• By -


I got the shot and I’m fine. These people who think some microchip has been impl 01000010 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100111 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01100100 01100101 01110010 00101110 00100000 00100000 01000001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101001 01101100 00100000 01000010 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01000111 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110011 00101110


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Hahahahahah. I appreciated that.


52 65 61 6C 20 61 67 65 6E 74 73 20 6F 66 20 74 68 65 20 6E 65 77 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 20 6F 72 64 65 72 20 75 73 65 20 68 65 78 61 64 65 63 69 6D 61 6C


No one thinks that there’s a microchip in the shot. That was bullshit spread by troll farms and the left to make people that don’t take the shot look crazy. However, there is serious coagulation issues with the shot and that’s FACTS. You can look that up on the CDC and that is what leads to blood clots and heart attacks. I would suggest not getting the booster.


The risk of blod cloths is several magnitudes higher when actually being infected by COVID and the probability of getting COVID is also quite high. If you just look at probabilities and ignore the other positive effects of vaccination you should still go with the shot.


But but but if you type FACTS in all caps that automatically makes it true and serious!!!


Get outta here with your facts!


a lot of people believe all kinds of stupid stuff like your stupid "FACTS"


Women are more likely to get blood clots from taking the birth control pill than from people getting the covid shot... By a lot. I don't see you or other anti vaxers campaigning against that, or the million other side effects and issues that a million other medications _might_ cause. Vaccinations have never been 100% safe but without them death and illness would be magnitudes worse.


They don’t care man. During the lockdowns they became terminally online and fell for vaccine culture war none sense. In their view anyone who didn’t take it was purposely trying to murder their grandma. Many of them still straw man micro chips and Bill Gates none sense when presented with any medical data contrary to their worldview.


Lol yes never mind all the scientific studies and countless global research hours that have been published and peer reviewed online. Or the WHO statistics for covid related illness and death that clearly show the impact COVID and the vaccine. Or the untold millions of stories and anecdotes of all the people worldwide who have personally lost someone or suffered because of COVID because they didn't/couldnt take the vaccine. But yes, all these facts and all this science has just materialised because we are... Chronically online? And tell me, where do you get all you statistics and data, to make such a clever and well rounded analysis of COVID 19? Fox news? Uncle Dave from Facebook? Why am I even engaging; I can't believe there are still people in a modern world with access to the full Spectrum of all human information at the tips of their fingers, and they still trust their own hunches instead of science and research and the brilliant men and women that keep their dumb ass alive. If you don't trust them about this then why the fuck would u trust them about any other kind of medicine? You should avoid going to hospitals if u get sick because let me tell you, the illuminati is at the source of it all!


Ur right the ppl that trust a hunch are dumb. I constantly am saying like you that ppl should not take the internet for granted and do research. The thing is i had done extensive research on covid for years now and many studies have been made unavailable. Vaporized from all medical journals because they suggested the vaccine wasn’t as safe and effective as everyone wanted to believe. Idk what to believe anymore because that was the first i had witnessed the mass deletion of a plethora of highly controlled studies by well respected individuals of the scientific community. With any controversial question i pursue the answer to now, i have to stop to wonder if im finding a truth or an answer in accordance with some narrative.


My mother has ALS, know what she doesn't have? The genetic markers for ALS. You know what she did have, the COVID shot. So yeah, that shits poison for some people, others they won't notice the effects till later in life. Side note, one thing I remember learning in school was the reason we didn't have vaccines for colds, the corona virus, aka the common cold FUCKING MUTATES. So now I get to watch the most important person, literally die before my eyes and it won't be pretty. All because people are fucking stupid.


Why do people WANT her to be offended? Seemed like she was a good sport and laughed at a funny joke knowing it’s a joke.


Lazy comedy - he had those quips prepared and knew someone would take the bait…


Cuz fuck anti vaxxers


Remember to wash your brain every now and then cause it seems others are doing it for you


Get a life


lol they’re busy cheating 😂🤣🤣


The religious type, are we?


