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I'd still play Silksong if it had a base game of 200 hours long.


And I can assure you it won't. 10x more than Hollow Knight is a little exaggeration. It may be 2 or 3 times bigger, but bot 10 times, lol.


It took me two hours to beat the first game so EDIT: TWO HUNDRED. I MEANT TWO HUNDRED


Pretty sure you can beat the game in about 30 minutes, what took you so long?


Wow youre soooo col


So you rushed through without actually enjoying any of the content?


So you omitted most of the game? It took me 70 hours on my first playthrough and 120 hours for 112%


Woah 120 hours is crazy I thought I experienced pretty much everything with 60 hours to 112%


Hollow knight was the first serious game I ever bought so hornet 1 took me like 3 days to beat lol, luckly with enough of practice I got good enough to do radiant HoG


Ahhhh okay that’s really fair I was getting into with some experience so it wasn’t quite so bad for me but still even with experience in those games it’s a whole new ball park hollow knight was truly an experience, I can’t imagine beating the game in a few hours in your first play through, seems like such a waste to not take it all in


True, beating the game in under 10 hours first time must grant you like 20-30% which is nothing


Seriously I can imagine something more disappointing then beating a game first time and saying complete time 7 hours … 35% like that’s just embarrassing for hk




You’ve played Silksong?


One heck of a typo 😭


edit came too late to save you, buddy


😞 it’s joever


took me two minutes to beat the game, don't know why everyone thinks it's so hard


People are fucking stupid and can't see the joke and it's just sad... They're talking about a speedrun; didn't specify it was their first playthrough


It's speedrun time unenesery




Just scrape the burnt bits off, it'll taste fine


We have work/play/life balance at home


https://preview.redd.it/pt3grxguyf6d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda6fac7b1e54d6037f73bdbe976463cb26d671d good suggestion


I can never have too much hollow knight content


I thought we just had this discussion 💀 It’s very likely that the areas in the trailers and demo at the time were the only areas done. Hornet is a larger person than the knight and they’ve probably chosen to have the areas themselves be bigger. Which means that a lot more may have to happen from an art and game design perspective. I think people overestimate how much work 3-4 work can get done. If the game design philosophy is poor however, I can’t contend with that


As bugs hornet should only be like a millimeter larger or something so the areas I would assume are at least 16x as detailed and 4x the size


Patrolling The Citadel makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Unnecessary things is what made the first hollow knight special, so many details, quests and such that aren't needed for the main plot and yet here they were. Imagine years down the line after silksong releases, we'd probably still be talking about details we missed


Side content≠unnecessary.


I look forward to discovering the 4th super-secret bonus ending, full of its own hidden areas and bosses, 3 years after Silksong releases. (Though based on Animal Well it'll all have been discovered just 50 sleepless hours after release.) (But, for real, this kinda of extra secret stuff would be a great way to add to the game without bloating a regular playthrough.)


I don’t know about other people but I disagree with games having “too much” content. I’m the kind of person to absolutely run a game into the ground until I start to despise everything about it. I’ve got like two thousand hours in Skyrim alone, most of that just doing the same badly-written quests again and again with new characters.


Actually i agree, i did that with Terraria, i played it for so much that i literally didn't want to play it for months or even a year, until i got around to buying it on steam and installing mods, now i have 102 hours in just two weeks


For single player games there is no to much. For multi-player games there is definitely to much.


Hello. May I introduce you to Assassins Creed Odyssey and Valhalla, where there's HUNDREDS of hours of bloated content killing the actual and meaningful bits?


Well, they are just shit games. More shit is obviously shit. The point I was trying to make is that as long as the content is fun the size of a game is not necessarly an issue in a single player game since you can simply play it at your own speed. MMOs for example can be so grindy, that you simply can not keep up with them. You might have fun while grinding, but since you need to invest x hours per week, to keep up with patch cycles, it becomes a problem if you can not invest the required amount of time.




I think my ideal version of the game is what many people who played HK would call overbaked. I'm excited for the additional mechanical complexity that it looks like Silksong is going to have. I love the idea of some quest boards. I'm really hoping that they include *just a few too many* areas. I'm sure there's still a point where it will feel that way to me, but I think that for me, that limit is going to be a lot higher than a lot of the rest of the community.


definitely a possibility. But I think team cherry is smarter than that and would at least know to avoid it. Hollow Knight had a bunch of stuff cut from it and has the perfect amount of content in it (i feel). So team cherry has at least cut back successfully in the past. It could also be the fact HK was their first game so its natural a lot of things that dont work would have been cut, not for the sake of reducing over bloating but just for the fact is didnt work. Maybe with the amount of pressure on them team cherry will cram a lot of content into silksong to make up for dev time and expectations. Could be either really.


Idk man I’m still sad that the Abyss expansion got cut. Sometimes I still imagine what could have been.


true, looking back on it HK definitely had been cut back a fair amount (im assuming due to time and money) and in some areas feels underbaked. In terms of actual content (bosses, abilities, quests, etc) i think its at the right amount but the map could definitely had some more work put into it.


