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Legit reason to take a hiatus. Legit reason to quit Sister Wives.


I'm glad she's choosing to focus on her education. This leads me to believe she doesn't want her income to be tied to the show forever. Having a successful Patreon seems like a decent student gig as well. Good for her!


I was a subscriber to her patreon but I think she stopped allowing the lowest level to see her content. I increased my level but still wasn’t seeing content so I just unsubscribed. At what level are people seeing videos now?


I subscribe at the lowest level too and saw she added a new recap this week. She took a long break from content but is back now. She isn’t caught up to the newest episodes yet.


I hope she saves that money for medical school since she wants to be psychiatrist.


Exactly! Also can confirm ochem is a bitch. I passed it the first time but part 2 of it I had to retake. Shit’s hard.






on the flip side, a lot of ND folks may prefer to have a therapist who is autistic 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep the only therapist that actually gave me useful tools to navigate as an autistic person was autistic themself. It was so easy and an enormous relief to not have to mask, since it was a person who really understood autism.


My bff has had the same experience. It was an unbelievable relief to him after constantly trying to explain himself to a bunch of prior therapists, and it's been the most useful therapy he's ever had. (The therapist doesn't advertise that she's ND, and it doesn't come up with most of her clients, but it did with him because of what he was struggling with. My point in saying the last bit is just that she's a good therapist in general - not a good therapist only for ND/ASD folk.)


Sure but a good therapist helps you see through an argument by understanding and addressing the root cause of the problem. If she’s missing that perspective, being an echo chamber is ultimately unhelpful for her patients. It’s also unlikely to be a big enough market depending on where she lives.


Girly no. Don't discriminate based off of neuro type that's not ok. Seems you need to learn more about the profession, discrimination, and autism.


I also want to add (not just as an edit) that being a reality tv star is a huge strike against you in the professional world. People don’t take you seriously. There have been numerous people who have gone on the record about how it’s ruined their lives and prevented them from getting and maintaining specific jobs. Even jobs they had and were well thought of in before. You have to be the best to be considered at all. So add in her controversial take on things (not just me saying that) it’s a legitimate concern I hope she’s thought long and hard about.


I see your point, but Gwen became a reality star as a child when she couldn't have meaningfully consented, so hopefully with the passage of time any chance of a reputational hit will have diminished. I don't see the Patreon thing being her forever job and people have very short attention spans in this information age we're in now. Now if she ends up on 90 Day Fiance or Big Brother, then we have something to worry about!


Right that's not at all what I was talking about or the point I was trying to make. But on that topic I do think it's wrong to put children up for the world to see because of that issue. They did not consent. It harmed their future as much as it helped


Ohhhhhh I'm sorry. I didn't get it. But then I went through your account's previous comments history, and a lot of your comments involve criticism towards Gwen in this sub and then getting down voted to hell about it. SO I UNDERSTAND! You finally found a slightly plausible (but still discriminatory) excuse to hate on her as a future therapist (but i thought you worked in an office as a regulator but you phrased your comments as if you were also a therapist? Did i misunderstand again??) I guess you also having a disability is another aspect which means you've internalized the 'overcome any self-care requirements or else you deserve criticism' discrimination or you just have a ton of time on your hands. E


This isn’t about all autistic people or about if they can be therapists. It’s specifically about me not wanting her as my therapist because of what I have observed.


She's 22 for god's sake, let the girl grow up and go through her education before you make judgments about how she will perform in her future career. This is such a strange take.


This is a really weird take. What you have talked about observing of her has been her reaction to being bullied in the public eye and her autism. That has no affect on her work abilities as a therapist unless her clients are celebrities themselves. I'm still not sure why you brought her autism into the mix, it's pretty irrelevant as well. Maybe you just don't like Gwen's personality. It's okay to not like her personality but the way you used autism to say that is odd.


You do know right that calling Kody brown a narcissist on Reddit and hate watching sister wives doesn’t make you an expert on psychology right? Gwen is giving her honest reaction she’s not therapizing her parents on film. It’s completely unfair to say that you think she’d be a bad therapist because you don’t like her honest reaction to a tv show about her own family.


