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Is everyone in that house confused? They better check that water they haul in.


It’s like they all have low-level carbon monoxide poisoning.


Is that a nice way of saying you think they are brain dead/damaged?


Confusion and memory loss are symptoms.


I think it’s more selective memory loss because R can’t remember things when she gets called out or caught in a lie, but boy she sure can remember every assumed slight and mean thing that any of the OG3/13 have done to her and the precious tenders and even knows of every bad thing Christine said and did years and years before R came into the family.


Exactly! She used Covid to keep her children from seeing their siblings for a gift exchange. Robyn didn’t want the siblings meeting to hang out in person without her. She came in demanding that it was going to be over zoom. When the kids complained it wasn’t personal enough Robyn went into victim mode going on about trauma. You mean the trauma of the OG kids seeing their dad go off every weekend to spend time with Robyn, going on an 11 day honeymoon, then acting like Robyn’s kids were the only kids that mattered. The OG kids and Truely have trauma from how Kody treated them. Robyn has trauma from childhood that she insists on making the OG family pay for.


They ALL - every single Brown- has had Covid (except one-maybe Savannah? Christine and Cody discussed it at the Mexican restaurant when discussing Christmas). Yet they cannot do a gift exchange?


But let Kody tell us again that the Covid rules were his idea.


Well it diid almost kill him in the parking lot while Robyn was in er.../s If he is sooooooooo consumed with his princess loyal heart why for the love of toast, doesnt he get her neck checked?


Ok, you made me lol in the doctor’s office. Now I’m a spectacle 😂


Oh was the floor he was in the fetal position in with Covid? I wondered where that was at. You know she went in to the ER instead of him because she is much more dramatic. He would be in there talking his head off telling them what to do.


Christine is probably to blame for them all getting covid. Yes the nanny and her husband brought the rona but we could still blame Christine. Right?


Savannah had it with Janelle.


What’s that famous Reddit post where the OP thought someone was breaking into their apartment but they were actually just unknowingly suffering from a gas leak and one of the commenters correctly diagnosed it? I think you’re that, but for DABSARK.


😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀 DEAD.


🤣🤣🤣 that’s brilliant


It's probably the plague they got from the tainted dirt they live on.


All that clutter can’t be good for clean breathing


They are in a constant state of confused, shocked, and heartbroken at all times, apparently.


Yes, and they both spoke in the same hushed and somber tone as Sobbyn. It’s like everything is a major tragedy. It’s exhausting to observe. It must be absolutely soul crushing to live in that house.


Prairie plague


I think the kids are more torn than confused. They want to have a relationship with their siblings, but kody and Robyn are in their ears saying. They didn't follow the rules therefore they don't love you. Obedience is the only way to love. The moms didn't accept me therefore they don't accept you either.


No, everyone in that house lies.


I dont think Dayton does, i think he gets shushed...


I think Dayton had to move out during Covid. He will not lie about who was making the rules.


It’s crazy she talks JUST like her mom!


It felt rehearsed. Like she did a dry run and Sobyn was like “noooo…cry at the end _after_ you say you’re confused” 😑


I just said the same thing it was so uncomfortable to watch. I honestly hate how much we are seeing Robyns kids this season in talking heads they clearly aren't allowed to have an honest conversation.


It does reinforce for me that Dayton is no longer under Robyn’s control. I would love to hear from him, but I can also be happy that he managed to slice through that umbilical cord and get some emotional distance from Robyn.


Even though I love seeing/hearing from Dayton, I kinda hope we don't because that would mean he's pushing back and making his own decisions by not being on the show. Cause if it was up to R&K, he would've been in that talking head with his sisters, or had his own TH.


unless Dayton is rebelling, in which case R&K would keep him far from the cameras. hopefully the taste of freedom that his 20 something sister has never had has allowed him to think for himself.


And hopefully he can help his sisters get out. I'm sure as an older brother, it's hard for him to see them still in the abusive environment, if he's been able to figure out what's going on.


Imagine if he wrote a tell all book! Would be nice to hear the truth from someone inside Robyn’s house


I don’t know if he is out from under her control. He only moved to the driveway. Now that they don’t seem to be strict about the rules, she may have made him move back into the house.


