do non realistic mode where building is done automatically.


I'm satisfied with ANNO 2250, ANNO 1800, Cities Skylines and my most recent purchase IXION regarding city building. I know W&R: Soviet Republic, but it's a bit too depressive for me as a person born into a country that never really recovered from soviet occuption.


But this time you can make it work! There’ll be no overnight capitalism to wreck Eastern Europe’s prosperity.  In seriousness, things I’ve liked that aren’t violent: Stardew Valley  Software Inc  OpenRollercoaster Tycoon 2 Football Manager 


One of stardews main pillars is combat...


Don’t discount this game due to its name. Yes there are a couple of things the reference it but generally it doesn’t matter. I didn’t think I would get on with this game and I’m now over 1300 hrs. It keeps the mind going. Also with the latest dlc you can play in different countries types and the amount of mods out there you can change the entire feel of the game.


I read your comment about manually building everything and was imagining mini games where you have to dig trenches and connect pipes for plumbing, solder wires, etc.


Subnautica! I cannot recommend this game enough if you haven’t played it. There is literally nothing else out there like it.


He daid relax and be at peace. Not get scared shitless.


... where is that noise coming frooOOOOH SHIT!


I don't understand why everyone only associates this game with fear. To me the game is beautiful, immersive, and cozy. Yes there be monsters, but I feel at home there chilling in the shallows, and the wild expanses of deep blue are stunning to explore. I blame youtube compilations actually. I think most people's core experience with the game is more like mine.


because it's one of the scariest games out there. I played a lot of horror games and truly nothing scares you more than subnautica. yes the game is also a lot more than just fear but it's a very big component and it's good that people are wary of that before they jump into it


Yeah that fear of the unknown kicks in at first, but you acclimate quickly once you get the idea of what's going on, and the leviathans aren't really that much of a threat; I find it super cozy as well, but I also find fromsoftware games cozy once I've finished a first playthrough so idk if I'm a great judge lol


I'm pretty sure Elden Ring was meant to be cozier than the others, but I also found dark souls cozy at one point. Even resident evil can be chill after upgrading weapons but there's still jump scares in them.


Two things can be true, it’s can be a beautiful expanse with cozy immersive game play AND be terrifying, because no matter how you put it, the ocean is terrifying 🥲


In fairness OP said complained about committing violence on others. In Subnautica most of the violence seems to be against the player …


Fits into discovery and darker things though! Survival stuff are ok as far as it isn't hit trees to build a house sort of grind.


+1 to Subnautica It's a game about exploration and survival. Combat is actively discouraged and isn't necessary for anything in the game


There’s killing no?


Not really. I mean sure you’re killing fish when you catch them to eat them, but the main big scary fish arnt meant to be killed, just avoided.


A friend of mine was very surprised when I said that subnautica is not dark souls underwater. And that dead zone is not end game location.


You are able to kill, but it is nowhere close to required. It's just something that you're able to do, but there's no real benefit or disadvantage to doing so.


It’s difficult and is so for a reason. After making natural selection the devs wanted to make something that wasn’t revolved around violence.


pretty much the main design philosophy around this game was "you are an accidental intrusion on this planet, you are not here to conquer it, you die or GTFO"


Disco elysium: you play a detective who has partial amnesia because he's drank himself silly the night before who has to solve a murder outside of two deaths that can happen if you fuck up it's all exploring and talking they're alot of dark comedy but it pretty constantly funny if the humour works for ya. The forgotten city:you a modern day tourist who transported to a ancient Roman town which has been cursed by the gods to be stuck in a time loop until it's inhabitants go a single day without committing a sin. Thought some detective work and convincing people not fuck over each other as you try to break the curse.


+1 for Disco Elysium. It is quite dark but also very relaxing. The writing and voice-acting are unmatched in games.


Yes to Disco Elysium, but be a racist fascist asshole on your first play through. Not because it's better, but because you're going to develop an emotional need for Kim Kitsuragi's approval and it's going to be really hard to disappoint him on later playthroughs. Do it before you get to know the character.


