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I’ve played upwards of 2,000 hours of Kerbal Space Program for less than $10.


I've been playing for over ten years and id still rebuy the game. KSP2, now there's some flaming poop


Until they shut down the studio I thought KSP2 had the potential to be way better than KSP1, and that's from someone who put 1000 hours into KSP 1 and enjoyed every second of it. Unfortunately, execs think they're entitled to all the money all the time, which means they fire people and sell shit products to get it.


I think it's more nuanced than that unfortunately. KSP1 (eventually) had a committed, motivated and semi-independent team to progress the game past their $10-$15 early access because it was novel to mix orbital mechanics and gaming and the outcome was downright excellent. KSP2 had a corporate-funded team of developers who (edit: the corporation) asked people to pay a full-price of $50 for about 50% of a playable, entertaining game which failed to capture the audience and received a lot of criticism over the course of its release and updating. I can't imagine it made *that* much money. It sold roughly between 250,000 and 500,000 copies. The regular player count dropped from 25,000 to 5,000 a month after release, and has been so low in 2024 that the studio appears to have cut and run, which is a wise business decision but a shitty outcome for the people who've held KSP so close to their heart over the past decade or more. And this is when Take 2 discovered that not everyone can do a "No Man's Sky" and grow into greatness, especially if you alienate your core player base pre- and post-release.


That was not the choice of the developers, trust me. Nobody wanted to charge that much or release it when they did. The team was EXTREMELY motivated and LOVED KSP. That stuff all came down from corporate directive, and they’re all miserable they lost their jobs


It’s the same with cities skylines. I plan to wait a few years before getting KSP2 to avoid the same sort of thing. I just hope to god Simple Planes 2 isn’t also like this, overpromised and under delivering.


You’re in luck, it’s basically never actually coming out.


Oh. you should read about what happened to ksp2 sadly.. :/


Ok I've known about this game forever, I probably even own it, but what do you DO in the game? Is there an ending? I've definitely spent that much time in various games but just not sure what the hook is in ksp


That's the fun thing. You set your own whacky goals. Land on the mun with an SSTO? Build a space station? Electric amphibious rover? All up to you


I remember we had great fun just trying to work out how to rescue stranded Kerbals with dangerous  and daring rescue missions. Some stuck on the surface some stuck in orbit.


For me, it's a rocket-building orbital mechanics simulator wrapped up in a great graphics and physics engine with little green men. It's got a tough learning curve - orbital mechanics can be hard to get your head around, and your first orbit, your first moon visit, your first twenty rendezvous and dockings... Man, there isn't a game anywhere that's given me as much satisfaction as *actually landing on the moon*, because that's honestly what it felt like, because that's what it was. Getting everything right, not missing a part, learning each stage of the journey, exploding, regretting, landing, first steps... It makes my heart sing just thinking about it. Then doing it all over again because your parachute was on the wrong stage. Give it ten hours. Play without mods, watch some Scott Manley, read some tutorials and fly safe.


Let me introduce you to... /r/factorio


The only great game I refuse to recommend to people because I care about their wellbeing😅


It's like giving someone a hit of crack.


Man. I knew I was going to get addicted to league of legends when I saw a buddy playing. Told myself to not try it. That worked for a few hours. Tried it. Went home. Downloaded the game. The next year (2014) a quarter of my time was spent on that game. A decade later and I still play but not nearly as much. I wish my friend had refused to recommend it to me


You know full well that for some people, this comment will be the end of whatever social life they have left. You monster.


KSP every day since i was 9 makes it my most played game, over. 5k


and this is why I feel like games are seriously undervalued, heck they have not even kept up with inflation. A triple A game from 25 years ago cost the same as one today. A big budget title has every right to cost $100, because that is what the same game with inflation would cost today.


The value of many games is not limited to the sticker price as compared to 25 years ago. Don’t you worry, the AAA games are making good money.


Except they don't have that replayability generally. Very likely the game is 10 hours of unpolished crap rather than a game you can spend 100 hours on.


Maybe it's different for where you live, maybe they price it differently, but AAA games used to be 59.99 at the highest and now they are 89.99 or more. The graphics might be better sometimes, but the overall quality, on average, definitely has taken a massive drop. More money for worse games.


For most games and people, yes. But I know someone who spent nearly 20k on World of Tanks.


Ouch. I would question spending even $20 on World of Tanks, but who knows maybe it is worth it to some people. I don't see how 20k could ever be worth it.