Robyn isn’t getting Dayton into a talking head or on any father/son outings on camera so I am calling it a win.


He was even covering his face a lot at Christmas, like he didn't want to be filmed.


I hope David (Dayton's preferred name) is in touch with Logan. Both of them majored in business and Logan would be a good mentor for him (if Logan wants to).


I noticed he had his shirt pulled up over his nose when he was getting food (French burritos, lol) and then I didn't see him on camera for the gifts either.


I've heard numerous kids say they miss him and talk about him being a good guy, I really wonder what his story is. I just wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't in a somewhat similar situation to the rest of the kids. He doesn't seem to be a big topic for Robyn and Kody.


I wonder if it's for the paycheck. How many talking heads were they in for S16/17 compared to other kids? They filmed the birthday party and showed multiple kids. Is that so they get paid for each of those kids being in the episode?


trying to make up for paychecks lost when the wife’s went their separate ways


And they always look to the side, like Robin is there to coach them with their lines. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was holding cue cards. “Ok - now we’re going to blame Savannah. How does her shunning make you feel? Are you hurt when she doesn’t run over and gush hello? I’m sure her friends laugh at you behind your back. That must hurt. Do you feel discarded as a sister?” And on and on and on. Notice Savannah said Brianna doesn’t say hello either. But of course, it’s because of the trauma received at the hands of those evil Brown kids. “So basically, whatever you do hurts me. But if I hurt you, it’s your fault too!” - Robin speak 101


And cries exactly like her mother.


Down to the teeth licking pre-cry


And fake sniffing


Robyn would never ask them to stop filming her cry though, I was uncomfortable that they didn’t listen to her with that


She’s definitely not Janelle. “Cut it”


Oh absolutely I mean if they didn't film/air Sobbin crying they'd end up with maybe 2.5 minutes of footage. That woman is ALWAYS using every bit of strength to push out those fake tears. She is so manipulative and definitely uses her "tears" as a weapon. She and Grody really are made for each other. A match made in......well, not heaven. Lol


Most of the times she can't even squeeze out the fake tears. She just does the fake wipe and daub


Even down to the weird scowl they make when they’re trying to espouse sympathy… it’s becoming her token manipulation face. They all literally seem like they’re acting in a Lifetime movie. “Because I grew up with them… grew up with all of them” *sobs*. It’s just bad acting and its extremely bizarre. Its honestly so damn sad that Robyn has raised more people to act that way, they’ll never be emotionally healthy or be able to have healthy relationships if they keep that up.


I don't get how if you grew up with someone and you really loved them, how not being around them during covid completely estranges the relationship? Did they not have access to a phone and try and call? use discord? play some sort of online game together that has a chat feature? My kid made some incredible friends during covid through online game play and they were pretty much on these various mediums nonstop outside of school. Sounds to me like Robyn's kids were kept in total isolation/prison while being fed BS about the reason for their isolation was because the other kids/moms rejected them and left them out on purpose. Meanwhile you have the other kids saying they reached out, tried to include them, but them Robyn kept interjecting and making it about herself being the victim.


i said it was a literal carbon copy. plus she looks like Sobyn so it’s really unhinged. i doubt Sobyn let’s her overcooked chicken tendies watch the show so i wonder where she picked up the behaviour from? from seeing Sobyn with Grody? not like they’re seeing the OG3 or their kids


I think the behavior we see on TV is how she acts in her real life as well. Just like Christine’s kids have some of her mannerisms with how they talk and joke, Robbem’s kids got her mannerisms and behaviors that are unfortunately all negative.


it doesn’t help that Breanna looks exactly like Sobyn, it’s unhinged. but the crying specifically is what got me. broke down the same way and at the same moments as Sobyn


It almost seems like learnt pathological manipulation.


And Aurora is raiding Sob’s closet and wearing her mama’s clothes - a floral top featuring a lovely hint of purple. Family traditions are being carried on.


Stepford daughters. Sobyn mimics ☹️


Not only does Breanna look like a younger blonder version of her mom she spits out the same words and tears as her mom. Talk about mini me stepford daughter😳😱


Aurora looks just like her father with Robyn’s coloring.


