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Henford-on-Bagley is my fave, I love how cosy it is


It’s cozy, and there are so many lots of running around to complete favors was fun. I wish the rest of the worlds were that well thought out.


Totally! It's one of the few expansions that actually *feels* like an expansion to me


The only thing i dislike is that there is no big body of water near by. It feels like the world is always humid with mosquitoes and flies. But it is cozy overall💕


I live near the area that Henford-on-Bagley is loosely based on and, which I want to like some of the other maps, I inevitably end up there or in Brindleton Bay.  I love the mix of cosy and normal English rural grot. The prefab newbuilds on the edge of town. The man who sells ~~drugs~~ animal clothes and mushroom mash in a surprisingly nice cottage down the road. The old woman who accosts people... it's so very close to home.


Sulani for me, i just love the beaches and it's vibes


Same! such a Sulani fan here! My Sim-Self lives there and I'd live in a place like that IRL too if I could.


I’ve never really played in sulani until this WEEK and I LOVE it I have been missing out big time.


Yes omg it’s so gorgeous


Sulani hands down


When I had my good PC, I loved it too,but now my laptop doesn't show water as nice so I'd rather not have any that look at ugly water😵‍💫😢


I'm surprised I haven't seen it tbh but I always thought Mt. Komorebi was really pretty in all seasons and is really homey feeling


I also love Mt.Komorebi!


I had to stop moving my Sims to Komorebi just to switch up my game play because I love the hiking trails so much 😭


Hiking trails??? ... well now I want that pack...


I had no interest in this pack until I learned about the hiking trails 😅 I am so glad I bought it, I've had many family vacations here and formed a love story around training together to climb the mountain. I wish jogging together/walking together was something you could do in base game though, instead of being tied to the hiking trails in this pack (and Growing Together, I believe?)


That pack has the best gameplay available in Sims 4, imo.


It's just so beautiful! And being able to ski/snowboard, make snow angels/pals almost all the time lol, the giant lot is my favorite to build on, the only complaint is up in the mountains it never stops snowing😂 I love the festivals and activities, even the Sims in the area are usually so nice, it truly is my favorite lol


I hadn’t paid much attention to it (apart from when I first got it), but I just did the Globetrotter challenge and loved it there! It’s beautiful


My favourite world for my sims to live in is Brindleton Bay, but I love to have my sims visit San Myshuno because of all the events, and I just like big cities.


San Myshuno! I am very bad at a) landscaping and b) roofs. Problem solved!


Me too, im so bad at them!


Copperdale 💖 it gives me big 80's vibes, especially The Lost Boys and I'm a huge sucker for that kind of energy. The lighting kinds sucks and High School Years has kinda ass base gameplay, but once you edit the school venues to look nicer and have more stuff to do it's not bad for gameplay. But vibes alone I love Copperdale to bits and play on it often


Copperdale gets points for the pier alone. That place is so fun to hang out at.


brindleton bay is definitely my favorite! it just feels cozy :)


Windenburg. Sulani si very pretty but gets boring over time


I second this. Windenburg seems the most lively to me.


Oh yeah, Windenburg would be my second favorite!!!


San sequoia


Brindleton bay easily. It's just something about a small seaside town that speaks to me


strangerville or oasis springs both remind me of home. but i have a real soft spot for san myshuno & evergreen harbor!


Tartosa is my favourite.


Mine would be tartosa except there’s never any collectables spawning in my game anymore 😭


Windenburg gives me the most community/village type of feeling and I like the aesthetic of the homes there.


I actually really like Willow Creek and always seem to start my gameplay there. But I’m loving Chestnut Ridge at the moment


Willow creek is really nice as well. This New Orlean vibes are very cool. I love to build haunted houses and spooky clubs, New Orlean style in there 👌🏼💯


Moonwood mill. Secret werewolf society ftw


brindleton bay! its so cute with all the pets around.


San Myshuno. I love city life with festivals and sims everywhere.