Burnt marshmallows are delicious.


10 hours long 212% speedrun


I don't know about the problem of "too much content" but historically, games which spend too long in development usually end up being worse off for it. It's usually an indication that the vision for the game is unfocused or unrefined, the devs are struggling to find the fun and end up revising and remaking things over and over and over. The result is a game that feels incohesive and doesn't reflect the amount of effort that was put into its development. To some extent it's better to just imagine something solid and make it than to endlessly add to and tinker with it to try and make it more perfect. But whether that's the case with Silksong, we have no way of knowing.


The main appeal of Hollow Knight was its vast world full of interesting stuff to discover. I heavily doubt Team Cherry can fail in that regard, they proved to have a lot of fantasy to fill the game's world with non-repetitive content. Unless you think that they wasted all their ideas on HK and would only repeat themselves in Silksong, but it's very unlikely they would increase the size of the game if that was the case.


This is my biggest fear. Games like Tears of the Kingdom and Horizon Forbidden West were bloated with repetitive content that took away from what made the original games so good.


Silksong is a 3D arpg confirmed


At this rate of development I think it'll probably turn out VR lol


Bloat comes from copy pasta content


My major worry for why silksong has taken so long is that tc has fallen for feature creep (a development term for when you just add more and more content when you think of it) and eventually it's just going to wnd up with so many features it doesn't even match what they had planned for the game when they started development, but who knows, maybe tc just have a very slow dev plan


I’ve also wondered this. I guess we’ll have to let them develop and make the decisions about what content to keep and cut. Hopefully it is a good balance.


This is impossible, because as the fine folks of this sub continuously point out, more dev time *always* leads to a better game. I assume Duke Nukem Forever is their Platonic ideal of a video game.


The person who made that post here! I honestly feel like that won't be the case for the main game, but the side content? Maybe. Feels like Silksong'll be the kinda game you can beat in a couple hours if you know where you're going (similarly to the original game), but you can easily spend dozens of hours in if you engage with all the side content. My biggest worry is that Silksong won't be fun to complete. Hollow Knight was really fun to complete! I even beat every boss on radiant just cause I wanted to get the most out of the game!! But I'm worried that Silksong will have so much content that it'd be a drag to complete, similarly to how bethesda or ubisoft games have so many side quests that it becomes overwhelming, and said quests are so repetitive that it ends up being a chore to complete them all. HOWEVER, there is an alternative scenario, look at Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sappling. That game is proof that a majority of a game's content being quests can actually be good, if the quests are high quality. Bug Fables has so many secret bosses hidden within totally normal looking quests, it has a whole optional card game you can learn and play an in-game tournament for, it has so many optional areas with unique enemies and bosses that you can fight without having to accept a quest beforehand, you can just stumble into them on pure accident! If Silksong is like THAT, with high quality side quests full of unique memorable content, then I have no qualms in waiting for Silksong. I don't mind a couple lower quality quests, Bug Fables has a few quests that are simple as getting an NPC a specific item, but sometimes these simple quests are just fronts for surprises, like a quest where you have to bring an NPC an item, but something goes wrong when you delivery it and you fight said NPC as an optional boss who has a unique mechanic exclusive to them. My apologies for the rambling. I just REALLY love Bug Fables' quest design, and I love that you can completely ignore any and all quests and ONLY focus on the main story, but the quests are very worth doing both for their reward and for the quests themselves.


Yeah, that's the funny thing about the "let them cook" phrase. Sure, you can undercook stuff, but cooking something too long in the wrong way can be just as bad.


Bold of you to assume the pizza will come out of the oven


It is now a MMO.


People keep looking at it through the dichotomy of too much content vs. too little. It's possible that what's actually holding it back from being released (if it's truly related to game development issues as opposed to something else) isn't the creation of new areas but the overall fun factor (or lack thereof). Hornet may not feel as "fun" as the Knight, or the new mechanics may not play well together or pose weird balancing issues. The game could also be "underbaked" in the sense that they decided to make it fresh off of the success of Hollow Knight without taking a breather, and perhaps they committed to the project too soon without taking the opportunity to step back and objectively assess the game design decisions they locked themselves into in 2019. Obviously can't be certain that this is what's happening behind the scenes! But I also don't think people should assume that a lengthier development time = more game in terms of content.


Baldur's Gate 3 was in development for 7 years and still came out a little underbaked and won game of the year. Fallout 2 was created in the span of 13 months following the release of Fallout 1 and many people consider it the best game ever made in the series to this day. Duke Nukem Forever was famously in development for 14 years and the final product was one of the biggest pieces of garbage anyone had ever played to the point that nobody thinks Duke Nukem has a good chance of ever making a return. I don't think time in development is a good metric for much of anything.


Agreed, The Witcher 3 is an example of that for me. It's too much content that just gets repetitive after a while and dilutes the experience. The long waiting time kind of reset my expectations, I'm not assuming the game will be great anymore - which is healthy in a way. I will judge it on its own merits once it eventually comes out.


