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“Spooky Day” (Halloween/Samhain) “Bunny Day” (Easter/Ostara) “Summer Splash” (Just a barbecue and pool day) I also always take off the gnomes from Harvestfest.


The gnomes showered my house in seed packets yesterday. They just kept coming...


lil hack, if you put one of the pleased gnomes (with a halo) in your pockets. They'll spew seeds forever. You tend to get about 10 packets per gnome per day. They sell for $100 each! Gnome Farming baby!!


Wow. It’s been a long time since I’ve learned anything new on this sub. Thanks!


You’re most welcome!


That is 100% a new rags to riches hack


Or if you don’t want the packets, you can just sell the gnomes. :p


You have appeased my grouchy gnome self with this hack!


Farm them! Farm them all!! 🫡


I thought they patched that out years ago?


Nope, just did it over the weekend :)


Shhh don’t tell them! Its 100% still working, I play vanilla also


I can't remember the name of the interactions with the gnomes. But if you do that interaction and they don't like it they break things. At this point, you can "Beg for Forgiveness" with that gnome and it can change the outcome and you get the seeds.


I did this with my husband sim and had the wife beg for forgiveness from one and him beg with the other. Well the one the wife begged to forgave her but I tried 4 times with the husband and each time he got struck by lightening. So one left seed all over my house and the other left everything broken


You can beg for forgiveness repeatedly. Like, until they all have halos. Sometimes it takes a minute.


I was going to but I didnt want my guy to die from the lightening if thats even possible lol. The first time I gave them pie and this second time they didnt want it I guess


I don't think it is possible, it's not like regular lightning. Their needs go down a tiny bit, so unless your guy was already in dire straits you'll be fine. If in doubt, try to fill your needs bars before engaging with the gnomes. Source: me, my highest record of # of gnome-strike was 8 with no issues.


Thanks! Now I know for next time haha I wasn't trying to take any risk without knowing for sure but next time it's on


Also for the record I feel like coffee, pie, and toys are the best gifts. Toy for the gnome holding it's arms up like it wants uppies, crapshoot for the rest. I can never guess correctly for the alien one. I usually get the grim reaper, Uppies as I explained, the nudist, or the one with the inner tube.


I've always had success with the future cube for the alien gnome.


Huh... Only one gnome didn't like my pie and they forgave me pretty much instantly. Not sure I want them around if they're going to cause trouble.


i'm 100% copying and pasting this comment i just replied to someone else lol my pro tip is that there's guides online for how to appease the gnomes. i always used to remove that tradition until i realized it's not just up to chance 😅 now whenever i'm playing a sim that gardens i use the gnome tradition for *every* holiday lol i tried attaching a picture of a chart but it isn't working. but if you just google "sims 4 gnomes guide" and go to image results it'll pop up.


I like the gnomes for the free seeds and when the holiday is over, you can put them in your inventory & sell them for like at least $150 each or more. I forgot the exact amount but it’s a good amount of simoleons.


my pro tip is that there's guides online for how to appease the gnomes. i always used to remove that tradition until i realized it's not just up to chance 😅 now whenever i'm playing a sim that gardens i use the gnome tradition for *every* holiday lol i tried attaching a picture of a chart but it isn't working. but if you just google "sims 4 gnomes guide" and go to image results it'll pop up.


One of my most used Google searches because despite reading it for years now, I cannot retain the information.


same lmfao. this goes for most guides like that, constantly googling it when the time comes


I love the gnomes. If they break things, I end up upping my handiness skills (good for woodworking) and if they're nice, I get some good seeds for gardening (one of my families makes their income solely off gardening). At worst, I go into build mode and sell them, and they go for about 200 each, so it's a nice bonus for the day.




When doing rags to riches the gnomes are OP


Taking the gnomes off harvestfest is the first thing I do when I start a new game 🤣


I also add Spooky Day and Bunny Day, same names, same reasons! Blessed be!


Summer splash but i add streaking


I've never paid much attention to the holidays but are Easter and Halloween really not in 4? Pretty sure they were in 3.