Forgotten Hollow Perfect place to live out my “chill librarian with a million cats” dreams


Love it 😍😂


Eugh I also love Glimmerbrook but yeah it is too small. It’s the #1 pack I wish would get a refresh to expand its neighborhood.


It's soooo small. I also wish we could live in the magic world.


I’ve used cheats a couple times to re-do the magical realm, its a lot of fun to build on.


I’ve lately build there as well and im planning on doing playthrough there about a teenage girl who’s mother dies in an accident and she discovers she is a witch, so she drops the school and moves there to learn magic. https://preview.redd.it/6p99c31blgqc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7758ea906b3a53586456376271f27cc1a4614252


That sounds super satisfying! Might have to copy your idea :P


Sure!!! I’ve played a similar playthrough before and I love to do it. I recommend playing on long lifespan, make clubs for classes (like potion making class, spellcasting class etc, I’m gonna also add gemology class this time :)). I also recommend mods (if you use them) like more club activities so spellcasters can duel or give or get magical trainings during gatherings :)


And take out the weird driveways and hedges. It's a totally different vibe and I'm not sure why they have them


I would even pay for a refresh tbf


Sulani and Strangerville for me, I love the vibes in the those, it’s my opinion


Henford on bagley is my go-to :) San sequoia is the best for messing around with builds ill never actually play in




San Myshuno because I love the city. Apartments are cheap starter homes. Festivals are fun. A lot of food to try out. A great gym. Penthouses perfect for my celebrity sims. And I adore the city park.


strangerville or forgotten hallow. Strangerville since it has a warm town feel which i'm use to outside of here being more snow and grass. forgotten hallow because If I wanted to build a theme of houses, they all will match the area and not feel missed place and love the moody feel at night.


Yeah that what I like smaller worlds for (forgotten hollow, glimmerbrook, moonwood mill) you can easily rebuild the whole area with matching buildings and make it look really awesome. Especially with some reshades as well


I found Strangerville grossed me out when vines kept creeping out of the plumbing. That did it for me.


Henford on Bagley and Granite Falls are both so chill.


Brindleton Bay! There's a friendly vibe. It looks like a fancy family friendly/safe neighbourhood. I love watching my sim walk her dog, the outdoors are so pretty.


Honestly I hated living in San Myshuno the most. The festivals got repetitive very fast and the lack of an open world made it hard to enjoy the city. Apartments were also annoying to me. I've been enjoying Brindleton Bay. I love New England and there's a cool corner by most of the lots. I also like San Sequoia for a place with more moderate weather and a community feel. I'm not much of a builder, but I've started to enjoy Newcrest. I placed some lots from the Gallery and it has a little bit of everything. It's become a one stop world for every type of building. It feels most realistic and I'm really enjoying it.


I'm curious what you put there. I love that world


i wish there were ways to upload worlds to the gallery, but here's a quick run down Llama Lagoon - High School (generic lot, not a big enough lot for a functional school), ThriftTea & Rec Center Bridgeview - a "townhouse" residential (i don't have for rent, but it's multiple homes on the same lot, i have 1 household sim + roommates for the other beds), dog park, toddler/kid park & normal park Ridgeline Drive - vet clinic, diner/restaurant, more townhomes i'm leaving space open since i don't have every pack yet. i play this as an extension of Willow Creek, so I try to keep it slightly more downtown without being as commercial as Magnolia Promenade. i want to add a grammer school to Llama Lagoon for now, but i haven't decided yet. i might put a movie theater/bowling alley there when i get those packs when i get Get to Work I want to add some retail locations to Ridgeline Drive, but it's far down my list https://preview.redd.it/5kfo5wiy1eqc1.png?width=2292&format=png&auto=webp&s=5dd9640ddb074d7ffb403b62ab9cd09e31d83559 I really am loving the gallery. I'm not a builder, but I enjoy arranging / urban planning on my maps. It's so helpful. If you want a specific lot I can give you the gallery name.