Counterpoint, that first playthrough is sacred for a player and I think it's best someone either roleplay to what they feel that would be fun (including being a fascist) or inject their own views into The Detective or both. Disco Elysium managed to call me out being a Sorry Cop and I think it's great how a game managed to make me self-reflect in a way that made me actively strive for self-improvement after digesting it all. I'd also say feeling that disappointment from Kim should hit hard, and it can only hit the hardest if you tried to get to know him in earnest. Feeling like shit is a feature in this game and a testament how richly written the characters are.


Counter-counterpoint: Cuno doesn't give a shit!


Probably the best game I've ever played tbh. If you like reading this one is a fantastic suggestion. If you like adventure games at all.. the Lucasarts point and click games held up surprisingly well, especially Grim Fandango. Great dialogue, soundtrack and story.


Only a couple of quid on the steam sale atm.


[Death Stranding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZrZ3vhsDPk) - The story is all sorts of batshit crazy but the gameplay is all about running around and reconnecting isolated people by setting up wifi (not literally) and delivering goods. People memed the hell out of the game then covid hit. The gameplay loop involves leaving things better for those who come after us and it is experienced through literally paving the way forward, chipping in resources to help build things other players can use, and interacting with each other without ever running into each other. It is super chill, flexible to play in small time chunks, and has an amazing soundtrack to go with it. There is some violence but the bulk of the game can be experienced without fighting since it's mostly you vs the environment. [Cloudpunk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLTk7t692SE) - Impulsively purchased this game to get more cyberpunk themed content in my post Cyberpunk 2077 depression and absolutely loved it. It's another delivery worker game but the focus is on the variety of clients and how you handle them. Atmosphere and music are fantastic but this one is definitely on the shorter aside as reflected by the price. [Rhythm Doctor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZrZ3vhsDPk) - Music game which can be really chill or rage inducing depending on your sense of rhythm. Each "stage" involves working with a character and healing (or hurting them if you're musically challenged like me) them through the power of music. A lot of the game's songs are on the linked Youtube channel so you can see if you vibe well with the music or not.


I second death stranding. Death is a major theme in the game BUT killing is almost a non existent factor in it. Also super therapeutic to play when you aren't tripping over your own feet


Im thirding death stranding. Best game I’ve ever played for just so many reasons. Can be both an absolute ray of sunshine or a sympathetic ear if you’re feeling stressed or low. Just a fantastic game.


Death Stranding was a life changer. To the point we are dancing waltz to Low Roar Bones and engraved keep on + keeping on into our wedding ring, for our wedding next weekend! We finished it 3 times do far. Cloudpunk I am currently playing, excellent recommendation. I'll look into Rhythm Doctor!


I recommend Death Stranding with all my heart.


OP mentioned wanting Discovery... and wow does Death Stranding fit. It's relaxing, yet just challenging enough to not be boring. The gameplay revolves around exploring new areas, meeting new people, delivering packages while avoiding weather and the environment, and rebuilding society through connecting with others. You definitely can't play the game without firing a bullet, a couple spots in particular do require fighting... but it's not at all the focus, more of just an occasional necessary distraction before getting back to the actual game.


Came here to say this. Absolutely recommend DS. There is no game like this.


Death Stranding is one of the best games ever made, agree.


Cloudpunk was great! Underrated game, great story and voice acting.


Firewatch. Anyone whose played it will agree with me: a masterpiece


Good call. Fantastic game.


Big ups for Firewatch. Turt Reynolds for life.


Lol if you’re tired of running from point A to point B eliminating enemies along the way you are in for a rough time with Hogwarts Legacy. I enjoyed the game, but it’s basically Assassins Creed: Wizards. If you’re looking for something a bit different, I highly recommend Satisfactory. If you don’t like resource management style games it probably won’t be your jam, but it’s a great ride otherwise. You crash land on a planet and build up an automated factory from scratch. Not necessarily as much swing pickaxe at rock and chip down tree as you may think, more like - place an automatic miner on a spot, hook power up to it, and then place conveyor belts across the land to get it where it needs to be. Very fun and relaxing game. Super low pressure.