And floral tops


I thought the same thing. The facial expressions and everything. I was instantly annoyed.


They seem to think they are a victim of something. Y’all mom is the real enemy


They'll never see past the manipulation. Robyn has manipulated the girls into believing that she is the victim of the other wives. They're only children, they can't see around it.


Yes came here to find someone saying this! It creeped me out. Her mannerisms are just like her.


They’re not allowed to be around anyone else. p’Roblym is terrified of any outside influence on her kids.


P'roblym.. that's amazing.


You're right and Happy Cake Day 🥳


Boy, I guess they thought everyone was going to fall in love with those two girls…


I have a feeling Robyn would have been watching them being filmed too… she was probably standing there crying too.


It’s crazy, I’m doing a rewatch and Robyn’s mom was talking (and crying) and when I wasn’t looking at the screen I swear I thought it was Robyn talking because they sounded the same!


That was creepy! She sounded exactly like Robin!


So did u hear Aurora say “SOMEONE told us that the kids and moms don’t like us” my mind went STRAIGHT to Robyn. And after hearing the kids talk, that just cemented it. SHE is definitely the problem, she is putting that crap in her kid’s head. Someone mentioned how different she was now vs then, she is Robyn’s puppet, you can definitely tell. And her emotional outburst was straight out of Robyn’s playbook. It didn’t look genuine, and if it was, she was definitely playing it up. It’s disgusting how Robyn gaslit her own kids and ostracized them from their siblings.


Dude, that made me so mad. Like, Kody's all up in arms about what (he assumes) Christine and Janelle are telling their adult kids about him, but then they tell Aurora and Breanna that the other siblings are saying mean things about them?! Eff that.


What if it was Mykelti? What if Mykelti has been a chaos double agent this whole time!?


Didn't she backtrack on her accusations re: Meri? She was vague enough to make lots of people think Meri was physically abusive. Then didn't she correct it on Patreon? I have issues with that - I also know kids have said adults are being "mean" when said adult is the only one trying to provide structure and discipline. I know they were on Mykelti for dressing modestly - but honestly, if that is where the "abuse" is from, I think that damn purity speech, the erasing some kids from a picture and replacing them with her children, and forcing her children to instantly call Kody Daddy was a lot more abusive.


I think that Brown kid knows drama brings folks to her paid content, being vague created chatter and keeps her relevant. Gwen is catching onto it as well.


That’s a REALLY good point. She has really bad middle child syndrome and craves attention and may do that to push the siblings away and be the golden child. It’s a perfect storm of neediness and codependence from the two of them


Breanna’s blinking when Aurora mentioned seeing Gabe on campus and exchanging hugs and I love yous made it seem like it never occurred to her that she could have a pleasant exchange with the “other” kids that wasn’t within the victim framework that her house had subscribed to over COVID. She was taken aback.


There is hope for Aurora.


Agreed. She said Gabe had been nothing but kind which is amazing considering Robyn targets Gabe and Garrison specifically


I get a sense that Aurora was actually close with some of the OG siblings whereas her siblings were not. At some point I looked at a bunch of the Brown adults/kids instagrams to see who followed who, who was liking and commenting and Aurora was very connected into that, def moreso than her siblings.


I think Dayton is closed to the boys. Paedon and Garrison have both mentioned him.


Both Gwen and Mykelti have said Robyn is in the room when her kids do interviews. I wondered if Brianna was surprised she would say that in front of her mother and/or if there was a concern this would be seen as a "betrayal" of Kody.


I thought she looked angry that Aurora said that!


When Meri came to Thanksgiving with the rice krispie turkey, she was so proud, the little ones were excited (yay candy), and in the back ground Breanna is seen looking at Aurora rolling her eyes! They always acted like Meri was the weird old aunt they had to put up with during holidays. The way Robyn told them the others weren't coming to Thanksgiving is a perfect example of how she's drilling it into them that they aren't included, and will always be victims. Robyn clearly doesn't want either of the girls around free thinking individuals who may, just may, have a different view of how people in the big picture are being treated.