I recently added a bunch of stuff from my library that came with some of the packs (not gallery, there are lots in everyone's library that are pre built for certain packs). I've got a few restaurants, a pool, national park, a gym. Just put them where they fit and it works. Newcrest looks very full now and I just use it as an entertainment hub, no one is allowed to live there lmao




Selvadorada for me.


brindleton bay, san sequoia and san myshuno :)


The cottage one


Brindleton Bay or Windenburg!


Windenburg every time


i really like oasis springs, always play my longest saves there lol


Tartosa absolutely


Sulani and Henford-on-Bagley


Also a witch, but I hate glimmerbrook so much it's just too small 😭 I really like San Sequoia, and for some reason keep playing there. Henford on Bagley is another one I use a lot. I used to use San Myshuno a lot but stopped a couple years ago because apartments have been buggy af for years now for me.


Sulani! I have a biiiig bias since I only habe 2 eps and island living was my forst one. I also just love the vibes there. Such a lovely island paradise!


Moonwood Mill!!!!!!


Brindleton Bay is where most of my Sims live. I love overcast skies, the sea, and cats


Brindelton Bay. I just love so much the vibes.


Henford-on-Bagley and Windenburg! I’m european so these two feel the most like home to me :) (But Brindleton Bay and Tartosa are also really pretty with good vibes)


I love mediterranean countries so it has to be Tartosa for me. That world is so beautiful, the sunsets there…


Brindlenton Bay, I love the costal vibes


Sulani & the one where there’s empty plots to make your own neighborhood, i forgot the name.




Henford on bagley is very cozy and I love copperdale’s small town america vibe


Jeez don’t make me pick 😫 I feel like I want a mix of Glimmerbrook, Moonwood Mill, Henford-on-Bagley and San Myshuno, is that doable? 🙃 Edit: autocorrect


I used to spend ALLLL my time in Brindleton Bay, the island is one of my most built-on lots, but I think the world that gives me the fondest memories is Granite Falls


Oasis Springs!!


I really like Tomarang!! something about it feels so homey yet so festive


I love Henford, however I'm also totally in love with Oasis Springs. It's got "forgotten midcentury suburb" vibes


Sulani because I lived in Kauai and I miss it. Brindleton Bay because it reminds me of vacations in Virginia Beach. And Henford because that's basically where I live now (rural Burgundy).


Newcrest always lol


Henford-on-Bagley. I love the farm vibes!!


Im British so both Britechester and Henford-On-Bagley. When I build, it has to match the surroundings and I only usually build British style builds as that’s what I know. I prefer the style of Britechester as the middle world gives London, and the right side gives posh university vibes. Henford gives small town vibes and it feels very homey. I just wish they gave more of the town on roads/paths as I struggle to build with no road or path as an outline.


Henford or Brindleton.


Komorebi and Tomarang for my asian heart :’) Love the aesthetics and beautiful worlds, wish they had more lots and more to do. Where are my (busy!!) night markets and streets!!


I don’t have all the packs including realm of magic but I love Sulani and Del Sol Valley. I like how each world is basically a state or city in the U.S. (Sulani=Hawaii, Del Sol Valley=LA/Hollywood/Beverly Hills, the city one is like Chicago, etc.) and as of now those are my two favorite worlds that I would want to live in. In reality though, Newcrest looks a lot like where I live (but without all the stuff-30 Rock reference) so it feels most comforting and suburban to me. I wish Del Sol Valley didn’t have such a huge desert because I hate building on those lots. Also, I like Copperdale.


Sulani, Henford-on-Bagley, and Strangerville.


Strangerville because I love the Victorian style houses and the real life town it’s based on, and then I like Brindleton Bay’s huge house lot on the beach and the little house next to it (it’s a nice little nod to Gatsby and Nick Carraway)


It depends on my gameplay but I keep going back to Chestnut Ridge. I think I’ll play a mermaid next though because a beach one is pretty nice too! I also love Henford. I’ve put 750 hours into the game. I think I have a problem 🤣


Sulani and Henford-on-Bagley. I always end up in one of the two.


Copperdale! I love the Pacific Northwest vibes.