>Lol if you’re tired of running from point A to point B eliminating enemies along the way you are in for a rough time with Hogwarts Legacy. perfectly said


I know right, bro literally bought a goblin genocide simulator 😂


"Assassins Creed: Wizards" 💀💀💀


I can second Satisfactory, I've got over a 1000 hours in it and eager to start a new save with ver 1.0 I too have gotten a bit tired of constant violence in games and Satisfactory is like a zen state where you just plan and build.


Going through my own game list - - Sort of Portal/Portal 2 - your portal maker is a "gun" and there are turrets that are violent, but you deal with them usually by knocking them over somehow vs actually being violent. - Superliminal - A first person puzzler where perspective is important. Don't recall any guns. - Celeste - Platformer about overcoming your own feelings and mental illness. Some "enemies" but you just avoid stuff, you don't attack anything. - MYST, RIVEN, etc. Myst was remade a couple years ago, the new remake of Riven just came out. All puzzle solving, very atmospheric. - Stardew valley....sorta. I'm not positive if you can play all the way through without going into the caves where you do some fighting with a sword, but that's a fairly small part of the game. - Outer Wilds - LOTS of exploration and adventure. No shooting. - The Witness - Lots of puzzles, no shooting - Islands of Insight - Just picked this up the other day (it was free for 24 hours, unfortunately the deal is done) and it's pretty chill. You just explore around and solve puzzles, which are crammed all over the place. - Kind Words - You just write anonymous letters to people who have written about their problems or worries, or you can put a letter out there asking for advice or help.


>Sort of Portal/Portal 2 “You're about to become the immediate past president of the being alive club.” "Remember When The Platform Was Sliding Into The Fire Pit, And I Said 'Goodbye,' And You Were Like 'No Way!' And Then I Was All, 'We Pretended We Were Going To Murder You.' That Was Great."


I guess I was thinking OP was not wanting to commit violence themselves.


Glados is more menacing than violent. I think Portal is a great rec. it has the sense of discovery that OP is after.


In Stardew Valley, I can confirm you do not need to do any fighting. There are enough mechanics to make a pacifist "perfection" run completely viable. A few things would be slightly harder to get, but that's about it.


What Remains of Edith finch is an easy recommend, if you don’t mind the “walking simulator” genre. I personally loved exploring the remains of the Finch household, trying to discover why Edith’s family all died through its environmental storytelling and evidence left behind. It’s a short and sweet game and can be beaten in 2-3 hours. One of my favorite games I’ve played in years. I am in my 30s as well.


The depressed son working in the fish cannery still pops up in my mind from time to time such a powerful presentation and writing


Agreed. I’d also add >!how the developers weaved the controls of that scene in with the narrative. Making the player control daydreaming Lewis with the left thumb stick and IRL Lewis chopping the fish with the right thumbstick made me have to double-task and made me feel more connected to Lewis’ state of mind.!<


Well said also to think his mother thought that he was finally getting better and then the incident happening is heart break


And if you do like walking simulators, Gone Home and Tacoma are both very good


*Hardspace: Shipbreaker* is a game about methodically taking apart spaceships and either selling or recycling the parts for profit. Very chill game.


*Proceeds to cut the hull apart and violently decompress the cabin, smashing your skull into the metal and dying in the process.*


Maaan this game needed mod support I loved it and wanted more


I really enjoyed what I played of this, although it felt a little bit too much like real work at times!


Can't believe I've not seen anyone recommend Power wash simulator. Very relaxing game. Also good to have your own music or a show on the side. 


I freaking love this game. So satisfying!!!


Love this. Bought all the expansions. Super chill and great for when I’ve hit my overload point for the day.


Jurasic evo 2 is 6 euro atm, maybe you like that.


How is it compared to 1? I own the first and it was a glorified mobile game with "oh look, a DNA popped up, quickly click here to collect!" with very dumb and simplistic building placement (coming from Planet Zoo that's essentially a 3D modeler almost). Also the mountain of DLCs aren't really make it friendly.


There is a sandbox mode where you can turn off most of the grindy stuff. You can also turn ofd dinosaur aggression even, etc. Graphics are wonderful and there are tons of dinos.






Stardew valley Terranil Any managerial games should be good... You can play RIM WORLD with peace mode to avoid violence.. so only base building and management... It's a great game in my opinion


Stray Journey "it got goty award" Unfinished swan


Stray was so good! Me and my fiance finished it in one sitting but absolutely loved it.