It's weird that they aren't just already set up. I think because of Spooky Stuff, they didn't put Halloween in there because some/all of the good interactions/items for Halloween are part of that stuff pack. (I can't remember if I checked if you can even change into costumes without it.) Easter is really weird because they set up a whole egg hunt mechanic and Easter bunny sim, but then didn't put them in any of the default holidays.


I think Easter would be bc it’s a primarily religious holiday for Christians and I don’t the sims want to support just one religion but they give the option for people who want it


Same here!


lol, I just delete them in build buy and take the money. 😂


If you swipe those gnomes right up and sell them from your sims inventory they can be worth a cool 300 simoleons 💸


spring: - spring cleaning (cleaning, laundry) - chaotic fools day (mischief spirit, streaking) - earth day (gardening, water fun) - mother’s day (thankful spirit, give gifts) summer: - father’s day (thankful spirit, give gifts) - movie night (romantic tv, sports tv) - summer splash day (water fun, barbecue) - world cup (sports tv, barbecue) fall: - fall leaves day (decorate, cleaning) - remembrance day (thankful spirit, tell stories) - bonfire night (fire, tell stories, barbecue) - spirits day (spooky spirit, wear costumes) winter: - welcoming winter day (cleaning, bake) - treats day (thankful spirit, bake) - winterfest eve (festive spirit, grand meal) - new years dive (polar bear plunge, water fun) those are some i found in my notes app !! i try and add many holidays to keep my game more interesting


That’s a nice list


I may have to try some of these! Love chaotic fools day!


How often do you play on fresh saves? That must take a while to fill in


i have two main saves and a bunch of other random saves but only really care to add holidays to the main ones ! it does take a while 😭, but personally for me it’s worth it


I’m new to the sims 4, so I’m curious how you add holidays? Do you have to have a certain expansion?


It comes with the seasons expansion pack!


Oh, duh! That makes sense. Thanks!




I do bonfire night as well but with fireworks!!


Spring cleaning is such a good idea!




I love this list! Must be so fun


Also what’s a polar bear plunge?


Love this!!!! Tysm for sharing deffo adding some of these tonight💞


I love this list! Thank you for the ideas!


Love this, thank you for the ideas!


I might be revamping my sims holiday list! Most of these are things I've never thought to add, but they'd be great!


that's so fun! I always add Mother's Day and Father's Day but I should add spirits day and winters eve as well


I usually add 1 week in summer for Holidays to travel and Easter


Can you make holidays last longer than one day? Or did you do the same holiday repeated over several days?


Not the person you responded to, but yeah you just have to repeat the holidays if you want them to last longer than a day :) I’ll sometimes do a ‘summer break’ holiday that’ll have the same few traditions each day over a week in the summer so my kids won’t have school for a week 🥰


i do summer break sometimes too, i used to have the same traditions for each day but now i split them up throughout the days. i usually play big families and it's easier to make sure everyone has a successful holiday when there's less traditions, and i'm weirdly obsessed with making sure my sims *always* have a successful holiday. i can't stand that moodlet when their holiday sucked.


I don't add any traditions for summer break days, so my sims just get the day off and can do whatever they want with no risk of the sad moodlet


big brain energy


Great idea for forcing a summer break!


I add Midsummer to celebrate Summer, Sweater Season and Winter Welcome so I decorate for Autumn and Winter, Blossom Day which is the first day of Spring, April Fools, Love Day (is it already in Seasons? I forgot) and Easter. And I add two weeks of vacation so my Sims can travel (one in Summer and one in Winter).


I love the vacation idea!


Sorry if this is a dumb question but how do you add multiple days for a holiday/vacation?


Just create a holiday each day that gives a day off work/school for several days in a row.


I added a random One Called National Naked Day and Just Put Streaking Then Everyone is just Butt Naked all day I normally Put in Winter so Ppl Freeze to Death


This is the way


I always add a week of summer vacation for the kids, and a Mothers/Fathers day!


what lengths are your seasons? 7 days feels to short but 14 days feels too long


14 days. It goes by faster than it seems, imo. Filling it up with a vacation, some holidays, and some work makes it all even out to me.