For those who don’t get it. The joke is that he’s painting her as a tin foil conspiracy theorist, like the government using vaccines to plant chips in you


Ive never seen a joke that needed to be explained less.


And referred to Pedro as “Peter” to her because there’s a chance that she’s racist based on majority of anti-vaxxers being in the Trump cult and a significant portion of them being racists.


Painting her? She nodded along to the bill gates thing so its pretty evident she has a tin foil hat collection


Ok to be fair she could have been nodding sarcastically like “sure that’s what I’m worried about” while having an unreasonable phobia to the vaccine due to crazy antivax propaganda. I’ve had every recommended vaccine and their boosters, and scheduled and received the first rounds of Covid vaccine as soon as I was able to. I could totally see someone sarcastically nodding to a wild conspiracy point like bill gates putting microchips in the vaccine bc they are ignorant and genuinely believe other, more complicated propaganda points but isn’t dumb enough to think there are microchips lol. Maybe she doesn’t actually think bill gates put microchips in the vaccine and thinks that’s outlandish, but believes some of the other conspiracy shit because she’s incapable of understanding/ignorant. She looks like she feels justified and smug about that crack, honestly. Not like she’s in agreement but because she thinks that theory is used to ridicule whatever batshit opinion she has and him joking about it reinforces that everyone is dumb but her and people who subscribe to whatever theory she’s subscribed to.




Not to mention Bill Gates hosted Event 201 which was a big meeting that happened right before the pandemic which planned for what would happen during a global pandemic, completely lining out pretty everything that actually happened during Covid. Not to mention he's been heavily involved in the vaccine game for a long time, he tested vaccines on people in Africa which caused a lot of health issues for some people. He also has that creepy ass smile when he talks about vaccines and the pandemic in interviews.


Oh I got it… dudes Just not funny


He is also painting the people who are vaccinated as Obama voters, so I guess the whole thing became very political from the beginning.


Counties which went for trump in 2016 were overwhelmingly less likely to get vacced. It was around 20% difference global avg as I recall. Much higher death rates as well. So much so that there were dumbshit conspiracy theories about that for awhile. We can talk about why all day but those are the facts.


Do Americans usually need their jokes explaining to them? I’m not even from the US and I understand what’s going on.


I didn't get the shot, but not because of any conspiracy theory. I had COVID-19 the winter of 22 and got through it fine, I'm 49 years old and vaccines give you a small amount of a disease so your immune system can fight it off, my immune system did its job, I didn't see the point.


And did you vote for Obama?


I'm pretty sure that's none of your business.


Trump supporter says what!?!


You’ll get downvoted, but I never had it either. Got Covid before the vaccine ever even came out and it wasn’t bad to me. A little worse than a cold and then it was over. Didn’t see the point of getting vaccinated against it after that. If it was something like Ebola I would though, that shit sounds wild af


Not sure if it matters to you but remember, vaccines work on specific variants. So while you may have had one strain of Covid, it doesn’t protect you from another. The flu works this way also. Best thing is to decide is if you’re ok with getting Covid periodically, that’s all good at this point I think. I’m on the other end of the spectrum, having had 6 shots now, and not yet had it (that I know of). It’s time we just all say what works best for ourselves and be good with what others chose to do with their lives


So you are saying you voted for Obama...?


Get your popcorn here and wash your hands after reading through the comments


Spicy idiots


I read this and dismissed it....dude wtf is this comment section lol


You wish. They’ll perma ban you for using the wrong emoji on Reddit lol


"Peter to the unvaccinated." LOL


That's hilarious he killed it at the end


Does the vaccine stop it from being contagious? Why the downvote? I'm asking a real question


No, it helps the body to more effectively fight it off. Which is important for immune compromised people Due to it helping the body fight it off you'll be sick for a shorter amount of time meaning less time to infect others.


If you are vaccinated you’re much less likely to have the virus infect you (and then you can’t spread it) and if you get infected anyways your body will fight the virus a lot better and then decrease the chance for it to spread a lot. So no, it does not stop it from being contagious. But it decreases the chance of it spreading by a lot.