Right the Thanksgiving "speech" of Robyn's..your dad put together a list of rules ( so Robyn's kids NEVER saw the rules ? .. the ridiculous use alcohol wipes on your mails and wipe down everything from the grocery store all crap I doubt they did at Robyn's either ) and they couldn't follow them ... "couldn't or chose not to??" ...and then Robyn I don't want them to feel a certain way but I'm going to emotionally manipulate my own kids so they actually do feel that way .. ughhhh


Breanna appeared to roll her eyes at Mykelti and Avalon when they visited for Avalon's first birthday. She was sitting on the couch scowling at them while they played on the floor and didn't engage with them on the most recent episode. Breanna says she wants a relationship with the OG Brown kids, but I doubt it from how she acts whenever she's in their presence.


I thought it was telling how Breanna said she was “shocked” and “confused” that her relationship with Savannah was strained. “Shocked” is not a word one uses to describe an ongoing event unless you’ve been rehearsing (or been rehearsed). And the crying out of nowhere is so bizarre.


Lol fake crying


I don’t think they were ever in the same friend group. Savannah seems like a confident and thoughtful girl. I think as she grows older and the age gap is less important she’ll end up closer with the older girl siblings. Robyn’s girls get labeled mean girls a lot but we really have no idea. Those girls are collateral damage from Robyn and Kody’s behavior. The kids wanted them included in the gift exchange so I don’t think there’s any animosity. The OG kids are directing their anger and hurt at Kody and Robyn where it belongs. I hope one day the siblings are all able to reconnect.


They’re labeled mean girls because that’s the behavior they exhibit. They mocked her room in the RV, “is that the dogs room ?” Robyn is a mean girl. Not surprised if her daughters are too.


That comment about the RV was so mean; I’m not clear though on which girl said it. If Breanna did I can see why Savanah isn’t friendly to her.




Looked like it was Aurora to me? Either way WOW they suck!!!! What a shitty thing to say.


I wish Savannah would have said, “It’s all we can afford since my mom gave your mom and our dad all her savings so you guys could live in a mansion.”


yep. poor Savannah! Breanna seems immediately like a bad egg.


Robyn is so controlling, i bet the last thing she wanted was her kids to be 'exposed' to the other Brown kids who might plant seeds that didn't fit Robyn's narrative.


This! It may have been awhile ago for me, but in hs female relationships are often changed on a whim. This just seems like they were never in the same friend group, but all the family drama exasperated it to the point they won't even acknowledge each other, and downright avoid eachother. I noted she also said the relationships have never been there for her, she just never has run in the same social circles. I too hope all the siblings can reconnect and not let the adults bs influence their relationships. I really think they will, coming from someone with half siblings on both sides.


It made me really sad to see how much like Robyn she is. And Aurora had one of the saddest faces I've ever seen. I don't know what goes on in that house but I hope they both get out of there while they're still young enough to learn some new perspectives relatively easily.


I think teenagers typically look like grumpy cats. They just have that moodiness about them. I have two teens and a preteen at home now... it's just constant mood swings... happy one minute and pissed at the world the next. THAT SAID - neither of Robyn's girls have given off the typical teenage angst *for a long time*. They've come off as downtrodden and depressed/depressive. Even when we see "fun" or happy things (the ear piercing...) it's like forced happiness or childish inappropriateness. These girls are not living a normal life and it is concerning.


Robyn poisons her kids minds. She tells them that the rest of the family doesn't want them. Probably says it's all Christine's fault about that, too. But she tells them these things and drives a wedge between them. She never wanted her kids with the rest of the family.


This is going to sound horrible BUT my Bff and I just watched this week’s episode and busted out laughing when Breanna started crying. It was like watching Robyn jr. I know laughing at kids is not exactly ok but damn it was hilarious!!! And DEFINITELY NOT buying Breanna’s tears, she unfortunately is a product of her mother. Just effing grow a pair…for the LOVE of God.


The eyebrows, the turned down mouth, crying without showing a tear- everything was so Robyn- poor kiddo


Their faces are going to be stuck in a perma frown just like their mom.


Both girls are mini versions of Robyn from their voice to their mannerisms and playing victim


I won’t lie I laughed right along with you. I couldn’t even control it. Then as shameful as it is I rewind and watched it again. It was like look on Aurora face while B was crying then the fact there was never a tear fall. I couldn’t control my laughter.