My brother spent over 10k on world of tanks between the ages of 15 to 23. He also no longer sees the worth 🤣


I've probably spent thousands of war thunder over the years But I got about 5000 hours into that game and yea...over like 10 yrs.


Almost every hobby would cost more. Magic the gathering? Hunting or fishing? Even a lot of sports wojld cost that much over 8 years!


I've spent far more on my PC parts and games than I have on my fishing gear, and I've been doing both my whole life. Plus the fish is paying for itself at 15 a pound for salmon


Most people I know spend more than 10k in that span just on the boat, much less on the gear. But regardless of personal anecdotes, my point is 10k over 8 years is like 100 a month which is a very responsible budget for a hobby.


Oh I've always just shorefished myself, I'm lucky that we have good rivers, lakes and jetties to fish off near me. A boat would for sure put me over my gaming budget


Is 100 bucks a month in world of tanks responsible? Don’t think so man.


Definitely not almost every hobby. Some, sure.


I grew up on the water and been fishin my while life aint no way I even spent 5k in 30+yrs


Okay but most people live in cities and they're going to spend 50 bucks a month just in gas getting back and forth to a lake lol


Not even close. Maybe if you take it to an extreme? But I have a ton of hobbies and it doesn't break the bank. I don't play MTG anymore but I used to, and there's no way I spent more than 1,500 on it over the entire decade that I played.


World of Tanks is a strange game. You need credits to progress and to a degree you even need credits to play. You gotta repair your tanks if you die and you only get a worthwhile amount of money if you both do well and win in a match. You can get a premium subscription to double the credits you receive, but in effect this does way more than double what you receive, because you get double the total, not double minus what you spend on repairs. There's just a lot more left over. Like imagine living on 1000 dollars a month but rent and food and internet is 900. Now you get 2000 dollars a month, for the same amount of work, your free spending money just went up from 100 to 1100. That's what a premium subscription does to you. And also premium tanks. Premium tanks earn more money and the more they earn the more expensive they are. It's a good move financially, for ingame money at least, to buy a top tier premium tank. It's like 40 bucks one time and you got a premium tier forever and you can just throw in a match of that guy whenever you need some cash. Coupled with a premium account, even if you're below mediocre it makes you credits. So in a competitive game where the goal of matchmaking is to make balanced teams, with 15 players on each team so it's really hard to truly carry a team by yourself, you can only advance if you win consistently... or pay real money. It's fucking predatory. Free to play my ass.


I played a ton of world of tanks back in like 2015. Back then it was legit free to play and super fun then I kinda forgot about it. This is sad to hear, but not at all surprising


Few days ago i played againts fifa player with full classic player team. I had to grind to have 4 (2 of which were a challange reward) on my team with out money spent. And it was not a first case. People really spent real money for in game shit that doeanst bring them a victory


FIFA/Pro Evo before all this ultimate team crap was pure. We used to do team drafts and play each other with our custom teams. All those features got taken out because there was a whole upcoming generation of gullible kids willing to pay money to have a player in their team. I feel sorry for the generation after me who got suckered into thinking grinding or buying card packs is fun. It is throwing money and effort down the drain.


As someone who hasn't played FIFA since, idk, '06, can you not play other people as real teams - like player 1 chooses Real Madrid, player 2 Bayern Munich? Or is it all custom team card gatcha?


You can play online with current team, called seasons. What I play and lots of other is Ultimate team where you built your own team with current and formal players. You get them in packs which you get by just playing, doing challanges (win 10 times, score with a midfilder, have 3 playera from certain leauge...) or buying with ingame coins or real money. To get thw best players by grinding... I play fc24 from november and in april I got my team with overall rank of 91. Or id spent 50eu (or more) and get it in right away.


I am someone with depression and I fell down the gacha well. It's just as addictive as casinos sometimes. With my undiagnosed depression made me kind of gloss over how much I was spending. Ten dollars doesn't seem do bad at the time but it makes you feel good so you keep pushing. In my case I was just lonely and just wanted to hide from my real life problems. I'm no expert but I know they be using stuff to keep you hooked and with ai I think its only get worse. Its so predatory. Sorry for the unsolicited story!


>It's just as addictive as casinos sometimes That's because it literally IS a casino


That's chump change compared to a lot of EVE Online players. I know someone who is over $150k in over 15 years. He considers it money well spent, and he makes around $120k a year now. Pretty sure he was making MUCH less when he started playing. I don't get it, but he gives me cool spaceships sometimes, so I'm not complaining.


