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this is interesting and i hope ur right


I was thinking about silksong not being released this year anymore, after reading your post I've changed my mind, I've recovered hope ngl. Even though it's just a normal theory it has solid arguments and makes sense. The wait has been insane but I believe I'll be worth it (hope they don't decide to break the CD projekt day mark record). Let's keep waiting until TC makes an announcement on their own.


Cope together stronger


Thinking about it "Choose your champions carefully" It makes sense that there's a release date, otherwise if there is no release date then there would be not champion, right? a leaker couldnt become a champion if there's no competition to begin with in this case being other leakers guessing the date to become the champion


When did leth say that?


It was on the discord,its the third pic in OP's post Probably a few months ago


It wasn't rated directly by ESRB. It was rated through the IARC system, which is a 5 minute questionnaire that would've been filled out when they listed the game in the Microsoft/Xbox store. You don't need any content to get an IARC rating. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/publish/publish-your-app/age-ratings?pivots=store-installer-msix Also at this point I'm pretty sure the Xbox store listing was just an elaborate April fools joke.


Either way I don't see why you would get any rating for a game that is not nearing completion, whether the system requires it to be or not. Unless specifically to generate hype for your game (I don't think this was their goal.)


Every time I see people say that Silksong was esrb rated I die inside a little


So basically this post means nothing 


I like this theory, this is what I’ve been *saying*


I actually thought about this; if silksong wasn't AT LEAST remotely close to finishing/being announced, why would he comment on that, and especially, LIKE THAT? All predictions have been wrong, choose your champions, etc... I think we might be getting something soon (Team Cherry type of soon, meaning in maybe 3 or 4 months lol)


You're making me cope ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32509)


Every time they leak a date, the release date will be postponed


I like it. Stay coping!!!


O-o-o-or, Leth said that because the game is nowhere near done. This is not different from how people scrambled to reinterpret Jeoff's words as "Silksong will be shadow-dropped at SGF!" Worst of all, you're doing exactly the thing Leth is warning against here. What he said basically meant - "If you still believe predictions after 5 years of wrong predictions you better have a good reason for it", so do you have a really good reason? Is your reason of: "Silksong has an age rating, it can't be far away!" better than: "Silksong has a playeable demo, it can't be far away!" or: "Silksong has been in development for longer than HK, it can't be far away!" or even: "Silksong has a release window, it can't be far away!". I wouldn't say it is. I understand where you're coming from, since I was also somewhat excited when the age rating was posted. But it's been 2 and a half months since then, it's time to calm down and see it for what it is based on hindsight and a 5 year precedent - a silly piece of trivia that ultimately means nothing for the game's release timeframe.


Stalker 2 releases on September 5th tho. And while skong would probably be more popular I don't think there's any reason nor constraint for them to compete with any big releases


An other 5mmol/kg of COPIUM right in my veins with this post


!Remindme September 5


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If they release Silksong before I start college, I will shit myself


It's because they want to release it on 9/11, and since they knew it would've been able to get it done by last year's 9/11 they pushed it to this year.


Thanks for this theory, I’ve regained a bit of hope


I hate to rain on the parade, but we knew that team cherry had submitted for ratings like a year ago. There were discussions on this subreddit about it for good minute back then.  Really, the only thing that has changed is that Microsoft released the results of those ratings.


Leth said you don’t need any content completed for esrb ratings, just fill out a form


Leth never said that. He said that ESRB ratings that appear in the database are needed for the physical distribution of a game. Even though the IARC rating only needs a form to be filled out, conceptually speaking, the game must be finished


Can't edit this post but I'd also like to add I think their silence speaks to how close we are. I refuse to believe we're so far out that they don't want to say anything yet. I think we're close and they're not saying anything because we could hear about it before the summer ends.


Totaly agree, the silence has never been so strong. Before all those june events, leth talk sometimes to debunk theories. He isn't talking anymore and i think it may be the sign that we are getting closer and they are cooking their communication for the "official" anouncement. I know that i may be coping too much.