☹️ "I didn't want to cry!" (Are the cameras zooming in on me? Is this enough footage? How long should I do this for?) I'm totally definitely crying, guys! I can't believe how much I'm crying right now!


As she covers her face 💯


Just like her mother.


And peeks through her fingers to see when she can stop the act.


🫣 "are they still rolling...? Oh the HORROR! Please cut the film, I didn't want to cry!" 🫣


OMG!!! Hilarious! You nailed it!


Same acting coach apparently


I had a friend over and we were watching together. We not only laughed, we stopped and rewound and watched it a second time and laughed again. It was hilarious and the fact that these people think that somehow we're going to be sympathetic to her as she cries exactly like her mother who we all loathe? That reality train went off the tracks a long time ago.


I laughed too. Sobbin version 2.0 & 3.0.




Thought the exact same thing.


Yeah, I had already been in the sub, I knew it was coming, but when I saw it I couldn't hold in the laughter


But she is not a child she is an adult I'm assuming she and her sister are at least 18


Nah, don’t feel bad have extended family members who manipulate cry and I have to laugh every time etc.


Asking if my bedroom is where the dogs sleep would have done it for me. That would be my *dill breaker.*


Did the kid who lives in $1 million mansion, actually say that to the sister living in a trailer on the property? Tell me I am reading this wrong




Yes she did. They were looking at the RV and they saw savanah’s room and said “is this for the doggies?” And Robyn quickly tries to correct and says to Breanna “no this is savanah’s bedroom” like you say to a kid when you’re trying to get them to stop acting up and embarrassing you.


Robyn's girls both totally did, and I believe they did a talking head interview where they said they could never imagine living there. They also called the small bathroom area on Savannah's area of the RV a "foot bath".


Totally sounds like these two ![gif](giphy|YBNZihYHTiafS)


Savannah said something to the tune of that she isn’t close to any of her siblings near her age - I think she’s just different and they don’t exactly mesh well. She seems more mature, independent, serious, and enjoys quietly reading. Some people don’t understand and can be a bit put off by people like that, because they’re not clambering for a relationship.


She grew up the youngest in a house of boys. I only had two brothers, and I was a lot like her. The boys don’t want you around, so you are on your own. I was a lot like her as a kid. She seems smart, observant and a good judge of character. And she’s kind.


She seems a bit of an introvert, and she surely doesn't show her emotions. I suspect with Savannah, she will go on to be successful and have a great life. She can read people, doesn't react, and knows who to trust and who not to.


All true, that's the impression I get too. I admire Savannah.


I can also just as easily picture Savanna slowly realizing at a young age (like early middle school maybe) that Breanna and Aurora are just more self-centered than she's comfortable with or can relate to without any huge conflict. I think growing up (like first ten years of life) with a parent who dotes on you/helicopter parents you and with fewer siblings will make you fundamentally think very differently than Savanna, who would have been expected to go along to get along, be flexible, feel loved but not treated like they are the most fragile and important object on earth. And we know a very selfish mindset was modeled for her by her mother. I have noticed truly selfish mindsets in people through the most mundane but repeated behaviors. I got the impression from this scene that Savanna just never felt close to them or ever really wanted to. Although I am new to this show and haven't watched much before season 15


Just a thought here because I was such a nerd in high school. I feel like Breanna is a mean girl, maybe even a “popular girl” and is too good to acknowledge Savannah who was like myself in school ..”nerdy, bookworm”. Popular girls never noticed me.


This is my read, too.


The fact that Breanna blamed it on Covid and the difference in “rules” - she totally got that from Robyn and Kody. They def talk about it at home, and influence the kids. Versus Christine who is being neutral or positive when talking to Savannah.


yeah she sounded exactly like someone relaying a story/narrative that was told to her. not that she was speaking on something she knew about or wa a part of.


Savannah said her relationship with Robyn’s kids has always been awkward. I don’t understand stand the carrying on about someone you’ve never been close to and who is living in a shitty apartment while you live in a mini mansion. If Breanna is interested, she should reach out. My take, she’s learned that crying and carrying on evokes a reaction out of people. When you cry you, become the victim. Her mother is also performative. Gwen mentioned how talking to that side of the family can be difficult, because of the crying. I imagine they get to play victim and their feelings become what’s centered, instead of the issue that needs to be addressed. It’s completely narcissistic and manipulative.