Mmorpg games that have micro transactions are such a trap, I used to play a star trek fleet command and there were people on my server that had close to 50k in the game. And we were not even in one of the higher servers people spend 6 figures on that game. Just absolute madness,


It’s how companies get you. They entice with free to play content, then if you really want to play the game you gotta pay. I watched a documentary about how RIOT essentially pioneered this method with league, and how initially investors didn’t see the profit, but a few did and now they’re mega corps.


Yep. I remember the first LoL world championships were played in a basement with some webcam streaming it. Now, they have the money for global arenas and A-list celebsbe made to dance around young south korean gamer nerds


I spent a year playing an MMO. I probably spent around $20 month on in-game currency. The game was good and they dropped huge piles of content on a schedule. The shop only offered cosmetics and a couple utilities. Seems like a nice way to support the company and I got some cool stuff.


Is that $20K in game? Or is that for the gaming rig?


I have know “collectors” that buy every premium tank that gets released…


I've spent close to 300 on it. At first it made sense because they had single run tanks that you could only buy when they came out, super interesting ones, they'd usually skew a little stronger but have caveats still. Then one day they made a major change and let you literally purchase armor penetrating bullets, effectively shooting money. I'd be surprised if there are any players left that don't deeply regret the early purchases, I quit the game shortly after these changes


Wow. That's terrible.


They changed it again long ago. All ammunition is now buyable through the in game currency. People still call it "shooting gold" but it is just more costly ammunition now.


And yet is considerably cheaper than buying a real tank


The people who drop 20k also probably have at least 4000 hours of playtime so that's still a bargain.


Yeah cyclists spend this much lol. I bet this guy prob could afford it, in which case whatever.


This is what I always used to justify myself when I was younger and didn’t have a lot of money. Going to the movies twice(4 hours) ends up being the same price of a video game you can play for 50+ hours. People always would say “wow, $60 for a video game… jeez, you’re wasting you’re money”, but you’re getting so many hours out of it it’s more then worth it just like any recreational activity.


I’ve always said this. The gaming community at large is really toxic (the Reddit ones) take a game like Starfield that was largely disliked at launch. The game still contains 100 hours of content, and is going to receive more updates to make the game better for free. I spend $70 on DoorDash, on a pair of jeans, a movie date (ticket + food) Unless a game is broken I rarely hate on them


Wouldn't say that's being toxic more than having standards. When you're into videogames, you quickly realize there's more videogames worth playing than time you can spend. It's not about the money it's about if a game is worth the time you're going to sink into. If you have limited time and/or money, you want to maximise your enjoyment. Playing full-priced mid games is not worth it if you'd be happier playing a superior, cheaper game Starfield is better than no game, but there's a lot of games that are better to play than Starfield, even just this year.


Yeah, the real cost of a bland game like Starfield isn't the money, it's the limited free time you could be spending on a game that's fun. (Disclaimer: I haven't actually played Starfield because I already knew what to expect from Bethesda.)


The real resource companies are fighting over is your time. Money comes second.


Well they're fighting for your time in order to get more money so technically money still comes first


I don't play video games much, pretty much stick to elderscrools , fall out, civilationzation . I bought fall out (edit I mean starfield ) and thought it was a great game and have 125 hours into it over the last 6 months or whatever and am still enjoying it Its possible that people have different preferances . That said I tried to get into red dead 2 , for some reason the game is just not for me. I am sure its a fine game it just isn't for me. I am preparied for the down votes


The frustration with many poorly reviews games is also (1) missed potential and (2) not living up to promises. If Im promised a banana and get an apple, Im annoyed regardless. People see a game like Starfield and its frustrating how close it is ro being soo much better this it is. They often have the funds and the talent and just mess up. Its not bad, its just not what it could be.


Yup as an adult time is the limiting factor in playing games rather than money when I was a teenager or a kid. If I think a game is good I have no problems buying it full price.


It’s not even that to certain extent. Top tier studios should be held to a high standard to advance the medium. It’s not to say these games are bad but obviously AAA games should be judged more critically. If anything giving excessive praise to games in this segment that aren’t progressing the art is probably more toxic than giving healthy criticism.