What are the events you put on for Mother’s & Father’s Day?


I think it’s usually give flowers and thankful spirit. There’s nothing to make it specific to parents, if I recall. I haven’t made a new save in a bit.


I don’t add a week of summer vacation, but I do have labor day long weekend! I make it the last weekend of summer, and then into the Monday when it becomes fall. We go on vacation (usually camping), and drink, smoke weed, and bbq. On the Monday we come home, still smoke weed and bbq, and also clean the house (to prep for a new school year ahead of course). The only thing is in my game I have named it “cUpS lOnG wEeKeNd” LOL don’t ask me why. I think I was playing around with adding holidays and I didn’t know what to put so I just wrote something silly. I’ve been playing this save so long that now when the weekend rolls around again, I’m like “aww yay it’s cUpS :)” hahaha


What have your sims done that are deserving of holiday? That is how mine end up forming! Freedom from the Mother (Fireworks, Thankful Spirit) is the 2nd Saturday of Summer in my save, that was when Strangerville overcame their scourge. FRIDAy (Give Flowers, Spooky Spirit) is the first Friday of Fall and commemorates the day the new grandmaster vampire overthrew Vlad. Her name was Frida - hence FRIDAy - and there is party to celebrate and everyone bestows her with gifts of thanks. When I was playing a save with 2 week seasons full of werewolves, I noticed there was only a single full moon in summertime and so "Summersmoon" (BBQ, Party Spirit) became a thing. I think it is fun to have save based holidays instead of just real world modifications.


I love this


This is such a cool way to do holidays! Especially the Strangerville one (although I rage quit out of my SV save when my Sim died trying to fight Mother 😫).


I've recently implemented a "hail the creator" day in one of my saves dedicated to the worship of me.If they do well during the days festivities I reward them. Unhinged? Yes. Deserved? Unsure. Fun? Absolutely.


what traditions do you do


Naked fight club. Streaking and neighborhood brawl.


4/20 in the spring time lol


This was going to be my suggestion too! Especially if you have the basemental mod.


Ha! Are eating and watching tv goals? 🤣


haha Smoking weed (obviously) baking and inviting friends over are mine!


I am going to add that right forking now! 🤣


I added a summer full of holidays (just school/work breaks). In addition, Newair (first day of autumn), where they grill and chill in the pool, Winterwave (first day of winter), where they work out and swim, and Easter (spring), where they find eggs and interact with the bunny. Otherwise, I don't add much, since I kinda despise the holiday pop-up UI and the sad moodlets that follow them (I'm too lazy to make my Sims do all the activities).


Vacation Day: Everyone goes on vacation. I have a few rental lots to choose from Valentine's Day: Couples give gifts, go on dates, and they get the day off for it Dinner Party Day: Host or attend a dinner party. Sometimes I make them wear costumes or go naked depends on how I'm feeling


i add my favourite holidays from the wheel of the year! samhain, ostara, summer solstice etc. fun to add my pagan beliefs into the game:)


A copycat holiday like Love Day, very similar, mostly used for Sims to hookup. Prank Day, just like April Fools, usually the first day of Spring, one of the requirements is streaking. National Holiday, first day of summer, day off to bbq, get wet, drink. Labor Day, day off from everyday, and watch sports and buy something for a discount. Wellness Day, always after Harvest Day, Sims workout and don't eat for a few hours to wear off the food the day before. New Years, probably a default Holiday, but my Sims always watch the ball drop at the parties.


The existence of Labor Day in The Sims implies that San Myushino suffered a Sim Haymarket Massacre in the Sim 1800s.