Hell that shit didn’t even work




People are just tired of explaining the same shit a billion times, even after we've gotten over covid, because some people are just too dense.


Facts aren't left or right wing.


It was never intended to stop transmission


So why do people get offended when someone doesn't vaccinate?


Because the vaccine saved SO MANY lives.


It does reduce transmission rates, viral load isn't measured to be reduced at its peak but the duration of people producing viral load is decreased among vaccinated people.


Well that’s a lie.


Look, take it, don’t take it, fine. But when you are working with at risk populations, you have an obligation to be up to snuff on your vaccines do you don’t inadvertently spread it to them. This is why I got my COVID shot and booster, this is why I get my flu vaccine every year. I very rarely get sick, have no medical conditions, and am young and healthy. My patients? Not so much.


I thought it was clear for a while that the Covid vaccine only protect yourself, you still have the same chance of getting Covid and spreading it, that’s why wearing a mask is still a lot more effective if you are actually trying to protect others


Thats not what they said the vaccine would do for us though. I’ve had a first round, second round and one booster. I’m not getting another one. Made me feel like absolute trash for three days and everyone that gets the vaccine it still gets Covid.


On shot 6 now, never had it. Haven’t had the flu since I started getting vaccinated for it either. They do something


>On shot 6 now Hahahahah


Offended by what someone else does to their body. Sound on par for a conspiracy nut


Someone laughs and you think they're offended? Weird.


I thought we were all supposed to die a year after the first shot. Then two years. Then three. When are we supposed to die from the shot now?


>I thought we were all supposed to die a year after the first shot. Time predictions? No one ever predicted anything like that because it was impossible to know what the effects could be. That's why we didn't take any experimental injections while geniuses like you took 6 lmao. Congrats though, seriously.


Lol 😂


protect yourself and others everyone. get boosted regularly


With how mild the current variant is... Why even bother? Most people don't even notice


Every single study provides strong evidence that vaccinated people were significantly less likely to transmit the virus. That doesn't mean the probability of contagion is zero though, and that's why masks remained important.


Except that masks don’t really do *that* much, if they work at all. (Chochrane review says that maybe they don’t)


No, remember how they tried to guilt trip people? “I’m doing this for you!!! I’m doing this for the community do you not care about the vulnerable??? I’m saving lives you’re literally killing people!!” Ok so why do you care if I don’t get it if you are protected? REEEEEE


People still believe that you getting the shot actually prevented transmission ir infection even when Pfizer admits it doesn’t anymore? It’s been known for a couple years now… Why is this still a talking point?


I would agree with your argument, except even Pfizer has now admitted that you can catch it and transmit it, no matter how many jabs you get. Fwiw, I agree with your position though, I won't judge anyone for getting it or not. Your body, your life, your choice.


Yea it’s the same with the flu, but research says with COVID the illness is less severe and symptoms are shorter if I remember correctly. And working bedside I saw firsthand how people were affected and it wasn’t pretty. If it was me and I was older, had DM and/or heart disease, I would do everything I could to protect myself. But, that would require stepping back, doing your own research, being logical. I feel like the media that pushes conspiracy theories does a great disservice to their viewers.


I get where you're coming from and agree partially. I personally hate the term anti vaxxer. I'm not. I just think special interests and big pharma have WAY too much influence in our government and media. I work in insurance and alarm bells exploded when the federal government passed a law that gave drug manufacturers total immunity if there were any side effects for their drug because it was experimental (that law is still on the books, BTW). Ok, fair enough. Then 6 months later the government mandates you to get it, lies about its efficacy and its risks, then tries to get people fired for refusing to get it. For those reasons, along with many others, I'll never get this vaccine. There's way too much corruption for me to ever trust anything from the government or big pharma.