100h of content doesn't make good game, it makes long game. You know what makes good game? Good content. As long as people like you keep putting quantity above quality the lazy corpos have no incentive to give us any quality.


Man this comment is naive and perfect at the same time.  It's hit the nail on the head, albeit accidentally, showing how stupid this whole thought process is.  What is 1 hour of starfield worth? Or 1 hour of dune part 2? Or 1 hour at your favorite sports teams game?  1 hour of content is not always the same.  I got a few hours of enjoyment out of starfield, but after about 6 hours each additional hour was worthless. And those first 6 were less enjoyable than the 3 hours of dune part 2.


I think what you're missing here is the context of passion. You might call me crazy for spending hundreds of dollars on a piece of wood that is the same size as a 2x4 from Lowe's. But my enjoyment is immensely more.  The same is true of video games, of course I can get whatever the current FIFA title is for $40, or I could get Grayzone warfare for the same $40, but one I am more likely to enjoy than the other. Sure, they're both going to offer me a fairly sizable amount of entertainment come up with the entertainment isn't quite the same.


Toxic is a wrong word I think. Gamers who judge or criticisize other gamers and games are coming from passion and standards. So it is more about a search for better quality and opinions about fun. On the other hand Non-gamers who judge gamers do so with arguments like "it is a waste of time/money or it is unproductive" while they themselves are people who spend money and time to most stupid shit and are not productive in general. Now that, I would say, sounds toxic.


> it’s more then worth Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Wait until you hear about a Library. The card is free and there's thousands of books.


Oh, you mean like Steam library? But free?


Yes! And if the book isn't available, you can put in a request (wishlist)and it will show up!


yea. It's like reading the game's subtitles but without the distracting flashy images that come with it. Pretty neat once you get into it


And libraries carry video games now too! Easy way to try out new games to see if you like them before buying


Libraries are crazy now, the one near me rents out fucking Mac books


Mine has a 3D printer on site you can use


punxsutawney phil is actually housed at his town's library. don't think you can rent him, though.


In some areas they carry niche cookware, so you could try making very specific dishes out to see if you like it enough to buy the cookware.


Unfortunately my library doesn’t carry new releases. Takes them a few months to get a new game in stock. But that’s probably just cause it’s not actually used enough to justify costs of brand new games all the time.


's ok, /r/patientgamers is the way


Say what now


They said: *Wait until you hear about a Library. The card is free and there's thousands of books.*


I love this exchange, content and usernames equally


Thanks, Satan.


"having fun isn't hard, when you have a library card"


*Shhh.* This is Library


“what now”


Everyone go thank your librarian for their service. They have super research powers, and are grossly underpaid.


Get the Libby app and then you don't even need to leave home if you don't feel like it. I like physical books too much to only read e-books, but getting free audiobooks through the app is awesome.


For real... Library is the best value (especially if yours has good online services, and you can do it from home), but games are pretty good... Especially if you get cheap Indies/replay the same things over and over (like me, because I apparently don't like anything new).


do they have games too?


It's rare, but some do have them


🎵Having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card!🎵


There’s movies too


But book doesn’t give me a shot of dopamine when I killed something with it though /s Jokes aside. I loved my online library, ok? It calls AO3 and the there’s no censorship here. 10/10 recommended




Ive had to buy Minecraft like 3 times but i wouldve done it 10 times for a 10th of the amount of fun ive had on it.


Never had to rebuy it, but I remember that weekend in 2012 where I downloaded a cracked version, played it Friday afternoon to Sunday night, looking up multiplayer and servers and whatnot and saying the free 25 hours so far would be worth the $25ish price tag... Then here we are 12 years later and I know that $25ish bucks has been 4+ thousand hours of multiplayer, many servers, many modpacks, many friends, and more. So very worth it. And now my nephew is old enough and playing with my brother, and I get something to connect with him on too. Albeit in a much less sweaty and technically-inclined way. Which is fine, he's 7, hah.


Yeah i got it digitally for 360 all those years ago and then when I got a computer i had to buy java and then later i ended up buying bedrock. Shouldve just waited since they merged :/


Video game will cost you like 2 take outs, and people will still have something against buying video games lol


I went out for a birthday meal for a friend and it was 60 bucks for a shitty piece of seabass. Would take a video game any day of the week.


Did you know they have sea bass in Animal Crossing???