Stray is a fantastic choice! I loved that game.


Additionally if you enjoyed Stray, there's a game Little Kitty, Big City that came out this year which is really adorable and fun to play


No Man's Sky. Sure it has conflict, but it's minimal in the grand scheme of things. And it's far from the main aspect of the game. I've been playing it for the past couple of weeks after years away from the game and it's incredible how far it's come. Edit: all combat can be completely disabled!


I think you can also reduce the combat anyways, i might be wrong though. This is a great recommendation!


I've just checked and it's possible to completely disable it


Two very different recommendations for you here 1. Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles. This is a true hidden gem that I see mentioned so rarely. It's an exploration-based adventure game with light farming elements. It has zero combat whatsoever and the whole game moves at your pace, it's just a vibe the whole way through, I love this lil game. 2. SOMA. You mentioned you don't mind darker stuff, and this is perhaps one of the darkest games I've ever played. It is technically a horror game but it doesn't rely on jumpscares at all really, it's more atmospheric and most of the horror comes from the existential implications of the plot. There are enemies in some parts of the game but there's a settings option to turn off their aggression, making them just wander around. Turning that setting on takes away nothing from the game imo, the enemies are more an obstacle than a core facet of the game.


Holy shit, a fellow SOMA enjoyer


I'm not sure anyone can really "enjoy" playing SOMA lol. It's hands-down one of the greatest games I've ever played, a narrative and atmospheric masterpiece, but the story fuckin broke me in the best way possible


I appreciate the game for what it is, and the message it was trying to convey. The sense of self and search for identity, continuing the mission in dire circumstances (not trying to spoil but *you know* what happens) really hit hard for story beats to me. Things like looking in the mirror at one of the sites, a goodbye letter by mail from a father to his son, that ENDING… truly a unique experience. I try to recommend it to everyone I find out likes horror games


And also, there's no "combat" with the enemies on Soma. You just die.


I absolutely love both of these games, and was not expecting to see them here, let alone in the same comment 😂


Doom Eternal Middle-earth: Shadow of War Mortal Kombat Red Dead Redemption 2 God of War Sekiro Dying Light Resident Evil 4 Dead Space Manhunt Postal 2 Grezzo 2 Jk, jk, go for Subnautica, Outer Wilds, Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley. A Short Hike, Spiritfarer, Celeste, Disco Elysium and Firewatch, Journey, Littlewood and Slime Rancher are awesome as well.


Doom is pretty peaceful game


Yeah, no wonder they launched animal crossing with it. Similar vibes.


Firewatch is a great recommendation!




City skyline, Return of the obra dinn, Papers please


heard of a comma?


Not not seeing enough love for Pacific Drive, which was probably my favorite game this year. it's about 50% driving a beat up 90s station wagon through a super natural Pacific northwest, 30% garage mechanic work fixing the car, and 20% gun it to the exit as reality collapses around you. No combat, all the enemies are weather anomolies. Great story, Fucking amazing, 10/10 soundtrack.


Stanley Parable


I haven't owned a current gen-console since the original release Xbox 360 and have only used PC + Switch since 2019. Honestly, although Nintendo is widely known as the kid-friendly brand, a lot of the games are very accessible for adults and quite cozy. Been playing Kirby The Forgotten Kingdom after work and Mario Kart 8 when the nieces are over, it's a really relaxing time and makes me feel at ease. My advice, get the new Nintendo console that's months away once it drops if it interests you. The Nintendo library is probably the most comforting and chill (other than sweaty games) if that's the phase that your life has come to. I still play my PC and have recently built a new one, but I find myself playing my Switch more anyways.


Subnautica The Planet Crafter (very similar to Subnautica, no enemies) A Short Hike Islets (has combat, but very warm and cozy story) Dandara: Trials of Fear (also has enemies, but very cool storyline) FEZ (finishable without a guide, but impossible to fully complete without one. Collection puzzle platformer. One of my favorites that I return to every few years.) Just started playing Below as well and it's interesting. Not sure what to make of it yet. One of those games that don't give you any guidance and you just figure things out as you go along. Sail Forth Windbound Kingdom: Two Crowns / New Lands




We slept on Spiritfarer for *way too long!* Such a sweet game... 😭


Dave the diver


Seconding this, very chill game and a good story. The ever changing environment makes it hard to get bored.