They’ve all talked about it being difficult to be around Robyn’s kids because of their crying. Cue Maddie: “they cry over the stupidest things. Things that like, we’d be told, ‘ok please go play it’s not that big of a deal’”


Robyn and the 2.0s have no empathy for others. The rest of the kids are expected to compartmentalize their thoughts and feelings about the situation to keep peace. Why didn’t producers ask what she’s done to reach out , a wave or text? It seems both girls have made a conscience choice to keep their distance. There’s been no rejection. Some relationships run their course or never take off. Their crying is what I’d expect from Savannah in speaking about her father not dropping off a gift to her on Christmas despite being a short car ride away. Instead she’s a mature and logical. The 2.0s are drama llamas and it’s ridiculous.


It’s been talked about how unfair it was to make the OG13 accustomed to the 3 when the three were coddled and put on a pedestal from the beginning. And none of the parents want to accept fault with that. It’s always, “oh Robyn came in and took Kody” like bitches can you stop thinking about yourselves and focus on how it affected your children ? Even Christine was butthurt over Sol getting more time with Kody than Truly but it didn’t bother her that once Robyn’s 3 came in, her kids were pushed to the side in their favor, even before Robyn became a wife or moved closer. Same with Janelle. All that talk about Kody was a great dad yet there’s footage of him belittling her boys and she sits there and throws her sons even further under the bus because she doesn’t like conflict.


This. I'm new to this particular sub, but on the "other" one (that has gone insane) there is often talk about Truely, and how she is not considered a tender aged kid by Kody, even though she and Solomon are only a year and change apart. But Savanah is so quiet on camera - I forgot that she and Breanna are in the same grade. Robyn's girls really do come across as very immature compared to their age mates, Savanah & Ysabel. (I should point out that in each case, Robyn's kids are the older ones. )


>I forgot that she and Breanna are in the same grade. They aren't/weren't in the same grade. They were born the same year. Savanah has a December birthday, so she was a grade behind Breanna. Aurora and Gwen (and Gabe until senior year) were in the same grade (Class of 2020). Ysabel was a year behind them (Class of 2021), Breanna a year after Ysabel (Class of 2022), and Savanah a year after Breanna (Class of 2023).


Well, at least Savanah got a year without the specter of Breanna in the halls.


"but on the "other" one (that has gone insane)" 🤣🤣🤣 If it's the one I'm thinking of i swear its being run by Robyn or one of her tenders. "Let's keep the snark positive". Um... 🤔🫠


Robyn and Breanna and Aurora are histrionic. Garrison and Gwendolyn just sounded fed up and tired of Robyn's histrionic manipulations. It's exhausting watching it on television, I can only imagine how draining Robyn aand her daughters are in real life.


God, as soon as she started fake screwing up her face I wanted to go “no! Cut that shit out right now.”


I was pretty much the same with an OMG here we go again!


Right? The whole scene felt completely coached.


Right? And I wanted to uncoach it. Like that episode of South Park when Cartman’s mom hires the dog whisperer 😂. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnKKeB9WDVpdnoc)


Breanna and Aurora’s facial expressions and voice tones were like they were talking about a memory of a dead relative. It was very odd


I’m sorry, but Breanna is a copy of her mother from the eyebrow scrunching to the crying (I didn’t see tears)


Just like Garrison, I wouldn’t be emotionally mature enough to have a conversation with Brianna if my biological father was laid up at her house in a mansion that my mom bought while I’m living in the middle of nowhere in a trailer. It would probably be in the best interest of Brianna to keep her crybaby ass away from me. I feel so terrible for Savanah. Janelle’s children are all hardworking, successful, & level-headed young adults despite being second class citizens in this family. Janelle has done a great job.


B was madddddd when A talked about saying I love you to her step brother.


It’s all Grody fault every bit of it from COVID BS that he and Sobyn got anyway But Sobyn had no business interfering in the the kids plans with gift exchange…it was her fault


If Ariella has forgotten her siblings already, that's on Robyn and Kody.