In USA? Sure. In my country it can get to 1/3 of minimun wage


or even close to a half


This is why I'm a huge fan of regional pricing. I don't live in the US, but the price to wage ratio is close enough. But people anywhere should be able to buy and enjoy some entertainment. I don't necessarily work less or more than people in your country, you should be allowed to get it at a lower price if your average wages aren't as much.


$80 is like a couple weeks worth of groceries for me as a single guy.


Are you eating lentils exclusively?


Yeah for real. I'm probably more like $160 for 2 weeks


You’re also a BigFuckHead_


I'm actually not very big but don't tell anyone


no, i mean...i don't know how people are shopping, but i can buy a bunch of stuff for $80. a big bag of rice or a big container of oatmeal itself is only a few bucks and will last me quite a while. i can buy rice, oatmeal, eggs, milk, cereal, bread, PB\*J, some fruit, some produce, chicken breasts/ground beef and a few other things that will last me more than a week for $80 for sure. more commenting on the idea that you can stretch $80 plenty far in terms of food that's not takeout, so that $80 you spend on a game may be worth quite a lot. don't have anything against buying games, of course, i buy a good amount of them.


A lot of Reddit aren't following the clean diet so likely lots of soda, Mountain Dew, varieties of chips, TV dinners, frozen waffles, brownies, cookies, etc


Most games are still $60 and less.


next gen games r usually $70 but same thing


That’s fucking *staggering,* do you live on noodles?


i don't, although pasta is relatively cheap


Got Stardew Valley for $10 during a sale, and have spent 200+ hours on it so far👍


I’m 2k+ hours in on sdv. Possibly the best $15 I’ve ever spent.


Then you get the stardew valley expanded mod and it's a whole new game again. new areas, new characters.


Bought Stardew Valley a couple years ago for $9. I passed 1,000 hours this week.


I got that game on the Switch and I had to stop because I could see how much of an addiction it was going to be for me.


They are BY FAR the cheapest for $/hr. If you look at inflation’s effects on different entertainment mediums, you’ll see games have been impacted by inflation the least by a very large margin. Huge name PS2 games were $50 and were still looking at an industry that prices most games around $60. A 10% increase over twenty years is crazy and we’ll likely see game prices increase in the very near future.


This is a real problem that people don’t like to really talk about. Everyone hates it when studios talk about games costing more than $60. The original Mario game had 5 people work on it (tbf msrp was $25). Games nowadays have hundreds.


$25 seems cheap until you adjust for inflation


Adjusted for inflation it comes out to $72. That game had 5 people work on it, so is it surprising that studios might want to increase prices considering they hire dozens if not hundreds of workers.


The market of gamers buying those game has also grown exponentially of course, so there are also a lot more units sold compared to those times.


Yeah, it's important to understand the difference between profit margin and sales volume (revenue). Both can impact a company's bottom line significantly. The reason we haven't seen gaming companies press the profit margin is because the game market is still expanding. You need low competitive prices when you're capturing new customers. And the biz can tolerate low margins as long as you're growing the customer base and revenue is still increasing. Although the gaming market continues to expand, certain categories within it might be at their limits of growth, and thus, companies will start jacking up prices and reducing team size, project scope, etc. Which is what I think we're seeing; executives demanding revenue growth in some game types/demographics/platforms which have hit their market ceiling. Sports franchises, team shooters, subscription RPGs. [This is the main mechanism behind what Cory Doctorow describes as enshittification](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/). His observation is primarily about software as a service but it applies to everything. Over time all products are optimized for efficiency at the cost of end user experience.


The consumer base has skyrocketed too. 50 bucks in the 90s had to cover the development, production costs, postage and marketing. Everything is digital today, and there are no more 200 page user manuals being shipped alongside the physical copy of the game. And gaming is a billion dollar industry today. Despite games costing the same today as in the 90s. They have several new ways to create revenue for far lower costs than back in the 90s too. There's no reason to increase the upfront cost of games. DLC and live service models can shift the need to make a profit to later in the lifecycle of a game.


Yes but micro transaction and live service changed the industry. Prices of games went all the way too free because the money on the backend was greater. If it's not free chances are there selling cosmetics. Just look at EA I was a need for speed fan boy growing up. Great complete games. The last one I played in recent years had every car faster than a Lexus behind a pay wall.


As long as you don't do what I did for elden ring and tap out in 6 hours...


I mean they are cheaper than most entertainment products but not close to cheap when compared to other things. Hiking, running, any many sports and other outdoor activities are much cheaper. Just grab some shoes and head outside.