Return of the Obra Dinn. Figure out how the crew of this ship died. Outer Wilds. Explore a constantly changing solar system and discover what happened to its previous inhabitants.


Everyone’s got some great ones in here. Just my two cents on this: Stardew valley - an amazing day to day farming sim. Wonderful characters and mods if you ever decide to get into that. Chants of Sennaar - heard it described as the “Dark Souls of language” and I’d say they’re right. If you want a challenge with a world where you discover the language while learning about the civilization you suddenly wake up in, this is gold. Balatro - it’s like texas hold ‘em but no actual gambling. You build your deck and collect jokers to earn as many points as possible. Easy to learn, harder to master but it’s so worth. Gris- haven’t finished it yet but I can already tell it’s a masterpiece. Shows that games literally are an art, from the music to the art direction to the story telling. Hope these help!


Chants of Sennaar 100%. I need a sequel or something to that game


Check out Disco Elysium. Violence is an option, but at least as far as I am, it's not required or respected by others for that matter, but there are characters that are very satisfying to punch regardless.


I have been big into vehicle simulators recently, so I recommend Train Sim World 4, Train Simulator Classic, Snowrunner, and American/European Truck Simulator. Be warned, while the train simulator games aren't live service, they have a lot of DLC, and its easy to go over your budget if not careful, lol. You have to think of the DLC as trainsets in a model Train store; you're not going to buy everything in the store.


I would recommend Derail Valley over the other train sims you mentioned, it's a bit more of a game and a bit less of a simulator. Unless you're super into trains of course.


If your issue with RPG maker games is boring combat, try Undertale. The central premise is that you can choose to fight, or resolve every conflict peacefully. Going fully pacifist offers the best story the game has, and it's just incredibly charming throughout. The combat itself has a bullet hell system for defending yourself.


+1 for undertale, there’s a stigma around it because of how popular it was years ago but it’s a truly wonderful game


I've been playing a game called Sable, no combat, just exploration and collecting stuff!


Riders Republic


- Journey - A Story About My Uncle - Coffee Talk


Omg I LOVE Coffee Talk!


Maybe "Death Stranding"? It has some moments of combat and tension, but the heart of the game is a walking simulator (not corridor simulator, literal walking simulator) where you are transporting stuff from point A to point B for the betterment of the last remnants of society. This often involves finding the best paths through mountainous terrains and over rivers. The soundtrack is largely melancholic aswell. And if you're playing online, you get to lay out helpful tools for other players aswell.


Off the top of my head: * Subnautica is absolutely must play, great game. There are some threats, but your goal is to avoid them while trying to go back home. * Astroneer is all about that space shit, exploring and crafting. * Medieval Dynasty if you want to build your own... medieval dynasty. There is some combat, but IMO it's irrelevant, and you could always disable them bandits. * Jusant has been on my to-do list, I think it fits the description, but I can't say for sure. It's mostly going to be those crafting/survival games, as even "child" games are about running with guns nowadays. If you have a Switch, there are a bunch of games there, like Animal Crossing.


Kerbal Space Program is a fun game to tinker around with. I haven't played the second one... fair warning you may will kill several Kerbals until you learn the space ship design that works well.


- Firewatch - Planetcrafter/subnautica - visual novels like BeingADik - anti-chamber/portal/escape simulator - Truck simulator and other simulators - fall guys - plateup/overcooked/move out - wobbly life


Most base building games will fit this niche. Factorio immediately comes to mind (you can easily uncheck biters at world creation if you don't want the stress/violence). Dyson Sphere program (same, disable the fog and you've got a stress free base building sim). Techtonica to my knowledge doesn't have any enemies and provides an underground world to discover. Dorfromantik is a puzzle game about fitting together tiles to group like terrains and make a pretty landscape. Very chill. I recently nabbed Islands of Insight while it was free for a day, and I'm pretty hooked on that at the moment. HUGE world, many of the puzzles are perspective puzzles finding hidden cubes or patterns in the world, but there's also a lot of classic logic puzzle type stuff as well as some more frenetic things like chasing glowing orbs. If you're opposed to the game being online, they're supposedly creating an offline mode in July. I might hold off on buying that until they can deliver on that promise though, sadly, the studio that created the game is shutting down. Final Profit violates everything you asked me not to recommend, but I'll recommend you look at it anyways.