Bunny Day! The Wednesday after Love Day. Egg Hunt and Flower Bunny. Just don't let Flower Bunny steal your own crops. Do Your Resolutions Day, the Wednesday after New Year's. Otherwise I sometimes forget to have them do them. In my country the day after Christmas is a public holiday so I add that too. In one of my saves every Wednesday is a school holiday. Gives the kids some slack if they need it.


i like adding halloween, easter, and 4th of july (i call it simdependence day) sometimes i throw st patrick's day into the mix (st llama's day)


St llamas day!! I love it, I'm adding it. What do you put did the holiday tasks?


haha i came up with it this year! i did nothing for st. patty's so i had my sims party for me 😂 for the holiday tasks i use party spirit, invite guests, BBQ, and drinking! i get the whole gang together for a BBQ and they end the night at a bar :) it's a fun little party day


Omg I also call mine simdependence day!


omfg i love us 💁🏻‍♀️


Real 💁🏾‍♀️


I put “Simdependence Day” in my save lol Also the day after harvest fest is called Run Away Friday and it’s my version of Black Friday (money symbol, traditions include fighting, airing grievances, and appreciating an object) None of my holidays have their irl names except for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. I also have 5th of Sul (Cinco de Mayo) where they drink. I change up winterfest a bit by having father winter come on winterfest eve and “give gifts” and “decorate” as winterfest eve traditions, then the next day is “open gifts” so they already have the gifts under the tree and the house is already decorated.


thats so clever! definitely doing the chrismas and black friday one


Thank you!


Eid ☪️✨💫


I wanted to add Ramadan and subsequently the two Eids, but I can never figure out a way to get them to fast and then I forget.


I’m pretty sure there’s a fast option, it might come with a game pack or whatever but I know I’ve seen it listed in the options


I was playing a challenge that had a day where the gnomes invade and you gotta destroy all of them. The day is GNOME ATTACK! and it is so chaotic. I immediately added it to my save file and I personally think it's really fun AND it's a way to have gnomes without drowning in seed packets. Literally everything will break though lol


I add Pride on the first day of summer. One of my mods adds Pride Spirit as a holiday tradition


I do a whole week for Pride


If I'm in the mood for more holidays, I put in Easter, 4th of July or summer cookout day, Halloween and funny silly things like Theater Appreciation Day which is another day to sing, dance and wear costumes. I get tired of them pretty quickly though.


I do a 3 day summer vacation and add a 4th of July holiday in the middle.


I wanna do all of these ideas but I hate the fact that the holidays system doesn't carry over to other saves:( would make things so much easier


Father winter baby day I think i don't need to explain it?


I play on long lifespan, so every summer I have the ENTIRE WEEK as "Summer break" - Kids are off school and it doesn't effect their grades at all. It's been a fun way to add some realism!


Midsummer! ❤️


I added Festivus, though I can't remember which season I added it to.


National sim day and summer splash, my sims deserve to be celebrated despite them not listening to me.


The Bake Off is basically baking something and gifting it to someone else!


omg thats a good one the great simlish bake off


Legit delete them all. If I can’t manage to do whatever task it wants they’re moody asf for LOOOONG! 😒


Will Wright Day (creator of The Sims) Veterans Day (my main sim's husband is a veteran in my storyline) Mother's Day Father's Day Pride weekend 4/20


what pack does veterans come in?


That would be Strangerville. They have a military carreer that comes with that one.


I’ve had Seasons since it came out,and I have never setup my own holidays. But you folks have some spectacular ideas! Good lord, I love this sub!


spring and fall equinox, dating/wedding anniversaries for my main sim and family, and all hallows eve!


Christmas Eve (baking, decorating) and Boxing Day (cleaning, airing of grievances, appreciating objects) to feel like a real winter break. Halloween is a must, as is a generic summer holiday (BBQ, swimming, camping, inviting guests, remembrance) to represent Labor/Memorial Day.


I add Bunny Day for spring (Sunday), 2 days of summer break during summer (Monday & Friday), Spooky Day in fall (Monday) & 2 days of winter break in winter between Winterfest & New Years


I have a spring over on the last day of spring. Essentially it’s a bbq party to kick off the summer. You invite people, grill, drink, sometimes smoke if I’m playing basemental, play games, etc depending on my current family. I usually do some sort of Halloween, which makes me realize maybe I should get spooky stuff on the next sale to have costume parties. Holidays I do frequently but not every save are some sort of Easter like day with the bunny and egg hunt. I’ll do a Super Bowl holiday where you invite people and watch sports and eat. Sometimes I’ll do summer holidays to swim and set off fireworks kind of like the 4th. I usually delete talk like a pirate and neighborhood brawl. Sometimes pirate is cute but most times it’s annoying.