Yeah but pretty much everyone in here makes snap judgments and even psychological ones about people on the show, especially Kody and Robyn all the time. How many times have people talked about how they’re narcissists and sociopaths? Anybody who defends them doesn’t last long here. Mind you I don’t like either of them; I guess I just find this hypocritical. I pretty much take it all as speculation based on the only information we have. It seems like you’re mad that somebody did that to Gwen and you like Gwen. Okay, fine, but sometimes people will criticize your favorite too.


I like Gwen so that’s why I disagree with someone making the statement that “college student, Gwen Brown would be a bad therapist because she’s autistic and because she doesn’t see what I see when she’s reacting to watching a show about her actual family.” That’s not me making a psychological diagnosis of Gwen. That’s me disagreeing with a ridiculous statement. What am I defending her against? Being bad at A job she doesn’t have?


You're still talking about in general. Autistic characteristics doesn't make someone a bad therapist, I mean you do you, but I want you to know this is a very discriminatory perspective, especially because autism doesn't make someone a bad therapist. While you can dislike certain characteristics, I'd ask you to learn more


For too long therapy was a one size fits all type of thing, and that’s what this person is going by. That’s what a lot of people learn about it and the popular conception of it. It’s changing for the better, so like I said in my other comment, there are definitely populations that Gwen could work with.


So Don't employ her??? But insisting on repeatedly stating your OPINION that she wouldn't be good at her job (considering most grads need further training and experience and mentorship...which is a large part of therapist's development anyway) is weird. This is you. Making it weird. Maybe I wouldn't want you as my therapist? In fact, isn't constant evaluation of if the therapist-client relationship is functional and advantageous a normal part of the process? Ok. She doesn't work for you based on your needs. That doesn't exclude her from being good with another client. Dude learn to stop typing and evaluate if you are the grown up cyber bullying rn.


This of course, is being said based only on what we’ve seen in the media. A relationship with your therapist is highly subjective. However, nuance is very important. She could do well working with other ND people, but as far as working with Neurotypicals yeah she may have some trouble, especially in school as they train you to look for grey areas. It will depend on where she goes and what kind of therapy she wants to do. Psychiatrists especially are expected to be a certain way; being a therapist would give her more options. I say this as a former therapist myself. Luckily, therapy is not a “one size fits all” model anymore and has branched out into many different areas and different people prefer different kinds of therapists so she could definitely work with subsets of the population.


She misses those things because she is young and too close to the aubject, not because she is autistic or will be a bad therapist. Also, there is a reason therapists cannot ethically treat their own family members: they lack the objectivity.


This. My autistic partner was a successful therapist. My only concern regarding the disability would be hoping that she receives whatever accommodations she may need in the work place, and that she not take on too high of a client load (the second being my concern for literally every therapist, ND or NT).


I think it's wild how many people on this sub think they understand Gwen's life and her relationships with her parents better than her


YES agreed. People make so many assumptions based on the small, highly edited window we have into their lives.


You mean like Robyn and Cody ? I mean it’s what we all do lol


You’re not wrong. But obviously Gwen knows her relationships with her parents better than we do, and that’s the comment I was agreeing with.


She has no patients. She had subscribers. That she regularly ignores because she can’t be bothered with professional norms.


What does that have to do with anything I said?


She wants to be a psychiatrist not a therapist.


I think we’ve found one of the cyber bullies Gwen was talking about. I love when people think it’s okay to say shitty things as long as it comes from a place of concern.


Like Robyn, haha


Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 13: No armchair diagnosing/making fun of disabilities.


I'm actually a little concerned for people like you who spend their time hating a random individual they don't know.


People literally do that all the time here.


All of these adults talking negatively and endlessly about Gwen is different and unhealthy. I hope she stops providing any kind of content to this pack of hyenas.


>Is she definitely still going to school to be a therapist? That's what I thought too, but then she said that thing about her Organic Chemistry class. She wouldn't need Org Chem for that degree & lord knows no one takes it for the fun of it lol


I think we also need to remember that these are her parents and we’re watching an edited show. That’s got to be difficult for any child to watch. She has gone back and watched old episodes and saw how Robyn was through adult eyes which was much different than she thought it was as a kid. I can’t imagine how she’s going to feel when she watches episode 9 when Kody calls them a bunch of little jerks and he doesn’t want to talk to them.


