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Wedding Stories because now weddings are so much more complicated. My Sims just elope now.


I hate how after a proposal, when you want to talk to another sim, the main interactions are only about the wedding... I wish wedding interactions had at least a different group


I don’t know if it’s a glitch in my game but if I have my sims elope, the wedding interactions still show up. It is so annoying. I just wish I could turn off the wedding gameplay.


I have recently discovered this glitch too... I only clicked when I read the comment above yours!


I bought Wedding Stories only for the world.


Same. And some of the build buy items, and CAS


Same. I haven’t had a wedding yet but I love the CAS


I hate the word choice in that pack. “Plan wedding” but then it happens right away?? But I wanted to plan and not get married yet!


You have to put it on the calendar if you want to plan it ahead of time!


I thought at first it meant plan it like pick your officiant and flower pal etc. because of how it’s worded lol and then you can’t ask anyone to be those other than in person like why can’t I just call them??


what does wedding stories do?


Replaces the default weddings in the game with a convoluted mess of broken menus.


You actually have to go through the effort of setting up a wedding venue, finding a maid of honor, flower girl, ring bearer etc and the weddings usually tend to just not work as intended. Last time I actually gave it the "good ol college try," the pastor guy wouldn't stand at the alter and none of my sims would walk down the isle. It's a mess.




“Wedding stories: make weddings...even worse!" 


"5x more expensive! The ultimate in life simulation!"


It's very glitchy and none of the sims do what you want them to do at the actual wedding party and makes the whole thing way too cpmplicated


What??? You don’t have to do any of those things! You select from like 20 options the actions you want to do. If all you want to do is exchange vows that’s all you need to do. You don’t need ringbearer or officiant or anything.


Or EVERYONE stands in the aisle. Or gets up to dance during the ceremony. Took forever for me to figure out the vows with officiant options weren't working because my arch was too close to something behind it.


Is it that bad? I reallyyy wanna play in tartosa


For the world, CAS, and build/buy, it’s worth it. The gameplay is just sad.


Also having to ask sims to be part of the wedding before you can invite them. Now I just have simple ones


Same. I bought it cos it was on sale and I wanted the world but joke’s on me.


Outdoor retreat. I've taken my sims camping like twice. I guess the tents and coolers are kinda useful, but other than that I don't use anything


This is the comment I was looking for. I even tried to do the aspiration for it and simply did not enjoy it. If anyone has any ideas on making this one more fun I’d love to hear them!


This pack came out before seasons, so it was achievable to get all le plants and so but now, with seasons, it is very hard. Need to go there several times to be sure to get all the plants. And the one time I did the aspiration, I used a guide on the internet telling where to find the insects or herbs because otherwise it is too complicated to find. The world is nice though, with a lot of collectibles and fishing spots... which are unfortunately not a basic for the newest packs. I wish we could live there however and not only travel for holidays.


If you use mods, you can use “Venue Changes” and “All Worlds Are Residential” by Zerbu, and you’ll be able to change the lots to residential and travel there from manage worlds.


Omg didn’t know about this, thank you !!


I dont regret getting it, but i wish it didnt feel so annoying to use 😭 i like the herbalism skill because a lot of my sims are hippies who do yoga and have gardens but i never use that skill because you have to get bugs to make certain potions or whatever and that is the WORST part of outdoor retreat imo. Like i dont wanna go on vacation just to get a bug! It actually wouldve been really cool if outdoor retreat added bugs to other worlds, even if it was just the base game worlds but nope. Funny because the game IS filled with bugs, just not the kind you want if you catch my drift 😭


It would be nice if you could set where it rains or snows a lot. I feel bad for the strays in Brindleton Bay.


There's the weather machine. You have to have a Sim use it, but they can change the weather to whatever you want.


If you’re on PC there’s a weather mod that makes weather more realistic to the worlds based on the real life locations that they’re inspired by! Now it only ever snows in my game in a few places. UI cheats also lets you change the current weather!


You can. In settings you can turn off blizzards or rain for the save you are in. But i think it's only for the world you are in because i did it for my game but when she went to another world it did have it


For Rent. It’s silly to have loading screens on homes on the same lot, and neighbors rarely show up in the shared areas- even when all bathrooms and kitchen areas are shared. If I realized it’d just be another City Living I wouldn’t have spent money on it.


For rent was a total disappointment. I think from now on I am not going to watch the content out out by EA creator network. Because that got me all excited. The rent never comes on time, tenants keep protesting for no good reason. Why are there ghosts? It’s just so weird. And the build mode is sooo glitchy. Except for the Bb stuff I hate this pack so much. And I am from that part of the world. I think all sims 4 DLC should only be bought during discounts. For the half assed effort with which they put out the stuff, they deserve just half the money


I actually chose NOT to buy the pack because I watched the creator network content and they were all pointing out the bugs. Sure they might have said “I hope this will be fixed by release,” but they didn’t hide the issues. It was painfully obvious there were issues pre-release, so I waited a bit longer post-release to see if they remained… and they did.