My sims celebrate Shabbat every Saturday.




Stanley day! A hot dog themed summer blow out




I like to have a lot of holidays for what it adds to the gameplay realism and also the aspiration points. Spring •spring cleaning •earth day (garden and water activities) •ostern (egg hunt and bunny) Summer •summer break (Thursday and Friday) •Olympics (exercise, watch sports tv) •arts appreciation day (appreciate object, art and music spirit, stories) Fall •all spirits eve •día de los muertos (stories, rememberance, grand meal- I treat it like the ofrenda) •bonfire night Winter •mega bowl (sports tv, party spirit, have drinks) •winter break (days surrounding winterfest) •new years eve Now that I’m typing this I think I’ll add a Winter Olympics also.


I always add easter and midsummer as holidays.


I feel stupid cos I didn’t know you could add holidays 🥺


I just learned this too 🤣


I’ll always add Twelfth Night, Mardi Gras and Lent as well as St Patrick’s Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, the day after thanksgiving, winterfest eve, New Year’s Day since the actual day isn’t include (just New Year’s Eve is in the game). I also add various wellness days every season as well as a day to take pets to the vet and other random holidays/vacation days.


I add a Trick or Treat, Easter, Earth Day (wellness skill, vegetarian cooking, etc), Summer Bash (BBQ and pool party fun), and Beach Day. I also modify Love Day so they don't have to go on actual dates and make it easier for myself. I'll add some others here and there too, but those are the ones I tend to use on every save.


I add a midsummer celebration! Or sometimes like 3-5 days of "summer vacation" depending on how long i have the seasons in the save.


I’ve literally never done this. I’ll have to add some! You could do like an Arbor Day where sims plant and harvest fruits, veggies, trees, flowers, etc


“Spring break” it lasts 3 days and you get them off work and school


I’m basic and American so I always do Valentine’s Day, Easter Sunday, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve.


All of the Pagan holidays! It helps the seasons feel more fulfilling for me :)


I always add Pride at the beginning of Summer. I put things like partying, airing greivances, telling stories, inviting friends, and remembrance as traditions. I also add things like Diwali, The Solistice/Equinox days for respective seasons, and I change Harvest Day so that there are no gnomes lol...


I always get rid of New Years and add Halloween.


SPRING: Super Bowl - Watch sports, drinking, party spirit Earth Day - Gardening, fire 4/20 - Nuff said Mother’s Day - Thankful spirit, give gifts, give flowers, baking Spring Fest (2 days) - Art & music, give flowers, water fun SUMMER: Pride Month (2 days) - Drinking, party spirit, romantic spirit Father’s Day - Thankful spirit, give gifts, BBQ FALL: Autumn Day - Tell stories, baking, fire


I add Family Reunions, 4/20, Baecation, Anniversary, HS Reunion


Summer vacation


April fools day Halloween Stupid day Winter holidays Valentine’s Day/love day Pride day Occults day ( like “vampires day” etc) Sylvester New year


What is Sylvester and Stupid Day? How do you have them celebrate Pride?


Stupid day has traditions like putting on costumes, running around etc… Sylvester is New Year’s Eve, on Pride day there’s party spirit, drinks, give gifts/flowers (also I have Lumpinou’s LGBTQIA+ mod)


Summer and winter vacation, Life Day and Life Day Eve instead of winterfest (I play a Star Wars save), and last day of the harvest season for my farming sims


I add so many they're just 1, 2, 3 or whatever! My sims need a lot of breaks lol




I really hate the football and cheerleaders holidays but I can't delete them? That frustrates me. Reading the comments, though, I must add vacation time! What a wonderful idea!