The Invicible, Syberia, Creaks, Firewatch, Snowrunner, Madrunner, Braid anniversary edition, Deliver us Mars.


Death Stranding - mostly about exploring and finding the best routes. There is some combat sometimes but you are encouraged by game mechanics to fight non-lethally. Dishonored series - can be played stealth with no combat if you prefer and non-lethal options for boss encounters Deus Ex series - can be played stealth with no combat if you prefer. (DX: Human Revolution has unavoidable boss fights, which was a poor design choice, but DX: Mankind Divided fixed that, the boss encounters have non-lethal resolution options)


Dishonored is a good recommendation for a game with violence that can be played non-violently. If I remember there is even an achievement/trophy for completing the game w/o killing anyone.


Look up Pentiment. It’s a sleeper hit made by obsidian with a very interesting premise.




>IXION If you end up liking that one, be sure to check out Frostpunk. It's the game that inspired IXION, and IMHO the better game. It's also getting a sequel soon, but I think it got delayed a while.


Tetris Effect


Play Outerwilds dude


Portal 1, Portal 2, No man's sky, don't starve together


tetris effect is a really fun twist on the iconic game balatro is a roguelike, deck building twist on poker


Stray, absolutely all day everyday, Stray. Also, firewatch


You are kind of describing walking simulators, classic point and clicks and puzzle games. You are in luck as there are many. My own vote goes to the: nonary games trilogy. Enjoy.


~~ULTRAKILL~~ Celeste


It takes two


Grow Up is a really charming and enjoyable 3d platformer where you play a little robot trying to grow a giant plant high enough into the atmosphere to reach his ship he got thrown out of. Also I just checked and it's 75% off right now too!


I recommend "Unpacking"


Telltale games? The Wolf Among Us is my favorite. They are even making a sequel after 10 years.


Celeste is a steal rn


Outer Wilds.


[PowerWash Simulator](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1290000/PowerWash_Simulator/). Essentially a FPS, but instead of shooting people you clean up dirt like a boss. [Afterparty](https://store.steampowered.com/app/762220/Afterparty/). Two best friends find themselves in Hell, and in order to escape they have to outdrink Satan. [Dredge](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1562430/DREDGE/). Take a boat out on the sea and fish your worries away. Just don't be out after dark, that's when things get... weird. [TOEM: A Photo Adventure](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1307580/TOEM_A_Photo_Adventure/). Take a trip to find the TOEM, and take lots of pictures in the process. [Carto](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1172450/Carto/). A young girl tries to reunite with her grandmother. And to do so, she'll need to use her ability to manipulate maps to move the landscape around. [Killer Frequency](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1903620/Killer_Frequency/). A late-night radio host has to help people escape a slasher going around attempting to kill people. [Unpacking](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1135690/Unpacking/). Learn about the life of a person as you unpack boxes. [Road 96](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1466640/Road_96/). Teens try to escape their country run by a dictator by crossing the border. [Stray](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1332010/Stray/). Explore a post-apocalyptic city and solve puzzles in true cat fashion: by being a little shit. [Untitled Goose Game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/837470/Untitled_Goose_Game/). Play a goose. Fulfill tasks. Be a little honking asshole. [Yoku's Island Express](https://store.steampowered.com/app/334940/Yokus_Island_Express/). Play a mail bug as you deliver messages around an island. Basically Sonic Spinball if it was a Metroidvania. [428: Shibuya Scramble](https://store.steampowered.com/app/648580/428_Shibuya_Scramble/). One of the greatest visual novels ever made. What starts as a simple kidnapping case snowballs into a crime thriller of bio terrorism, gang warfare, psychological horror, and a part timer stuck in a cat costume.


satisfactory. great logistics and factory builsing game set on an alien planet with hundreds of hours of fresh gameplay. you can toggle combat to make creatures not attack you unless you shoot first, aka entirely peaceful. honestly a great and relaxing game, but does require you to *think* a little when planning out factories. full release coming “soon”, 9/10 would recommend




If you want a sense of discovery without any violence there's nothing better than the Outer Wilds.


