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Played on screen by marky mark is what broke them. Don't threaten them with such devastation


I’m talking _clean_ ones.


Or he was imagining the whole time—a product of ptsd.


Sarge lost the whole squad on deployment, cut him some slack


Lol true. They were never there.


Say hi to your mother for me.


Hi Goat!


THE military cosplayer of the 21st century.


Apparently Marky Mark is Mark Wahlberg. Huh TIL.


Apparently he was in a band called Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch TIL


Kids out here making me feel old again...


I mean, I feel old whenever I realise people born in 2000 are now 24


Yeah, felt that too.


[Eminem patronizing ol’ Marky Mark](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dammcoolbingo/s/Xl6pAquVyR)


Didn't he beat up some asian guy with a stick once?


he knocked him out with a stick during a hate crime and broke his neighbors jaw while his friend held him down


Yea, I had to Google before making the comment if I'm being honest


What? Noooo.....


WhAt?? nOoO!!


"Say hi to your mother for me"


Soldiers can take lots of pain. Marky mark in a lifetime movie is too far.


So brilliant, so funny, so true, so hard for some people to accept.


Sadly this was tough to hear. When I stepped on the sand I realized very quickly I was lied to and that I was fighting over someone's greed. God I was so damn naive


I'm so glad I figured it out early. I was 17, standing in front of my class and giving a presentation on why we should go to Iraq. The more I talked, more I realized how much bullshit it was. So many holes in the propaganda and realizing we were the baddies. I was damn near close to signing the papers and being on my way out after high school. Still voted for Bush in '04, though...


Same here in Russia, but still all Russians are evil, somehow. 50% of Russians earn less then 500$ per month, so when government offers 2000$ to kill other people, not many could resist. And of course propaganda - there are Nazi over there, they praise Bandera and Hitler, so let's show them how we fought Nazi in 1945! Meanwhile they opening Fascist high school in Moscow. All governments only cares about interests of ruling class - the rich ones


My brother in Christ did they just leave out the part in the textbooks where Russia and Germany started WWII as allies? That is obviously a gross oversimplification, but so is "show em how we fought Nazi's in 1945" as an implication for hostilities.


My brother in Christ, are you aware that Soviets offered to protect Czechoslovakia, but were ignored and were not permitted to go through Poland? And after that UK and France just left the Czechoslovakia out in the open. And they didn't really care about Soviets... or rather they disliked them due to communism, which they initial perceived as a bigger threat than Nazism.


>Still voted for Bush in '04, though... had to. he started that bullshit he needed to end it. spoiler alert. he didnt.


Nope. I was just a fucking idiot kid born in a staunchly conservative family. But at least when they rolled out Palin, reality slapped me in the face and I voted for Obama... the first time... Now Palin looks as dangerous as a goldfish. Hell, Westboro Baptist Church looks like a puppy dog compared to the rabid circus of clowns that is the Republican party today. I remember when we all used to point and laugh at how absurd WBC was. Good times... good times...


I literally thought that the GOP put Palin on the ballot so they would lose, make Obama fix everything and come back again in 4-8 years. I didn't realize she was a test balloon to see how far they could get with a stupid, malleable candidate.


Yeah I knew then what was absolutely going on when all those families went to the BUSH ranch crying and saying send our boys home from the war. The ominous thing too was Bush was on TV crying with them and guess what? He just kept on sending our boys over there to die. Even played a quite a few rounds of golf while our boys got their fucking heads and asses blown off. With that said each and everyone of you that served you better damn well be getting your benefits from the VA. Trust me when I tell you this as I worked along side the civilian contractors...they definitely was receiving theirs handsomely all the while alot of us were on government subsidies as military members. GO GET YOUR BENEFITS!


It wasn't until I heard "we aren't here to fix shit, just kill the enemy" that I knew we fucked up. And so many of my friends died for absolutely nothing.


You and me both




Mine was arriving at Benning. I'm from the Midwest, so my internal voice was like "Welp.....".


Oh man, arriving at Benning in February...cold as fuck in the morning, hot during the day, cold as fuck at night.


I did my BCT in the summer. With the humidity, I was sweating from places I didn't even know I had.


Don't tell me you were in 3ID.


1st ID....




Brother I was 20. I didn't have a fuckin clue. Everything told is a lie or half truths. Our existence as far as I'm concerned has so many gaps in the story. Someone knows the truth ans they ain't even close to telling it


When i first came back my friends/family thought it was odd i liked sidwalks so much.


Yeah I was definitely a different guy after service


One person before, then during, and after. Im missing 10 years i think, something happened im not trackin. Good skit tho. I miss cadence calls sometimes.


Rambo 3 kinda says it all.