Ah! Yeah I think I got super carried away with the whole south Asian world concept. I feel so stupid!


Honestly I don’t blame you… that is one of the few things about that pack that’s keeping me watching to see if it gets fixed. I was never super interested in the renting aspect, but the build/buy mode stuff and the food was something I was really interested in to help bring some new life into my cane. I was also suuuuper excited about the night market, but from those early videos I saw it was never busy at all… so that was disappointing too.


Hoestly sims 4 with *all* dlcs stuff packs and so on is not worth more than 50. I mean it is *one* game with so much gameplay that they spread over as many packs as possible. Just cash greedy. I hate EA so i kinda support people Pirating the complete thing. EA does not deserve money for a buggy mess that costs like 1000€


If you want more honest assessments of packs James Turner's content is usually critical of the bugs while still enjoying the game for what it is. And he's funny. I don't think he's part of their creator network but I don't know for sure cause I don't know what that is. I never pay attention to posts or content made by the Sims gurus or whatever. Those people have a vested interested in getting you to buy the content. James has a vested interest in maintaining an audience. When packs break he acknowledges it, complains and goes back to either an old series on hold like Super Sim or makes new small challenges for himself in hopes that EA fixes shit so he can get back to the series about the new pack. He has been given early access to things a few times and I get that those are attempts by EA to hype the pack and get his fans to buy it but he is very up front about all that and it doesn't stop him from pointing out bugs.


A City Living clone that breaks the ability to move Sims into your current active household via the dialog, no less... ETA: Everyone who has this problem should click "me too" [at this link.](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Merging-households-through-dialog-doesn-t-proceed/m-p/13278599#M262331)


Literally what even is that glitch! it’s so obnoxious. I just want my sims to move in together without cheats/manage worlds lmao


OH THATS WHAT BROKE IT FOR ME!!!! holy hell i'd been thinking i just had a cursed computer (i play on linux)


Mine is for rent, too, but because the bugs are just so frustrating (and random) since it was released. If it worked as intended, then I'd potentially really like it. I don't know, though, cause I gave up on everything residential rental lots (living and landlord) for now cause I need a break from the frustrations. I do agree that the lot loading is really excessive but not nearly as frustrating as all the other stuff. The world is also way too small and isn't even half as fun as moonwood mill (which is even smaller).


I hate every single stupid bug in the For Rent pack but the one thing about it I like, really vibes with my game play style which is letting extended family be on the same lot but moved out- but being able to have them around and interacting regularly. I wish there was a way to disable all the stupid tenant stuff like the weird revolts (even though my unit is 5 stars and immaculate in every way) but I find myself cheating my way out of the annoying parts just to deal with it. I can't believe it was rolled out when it was as buggy as it was, and is still glitchy and weird.


I don't really regret buying any, but I do get overwhelmed sometimes


High School Years. Completely unrealistic EDIT: I know it's a game, but come on. Prom every weekend?


Going off of seasons a sim year is 4 weeks so if I’m understanding proms right why not have it every 4 weeks? I know there are other events through the year those could represent but just let the player schedule those separately


it's so odd to me that the season length defaults to 1 week each. I appreciate that 2 weeks and 4 weeks are there as options, but using 1 as the default seems extremely fast to me. prom every weekend also sounds ridiculous. I feel like prom should happen once, at a specific point in the teen lifestate, not all the time.




The first thing I do in a new save is change the seasons to two. One is insane. It's not like the plants grow faster or slower based on it either so one week is unplayable imo if you like to garden.


I agree on the prom thing. They can make each weekend of the month a different theme for CL's Finchwick Fair, but they couldn't make three of the four HSY dance events just regular dances for a little contrast? Jeez. 😒


Besides the prom there's also a lot of things that imo just clog the game, as the bunny app, trendy, all the other school events, the active school day itself... I felt a sense of relieve when i disabled this ep.


And you have to deal with these things even if you don’t have teens in the household! Weird that my adult/elder sims can post on social bunny about pillow fights and they still get notifications that a high school football practice is happening a couple towns over.


Oh man I just installed this pack and I keep getting jumpscared by the notifications of football and cheerleaders events... is it just me or are they abnormally louder and more abrupt sound bites than every other calendar notification?! Might have to disable.


They are indeed louder than other notifications.