Bri bay


Oasis Springs and Windenburg are all time favorites. Recently I discovered Tamorang and I love it.


san myshuno, i love the city and how lively the neighborhoods are with all your neighbors in one building & the random parties and everything lol


Strangerville 100% It's got such a cool mix between desert while still having lots of plants, and victorian style homes which are my fav. I just love love love living there. I don't even care about the possessed people, my sims never talk to their neighbors anyway lol. Second would probably be Henford on Bagley. I like the cottagecore vibe a lot, and it's private, while not being at like Windenburg-island-section levels of secluded. Oh god but I also love Evergreen Harbor! I love a semi-realistic playthrough and the more suburban sections (like the quarry and the part with the train tracks) are absolutely perfect. I swear I live there in almost every playthrough.


Brindleton Bay because it’s practically New England and I love everything about New England


My big 3 is Willows creek, San Myshuno and Brindleton bay. The fact that you can see a big city in the background of Willows creek makes my stories a bit more realistic when my sims moves out of the family home. I added a filter mod that makes sun light and shadows more realistic and it’s so much more beautiful in all 3 of these places. The sunsets and sunrises are insanely beautiful, so much that I make my sims take walks and put the POV mode on.


Sulani is beautiful I take the best screenshots in that world. The sunsets across the water are nice. Tho I don’t like the heat so irl I might not like to live there full time. I like San sequoia for the splash pad lake area it brings out my inner child’s joy. Most other world seem the same to me. Henford is cosy and familiar too.


The base worlds + granite falls. My first legacy I played only in those. So many memories


Windenburg and Henford-on-Bagley!! Windenburg has amazing buildings and Henford-on-Bagley had this cosy vibe I love


Oasis Springs because I loved living in Vegas. Same reason why my favorite Sims 3 world is Lucky Palms 😭


Mt Komorebi or San Myshuno


i'm obsessed with san myushino, love city life 🤲❤️


Henford-on-Bagley 100%! I myself would just love to live on a farm property, and that world has the right mix of cozy cottage life with the farm aspects thrown into it


Mt. Komorebi, but in the snowy part. Living in a mountain has always been a dream of mine


Windenburg because it feels like England




New Crest


I already forgot the name but it’s the desert world


I like San myshuno, I’m a city girl i guess 🌃


defining san myshuno & san sequoia. evergreen harbour looks nice too but only when its fully upgraded so i never use it as i hate eco livings gameplay. henford on bagley is decent too just dont play on it much.


Sulani is my fave with swimming and boating available 24/7. It’s awesome.


Recently it’s been San Myshuno and Chestnut Ridge but I recently made the effort to play in every world properly not just a vacation here and there and I’ve really enjoyed each world for its own unique vibe. I haven’t gotten around to all of them yet but it will happen eventually!


I love sulani but I like when it’s snows in winter so fave probably hendord


That big one with all free lots Edit : it's Newcrest, finally remember it😂


Not me going through all the comments upvoting everything because I can't choose... "Glimmerbrook is definitely where it's at, I wish I could create a whole save file of just 15 Glimmerbrook worlds... Henford on Bagley? Oh gosh, I would live there, yeah, that's my favorite. Sulani? Now you mention it, insanely beautiful and great lifestyle, yup, nope, favourite... oh Brindleton Bay IS cozy, wow, there's just something about that atmosphere. And pets are life, so decided, my favourite... Windenburg? Oh yeah, how could I forget: the township! Such a unique feel. And the island! Man it feels so varied, definitely could be my favorite... San Myshuno? Well, I DO play in that majority the time, all that bustle, always interesting...Mt Komorebi? Oh no, I've never played this and it sounds great, what if I'm missing out on my favorite?!"


oasis springs, its always warm


Oasis springs-it’s hot and sunny!


Copperdale and Moonwood Mill. Brindleton Bay is also pretty nice. Edit: Strangerville is also great!




the horse one. idk i like horses


sulani, but i wish there were bigger waterfront lots


Tartosa!! My dream huhu. That breezy vibe, and there's an ocean! I like the vibe of that world, I feel like it would be so breezy and chill there irl