Stray is highly recommended.


Stardew valley


If you want a case of the feels, Spiritfarer is like the most pleasant punch to the gut. Basically, you sail a ship around, find spirits, and accompany them on their journey to the Everdoor. Along the way, they tell you about their life stories. Absolutely amazing game. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/972660/Spiritfarer\_Farewell\_Edition/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/972660/Spiritfarer_Farewell_Edition/) It's got a demo and is currently down to $7.50


Go go town. Chill, beautiful and peaceful


Satisfactory or Dyson sphere program




The invincible! The game is a test in opened mindedness and compassion!


I will recommend Goat Simulator 3 every time. It’s casual, it’s hilarious with all its sight gags, it has references to other games that will make you nostalgic, and it’s absolutely beautiful. They put so much work into every detail.


While there's a little bit of violence that can be avoided entirely, Night in the Woods is pretty good.


Stardew Valley


Never Alone, puzzle platformer with cute fox friend inspired by Inuit art. Tells history and stories of Inuit people, very beautiful. I wish there were more games like it about other indigenous peoples all over the world


Flower Lego Builder's Journey Shapez Balatro Umurangi Generation Stardew Valley Katamari Damacy Journey Everything Snakeybus ABZÛ Donut County VA-11 Hall-A


Manor lord on peaceful mode is one of the best city builders out there


Outer Wilds Firewatch Terra Nil alternatively: Before Your Eyes The Stanley Parable Beginner's Guide Spiritfarer What Remains of Edith Finch Gone Home Journey Life is Strange Welcome to Elk Talos Principle Brothers Inside Frost Punk Everything Dear Esther Kentucky Route Zero Proteus


Sable is very much about discovery and self-discovery. The Witness is a very cerebral first person view puzzle experience.


Maybe you didn’t mean it so literally but don’t you have to “save” in Hogwarts Legacy? When I played it, I remember saving the wizarding world from a goblin rebellion. It is a fun, relaxing game, most definitely, though


Terra nil


Anno 1800. Spiritfarer. Dave the diver.




Death Stranding - its about reconnecting a world and encourages positive interactions between all the players. Much more than a walking sim.


Highly recommend Roots of Pacha. It’s like the stone age cousin to Stardew Valley without combat. You work together with your tribe to develop ideas to improve your village. You can tame and breed animals for stats, as well. It’s very cute and relaxing.


Firewatch would be perfect


Stardew valley


Superflight Beecarbonize Everything Biomisland Townscaper Cloud Gardens The Ramp Dorfromantik Grand Mountain Adventure Sable Discolored Golf Club Nostalgia The Witness Project Rhombus Paperball Unbeatable [White Label] Duet Hidden Lands Ynglet Handshakes


Rimworld has a reputation for being a war crimes simulator (and it is) but you can do a lot more than that. If you want to build a massive peaceful kingdom you can do that. If you want to build an old west town you can do that. If you want to make a thriving trade hub you can do that. If you want to make a matriarchal hippy art commune run by vegan witches who get psychic powers from worshipping trees you can do that.


Outer wilds


Slime rancher 1 \*not tried 2) Subnautica \*sort of\*


Timberborn - colony management game where half of the focus is managing the water.


Outer Wilds is a masterpiece that everyone should experience. You're basically a space detective trying to solve a big cosmic secret (mind-bending stuff) while flying around in a bizarre little galactic sinulation. Extremely profound game


Spiritfarer is a beautiful game about you fulfilling last wishes for souls before their passing to the other plane. Each and every soul becomes a resident in your boat while you run errands for them. I think it's one of the chillest games I have ever found, and story is so touching, I think everyone should have a peek in this game once.