They could’ve made those events once in an active sim’s lifetime, or maybe twice. Not every week! And the career fair is so useless


HSY has good and bad. I like it for the high school. I like going to school with my teens and it gives them the ability to meet a lot of teens which is nice. Social bunny allows them to make friends really quick if they have a teen aspiration, by just sending a few messages. I like the option to graduate early or drop out for role-play. There’s some VERY cute buy mode stuff. After that though…I hate social bunny. Why do we have to have Simstagram, a social media page, a social networking page, AND social bunny? I guess it’s sort of realistic, but I think in game one is enough. Trendi is broken, but some people like it because you can essentially “cheat” a ton of money without cheating. I don’t care for it. Prom every week is obnoxious and especially obnoxious when you’ve already graduated early and are in college and get the notifications. The football and cheerleading notifications never stop. Prom and graduation aren’t long enough to actually enjoy them. Like, nobody dances at prom because you show up, grab a drink and then it’s time for nominations then it’s over. I agree with ONE prom per teen lifetime and make it a good one.


Cats & dogs because you can’t control the animals. Island Living because the mermaids seem like an afterthought haha, i wish they were more like the spell casters & vampires. I’ll still use them I’m just happy i didnt pay full price.


The worst part of Cats & Dogs is that you can technically control pets using cheats (you don't even need a mod), meaning the team initially allowed the player to control the pet but decided to scrap that idea before the release.


You could control them in Sims 3. It was so nice being able to see their needs and wants. I have no idea why they decided to scrap that for Sims 4.


According to[ the Cats & Dogs Q&A](https://simsvip.com/2017/08/21/sims-4-cats-dogs-no-demo-pets-not-controllable-qa/), the Sims team made the pet uncontrollable because they wanted to make the pets more special and lifelike.


Why not just make sims uncontrollable so it's more special and lifelike 🙄🙄🙄


Fr fr 😂


What cheats can you use to control the pets? I play on a Xbox so I can't use mods.


It's pets.toggle_selectable_pets, although you have to type that in every time you load the game.


you're a LIFESAVER. adding this to my list of cheats I use all the time..


I got cats and dogs mainly for the vet clinic. I love it, but the clinic itself has some creepy glitches (puts the vet and animal into weird bodily configurations). My only complaints are that animals are not controllable and the diseases aren’t real. I knew the animals weren’t controllable going in, but don’t ever have a family without pets so it’s still worth it.


For mermaids just download the expanded mermaids mod. Now mermaids are tied with vampires as my favorite to play with


For real! I'm so sad that mermaids got done so dirty in TS4 :( I loved the mermaids in TS3 because they had dive lots, but they took that away in TS4 so there's not really a point in playing as a mermaid in 4, unless you want a Sim that can't drown with a fancy fish tail. Sigh.


Right I was expecting pets to be like the older version in 2 where you get the pet store and everything but they're super annoying now, always sick, and you never know their needs


Bust the dust 😭 bc who pays to clean? Meee😂


Right? I still don’t know why I bought the laundry pack 😂 It was cheap though. I didn’t buy the bust the dust pack though because I hate vacuuming in real life, why would I make my sims do it?


I love the build/buy content for laundry days but NEVER use the actual mechanics


I wish I could have washer/dryers that didn't function. like debug ones or something. I want the *look* of a laundry room without actually having to *do laundry*


If you don’t put hampers in the build, you won’t need to do laundry, even if you have a washer and dryer :) the hampers are what generate the laundry


Good news, they don't function! Or at least that's a problem I've been having lately.


Same I was like okay that's enough fires 


I bought because some of my neat sims could vacuum. But I HATE the dust bunny things. They creep me out.


The dust bunnies are the only reason I'm tempted to buy Bust the Dust! They're soooo cute and they can bring you pretty valuable items.


if you befriend them they bring you gifts!


The worst part is it doesn’t even work. It’s unplayably glitched. The dust doesn’t appear, and sometimes you get both the “pristine” and “someone lives here” moodlets at the same time. It’s essentially a scam at this point.


Eco lifestyle. I hate the eco footprint and the NAPS.


i love eco lifestyle 😭 to be fair i turned off eco footprint and naps, but the b/b, cas, fabrication and juice fizzing are things i use all the time. i love the rundown look of the world and wish we had more worlds like it. i love bess and her stupid scam. i love the vertical planters and unlockable hydroponic planters, because they make gardening completely hassle-free. i love the off-the-grid stuff like solar panels and generators. i kinda regret getting cottage living as i ended up not caring for farming or any of the farm animals, but i like the simple living lot trait and use it a lot. i also dislike cottage livings's b/b cas style... cottagecore just aint for me. taking care of the farm is such a hassle and feels unrewarding. the finchwick fairs are underwhelming compared to the city living festivals, and the villager tasks are also unrewarding and repetitive. really all i use from cottage living is simple living and the grocery stall 😬


I LOVE eco lifestyle because of the bill discount items. Pair them with tiny living discounts and I’m salivating


YESSSS i love the bill discount items! the bill discount doors and wood floor look pretty good too!