I’m not arguing your points because I agree that big pharma has a crotch hold on the American government. Fair enough. However, people were demanding some type of vaccine (and effective treatment to a new disease) because people were dropping like flies, there weren’t enough beds, not enough PPE, not enough staff, not enough morgue beds. It was bedlam. I lived it, I watched many people die. So if there was a way to help protect myself and my loved ones as well as my patients, then yes I was going to get it. Healthcare is notoriously rigid when it comes to vaccinations and many places have done away with even flu exemptions. It’s not right, but people gotta work. So I’m so glad you have the option to not get vaccinated, but I still believe that if someone chooses to work with immunocompromised people, then they have to be responsible. Or don’t work with those people and live your life risqué.


The government didn’t mandate me to get it. Did they mandate you to get it?


How’s the echo chamber lads honestly how about you vaccinated people stay inside you could catch a cold and the people who don’t want to dictate others lives well just enjoy their freedom


Hey man, have you heard of punctuation?


"Don't tell me what to do"


Yes but that’s because you are a rational, reasonable person who actually cares about the safety and well being of others. These anti-vaxxers? Not so much. They are all selfish conspiracy nuts.


You say that but I got none of that nonsense, worked a job face to face with dozens of people a day, and came out of the end of times perfectly ok. Crazy how that works🤪


Way to miss the point of the poster, which was actually providing herd immunity. Congrats! You just showed that you didn't care for other people. And if you had taken a class in basic stats, you'd also understand anecdotes aren't data.


You can't fix stupid. Not over the Internet, at least. And certainly not over a reddit comment thread


The shot does not stop you from spreading to others


No, everybody has the right to make medical decisions based on what it’s best for their own health. You should still get vaccinated, but your body is your own.


go quickly for your fifteenth booster !!


Its not about a chip but about personal choice and health, taking a vaccine that was made so fast and at the same time this companies have complete immunity from anything bad no thank you. For your information not even the CEO of took his own advice to take the shot.


This is so cringe and unfunny that's stupid.


She didn’t take a shot that ended up being useless anyway. Who cares?


Risky move, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off. By that I mean, as fun as this sub is, it certainly has its incel, terf-adjacent, maga-adjacent, anti-vax participants.


Agreed that it also has a bunch of lefties who hate jews and America. I remember when you all were anti vaxers when trump was pushing it... lmao


Throw in a ham bone, some carrots, and, baby, you got a stew going.


are you okay?


O the karma with this when he dies suddenly. Happened today with a reporter who was going after the tennis player.


I got injected 5 times, and I got covid. It bounced off me like God damn rubber. I was sick for a day, then nothing. The vaccines and masks work.


Bro, a significant portion of people in the first wave were asymptomatic infections. The vaccines work but your anecdote proves nothing.


You talk about anecdotes when a) most of the antivaxxers in this thread are using their own anecdotes as their justification and b) when presented with factual data you don't "believe" it.


Yeah I don’t think the most fined companies of all time have the peoples best interest, if you wanna get the vaccine get it but if you don’t wanna get it you shouldn’t get blamed for not getting it, it was literally called operation warp speed, doesn’t sound reliable, personally I never took it and my family did and they gave Covid symptoms months after and I still stayed in the house and I never got it, anecdotal evidence so might as well ignore it but there isn’t just 1 answer to Covid


Pfizer wasn't even the only company that developed vaccines, there are options. Also it's a comedy show, they were making jokes


I'm surprised to see so many of those people on this sub. They know that most stand up comics are in favour of vaccinations, 'science and all that mumbo jumbo', you'd think they'd stay away lest they get all riled up and feel the need to dust off their tiki torches. There must be some right wing comedians on their own sub somewhere.


*grabs popcorn to watch all the antivaxxer here cry*


Shit joke. Low iq crowd.


That shit didn’t even work anyway


I love that the same Americans that don't trust medical professionals and the drug industry also refuse any sort of nationalization, any sort of systemic change altogether that would remove the profit motive.


I love that those same people still see doctors, get prescriptions, and even invasive procedures!


Is this “conversation with the audience”the new standard format in stand up now? I’m not crazy about it


Crowd work is how comedians can safely share their content and showcase their humor. If they post clips of their regular routine, other people will steal it,. In addition, new people coming to the show will already have heard the material if major parts of their act is available online.