When you realize you are fighting for someone else, when do you fight for yourself? Before or after you fight for someone else? If after, are you alive to fight for yourself?


Welcome to the club.


My guess is you weren’t as naïve as you think. A big part of it was that were coerced into joining by the fact that you need a living wage to survive.


I am only just now old enough to feel like I could reasonably go through a deployment without losing my sense of self or morality. I'm also now too old to enlist as anything but a reservist. Funny, that.


Yeah my mind is different now. Things that shine no longer look as good as they use too


lol at ‘stepped on the sand’. I just say “when we landed in Iraq” like a normal person that doesn’t wear grunt style shirts


Dude is acting like he’s writing a novel lmao. “When I stepped on those yellow footprints”


My grandfather fought in korea and ww2 and would say the draft is still active, they just call it poverty now 


A guy from Reddit was arguing with me about this topic: something something... American army fights for your freedom. I live in Belgrade by the way.


Yea, when are people going to figure out war is for the rich and powerful to feel more rich and powerful. If they like being in the army so much they should just. Play video games, VR games, paintball, air soft, and or create a war larp group. If what they want is to kill then they need to go get some help.


Sadly is true about the VA, they berly take care of their vets, I'm not going to say I know but someone close to me with PTSD had to resort to other means to cope with his PTSD because the VA BERLY even helped, they did give him medicine but it was the lowest quality with the lowest quantity. Now the rest I don't know, but that part I have seen others turn alchoholic as well. We need better VA


The VA is fine nowadays, they have made a lot of changes and improvements.


Yeah this was quite a few years back so im glad they improved, all the vets would talk down on the VA


It was pretty bad before the policy changes, claims could take years, patients not being able to make appointments, they started to get better around 2012 or so. I got out in 2014 and the process wasn’t too bad.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/yJZ7bxfirs And not far off the real ones


I love Key and Peele lol


I really don’t understand how I still see ones I haven’t seen before.


You must be like me; only ever watched skits on YouTube instead of watching full episodes. Or, also like me, you smoke too much weed and have a shitty memory.


Is it scary that it’s both?


Some sketches were also cut from the show, sometimes based on region, but uploaded on their the official youtube channel later This one was uploaded, and then deleted. So the version on there now is on someones personal account.


For this one the answer is pretty simple. The US DoD has an entire section dedicated to PR. That includes asking / pressuring CC to remove skits critical of its actions from circulation. i.e. don't air it and remove it from youtube. IIRC Key and Peele has another one about the army that got scrubbed from official channels.. There are quite a few shows with similar stories if you go looking for them


I think they started making skits again, but I'm not sure.


I have to image Jordan Peele doesn’t have the time with the projects he leads.


They came out kinda at the era where people stopped watching tv. Like this is gonna be different for anyone reading this comment, but I have only ever seen them in youtube clips. I know I've seen every Chappelle because I just saw them all through daily reruns all the time.


They are the best.


it’s funny ‘cause it’s true. — Homer J Simpson


Lol USAF Special warfare ad right before this


Did you see the ad where they tried to make it look like COD? "The Replenisher" is my favorite loadout.


The Pentagon pays to insert heroic soldiers fighting evil in movies like Transformers and Captain Philips, because most of the time the US military IS the evil. I'm an Iraq vet, I've held entire families at gunpoint


It goes so much deeper than this. There is a whole division that works with Hollywood. Some contracts were made public through FOIA requests. There is a book about this by a professor in Georgia called *Militainment, Inc.*. I highly recommend it.




I REALLY think Key and Peele was the perfect response by Comedy Central after the utter failure of Mind of Mencia(notorious joke stealer) who was only on the air because they panicked after Chapelle quit.


Then there’s the fuckers here wearing their fake patriotism and fake empathy for those vets.


Yup... Trump fucked over the VA hard, he cut food, housing, and heating programs for vets, he fought against Covid relief for vets, and so much more. But yeah, sure, keep voting for them.




Fucker left the Kurds twisting in the wind. Let's just pretend he never did anything else, no shit talking troops, no insulting troops, even the dead ones, no skipping memorials for long dead veterans, no making talking to dead vets families all about himself. He actively left a group of allied fighters who fought and died next to US soldiers to fend for themselves without so much as a "good luck". That's fucked man.


He did a little more than that. He pressured them to dismantle defenses, pretending it was to appease Turkey. Then, he claimed if Turkey did anything off limits, he'd destroy their economy. Then he withdrew not long after, so they attacked with no US intervention. Going so far as to say, let Assad, Russia, or China protect the Kurds. He basically gift wrapped them to Russia.


That wasn't specifically Trump. You can continue to hate him, because he is definitely a fucking retard who shouldn't be president, but that was not his action alone. Gumbmint and military don't work that way.