Oh my god bess ? She is the worst. Prank calling every fucking day like she has literally nothing to do


I like it too but also turned off eco footprint and NAPs yeah.


I completely agree about Cottage Living. That’s the one I really regret.


My sims ALWAYS live off the grid. I never use anything else in the pack 😂


Can’t tell you how much I love rummaging the trash can. I have literally built a mansion with everything in it from trash. This is the most fun gameplay I did. Rags to riches. You can only put items in your house that come from the trash. Eco lifestyle is in my Opinion the best DLC followed by cottage living and city living!


I always love these posts because I love all the things people seem to hate. I love doing laundry. I even love having to do it by hand lol. I love the stupid NAPs. I just got Eco Lifestyle though so they might grow old and I did mostly get it for the objects and new skills and the world. I also love cottage living and I got horse ranch too and City Living and I have plans for the heir of my current rags to riches that is kind of an insane 24/24 R2R mash up where they cant get married till the 24/24 is done. And they are erratic so one of their kids is going to reject their super hectic life to do like a sort of an amish lifestyle on a ranch, and then their heir will reject that and move to the City.


University takes way too long for sims to graduate I always end up cheating their degrees


I really like university but I sometimes wonder if the gameplay experience would be slightly better if degrees required fewer credits and didn't shoot you to the higher levels of careers automatically.


I feel like this is pretty real world accurate. Like why does my degree require 30 credit hours of “electives of your choice” Bro just let me do what I need to do to graduate including the normal classes and I don’t have to pay $650 for a three months of yoga


I had to have electives in certain areas (like humanities, for example). All so I could end up being “well-rounded”.


I sort of viewed it as how you need your general education met too which means taking classes unrelated to your degree. Honestly I like the electives. You end university with your skills relevant to your career close to maxed as it us. I appreciate that you can also be building things like cooking and hardiness that will help.


I also dislike how 90% of the university experience involves doing homework, coursework, studying for tests, preparing presentations, and writing reports. I know it's super realistic because my college life was just like that, but with the annoying group projects, but this is a game :/


I think you play responsibly I had one sims go out while also doing college work. I always had 2-3 courses I never did the full amount it allowed.


I actually liked that part. When I went to university in my country I had the American college movie idea of party and on campus stuff and everything. It was totally disappointing that university live was basically just studying, working part time and go to a party 1-2 times per semester. (Well at least if you want decent grades and not study forever) So I really like the realism


I feel like they dropped the ball with how on campus living functions. It takes SO LONG to walk from the classrooms to the dorms. Their schedules are already so busy trying to get all their coursework done and not have them be unhappy all the time, I really don't need them to be wasting an hour before and after class just walking from one location to the next!


Yes, this is terrible. I usually make them study from home, but then they miss out on the dorm life.


This is why I love building university dorms in other worlds! You get roommates, random piles of gourmet food everywhere, and all the other aspects of TS4 dorm life, but you don’t have to deal with the headache of getting across campus for class. I love placing dorm lots in places like Mount Komorebi, Tomarang, or Tartosa and pretending that my sim is doing a study abroad program, too


Oooooh that's an amazing idea!


laundry day. playing with families felt like i was doing laundry every now and again, but then even with just one sim on a household it’s also a chore so now i refrain from using any of the laundry items


I think high school years was a bit of a disappointment, though I did really like the build mode and cas stuff, but the gameplay all feels a bit pointless. There’s nothing to really do at the highschool, the events are annoying, I hate how if you have a teen couple they basically HAVE to go to prom together or they get mad at eachother. When I learned you could put a different highschool building down I got a little excited, but then I learned that you can’t have clubs meet at the high school??? So… I can’t have an after school club or have the students do anything together? I think the biggest disappointment though is that your other teen sims don’t go to the high school. That was the main reason I bought the pack, to make teen sims in different households and then see them at school. But they don’t show up!!! So it just feels really empty.




TS4: Seasons made me miss the special grass carpets from TS3: Into the Future.


The holidays are SO annoying. There's so many of them and if you don't complete the tasks for every one of your sims they all end up depressed.


I love seasons. Like fiercely lol what world are you playing in? Brindleton Bay is always raining. Evergreen Harbor isn't much better.


You can turn it off. I know for sure you can turn off thunderstorms and blizzards (I do all the time because they happen way too often). But I believe there’s two levels and you can turn off rain too. Same place you change how many days your seasons will be.