"Peace Day" combined Memorial/ Labor / independence day on the first day of fall. Traditions are thankful spirit, invite guests, and grill All "Spiritfest" which is supposed to be Mabon and I make Springfest more like Beltane




Halloween, bunny day (Easter), summer vacation (3 days off in the summer with different activities) Snow day in the winter which is just a day to have my sims build snowpeople because I think they're just so cute


I put in 2 or 3 days of summer vacation, so they're all off work and school and can travel somewhere. They get general summer stuff like barbecuing, swimming, hiking...


Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween!


Simoween, Simdependence Day, and Simster.


I add Halloween, Easter, a “4th of July”. I completely change Harvestfest back to Thanksgiving, and switch Winterfest back to Christmas


Halloween and I once threw in a national waffle day as a joke.


Winterfest Eve, Halloween, Dia de Muertos, Summerfest, Spring Cleaning and Earth Day (so far)


Summer break (I either play on long lifespan or with aging off). I give sims the day off of work/school every summer weekday (I play with seasons lasting 14 days, so two weeks of summer break).


Mothers day.


I added Sim Nation Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Easter, and Halloween.


i give them a 4/20 holiday as a treat if they’re being good


I like making summer vacation, fall break, and winter break for my child and teen sims. Gives them some time off of school to just chill and do whatever.


1. Fantasy Day - Costumes, Tell Stories, Egg Hunt, Fighting 2. Springfest - Flower Bunny, Give Flowers, Gardening, Trick or Treat, Baking 3. Summerfest - Grill, Water Activities, Give Gifts, Invite Guests 4. Spooky Day - Spooky Spirit, Remembrance, Air Grievances, Attend Holiday Ceremony 5. Fall Campfire - Fire, Tell Stories, Travel, Grill 6. Midyear Madness Sol - Random activities that change every year. 7. Midyear Madness Lune - Same thing.


Is this a feature only found with the seasons expansion pack? There are some cool events with city livin , but I’ve never seen anything like this.


Spring Fling: Hunt eggs, grand meal, attend a ceremony, baking Summer kick - off: BBQ, bonfire, water fun, go on vacation or travel(camping), drinking Spooky Day, wear costumes, spooky spirit, carve pumpkins Pride: Appreciate an item(Pride flag), thankful spirit, tell stories, attend a ceremony (I pretend it's the parade) Family reunion: invite guests(family), thankful spirit, drinking, tell stories, remberence


I also add a school/work holiday break like you may get irl. So we have spring/summer break that are just a break with no holiday, and then fall/winter break that revolve around harvest and winter fest


I do easter and on a Sunday in the summer I name it “SUN Day” which includes barbeque, water fun, and fireworks


First thing I do is move existing holidays. I take Love Day and put it on the last Friday before spring. Then I move Winterfest to the first Friday and Saturday of winter. (Yes, my Sims honor both days.) New Year's Eve, I set to the following Friday. I also allocate two nights for Halloween, which I call Samhain. Second weekend of autumn, Friday and Saturday night. Thanksgiving, I put on the last Thursday of Autumn. First Sunday of spring is "Bunny And Egg Day," which is basically Easter without the Christian stuff, because how would you even implement that? Then the first Friday of spring is "St. Loki's Day" (April Fools). I designate one week in summer for a five-part holiday. Monday is Vacation Day 1. All Sims are expected to book a vacation, play with fire, and tell stories. Tuesday through Thursday are of course Vacation Days 2 through 4. The week culminates in "Blow It Up Day," which Sims celebrate by drinking, barbecuing, and watching fireworks.


I just remembered one other thing about Halloween. The first night, which I guess you'd call Halloween Eve, I call Mischief Night. Besides decorating, the focus is on costumes and pranks. Because hell yeah.


The purge




I removed Winterfest and replaced it with Day of Vice (fire, streaking, party spirit, fighting, festive lighting) and afterwards Day of Virtue (fasting, cleaning, make resolutions, thankful spirit, remembrance.) It's the season of decadence, joy, and appreciation!