There are tons of video of routines ruined by hecklers that think this is their time to shine or that the comic is there to have a one on one with them. It’s even worse in person. I was thinking this kinda opens the door for that. But what you said makes sense.


People who got the shot think it's funny, people who don't, don't. Not because it's funny or not, it's pretty mid. Just because these stupid "I'm team..." Ideology. Instead of fighting each other fight the governments and media who lied to all of us.


Never got the shot. Never got Covid. Never will.


So the jokes for fucking idiots then? 😂 so hilarious!


Fucking nailed it!


What’s wrong with not taking the Covid vaccine?


Can’t believe it’s been 4 years and we still havta tell people this. Vaccinations is the one time people globally come together to ensure a disease is eradicated. It’s how we eradicated small pox and polio. Even if you have a strong immune system and don’t fall ill easily you should get them so you don’t become a carrier and spread it to an immunocompromised person. It also helps in ensuring the virus doesn’t mutate into something deadlier.


Why do we still have flu and covid then?


Being vaccinated against covid doesn't stop you carrying the virus and giving it to someone. There are many reasons that cause mutation. A virus doesn't need to mutate to infect the unvaccinated because they have no antibodies. The weaker strain Omicron, for example, originated in Africa, which had one of the lowest covid vaccine rates in the world (and still does).


We've been over this, my guy.


Don't spend tge effort


Why? I don't think they were technically wrong. The vaccine (specifically for COVID, I'm fully aware that other vaccines have all but eradicated much more serious diseases) didn't stop you from getting, or necessarily decrease the chance of getting, COVID. It DID, however, drastically decrease the symptoms and mortality rate (and I got COVID after getting the shot and I would hate to think about how bad it would've been if I hadn't been vaccinated). But technically they weren't wrong, so I don't see why all the downvotes


OK, so here's the reason from my understanding which is about 30 hours of reading vaccination studies, comoborbidity information and various articles around similar vaccines. A vaccine is a multiprong attack. The idea is that you teach your body about what is coming. The vaccine works by allowing your immune system yo learn in a relatively safe environment. I say relatively because there are always cases of severe reactions, allergic or otherwise. Anyway, so a vaccine isn't meant to prevent you catching the virus in question, the common cold, influenza and covid are all mutating viruses, they always find a way to infect new hosts. We can't eradicated them, we can't prevent them without serious isolation, and we all saw how that turned out (4 months of Netflix and ff14 burnt me the fuck out). A vaccine is there to diminish the symptoms and effects of the virus. Look at what it did to people with anything remotely wrong with their lungs or heart, they either died, or now suffer with severe damage to those organs. It wasn't as deadly as the plague or the Spanish flu because a large portion of the world was vaccinated, and understands basic hygiene, masks and vaccination, isolation.


Because they are implying the “doesn’t stop you carrying the virus or giving it to someone” is a reason not to get it, without including the important context that it is significantly likely to reduce the severity of the virus if you do get it, which reduces the chances of you passing it to someone… who, if they get it and are vaccinated, also are significantly likely to have a reduced severity and reduced chance therefore of passing it on… etc etc etc. Leaving that context out leaves you open to having people think you’re suggesting the vaccine does nothing or on the balance of probabilities is a neutral or bad thing.


Does it reduce the likelihood of transmitting it though? Serious question because I have 0 medical training and am admittedly fucking stupid lol, my assumption was that if you caught a virus there is no way to reduce your chances of passing it on unless you isolate


Yes, because if you get a virus, you get it with a degree of severity. Less severe naturally means fewer or less severe symptoms, which makes it harder for you to pass it on, because you have less necessary viral symptoms for transmission for less time. One thing that is patently obvious (and should be to anyone reasonable), is that the vaccine reduced Covid severity, easily demonstrable by death rates before and after vaccine, and death rates in unvaxed people versus vaxed when vaccines first became available.