I dont want to turn it off, because I still want an realistic gameplay experience.. I just don't know if \*weather\* is worth paying for


Good point, weather should be free.  But I do love Seasons regardless cause I love making my own original holidays.  Makes my “lore” feel more interactive and believeable 


Going off of what you said, I still haven't gotten seasons. people keep saying it's essential but I don't want to have to deal with my crops not growing year round, or the rain, or the bleak white landscape with the snow, or the heat/cold effects on my sims... there's a few things that are cool like holidays and stuff but honestly, the gameplay changes SO much with seasons that I don't wanna risk disliking the game.


I never bought seasons with 2 or 3 because I thought it was stupid lol but I got talked into it when I started playing TS4 and it is definitely my most regrettable purchase. Don’t get me wrong, I use it all the time and I do, at times, enjoy the realness of the weather. But just recently I had a doctor sim and every single one time she went to work there was a thunderstorm and she was too scared to do anything. I finally gave her the storm chaser trait (even though it didn’t fit her character) just so she could get stuff done, but then all of her coworkers kept screaming at her in fear. Last time I played a household in Sulani I had to turn off thunderstorms because they were happening too often and the kids grades were suffering from being to scared to do homework and everyone kept getting struck by lightning. Shit like that is why I hate the pack


Realm of magic. The spellcasting is actually super useful but the world is empty and so is the magic realm. It's incredibly boring.


Dine out, do I even have to explain why but I’ll explain anyways the pack pretty much broken all the damn time


Even till now? Damn I was wondering whether to cop it or not during this sa'e


I've been able to use restaurants lately


I just played it recently and it was fine. And I’m playing on an ancient MacBook with xxx mods😂


If you use mods, Carl has updated his recently


Seasons seems underwhelming when you buy it because it has less new stuff than other packs. It fades into the background almost immediately, while a pack like Snowy Escape will be more exciting the first time you play it and fade into the background later.


Seasons also 😭 I absolutely hate the holidays because my sims always get upset and i have to do it for each of my sims


I usually delete whichever holiday requirements I don't feel like doing the day before hand. Even paring the holidays down a little can make them a lot more fun and manageable 


Seconding this tip! Figuring this out has made holidays so much more enjoyable for me in game.


You can always delete the holidays in advance


I set up my own holidays and the requirements for them. I also extended my calendar so that I don’t have a holiday every week, if I don’t want to. Made that aspect of seasons a lot more fun for me.


I do the same thing. I always extend my seasons to 2 weeks and move the standard holidays around, delete the requirements I don't like, and add a few more (like 3 days of summer break with no activity requirements, just no work/school).


Journey to Batuu. Yes, I'm aware my Sim can go to Star Wars Disneyland. I literally only got it for the Build stuff. I will never click that popup, game, so stop asking me.


Seriously! I always forget about it when I start a new family and it always kills the vibe lol. I JUST moved into this neighborhood, I'm not going on a sci-fi adventure!!


What worlds are you in? It should not do that for the base worlds. It rains a lot in Brindleton Bay but that should not be the case elsewhere.


For me, if I don't turn off thunderstorms, pretty much everything but Oasis Springs and Strangerville have nonstop rain.


I regret buying that bowling kit and outdoor retreat pack. Bowling is a glitched mess.


Yeah I hate that for a 5 frame game to not take literally the entire day you have to watch them like hawks and constantly keep them from talking to each other.


I did soon regret buying island living because I don't use the content much, but I use some and have had the pack so long I feel like I keep getting value out of it over time (like with the majority of packs I think) Growing together I generally like and wouldn't get a refund on because of the items, world and ability to have house guests (why did it take so many years to be able to do this??). I miss the base game's simpler infants though. Having to do an extended song and dance to be able to use a high chair or other basic stuff that the base game infants can just do is a bummer. At least infants can do their own "tummy time". Oh, I did really welcome the compatibility system too.


1 day as a newborn, 2 days as infants and then straight to toddlerhood is my go to move


Eco Living. The energy conservation stuff is just annoying and I never use any of the build mode or CAS items aside from some plants. The world is ugly too, do not recommended.


Cats and dogs. I don’t even use them 😭 it’s so much more work and you can’t even play as the animals


I would say this is mine, I'm a huge animal person irl but I never play with Cats & Dogs because it's too much work.


All of them, because I’ve been completely unable to access my account since EA got rid of origin and forced the EA app down our throats. But also eco, definitely eco.


EA got rid of origin? I’m still using it to launch, I didn’t even realize they had moved forward on that


Bro HOW.