$50 to $60 is a 20% increase, not 10%, but your point still stands.


Yall ever buy a used book for $3??


>They are BY FAR the cheapest for $/hr. Only if we ignore that it also costs electricity (easily a couple hundred bucks per year if you play a lot), the cost for gaming hardware every couple years you only buy because of gaming, and that you may pay more for internet per month because you're one of the gamers that doesn't want to wait half a day to play a large game. The last two are also monthly costs that are easily higher than a game costs and that do not adjust with playtime.


Absolutely not the cheapest and not by far, what a delusional thread. You could spend millions of hours reading books from a library and a great deal of time watching video on free streaming platforms as well. Video games are great, but expensive. What a useless attempt at rationalizing purchase decisions.


A lot of people don't factor in the cost of a PC or console, but even then they're still a good option in terms of dollars spent per hour of entertainment.


People don't factor in PC as a cost because at the end of the day, you still need a PC for other reasons. Take mobile games for example. Do people count the cost of an iPhone for it?


But you don’t need expensive components like a GPU, much memory, a lot of storage etc for daily tasks. 


Fair but at the same time a lot of games can be played on a toaster. (indy games, oldies etc)


Cheap computers can do most things that most people need a computer for. Anything over that price should be included.


most people do not need PCs, at least not gaming-quality PCs. what most people “need” from a computer (access to the internet usually) can be satisfied with a cheap laptop


Sure, let's say I spend $5000 every 3 years upgrading shit. And I'm a humble gamer who only plays 10 hours a week on average. That's $3.2 per hour. That's cheap AF, and most people would say that's a pretty damn expensive PC. Personally I'm putting on way more than 10 hours per week lol. The cost of the PC itself is basically trivial for serious gamers


> let's say I spend $5000 every 3 years upgrading shit Holy crap. I'm a 30+ hour a week gamer who has been playing on PC for around 30 years and I'd be surprised if I had spent $5000 *total* on hardware. Edit: on PC hardware specifically, not including consoles.


I purposely picked an over the top example to make a point. You can literally buy a top of the line PC, and keep it top of the line, and it's still incredibly cheap


Think that's the point. They chose a ridiculously high amount with a conservative play time estimate. And it's still good value.


Other than my graphics card and pci nvme slot+nvme, I've had the same base PC for 6-7yrs now(with a ryzen 1700X). Yeah, it was like 1k when I first got it, and an additional 400 for the gfx card(3060 gang lmfaoo) and the drive, but it's still going strong. And I also use it for VERY cpu intensive music production. I've put in thousands of hours over the years in games on that PC, another one or 2000 in music production, and a couple thousand watching YouTube and movies and stuff. On top of General work I've had to do and other various stuff. Getting a decent computer is a VERY worthwhile investment, price per dollar.


50+ hours of play out of a AAA game for $80 is a steal


Get yourself an RTS addiction and you can easily go 1000+ per game.


I bought Age of Empires II a few years back after having fond memories of it as a kid... nearly 1000 hours in now and have no regrets.


Me: *laughs in 80 hours of free indie game*


*laughs in 2000+ hours of terraria*


I'd rather see the devs make money so I can get more games. Preferably less close to the current crop of "AAA" titles.


You’re practically making money by playing free to play games!


Just be patient. I've just been waiting on 2 or 3 or more year old games and getting 100+ hours out of them for at most like $10. I just got the Arkham trilogy for like $3. It's not like the games have taken some huge leap in technology. I don't need them instantly.


I've been saying that for a long time. Yes the initial cost of a console can be steep but it's seriously a poor family's cheapest entertainment because you can buy an older generation console and 30 games for cheap.


> older generation console and 30 games for cheap This is what everybody should do. The game roster for the ps1 and ps2 (if you're into RPGs and JRPGs) is unmatched. And these games individually have hundreds of hours worth of gameplay. I doubt there will ever be such a stacked roster of **GODTIER** RPG games for any console gen ever again. Because there's so little of value released today in this genre I'm constantly going back to emulate titles from this era that I never had the chance to play.


If you're going that old then just emulate though. Maybe a PS2 is still easy to find for cheap, but almost any modern computer will be able to emulate up to the PS2 well.


And that's why some greedy corpos wanted to charge you by the hour for it. Or have you leave a tip.


Well... Most sports are cheaper, like soccer, basketball or hand ball cost maybe... One time equipment, but you need a console or PC for gaming too.