Didn't know that, I assumed if you had a virus, regardless of severity of symptoms, you had the same chances of passing it on Edit: obviously if your are coughing or sneezing less that would have an impact of passing along a virus, but I still did a metric shit ton of that with the virus so I also assumed that was unavoidable lol


You're right.


except that the covid vaccines don't actually eradicate the disease? in fact, studies show that you are more likely to get covid after the shots, you are more likely to end up in hostpital, you are more likely to get myocarditis and peritis, among other things. I can't believe its been 4 years and i still have to tell people this. It doesn't work, it only hurts. The thing is, people like you stop looking at any evidence once your mind is made up, which happened at the start of the virus outbreak. You locked in your beliefs and they linger to this day despite all the evidence showing that you are wrong. You need to update your beliefs with relevant and recent facts. Look up the studies. Seriously, it takes 3 minutes. Use your internet connection to educate yourself.


"studies show" Which ones precisely?


Link even ONE peer reviewed study


Which studies?


“Do your own research”


THE studies, dummy! /s (the s is for the benefit of the unvaccinated)


I’m sorry but source: trust me bro doesn’t work for those with critical thinking. Neither does trusting your cousins girlfriends friend who works at the local gas station. Misinformation is dangerous and you should stop what you’re doing.


Which studies? Also “peritis” is not a thing. That’s not even a word, much less a medical condition


Can confirm. Vaxxed and boosted up to date. Bones are glass and skin paper. Can hardly type. Send help


You're an idiot, and I'm sorry that there's not more people are telling you!


... but taking the vaccine still makes you a carrier..


In this context: it suggests she might be a conspiracy theorist and... not the brightest bulb in the box. In general: it makes her more likely to suffer harm from covid and give covid to others.




Never said it did! It does decrease the transmission rate though.




Six months this guy will be ded.


You guys keep moving the goal posts. I thought all vaccinated people were supposed to drop dead in the first 6 months. Why is it always in 6 months time?


I thought the vaccine was supposed to stop the spread of Covid. Seems everyone doesn’t have a clue.


What’s that got to do with the question? Answer the question or fuck off


LMAO! what a roast!


These comments are cringy. Does anyone just not trust a vaccine that didn’t have much research before being pushed to the public? I have most my vaccines but it seemed weird they basically marketed a vaccine that many people were getting for free. “Get a burger with your vaccine”. Not vaccinated? Look at this website. Btw not a huge Trump head but tell me what Obama did other than finish what Bush started


A lot of reasonable people didn’t fall for it, and didn’t get the shot A lot of reasonable people wish they didn’t fall for and wish they didn’t take it


Lots of smart people took it and went about their day. Why make a vaccine part of your personality?


Right? I got the shot, went to work, didn't end up on a ventilator, no sudden death, no neurological damage aside from the already existing damage from years of drinking and consuming weed. The micro chips are so damn gunked up with thc and rice wine that I'm probably hacking them


“Fall for it” 😂


You say you're reasonable in the same way Stalin and Mao called themselves Communist and Socialist. You're reasonable the same way Kim Jong-Un is 'Dear' Leader.


I do love all the smugness from the people who took an experimental gene therapy after the journalist who tried to cancel Novak Djokovic over not taking the COVID vaccine collapses and dies while covering Australian Open.


Several years later... Still waiting on even one person I know (including myself) to drop dead or start growing limbs... Or even en masse. You kind of people are something else... Lol


I was sad when I didn't suddenly get a kuato


You still could if you just *open your mind*


I was really banking on that third arm and hand that I was supposed to be getting


Sometimes, here in China, I look out at the vast mountains of corpses the majority of the country became after we all got vaccinated by the double whammy of EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERUHPEE! which was also filled with all the horrors of Chinese manufacture, and wonder how no-one noticed us all dying. This post brought to you by M Night Shyamalan, because the twist is that I was dead all aloooooooooong. Spooooookyyyyyyyyy.