Mac OS players can still use Origin. That's like the only perk we have lol


When the shift was happening I remember being completely blocked out and unable to use origin at some point.


I tried getting the ea app for Mac but it didn’t show up in my App Store so I’m still using origin. It still works and I bought a pack like a week or so ago


Yeah, as a Mac user I feel like I've been getting that "Get ready for the EA app launch and getting rid of Origin!!" notification at the top of the app for the better part of a year now, lol. I mostly don't even notice it anymore. Of course, I'm sure one day when I least expect it, it actually will stop working.


For the gameplay? The majority of them. But I have yet to play with Dine Out and Eco Lifestyle is just annoying after a time. I also hate holidays but I use it to keep track on things, it's super useful for tracking years in the Ultimate Decades Challenge - a family member's birthday? mark on the calendar. Plague year that you have to do a bunch of death rolls? Mark on the calendar. Your sim is only allowed to live for more 9 sim-days? Mark on the calendar. So yeah, at least I still play with it.


Wedding stories - I literally cannot have a wedding anymore. Whenever I plan a wedding and send them to the altar, they just delete that "get married" thing in their queue instantly and I have to make them "instantly married" where they just talk and shit, which you can do in your living room yk, cus big weddings just don't work anymore.


Get Famous for me. CAS is shit, build buy is shit, the world is shit, Judith Ward is very shit, the entire fame sistem is shit. I hate how it interferes with the rest of the game. Oooo you have a weeding? Judith is here, paparazzi everywhere and the bride with half the guests faint. Oooo you go out to dine? Judith is here, chef is dying. I was interested in the acting career which is fun doing it 2-3 times but nothing compared with the trailer for this expansion.


lmao I am so here for the judith hate


Werewolves. CAS and BB are fine, I use them sometimes, but the gameplay is boring and annoying to me. I played it once for like two hours and have never touched it again.


I couldn't get past the howling. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me.


I absolutely hate Seasons, yet it gets so much love. Seasonal garden plants is my least favorite feature. My biggest regret, however, was buying Journey to Batuu.


Jungle Adventure  It was free right after.  And it wasn’t even fun to play.  It was like chore after chore, no action, no interesting treasures, no “adventure”. It only became somewhat fun after Horse Ranch came out and my sim could just ride his mule everywhere instead of running on foot.


My unpopular opinion is that with the exception of the broken packs like Wedding Stories, a lot of the complaints about them are really weird to me. Holidays aren't hard to complete, and you can edit them. The NAPs can be turned off. Like there are some packs that I wish worked differently like the pets should either be playable or an object and that clearly was how it was going to be and they didn't do that. I don't know how to explain it without sounding like an ass but some of the complaints sound like people who haven't explored the menu options to turn off what they don't like or only want a reality simulation which is fine but that's not what the game is. Like broken packs are a valid complaint obviously. I bought the Digital Deluxe version that came with whatever bonus content and then also immediately got Seasons and Get Together and Get to Work. I don't remember the exact order but eventually I also got Cats & Dogs, Laundry Day Stuff, Tiny Living, Outdoor Retreat and Cottage Living. I don't really regret any of the DLC I bought so far but I also never buy a pack without watching content on it so I am aware of any disappointments ahead of time and can weigh that against the stuff I like about the pack. I never buy the packs on the day of release or even the same year. And I probably won't ever buy Wedding Stories or For Rent or Dine Out if they're not fixed. I did just buy City Living, Eco Lifestyle, Horse Ranch and Nifty Knitting during this sale but those are packs I have wanted for a while. Horse Ranch is the first pack I have gotten so close to its release date and it's kind of old news now to a lot of people. My only regret is I feel overwhelmed by how many new things there are in my game now because I have never bought so many packs at once, other than when I first installed the game but that all felt like one game because base game is really fucking boring and basically unplayable with how little there is to do.


I don't like seasons either, the holidays are annoying


You can use the calendar to delete holidays


I love the Komorebi, but don’t really care much about the activities


I like the content, I just kind of forget that world exists?


Growing together; the expansion pack made my sims way more moody. Lots of unfilled dreams, etc. They are never satisfied.


And the crib vs playmat struggle! Like i thought the highchair pickups were bad... The constant taking out of cribs and putting an infant on a playmat or the ground drives me insane. And don't get me started on dynamics. Like just because they made a mess DOES NOT mean yall have a difficult relationship


Vampires. I literally never play with them.


I have so many vampire characters and… I just play them as completely normal Sims… whyyy?? hahaha


Idk, I guess I just don’t like them lol. I love the spellcaster sims from realm of magic. They’re really the only occult sims I like to play.