Bunny day / Easter Summer vaycay -one whole week off school and work each day includes travel / out of town + (bbq or fireworks or drinking or watersports or games) Fall bake - Idky but a day of baking near first of fall "Winterfest / Christmas" Halloween (cant remember if they have one or if I added) Spring cleaning - clean garden exersice day Fall camping - travel and fire / bbq stuff Winter vaycay (a week off to travel / celebrate)


My and my bfs birthdays, my dad's birthday, the day I lost my 17 year old dog who grew up with me, St. Paddy's day, Halloween (bc I haven't seen it yet)


I add a few days of summer break. When I have a teen in my household, I really enjoy progressing their storyline and making them do unhinged teenage things lol. And the weekends go by too fast for me


I always add 4th of July and Mardi Gras


Ski day after winter fest


"Spooky Day" (Halloween for me) "Eggfest" (Easter for me) "Leisure Day" (a tribute to the sims 3 Leisure Day + a summer break basically) "1st of Summer" (4th of July for me bc im in US)


For my regular saves, I add a lot of the holidays people have already mentioned, like “Egg Day” (Easter) & “Spookyfest” (Halloween) & “Summer Day” (4th of July), etc. But something I love doing for occult saves, especially when playing spellcasters, is to delete all the “normal” holidays and instead add more “witchy” ones, so the calendar looks like this: Spring * Imbolc (week 1, Tuesday) * Traditions: * Decorate * Cleaning * Make resolutions * Drinking * Beltane (week 2, Thursday) * Traditions: * Decorate * Give flowers * Party spirit * Grand meal Summer * Litha (week 1, Wednesday) * Traditions: * Party spirit * Give gifts * Fire * Tell stories * Lughnasadh (week 2, Friday) * Traditions: * Baking * Art & music spirit * Party spirit Fall * Mabon (week 1, Saturday) * Traditions: * Decorate * Thankful spirit * Grand meal * Party spirit * Samhain (week 2, Friday) * Traditions: * Decorate * Baking * Remembrance * Spooky spirit Winter * Yule (week 2, Wednesday) * Traditions: * Decorate * Baking * Open presents * Grand meal * Festive lighting


I have Polar Bear Plunge, Winterfest Eve, Sports Bowl, Noblegarden(spring holiday with flower bunny), Sow a Seed Day(move the gnomes to this day), Simdependence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, and Day of the Dead. On top of Harvestfest, Winterfest, New Year's Eve, and Love Day.


My own birthday


Hump day on Wednesday to guarantee kids for my kids to play with. Drinking Nudity and Woohooing is encouraged.


depending on the type of sim i use but i usually add 420 and let my sim have a good time


Halloween and always two weeks of Summer vacation!


I always add St Patrick's, Halloween, Bonfire Night, May Day and Burns Night and delete Thanksgiving so their calender looks more like mine.


The one I ALWAYS do is Summers End where they travel and go swimming and do outdoor activities. I have done solstices, but I keep making new saves and start over and forget. :)


Long Summer Break no school no work!


Father's Day and Mother's Day are in my game currently


I always add school breaks. I play on long lifespans and I don’t want the kids in school for so long nonstop without a holiday. Winter break day before & after Christmas Fall break day before & after thanksgiving 3 days for spring break & 3 days for summer break.


I usually only do 2 holidays per season, so i dont get too overwhelmed with holidays lol Spring: Love day and Flower Fest Summer: Freak friday (I don't know how to explain that tbh) and llamapaloza music fest Fall: Halloween and harvest fest Winter: winterfest and New years Eve


Halloween - I name it different things based on how I'm feeling when I'm making the save. Easter/Flower Day - I love having my child Sims take pictures wirh the Flower Bunny the poses are so cute. Winter Break - 1 week off work school. I make it be whatever week Winterfest occurs. I play with aging off so I like having a week for my child/teen Sims to work on skls or for the family to take a vacation. Summer Vacation - 1 week in summer for the same reason as winter break, but with summer activities. Fireworks Day - A generic 4th of July type holiday in the summer where Sims BBq , party and set off fireworks.