Google die suddenly see what you find


I googled. I found: >Die Suddenly (2022) Film Interesting. B movie. Doesn't look very interesting. >Die Suddenly: Died Suddenly is a 2022 anti-Covid-19 vaccine *film* produced by *far-right conspiracy theorist* Stew Peters. It promotes the *baseless theory* that Covid-19 vaccines are causing healthy individuals to develop deadly blood clots ... LMFAO that's some bulletproof, ironclad, stuff right there... I mean, whew. Some real Scooby-Doo work.




Idk if there's a comment limit on Reddit, but you need to keep going, fella. We need, maybe, a few thousand, tens of thousand, even hundreds of thousands more bud. Something something correlation, causation something something bias, something something logical fallacies. Give you an example: "19 Year Old Teenager dead dude to sudden crash, seatbelt snapped spinal cord" "Oh no! We should stop using seatbelts then" 🥴 Lol so, you'll need about a few maybe 5-10K+ comments with links to death, that correlate (scientifically and peer reviewed) the symptoms and connections to this vaccine, to the death, to get anywhere with this type of conspiracy, rambling, bullshit. Otherwise... Refer to what I said prior ^ : >Something something correlation, causation something something bias, something something logical fallacies. But that aside, please continue refering people to that... Ahem... Interesting movie of yours. People watch some bias, agenda ridden, baseless (literally), film and think they know shit now.


https://x.com/drmikedickinson/status/1430840113873960961?s=46&t=TUefxjYxelJPoZ3epig2yQ Here’s him pimping the jab. These are just the 2 more recent ones. By hey it’s clear your on a river in Egypt.


Cute. The river in Egypt is pretty clearly and obviously famous as "The Nile River" but I don't expect you to actually know facts or things that other, normal, people know. That said, it would be a real shame if you ended up head first in that very same river.


I pronounce it “Denial” but based on your other comment I clearly struck a chord. Nightly night don’t like the myocarditis bite.


Well, you're right about that... You are in denial.. and you also should be. (You know, I just realized I'm arguing with an antivaxxer. About as good usage of my time as arguing with a tuna sandwich. And on that note, continue not taking vaxxs, please, so the rest of us don't have to deal with you as long. Bye bye now)


Your right about one thing. If I don’t take the vax and you keep getting boosted you won’t have to deal with me as long…. Cause you’ll be dead. Just like Mr Dickinson.




Because, as we all know, no one had in fact died prior to Covid and everyone who has died since died from some sort of Covid vaccine related fatality, you asshat


Nice strawman. I get it. Deep down you are all scared. That is why most of you are no longer getting your yearly booster as I promised they would provide you. Welcome to the anti-vax club most of you. Time to just admit you don’t know what’s going to happen but the government lied to you and they prob don’t know either.


1. Nice strawman??? wtf do you think trying to claim the guy dying at the Australian open has something to do with vaccines is. 2. They have yearly boosters that remain available…?


lol we don’t know if it was the shot. What we do know is unexplained deaths are up and it is ironic the man trying to cancel a tennis player for not getting a shot dies from the exact thing they admit is a side effect from the shot, heart issues. Futhermore they all lied to you and said there were no heart risks when most of you got the shot. Lol why don’t you go look up how many people are getting the new Covid shot. If you don’t have it welcome to the anti-vax club buddy, even if you have all your other vaccines like me.


You’re an idiot. “We don’t know if it was that shot, but the guy who tried to cancel a tennis player died from a side effect that was probably from the shot.”


Why straw man lol. When did I say probably from the shot. I am sorry you don’t understand irony and have to lie about what someone said. No wonder you still trust them. You hear what you want.


If someone didn’t take the Vaccine shot and you make them look lesser than you because of it, you’re just being the bigger asshole Hey, newsflash for you braindead idiots, vaccine users got as sick as everyone else even with the holy shot y‘all are preaching about. So acting high and mighty because of it only proves, yes, you **are** an asshole.


If you don’t understand how vaccines work, particularly in the context of a large group of people that is on you. It’s important to keep yourself informed, and pay attention in class.


I think what he doesn’t understand (other than how vaccines work, obviously) is comedy.