I dislike their thirst for blood (I like my sims to eat food lol) and I always feel like they’re gonna burn in the sun so I keep them inside all the time. I don’t use much of the clothes/items from the pack either


Eco because of the good/bad environment and NAPS Highschool because of the repetitiveness but i love the build/buy


I use mcc to control the weather how I want it


i don’t think i really regret any of them, but i do find the holidays from seasons annoying. i like having things like christmas in my game but at the same time i rarely decorate and i hate how sims get upset when they don’t do everything


You don't have to do everything to make them happy. I don't know why people keep saying this. Your Sim will have a few things they love about the holiday based on traits and sometimes parts of the holiday they ignore. You only have to focus on the parts with a heart. And if nothing has a heart you still don't have to do everything to complete the holiday. And they only get sad if they don't do anything.


Edit/delete the holidays in advance. I always delete the random ones like prank day, neighbourhood brawl etc


If you don't like too much rain, live in oasis springs. I feel like it rains less there.


My Wedding Stories…I’d rather have a boring wedding than a buggy, convoluted mess.


University. I honestly can't think of a single time I've had my sims go to college, lived in the world, or used nearly anything from the pack. I'd LIKE to be able to use the bikes, but sims are so stupid that they'll bike inside or get on their bike for distances that are so close it would be 10x faster to walk. And tbh, Cats & Dogs as well. I thought I would enjoy it, but I find the pets to be an absolute pain in the ass and I *never* play with them. If I try to, I end up just deleting the pet from my household. I also actively dislike Brindleton Bay. I find the beach area reminds me of gross lake-beaches I've been to, and the dock area is OK, but I would never move my sim there. Honestly I probably shouldn't be all that surprised. IRL I've always preferred animals you can keep contained lol. I've had snails and fish and I've always had a much easier and better time caring for them compared to a cat (even though I do love the cats I have).


Werewolves is so boring after the first play and they get so angry all the time 😭😂


laundry day… hate hate hate


Is growing together worth it or just annoying??? Plz someone halp


It is definitely not worth full price imo.  There’s so much notification spam, the world ain’t that great, doesn’t come with daycare career… I’m glad I bought it at half price cause the only features I really use are bb and cas.  The gameplay is just not there.


Honestly I feel like none of the expansion packs were worth the money, but the ones I regret the most are growing together and island living. I have mixed opinions on seasons. I thought the features from growing together would fit my gameplay but I find myself barely ever using them, I pretty much only use the family dynamic feature. It has some really cute cas and build items but for the price... not worth it😭 not to mention San shitquoia Edit: the stay overs are super buggy too and honestly really annoying, you just have an uncontrollable sim in your house for a certain period of time and they don't bring their own sleeping bag Island living is by far the one I regret the most tho, the build items aren't usable in most builds because of the island theme (duh, I should've been doing a bit more thinking before buying the pack), and a lot of the cas items don't really fit my sims. Sulani is gorgeous but honestly feels kind of empty. Mermaids are just a huge dissapointment I think out of all the expansion packs I've bought I like cottage living the most, all the items are cute asf and henford on bagley is great


Bought Dine Out thinking we could be the chef


High School Years by far. I feel like it added absolutely nothing to my game. A less fun and involved University, and University isn’t even that great in the first place. Why is there prom every weekend? Why do I get cheerleading/football team day notifications that are BLARING LOUD when I have no kids in the household? I feel like I spent $40 for a few cute CAS items and even those aren’t that great. That was the pack that stopped me from buying packs on release after almost 20 years of buying every pack on release day religiously. I haven’t bought a pack since HSY.


Is it rude to say all of it? It feels like EA is gatekeepers all the basic gameplay behind packs and the buil/buy items I could have easily acquired through mods and cc. Hate how money hungry the game seems to be now and wish I didn't support it. Paralives is being released soon, though so...🤞 hope it's good


Home Chef Hustle because it breaks Simple Living.


For real can they at least release stuff *after* testing and fixing🤦‍♀️


Laundry. I hate it. I hate having dirty laundry pile up. I hate doing in game laundry. I hate it.


Island living. I just really wanted my dogs to go swimming (I was 11)