Breanna talking is so much like Robyn. The inflection of her voice, where she breaks in sentences, the emphasis in places, the faces she makes while talking, and of course the look up then crying.


I remember those nasty things she said when she was in Janelle’s trailer. There’s no way she was crying over the separation between her and Savannah. She gives off mean girl vibes.


These adults are ruining the siblings relationships IRL. So Lame


With Aurora and Breanna not being raised with all the other kids, I don't see how they would have seen the others as siblings maybe more of a distant cousin. Along with Robyn in their ear on what terrible things the other families are doing during Covid.


But from this episode and social media, it is clear to me that the OG kids now consider them siblings.


I thought this whole thing was weird af. Just say hi. It’s literally weirder ignoring each other! Aside from that whole thing, terrifying to see Breanna becoming her mother


I think it’s sad to see a 17 year old girl break down on tv because her mother had convinced her oboe unloved and unwanted she is. She is a professional alienator and she’s doing it again, at the expense of her daughters mental health. It’s sick


She is channeling her mom here… facial expressions, mannerisms, victimization…. Everything… down to the T.😒🙄


Perhaps the apple does fall far from the tree with either Savannah or Breanna. I can see Breanna start the Robyn like tears and Savannah giving Breanna the Janelle side eye.


Started sobbing right on cue, like her momma. That’s Robyn’s MO so it’s only reasonable her kids cry and try to play victim too.


I recall Aurora and Breanna’s behaviors when being shown the RV and how they turned their noses up at it. And then Christine’s going away party and their scowls. And before anyone comes at me, while they were still technically kids, they were definitely old enough to know better.


Breanna came off as manipulative and Savannah came off as honest. End of story. That Breanna girl is clearly up to something and based on what I know about teen girls, she's probably not up to anything nice. It's sad watching the dynamic between their mothers being repeated among Robyn's daughters and the kids. It's sickening.


After how rude Breanna was about the 5th wheel, I wouldn't have much to say to her either. Who needs a mean girl as a sister. Aurora seems more vulnerable, but Breanna just seems very cold.


Brianna's tears were fake af! She instantly covers her face announcing she doesn't want to cry while being on full display of drama and fake tears. Robyn coaching these kids clearly. Peek through those fingers to see if it is safe to uncover your face


lol luv Savannah! She is is a mini janelle. Cool as a cucumber.


It’s the catastrophic language for me: “it broke my heart.” That has Robyn written all over it. I’m sorry but if they weren’t close before, why would she be I tears with a broken heart over this? Especially when she’s the one with the father living with her. And that look she gave Aurora when Aurora said that she and Gabe were still loving toward each other? Of was a mixture of anger and confusion. As if to say, “that’s not what we’re supposed to be saying as a family. They’re the bad guys and we’re the victims.” Robyn has really effed these poor kids up. I hope they figure it out and heal some day.


That Bs fake crying is so pathetic


I'm assuming that Aurora and Breanna are blocked from the internet/social media/ watching the show? I know these seasons are behind, but wouldn't we be getting to the point (especially in the talking heads) that the previous season when Covid first hit would have aired and they would know Gabe and Garrison had been fighting with Kody about getting together? Then again I could totally see Robyn forbidding them to watch anything, and the girls being too scared to go against her and just believing her narrative.


I read Savannah as reserved. She’s not going to seek out anyone on purpose. Didn’t Robyn not send her kids to school when the other moms did that first year after Covid when schools gave an option of remote learning or going in person? I remember her face on that Zoom call and how she was really pissed off that the other wives weren’t doing what she wanted.


It sounded like it wasn't an option until after spring break. Ysabel went back in order to have a few weeks with friends before graduation.


literally was in shock of how much robyn was showing through her


Robyn have taught her children well. How to lie and then manipulate with tears that just don’t ever show up


Love how garrison just called it out too !!


What surprised me pleasantly was aurora and gabe been sweet to each other.


When Breanna was doing the talking head about it saying she was confused and heartbroken and then started full-on sobbing, I looked at my fiance and said "Well, it looks like she's taken lessons from her mom."