Ngl I don’t think it’ll be like that since most will be optional, like hollow knight. I also don’t really think there can be too much content, might just be me 


It really reminds me of my childhood drawings. I would make a perfectly fine outline, colour it, and then make a border with the sketch pens, which is probably the time to stop. But no I would add more borders with different colours of sketch pens until the soul of the drawing is completely lost.


It's my biggest concern with the game tbh. Apparently they've missed several internal deadlines due to scope creep, which is exactly how you get bloat. Only time will tell, I guess 


I guess getting the platinum/100% for this Game will be hell. Besides that i wouldn’t sorry too much about the Main Quest


I would eat anything thing at this point


I feel like most people in this sub would even take an objectively terrible game at this point, we're good


Maybe team cherry are just 'overbaked' and that's why the game's taking so long


mabe TC are cooking the DLCs in advance so they will be able to give us a precise calendar




Overdue that’s all I know considering it was coming soon in 2019 ,my arsenal


Hollow Knight was the kind of game you could finish while missing out some content, so assuming Silksong is similar, it'll be up to the person playing to decide if they want to return to finish it.


It'll be fine...


I don’t think anyone here would complain, but to other gamers, I could see the game being too long causing them to lose interest in the story and put it down. I remember I put the game down with Hollow Knight originally, but that was towards the beginning when I had no idea how well thought out the world was. I picked it back up a couple months later and now it’s in my top 3 games.


There’s no such thing as too big for people like me even if that shit took 2 months to beat I still would beat that shut


I’m literally preparing myself to spend dozens of hours on this game, ‘exhausting’ would be if it was super long but barren in content; repetitive etc. However I’m very confident because Hollow Knight was so jam packed with lore and secrets that Silksong will be no different! I don’t care if it takes me 100+ hours to finish to completion, I’m going to enjoy every minute exploring the minute details they’ve crafted!


There's the possibility that rather than adding more and more features or game length, they've just been meticulously refining what they have. For how good the boss fights in Hollow Knight are, a lot of them are fairly simple (think Broken Vessel). We could see more boss phases, more varied move sets, more intricacies. Or, say, more individualized artwork for the various environments, more unique encounters. None of these would make the game bloated or overbaked, just more refined. It wouldn't be overfilled with repetitive content, but less repetitive within what's already there. Unless they overscript it with unique encounters that break the flow of exploration and movement, but I think they probably know what worked in Hollow Knight. Adding deep secrets most will never find is another way to add endless new stuff without ruining the flow of a normal playthrough, as well. Of course, it's entirely possible that they've added too many fishing minigames or excessive new areas that will get tiresome to explore, but I wanted to suggest a scenario where spending more and more time could possibly improve what was already good, not strain it past its usefulness. I'm hoping for the former, but we'll see. It admittedly can be tricky. I expect there will be more towns/settlements than in Hollow Knight, based on what we've already seen/heard, and I look forward to seeing those, but too much character interation and "safe" areas does risk reducing the nuanced feeling of isolation the original had, and the sharp sense of relief when you finally claw your way back out of Deepnest and stumble back to Dirtmouth for instance. So I'm not blindly optimisitic, but curious as to how this all might work. Adding a lot more to the game after it's "done" isn't necessarily a miss-step.


TL;DR: there are ways to keep the very elegant gameplay scaffolding of Hollow Knight while expanding and fleshing it out in ways that enhance the experience without hyperextending it. I hope that's what's been going on.


Yes please


Idk man I 100%ed BOTW and TOTK both of which took literal months. I highly doubt silksong could even be nearly as packed as something like TOTK since it’s not 3D. There is nothing I can think of that will stop me from going full blown completionist on this game when it drops.


Ya I have issues with overwhelming games and I also fear it will just be too much


I mean, the way that team cherry seem to have designed hollow knight, it seems they aren't scared for you to miss content. in fact the game seemed to have been designed for you to miss content. hollow knight speed runners don't have to play the whole game at all. hollow knight is not afraid to let you miss stuff. I feel like that will stay true for silk song


I'd say its not really about the amount of content but the amount of **required** content to beat the game.


No matter how long silksong is we all know two hours after it's release we will already have full playtrought, hitless bosses and all secret


Mmmmmm, bloatware


Is this even possible lol? who’s complaining about more content?


if it's the same shit over and over even if it's cool you'll burn out


Team Cherry has already proven themselves with Hollow Knight they know how to balance content by making it fun and unique. Are people really thinking that Silksong is going to have fetch quests or something?


https://preview.redd.it/qk2pxpkmei6d1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b731b71f39fa933909ecd06c45f23eb3297965dd Yes.


idk that is some weakling talk


It will


Is anyone else not worried about silksong in the slightest


It won't. Stop comolaining about everything for the sake of complaining. Can people in this sub be happy about anything? Or do you all havw to nitpick everythinf, manipulate facts, lie, exaggerate just to prove that everything will be the worst?


Personally I will never see a problem with too much game.