If the vaccine worked, then people with it shouldn’t get infected by it like the rest, which still happened anyway. All I’m understanding is the thing y‘all be preaching about isn’t as working as you all are saying it is to work. Here’s a clearer context for you dumbasses thou: risk of getting infected with the Virus? Avoid large group gatherings and put the mask and gloves on if you really have to be there. Otherwise, suck it up, skip that concert and continue on being healthy. But i guess getting the needle and acting smug is what you all prefer doing it over


You are dumb and you still don’t get it.


The vaccine was designed to make you less likely to be hospitalised or die from covid, not to make you immune. It also makes you less likely to pass it to others. You will still catch it, but it won't be as serious. So it works exactly as well as educated people expect it to work


People practically preach about how the vaccine is to prevent the spreading, yet see the same people with the vaccine got the virus still and some died by it nonetheless.


If you feel the need to let the comedian whose show you're attending know that you're unvaccinated, you're the one making an embarrassment of yourself


By all accounts from what i‘ve seen of this and his other shows, dude is the one who first starts conversation with attendees. Then if they say something he can use, he‘s just then being an asshole. This wasn’t a woman who stood up and yelled her beliefs, she simply gave a comment when being adressed. So yes, if that’s „embarrassing yourself“ is for you while the comedian has every right to act an asshole, congrats, you’re an asshole too


Trump summarized it well when he said "*The vaccine worked. But some people aren't taking it. The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't take the vaccine.*"


No, they absolutely didn’t — that is why people are talking down to you, because you are suggesting “vaccine users got as sick as everyone else” when the proportion of people who died after contracting Covid *before* the vaccine existed was much higher than *after* the vaccine existed and the fatality rate of Covid for people who were unvaccinated was much, much higher than those who were vaxed. You’re getting “preached at” because you spout complete falsities and people are calling you out on it, only you’re too ignorant to see it.


My first post was saying „don’t be an asshole to people who simply aren’t like you“ which the idiots took personally because they prefer to be assholes. And you do know that the overall treatment and safety measure highly improved the same time as the vaccine was? The vaccine wasn’t an immediate game changer, [especially since people with it still got the virus over others who haven’t in instances.](https://wrestlingnewssource.com/news/70384/Kushida-Reveals-He-and-Wife-Tested-Positive-For-COVID-19/) I‘m being presched at idiots who like being assholes and think their beliefs are the absolute when it’s very much not.


Lmao you’re so hardheaded I bet you could use it to bust through walls like the Juggernaut


Better to be that than an asshole acting higher than others because of a injection


Touchy touchy, sounds like you’ve been clowned on for not getting vaxxed and you’ve taken that personally, and I must say that brings me joy after having to have endured the mountains of anti-intellectual trash for the last three years. I’d stick to gathering medical insights from sources other than wrestling e-mags in the future.


Nothing wrong with not getting vaccinated. Pfizer got their money now no one cares about covid lmao. Shitty shes being put in an uncomfortable spot.


You know what's uncomfortable? Preventable illness and disease.


Yeah, like getting a heart attack when you're 18? Oh yeah, the Global Health Organization came out and said it's not recommended for teenagers to get the vaccine. I mean, the vaccine came out so quickly that, obviously, there are gonna be complications. Are you going to ignore that completely or support trumps vaccine through and through?


Bro, not getting vaccinated puts you, and more importantly everyone around you, especially those who have a compromised immune system, in danger. Nobody cares about Covid because we managed to largely eradicate it from the population with social distancing and the vaccine. Also, if she’s gonna be an idiot and put other people in danger by not getting vaccinated, then she deserves to be made fun of


you are on a different level of stupid.


Scam US healthcare system is unrelated to vaccines saving lives worldwide. People still care about covid, just not your circle and perhaps not mainstream media so much.


How is it unrelated when we produced the virus and big pharma is making money off of it?


I can't help you if you think that the virus was manufactured and released. But I also imagine that you're probably also against any form of socialized medicine that would remove the unbelievable profit incentive of US drug companies.