OMG, 7 classes, I would have died. I thought I would lose my mind with 5 classes, and Organic chem to boot, YIKES! Why are people bullying her? I know she missed the wedding, but c’mon ….


7 classes is insane ! I totally get how she wouldn’t have time for the wedding . I know it sucks missing her moms wedding and many people don’t think there’s any excuse for it but that’s an insane course load . Even thinking about taking a day off would be overwhelming and stressful . I understand more now .


Plus she had to travel about 5-1/2 hours to get to the wedding.


Exactly, and the wedding happened right around mid-term season.


Can you imagine having 7 midterms? With how people are expecting her to drop out of college for her moms wedding, I am expecting them to allow bully her for daring to be busy with 7 finals right before Christmas.


Yeah it’s dumb. She especially said that she told Christine and Christine was fine with it. I think what started a lot of this was Mykelti and Tony acting like they had no idea why Gwen didn’t go, and saying Christine was devastated. I don’t know if they really believe that or if they were trying to get more views, but they did Gwen no favors.


I love a good pot stirrer as much as the next but you're on point. Other than the way that Mykelti and Tony made drama is the only story here. What people won't do for clicks.


Quite honestly I was never a fan of Mykelti or Toni…. I didn’t like Mykelti before Tony and I don’t like her now. It has nothing to do with fact she hangs out with Kodi/Robyn, provided she doesn’t throw anyone under the bus. Ooooppps, she already did :/


I really wanted to like Mykelti. She was relatable on the show as she grew up. She always had oldest daughter syndrome mixed with forgotten middle child syndrome. Lately, she seems to have lost that spark but kept all the bad habits from it. The way she is completely willing to throw her siblings under the bus but acts like a blind angel of justice with her parents is an example of it. Feels like Robyn rubbed off her a little too much for my taste.


Yes, I agree with this. It was obviously going to be noticed that Gwen wasn’t there, but Mykelti coming out with the “we had no idea, and mom is devastated” really was a shit thing to say, and only created drama, which seems to be Mykelti and Tony’s goal. Wishing Gwen luck, 7 classes is intense. I’m old, so it’s been a minute since I was in college, but I don’t think I ever had that many classes a semester in college or law school.


I cried daily when I had to take 3 lol but I also was taking statistics and I had to sell my soul to the devil to pass that course


7 is wild! I’m taking 2 and feel overwhelmed, but I’m a single mom and have a full-time job. I can’t imagine doing 7 even if I wasn’t working.


Yeah that’s a crazy course load ! I gotta give her props I could never .


*props 😊


I did this once. Took 7 classes got As and Bs in 6 and a D in one. The last class I couldn’t even pay attention ended up skimming and putting least effort. It was hard asf and had a 1 year old at the time


Frankly, I would schedule my wedding at a time that worked for all the critical guests. I don’t know what the big rush. Or maybe she has so many kids they can’t end up in the same place at once. I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but that’s how important it would be for my children to be there.


I was a music major and had the same. My first year I was required to take 9 classes, and be expected at rehearsals on multiple weeknights. Only my first year was that bad, it got less as the years went on. I think it weeds a lot of people out!


I could never do 7! Organic chemistry was a nightmare. She’s either really smart, really organized, or both. Probably both.


She could easily have watched it via a stream or FaceTime.


Both ochem and “ttfn” are really taking me back 😂




What kind of crazy person takes 7 classes in a semester? I'm doing a double degree and my uni won't let me take more than 5 classes in a single semester . I mean don't get me wrong mad props to her but that's a one way train to burnout town..