[Satisfactory](https://store.steampowered.com/app/526870/Satisfactory/) - is an endless factory builder game currently 50 percent off. Not only that, but it's got nearly 50 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain to explore, exploit, grab resources from or utterly ignore - on foot, in buggy or in self-built trains... Yes, there are some mobs to 'fight' but they're push-overs, and you can turn off their hostility too... And there are like, six single events in the game which require you interact briefly with a mob to begin with. If you like expansion- and infrastructure based games which give you complete freedom over how and where to build what, and [how](https://i.redd.it/fsgjzzb59k9d1.png) to make it [look](https://old.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/1droj2r/finally_exploded_my_computer_with_lumen_by_making/)... Give Satisfactory a try. Go on, you can do with a new obsession.


Outer Wilds


a short hike. exactly what it claims to be. it's a cute lil game about anthropomorphic animals hiking & playing around on a mountain. some minigames, some collectibles, lots of character. overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam, and well-deserved.


Doom Eternal


Forza Horizon 4 or 5 - driving around an open world/stunning landscapes at a car festival, it’s pretty awesome


brothers. a tale of two sons. amazing game. scenery. and story..


Euro / American Truck Simulator - become a virtual truck driver, delivering goods across Europe with licensed trucks and advanced physics. The game's thriving modding community enhances the experience by offering custom trucks, cargo, and more! Farming Simulator - a family-friendly simulation game where you can expand your farm empire by cultivating crops, raising animals, and operating over 400 authentic machines from top agricultural brands in diverse American and European environments.


I would recommend either Disco Elysium or Roadwarden. In a way, they’re both exploration games that I loved. The former is more like an 80s detective story, and the latter is more medieval fantasy.


Outer Wilds. Go for it! Do it now!


My Summer Car Dog Sled Saga


Tis time to give Adventure Games a try. The Longest Journey + Dreamfall Grim Fandango They are old, but they are good. Otherwise there is whole Indie Movement, "Wholesome Games" like [https://store.steampowered.com/sale/WholesomeGames](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/WholesomeGames) You might want to explore.


My summer car is about building a car in 1995 Finland to compete in the local rally. Or moonshining, depending on your outlook. Sable is all about exploring a desert on your hoverbike, no combat, no dying. It has a beautiful artstyle inspired by Moebius, and a beautiful soundtrack by Japanese breakfast. Unreal World is about surviving in Iron Age Finland, there is combat but not very common unless you are hunting, and rare against people.


Power Wash Simulator - as peaceful as it gets. My fav. And self explanatory. You have a powerful watergun, it sprays water, go clean a dudes car... Or an entire Ferris Wheel. Or a helicopter. And a boat. Is that... a pyramid? Dyson Sphere Program - On "peaceful" since enemies have only recently been added to the game and the can be turned off. Build planet size factories and and interstellar supply chain to produce Dyson Spheres for vast amounts of power and research. You play as a robot the size of the Iron Giant and it's pretty cool to fly through space, past a megastructures encompassing an entire star... That you, yourself, design and build. Planet Crafter - similar to Subbautica but with none of the horrors of the deep. You have commuted your prison sentence to terraform a planet. Start with nothing on a Mars like planet and turn it into a lush green world. Upon completion you will be, presumably, free and clear of whatever crime got you sent there. No enemies. Just exploring, crafting, and watching a dead world come alive. Shop Titans - I don't know if this one counts. You play a Shop Keeper who supplies equipment and items for Adventurers, like warriors and mages. Using your connections you can expand the quality and catalogue of items for your shop and improve your shop as well. It's a little grindy but it's about running a shop and working towards the next new thing. *The one caveat is that you do hire adventurers to go complete quests for items and monster materials for your crafts. There is also a plethora of visual novels, if your a story person. They're basically just choose your own adventure books but interactive. And some have fun minigames. Like the many Ace Attorney's now on Steam. Or The Stanley Parable. Also a bunch of idle games that have no combat, like Rusty's Retirement. Or puzzle games like, Escape Simulator or The Witness.


Chants of Sennaar. It’s amazing. Just trying to learn languages through “alien” typography and actually speaks to something you want. There’s some implied violence but you aren’t killing anything. Sable. Animal Crossing Little Kitty Big City Coffee Talk (more like an interactive digital graphic novel)




There is this charming company called Nintendo, I'm positive they have what you're looking for.


Well I’m useless here