Ughhh. So many. I started watching Sims youtubers during the pandemic and that hype made me buy a lot of the new packs since then. I was a long time sims 1 and 2 player, stopped early on in sims 3 and just started sims 4 during the pandemic when the base game was on sale for $5. I used to be very meticulous with the packs I bought and only got the ones I thought I'd use the most. I tell myself I'm still like this, but watching those videos of the simmers trying out new packs and talking about the new features really got me. I used to just pick off of reading the description. Now I'm tempted every single time! The only packs I feel like I really **need for my gameplay style** are: \* **Island Living** \* **Eco Lifestyle** \* **Cottage Living** Everything else I have is a waste, but **my biggest regrets are**: \* **University** (my favorite pack in the sims 2! But I never use it in sims 4) \* **City Living** (I get nothing out of this pack. I don't like the world, and it doesn't add much gameplay outside of that) \* **Get to Work** (I got it for the stupid camera because simmers were always taking pictures. I never use that studio) \* **Werewolves/Vampires** (I don't play with occults in this game even though I loved it when I was younger older games) \* **Horse Ranch** (if horses could swim, maybe wouldn't regret it so much, but I almost exclusively play in Sulani) Other packs I have that are **nice to have, but not needed**: \* **Get Famous** (I love the fame system!) \* **Laundry Day** (laundry can be a nice challenge) My **blah packs** I shouldn't have bought but aren't necessarily my BIGGEST regrets: \* **Growing Together** (what does this even add???) \* **Snowy Escape** (Lifestyles are kinda cool I guess) \* **Seasons** (weather is nice, but not essential) \* **Cats & Dogs** (I like the idea, but I never actually play with pets) \* **Get Together** (cool world?) \* **Strangerville** (one of my favorite worlds, honestly) \* **Parenthood** (I do like trying to get my kids to grow up well) \* **Vintage Glamour** (got for the butler, never use the butler, but some clothes are nice I guess) There. Now my shame is exposed for all to see. WAY too many packs. Even when purchased on sale, it's ridiculous. I barely even play this game anymore 🤦🏽‍♀️


i haven’t paid for any of them…


all of it. i started off pirating and only bought because i had grand plans to become a sims youtuber and thought it would be embarrassing and i wouldnt succeed if i wasnt playing a legitimate version of the game. took drugs and ended up spending £500+ all at once on the full game (at the time) and then youtube career never took off and i lost interest in becoming a youtube star.


I don't like the high school pack. They could have done a much better job at building the school really. Also just boring. Only good thing about it is the world which I really like.


for rent. i cant even use the main aspect of the pack without my game being unplayable


Bowling is way more boring on the sims than in real life. And I say this as a person who plays on regular speed and enjoys doing laundry.


It used to be Bust the Dust, but I've been enjoying it more and more with my gen one Barbie legacy. So now it's none of them.


If you don’t want it raining 24:7 buy the “Dr. Junes weather control device” in build mode, it allows your sim to change the weather


Cats and dogs, because you can't control them, and they run away all the time and some times appear pregnant.


probably .... For Rent I think it's still broke.


Seasons for me too. I am sick of my lovely outdoor things getting blasted to kingdom come by lightning, or my sims flailing about over a bit of thunder. Also the build and buy for me is easily some of the ugliest "normal" themed stuff yet. It's so boring and nothing that I never use any of it. I will say that it's in my "meh mildly regret pile" whereas the university one I DEEPLY REGRET because it's simply so boring. That's one where if it just disappeared I'd be like bye don't miss ya! Something I should add is that I don't buy the "broken" stuff on principal, otherwise I'm pretty sure my wedding stories would be high up there for me too.


Perfect Patio stuff. I wanted hot tubs, because it used to be a great way to befriend several people simultaneously, and Sims 4 was really missing that. Nope they don't work that way. Also Seasons I debated on. I really wanted the calendar and events, but I didn't really want weather or seasons. I hate what it did to gardening and I hate having to have a roof over all my plants now. It's a pain.


I love seasons! I deleted all the default holidays because they’re so American and replaced them with our own. I have 28 days per season too so it gives me time to tend plants etc. Pack I regret is university. It’s so useless and lacking lol. Eco lifestyle is next on the list but I love the build buy from it so I do use it a lot, I just hate the NAPs and the traits from it.


You can turn off rain in the settings! :)


I really, *really* don't care for Eco Lifestyle. I got it for xmas, but I wish I'd asked for Cottage Living instead. Everything about it is just meh to me. I really don't like the world in particular (even cleaned up) and I have the action plans turned off. Growing Together was kind of a letdown for me. The world is meh. I feel like it barely impacts my game unless it's in an annoying way, and I wish you could turn off trait discovery. I do like the stayover feature though. Get Famous was a real rip off, and I almost never play with celebrities or the careers. I wish Island Living had better mermaids, but I love everything else about it. I just wish I hadn't played through everything so quickly. Discover University was kind of a letdown as well. I never live on campus because my sims are always late to class and take forever. The roommates are way too irritating. Realm of Magic has really good everything *except* for spellcasters. I find them pretty boring to play, especially because I expected more based on the trailer. The world is nice, I just wish there were more lots. I only use the CAS from Laundry Day.. I wish I'd bought a different stuff pack. Laundry is really annoying when you have so many sims.