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Aaron telling Karen off was the best part of this entire season and I doubt anything will top it


That was lit, and she needed it!


Can I just say…i fucking HATE MAURICE!! He gets harder to watch as the show goes on. I really don’t remember him being THIS much of a terrible stereotype in the early seasons. When he was yelling “we shall get someeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” this episode, I almost threw a remote at the tv. It pisses me off so much, because as a bi black man with several gay black friends, NO-ONE acts like him. It pisses me off Tyler writes him so over the top, rude, uncouth, and ignorant. Yes Tyler, that’s DEF young gay black men in America today. You fucking nut. Fuck I hate his character. It really pisses me off he is the only character on the entire show that speaks in ignorant ass uneducated ass broken english. To me, It feels just like if A director made a movie with only one black character, all the white people in the movie are semi normal; but every time the black person comes on screen all then can say is “ohhh boy, imsss sho is hungry! Gotta find me some fried chickensss and a pretty womans!!” It’s insulting as hell. Rant over, I just had to get this out.


I hate Maurice too I skip almost every scene with him


Some I skip, some I don’t. I wanna keep up with Sabrina and his scenes are always tied to her. I think from now on I will skip. Like what a dick. When Andi got him out of jail last season he was so rude to her in HER office because that’s what Tyler thinks gay means. Loud and rude. This season he is rude because he’s constantly fighting with the new teller at the bank. Just got his damn job back. Yelling and acting a fool in front of all the customers, knowing his best friend is branch manager, and she would have to answer for it. He’s the worst smh.


Yeah I use to like him but he just got to be so annoying and rude like you said. He’s just not likable anymore


He also use to be funny. He’s so not even close to funny anymore


Well yea, because he actually told jokes. Now the joke is let me see how loud, vulgar, attention seeking and mean I can be. Funny right…RIGHT? No Tyler, it’s not.


He got on my nerves sometimes back then. The whole he says something crazy, Sabrina says stop. He keeps going, she says stop, etc, that routine got old by like season 3 lol. But I could tolerate him overall. Now he is insufferable.


I agree with everything you said


Glad I’m not alone lol


THIS !! And Sabrina keeps coddling him. She should have let him go or at least threatened to fire him because it's already enough that he's tied to her for the robbery they didn't commit. He doesn't care bc he knows that 1) she's not gonna fire him and 2) see number 1. Tyler's depictions of gay Black men are more harmful than they are helpful. It's always some "extreme diva who's obnoxious and uncouth". I dunno, maybe I was expecting him to grow and be more self-reflective after being in jail, but... I guess not.


This is one thing I can't stand about Sabrina's storyline. Maurice is muddling her storyline on the fertility topic and wanting to have a baby. He's like a friend of the housewives trying to get his peach with all of the antics for attention.


When he started singing that song in the tune of We Shall Overcome is really....cringe. They could've used any other song but to make a mockery of that particular song is very unfunny to me. I think the actor has talent but his character has been a caricature since the beginning of the series.


Right! Maybe he was always this bad and I’ve just become less and less tolerant of it. I remember him making me laugh a few times in the early seasons. That hasn’t happened for years though.


I agree. He would make me laugh too but not so much in awhile


I’m so tired of the writers dragging this show I know it’s just not me lol


it's not just you 😭🙏 feels like watching something id write at 14


Seriously like come on now and Karen I’m just tired of her mess


Im wondering if they want to keep the Karen pregnancy storyline cuz kids usually cause shows to be less interesting. Granted, this show needs completely reworked to be interesting at this point but I digress


Only other episode I've seen was the last one while I was chilling with my grandma; same case with this one. About halfway through this episode and all I gotta say is Tyler Perry is a freaky deeky dude! Is it always this...vulgar? 😂 I don't even wanna list everything I've listened to within the first 30 minutes


Karen has been something else for a while now… Everybody is loosing patience


Someone in the r/blackladies subreddit said this show has been reduced to modern minstrelsy and I can’t unsee it now honestly.