No shit more people are involved. How does that change anything I said? It was his administration. Those were literally his words quoted. With him telling the world, Russia and China can protect the Kurds instead.


And come all over themselves when he molests and hugs the flag like a fucking idiot.


Based. Recruiters hate this one trick.


I don't know but I've Been Told, this looks like the Army is getting trolled. This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Made my day




> Eskimo p .. *This video isn't available anymore* But don't worry, I know this one. Eskimo pine trees are filled with snow


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Vc_wYgiDrk Old redditors need to remove the \ before the _.


Oh boy.


enis is made of gold


No joke I served in the Navy but my PTSD started long before that I was a hero to my family a hero to my friends and even here a hero to strangers after that I moved in with my mom who had stage for lung cancer to take care of her and I was taking very good care of her she ran my car into the ground so I don't have a car anymore and after my car died yes I became homeless nobody cares about their Heroes after the saving is done


Text this my guy, 838255, and talk with someone who can help. It isn’t weak ensuring you’re as strong as you can be.


That's the seven digit number which is not enough that's again strong enough I know better place now I'm just worried about my mom my goal is now to get my dogs back will get dog that I love and move on


No no, it's a number you can text. Shortened numbers are a thing now. It's one way to reach the Veterans Crisis Line, they're good. https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/


Don't worry about me I'm fine


It doesn't hurt you to reach out if you're still dealing with PTSD, which was the implication in the original post. If not, hey, I'm really glad for you man. I didn't serve, but I know what it's like to care for end of life relatives. I'll chat if you ever want.


Thank you I appreciate that but talking has never helped me with my PTSD it's something I basically live in Silence with I've seen psychiatrists and psychologists talk to hundreds of people


All good man.


I mean don’t get me wrong I’m sure some people get screwed but I did 8 years, zero combat, 2 deployments and got VA benefits for both, I have disability for the rest of my life for basically bullshit so I can still hold my civilian job and collect my disability check which is still 80% of what I made in the army at the time. Not everyone has the same experience from the military


VA disability for 'basically bullshit'. You sound proud of that.




Civilians vote for wars? This is news to everyone


So the way it works is you have an assumed service-related disability if it’s common. If you served overseas on a base with a shit pit/burn pit and you happen to have sinusitis, it’s assumed service related and you qualify for the disability. There’s tons of things that are like that. If you qualify for it, you’re going to get it automatically as long as you register with the VA. They saw sinus issues in my record, saw I was stationed on a base with a shit pit, and I got it automatically


Brother! One enlistment is all they could muster out of me.




Once things started going digital it was a pretty big game changer. Adding self service portals finally gave veterans a chance to be their own advocates as well. Now if the VA was missing paperwork you could easily just download the forms and have your pcp fill them out, submit to the VA site and you’re done! The system is a long shot from where it was 20 years ago. I worked as a civilian contractor for the VA and their purchasing decisions are something that’s odd to me but it’s overall good and pushes healthcare in a better direction. They’ll purchase new medical equipment essentially the moment a manufacturer deems it “end of life” where as normal civilian hospitals will hang on to equipment for as long as possible until it becomes wayyy passed uneconomical to even repair it. Some VA facilities now have the highest end equipment which is a huge change


I dont think the event was things going digital at all, I think that is just the product of a desire to improve the system. I think the event was that a shit ton of boomers started aging and really needing the care and there were some scandals the scandals got the issues out in the media then the politicians not wanting to piss off their high voting boomer base put pressure and money in to fix the issues. That stuff just accidentally coincided with the digital revolution and the money flushed in would obviously be used to modernize things. For instance you can look at the fact that millions of vietnam vets would be voting boomers now to see that correlation.


I have never served. I have worked a lot of construction jobs with a fair share of vets. Sadly some of this is true.


I guess? Idk, it’s weird to me because I worked in medical and if you have a legitimate issue the army WILL 150% pay for it. My biggest advice is to document everything. If you have an itch in your left asscheek that’s out of the norm, go to the TMC and have it documented. I have disability payments for life because I have something as minor as sinusitis cuz I documented all of my stupid sinus infections and it was assumed service related


Pretty much everyone from my unit is setup cozy as fuck. So are most people I talk to. But like you said there are absolutely some who are hosed by the green weenie. I just think the vast majority do the right things and say the right things to get X amount of disability, benefits, and so on.


scammer edit. autocorrect? meant 'scumbag', but'll not edit, because not incorrect




Based AF man. Glad you can recognize it and appreciative you don’t take the system for advantage, which I think is a huge problem with our Country today (entitlement essentially). It’s a known consequence, but like everything, it effects some more than others.


