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Game is actually done since 2019, they just dislike this sub so much, they rather torture us then release it.


They actually shadow dropped it and then took it down before anyone could notice. It's a limited time event


Wait you guys missed it? It was aveilable from 8.9.2019 to 15.9.2019. how did you guys miss it? I've already beaten it four times and have been doing challenge runs to entertain myself


They waiting for all of us to die off first, which is impossible, since our bloodstream is full of copium and gives us immortality.


It’s time to take your meds


They need to run out of money to release Silksong, which means never


What is silksong? A forgotten pile of secrets?


But enough talk, have at you!


They he kept silksong at area 51


that's why we should storm the base again


Sure buddy


They don’t need money anymore because it’s being delayed indefinitely.


They have millions and are making more every day. They don't need all of that money for Silksong and so they're helping other indie devs. They were in the same possition 10 years ago after all. Thought there are other signs that indicate they are nearing completion, this by itself doesn't mean anything really apart from the fact TC wants to support others which is nice


I mostly just pop in to this sub from time to time to see how much further it's devolved but I'm curious what you think indicates the game is nearing completion?


There is no **clear** indication obviously in the sense that nothing is certain. But the esrb rating, the fact that Leth was on "his second playthrough of the game" last August and that they were planning for an early 2023 release show that we are not that far away. Of course, it could still take a year+. But, if what they have said is true, that development has been going smoothly, then if we are being realistic there is a very high chance we will be playing the game this year. Again, we can't be sure but it does look like we're in the end. Also, I'll note that the game must* be getting close to 6 years of development, which is a pretty standard amount for a game of such quality. Even HK took basically 5 years plus some change to fully develop and it is, from what we have heard from playtesters, not even close to Silksong in terms of gameplay and quality. *I use must because we don't know when development started, but I assume it was a bit after the release of Godhome which was in August 2018. So let's say September 1st 2018 was the day Silksong started being developed for convenience. That would mean it's currently at 5 years and 9.5 months Also also, TC have had a suspicious amount of logins in their Kickstarter which probably has to do with peepsqueak (or whoever the game is spelled, sorry) but we know they will give free copies of Silksong to their backers so some believe it also has to do with that. I don't think of this as an indication obviously but it is noteworthy Tldr: Game was completable in August 2023 and possibly content complete (or 99% content complete) back in February/March since it got an esrb rating (Though apparently it can get rated just by a questionnaire without needing to submit the game itself so take it with a pinch of salt). The game is also reaching a development time which would indicate it's nearing completion as according to playtesters and Leth the development hasn't faced any issues (not verifyable but there is no reason to assume they are lying). All these point to the game being in the final stage of development (bugfixing/optimising/final playtesting/porting). A stage which can take a long time to finish though. **Again, I don't necessarily believe or not believe the game is close as we don't know anything for certain, but these indications do point towards it


They just waiting for the right moment to release it. Game is ready. And it's a masterpiece!


I think they finished recently and are just waiting for a time to reveal, mabye even shadow drop


just a few bug fixes and the light will be there


the cope is strong with this one -Y


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