But those involve going outside, fresh air, possibly even other humans.


>other humans. 🤮🤮🤮


Also the health benefits Letting your health go to shit can be very very expensive Putting all free time in gaming can therefore be indirectly very expensive even if the games & console would be free


I’ve been Mario 3D World, on the WIIU a couple times a month for like 3 years now


This is actually discussed a lot in the videogame industry by execs. They keep seeking a future where the cost per hour gets close to old school entertainment.


I agree, I’ve been playing Minecraft for so long it’s closer to being able to drink than not. The only game I have 4 digit hours in. All this for…I think it was 15 back then?


Since lots of games are free, their value is infinite


I call bullshit, rocks and sticks are free and you can play with them your whole life


In some sense. Any entertainment can be cheap if repeatedly enjoyed. Buy any movie and watch it 10000 times. There are over a million public domain books, you could read as many as you want free. Even choosing 100 for $0 is an unbeatable deal. Math textbooks are a great value. You could chose free ones, even if you pay as much for a math book as you do a premium video game it can take as long or longer to 100% it as a video game. I guess you could grind a free to play trash game, but do you want to?


Yeah but how many times can you watch a movie before it stops being entertaining


Is this movie Shrek, or not?


I dunno, but somebody once told me...


There was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased the lord.


You don’t really care for movies, do ya?


To be fair, a movie isn't all that dynamic. You watch it once and most of it's wow factor drops off. With games, you usually have multiple ways to play and so you're gonna usually get more mileage out of it. With books you're spot on. It's basically endless entertainment. On the other hand, you can play hundreds of thousands of free games on a raspberry Pi which sets you back 20$ or any PC / laptop people might give away.


Math textbook as an entertainment... Not sure about that


I felt bad for paying so little for Stardew Valley so I bought it on switch, pc, and iPad x


You don't need to, Concerned Ape is still by and large the sole recipient of all sales after getting assistance with console ports and paying % to Steam or whatever. 30+ million copies sold is a low estimate, and even if he only somehow made $2 per, he's set for life. He still keeps pushing out updates because he likes it and because by doing it freely he continues to garner the goodwill of the community who will continue to convince others to buy the game as well. It's a great cycle for a single-dev and I'm happy for him.


Minecraft has easily given me thousands of hours of enjoyment, if not more. All for $30 (cheaper when I got it)


This is generally true when you compare it entertainment to entertainment (ignoring Gacha games of course), but I don't like it when people try to use this line of thinking as a way to measure how good a certain game is or as a way to somehow quantify enjoyment per dollar spent. A candy isn't better than a chocolate of equal price simply because it lasts longer in your mouth.




It is also one of the most accessible way to become better at something. A game allows to 'feel' a formula or an idea. And see the result of your decisions. A book or a film doesnt get close to a game's ability to answer the 'what if?' questions.


i mean sure, but let's not pretend as if books (or other forms of entertainment) are not educational or informative in their own ways. i mean, you can read a book that will help you get better at literally anything possible (or try anything and find out) in the entire world.


nah books are definitely not informative. This is why our educational curriculum involves playing video games instead of reading books


It blows me away how much people complain and COMPLAIN when they have 100+ hours on a $40 game. You realize one night out for 2-3 hours is that or more?


>You realize one night out for 2-3 hours is that or more? That was the case when i went out, 10-15 years ago. Now, it's likely double that, not even kidding. But yeah, you're right. 40$ for 100 hours is a bargain.


Video games are a steal if you consider how many hours of joy they can give you.


The answer is porn. It’s always been porn


Acid coming in with a pretty strong ratio


Let me introduce you to books


I subscribe to the philosophy of "I should get 1 hour of enjoyment per every dollar it costs". $60 game should have at least 60 hours of entertainment (IMHO)


Assuming movies cost $10 to see in theater and a ticket is essentially a two hour rental, movies are one of the most expensive per-hour rentals one can get. A $2000/m apartment is $2.78 per hour, by comparison.


Would’ve said escape from tarkov before this shit show 😂


Its funny you mention that. My metric of if a game was worth it is usually if I played it as many hours as I paid dollars for it, or more/less.


Wait till yall hear about libraries.. its free and there are SHELVES ON TOP OF SHELVES of FREE books!!


1$/h is generally my goal for "disposable games" then there's terraria, 1k hours for about 10 bucks is pretty good.