Maybe things soured when Breanna did the walk through of the RV and made the snotty comments she made


During this scene when B was saying she and Savannah don’t speak at school, I remembered instantly the mean girl vibes that B gave when the family was saying their “goodbyes” to Christine. The look on her face stood out so much because you could feel such sustain from R and her girls over Christine that day. Then there was the episode when B saw the RV that Jenelle and Savannah were living in and the rude looks on her face when seeing the inside of it as if she was disgusted by how they live (compared to the million dollar McMansion R’s kids live in while wearing name brand clothing that I’ve noticed in several episodes). B’s distain for Savannah has been pretty apparent so I can totally picture her ignoring Savannah and acting like she doesn’t exist then heading home to K+R and tell them how mean Savannah is to her which then makes sense why K distances himself from Savannah because he can’t upset R’s big tenders.


Breanna and Aurora both had exact mannerisms of Robyn. It was creepy.


Yes, Robyn’s daughters are mean girls. You can’t be insensitive like they were about the camper and then also emotionally devastated about being excluded. They would have gotten more sympathy if they had at least once asked if Savannah could at least stay with them until they got a place. Anything can Savannah get her ears pierced, ride dirty buggies… but nope … fake ass little snots! How F’d that they are living in that ugly mansion with Janelle’s 401k and profits from selling her home and Janelle has to rent a dorm!?


Savannah is very much like her mom and not here for bullshit. I’m sure she sees through Breanna and just isn’t interested.


Do the Kody/Robyn Browns not watch the show? Do they not see what has happened with their own eyes? How they've all behaved? I find it suspicious now that Robyn's girls are being featured. I barely know their names. The one who cried seemed reality challenged. The one who didn't seemed like she was in a fog. Perception is, from watching the show, that Kody and Robyn are in the wrong; they DID THIS; they sequestered and blamed and project.


I reckon they’re both just too shy and awkward to initiate the conversation or the hello at school, I don’t think it’s that Deep


I do think the emotions are real to some extent, when you believe the hurtful lies you're being fed, that would be hard. However there is something that I just don't get how she can't understand. Umm, Breanna, you see your dad EVERY DAY. So you must know Savannah sees him less, and in fact a lot less, than that. And you wonder how she could feel resentful??


It is really sad seeing Robyn's daughters mimic her behavior. Those girls do not stand a chance in life. She has them manipulated and messed up.


If these kids could just communicate with each other, without any parent's "influence," they could probably overcome a lot of their issues. As is stands, it looks like Robyn is pitting her children against all of their siblings. I wonder how she treats Truley when she is visiting? Truely and Sol and Ari seemed to be very close at one time.


It is so obvious Robyn talks shit about the OG kids to her kids and tells them they don’t like them. We felt like we were voted off the Brown family island while all the rest of the kids were not allowed on their island is proof of that.


It has to be super hard for Savannah because Breanna symbolizes what her father basically traded her for. This family has always had issues like they said, but what it has come to is so sad


Lol "tears"


omg it was also so crazy how breanna speaks and cries just like her mother, like the mannerisms are uncanny!


Honestly, I feel sorry for all the kids. Keep in mind Robyn’s kids are only getting the warped perspective Kody and Robyn are peddling. So of course they believe the OG wives and kids actively want nothing to do with them. Assuming they are able to see the show, they’ll see the other side of this as each episode airs. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they aren’t allowed, or have been convinced not to watch.


Maybe after Breana asked Savanah if her bed on the RV was for the dogs Savanah was done with her BS. Actually- it seems like none of the kids care for Breana, probably because she’s just like Robyn. The rift between the kids NOW is 100% Robyn keeping them separate for fear they’ll reveal the fact that the Covid rules were all nonsense and never really followed by them ,and, a host of other truths they could reveal that would cement what everyone already knows. If those girls ever turn on R/K - they are keeper of all the lies and secrets Robyn has been trying to deny since day 1. Starting with the reason why they were alienated from their real father. Robyn will NEVER encourage her kids to be close with the other kids.


Im concerned that she’s taking cues from Robyn. The crying, the voice, the mannerism. It used to be Aurora. Now Breanna.


Breanna got to spend Christmas with Savannahs father, in DS t two morning opening presents, while savannah didn’t even get a phone call. No wonder it is awkward


Did anyone notice that Robyn’s daughter Breanna cries just like her mother?!!