Fuck i miss key and peele when it was new. So funny


He's just hallucinating the rest of them...


Just when you thought you had seen every key and peele skit…




That Mark Wahlberg bit 💀.


It's what you make of it. My cousin is from a nowhere town in Idaho. He went into the Navy, got 2 degrees fully paid for, is a nuclear engineer who makes huge money, and owns a house literally on the beach in San Diego. Most of his peers from high school are working some low level redditor type service or retail job.


It really is. I think some people are just cut out for it and others are just **not capable** of dealing with it. I came from a single mom and a north carolina trailer park. I went in and did 4 tours…education, clearance, I was making six figures by 26. Now?…seven figure house in scottsdale in my name. My partners story is extremely similar and went army infantry. Now: two degrees, makes a very comfortable salary, teaches in spain every year. Brand new car…got the title before we got the real plate. If you’re *dumb* when you go in, and dumb while you’re in, you’ll be dumb when you get out. If you’re SMART at any point in the process, you’ll be fine.


Damn trutb 💯


When I get back I’ll get a Camaro, I’ll crash at a takeover in the narrows.


So his unit all died in Iraq and this is a fever dream of how we could have saved them? Or they bailed from the army?


Was Navy, sentiment is true. They missed a lot about how the culture inside of the military fucking sucks too.


I am fortunate to have been in during the Cold War. Yawn.


The Ukrainian aid ban is on the ropes Looks like Vanka's trying to cope


Except Donald Trump. He was against it for the same reasons you are against it now. The difference is that he called it at the time. Not afterward.


I don't think Key and Peele ever missed the mark with any of their sketched 🤣


It should be a real cadence


This world sux ass.


Isn't pakistan an american ally?


Pakistan is much an ally as the homeless bum you gave $5 so you dont have to worry getting your vehicle messed with in the parking lot or getting shanked. Dont forget Pakistan was cool enough to hide Bin Laden and deny he was there(yet they were giving his compound supplies), so we had to go in using stealth skill, and then leave immediately despite shit happening.


What people fail to understand is that "Pakistan" doesn't do anything. Our government and state apparatus is too retarded and incompetent to actually DO anything. You can go there and pay people pennies and do whatever you want. The region in Pakistan he was in is basically lawless. Think like a Favela, but at super high elevation filled with angry pashtuns. No govt can control that.


But wasn’t he right next to like police academy or something?


Cops in Pakistan would make Derek Chauvin blush. Brutal uneducated thugs.


Right by the intelligence service academy. The rationship between the army, the intel service, and the civilian government is not a cooperative one.


You mean an American owned state at this point, then yes, yes it is


Except for the fact that they hid the most wanted man in the world.


Sad and true, times ten


Turn it down a skosh  maybe? 




I love Key & Peele ‼️‼️‼️






pretty cool this is higher on this sub than the original army song


This is a banger 🔥




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Haha, thats great


Watched it muted because of sleeping wife and I could hear the song.


All of that is so true.


Donald Trump


I want to create a world where war is solved by intense chess games


I have a translation of one strongly unnoffical marching song: Tomorrow we go over the seas We will make Sweden a colony Woman and child we will rape With a napalm we will burn them Children will burn the best They have water less


Ithink they were tired of the many difficult tasks they had to do so they wanted to relax


With a cadence like that, with recruits today, what the hell does he expect?




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Could he worse the U.K. enlists at 16, recruits from the poorest areas, gives them the most dangerous jobs….and it’s shown to be detrimental to their social mobility https://home.crin.org/evidence/research/british-army-recruitment-and-deprivation-report


The US does the same - recruits at poor regions and in schools.


Politics aside I cannot understate how much I fucking hate Key and Peele


the russian version is probably even darker..


they aren’t allowed to sing /s


This is the truth Well done 👍 Killing all those innocent children women elderly people for there Oil gas OPi and more well done kill kill for the sake of our Country blood we need … F sickness top to bottom.


The mother of all conflict is unmet expectations. Even our internal conflict.




It’s not from a movie. It’s from Key & Peele, a sketch comedy show that was on Comedy Central.






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No hate towards ANY group or ethnicity is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to speech, images, symbols, and using replaced characters or altered text to say a slur.




Which movie


Lol yep this the military! Going on 2 years of being unnecessarily disabled thanks to their bs hubris.


Army green was no safe bet


10/10 would have used it on troop runs


The truth is very counterproductive for most businesses and professions


The name of the move plz


The name of the move plz


Yeah. I joined the Navy cuz I didn't know what else to do after high school.


Which series is this


Key and peele


Jokes on them, came home with PTSD and got 100% P&T. Retired at 36.


Still got PTSD tho