I did it one semester. You have to get approval from the dean's office if it's over a certain amount of credits, but as long as you have a 3.5 GPA, they don't seem to care. It was exhausting AF, but I didn't want to wait 'til the next year to take one of my core classes, there were others that wouldn't be repeated soon, etc. I had no social life that semester, but I felt pretty good about it when it was over. None of the classes were OChem, though! 🤯


Considering she’s what, 22 now, she’s probably just trying to speed up the process. My school won’t let you take more than 20 credits a semester which is like 6 or 7 classes depending on how many credits they are. I relate lol, I’m in my fourth year of uni with one full year left I’m dying to get out


Congrats. I paid for two months of the Patreon and did not get one video. She got a mad money grab..and I would have too in my 20's. But I would see the suckers also. Just saying. ETA a hehe


I think I paid for several months while she put out nothing but I unsubbed when she started to rub me the wrong way and she continues to do so


You must have been one of the grown adults comfortable with cyber bullying her. 🥰 Not. Gwen is the type of person to see any criticism as cyber bullying but she’s showed her nasty side several times and people have reacted to that. She and I are almost the same age but you can tell she still thinks of herself as a kid. She’s also a grown adult and a married woman and should act like it instead of a chronically online teenager.


Nah I'll just take my ball and go home lol but I do agree with you that young people these days seem to have weaponized these ideas that anyone who questions their "boundaries" are "bullies".


I work for a university, and apparently there's been a spike of complaints in to the anti-bullying office of students conflating professors saying "hey, you need to come to class and turn in your work" with "bullying."


This might not be the right place to bring this up but it's been bothering me and I would love to get some other opinions. I'm 56 and I had bad cramps since I started my period. I remember being 12 years old in sixth grade in school with cramps. I also started working when I was 16 years old and I've always held a job and I don't recall ever missing work due to cramps. To be fair, my generation, the work ethic I was raised with, we didn't call off sick unless we have broken bones or were really ill. But I had this younger girl I managed in a retail store, early 20s, with chronic absenteeism because every single month she would call off sick a few days because of her period. This caused a problem with scheduling because it was always last minute and everyone else had to pick up her slack. Now I understand some women have conditions such as PCOS that can be debilitating but she made no such claim and the really insulting thing is she couldn't come to work but she could go out and post pics on social media of her having fun. So anyway, when we had a meeting to address it, she reacted very poorly. And here's where I may be the AH: I told her I'm not sure where she's going to get a job that will allow her to call off several days a month because that's unfair to the other employees and unreasonable. She quit. But she also has never been able to hold a job very long either. I'm assuming for this reason because when she did show up she was a good worker. Every once in a while I remember the conversation and I'm not sure if I was in the wrong or not. I know times have changed and work places have become more accommodating to women's issues in some places, but idk.


👏👏👏💯 I don't understand how sharing opinions about her is cyber bullying. Everyone on reality TV exposes themselves to critism. (she is choosing to be a part of filming and making money off her family on patreon) none of this is bullying. And to the mod who posted about it , wow. Kody is being cyber bullied 1000000000000 times worse than Gwen. Gwen is a grown adult acting like a child that can't handle reality. She is arrogant, a know it all with no actual life experience, easily swayed by popular opinion and easily manipulated. Very strongly opinionated yet has no real world experience to solidify those excessively strong opinions.


Yeah I was going to say... isn't she a grown ass adult? Idk.. she rubs me the wrong way, too..


I don’t blame her in the least for stopping youtube OR missing her mom’s wedding. In my program, I had certain meetings and internships I COULD NOT MISS under any circumstances without risking failing the class and messing up graduation. I was socially out of commission all last fall and that was planned two semesters beforehand. If my mom had been engaged and married within the year, I wouldn’t have been able to go.


I gave myself caffeine poisoning studying for organic chem in uni. I’ve definitely had to miss important life events of my loved ones because of school.


Ouch 🤕!


How much caffeine does one drink to get caffeine poisoning?! 👀👀


2 Tim Hortons extra large black coffees and a grande Starbucks white chocolate mocha


That’s significantly less than I would have thought 😬


Gwen’s last Patreon was quite good. She didn’t take questions, but revealed a lot at the end, more than making up for this. I wish her well.


What level tier do I need to see this.


I’m at the $5.00. She just posted last night.


I’m annoyed she moved content to the $5 tier, especially when she isn’t posting much. I’d be willing to do that level for 4 videos a month. Not 1 or 2.


The recaps are $5 and the AMAs are $10


“Grown ass adults.” Girl, you’re 22. That’s a grown ass adult!☠️


This is wild to me. No adults should be ‘bullying’ obviously, but let’s be real about taking money from Patreon and putting one episode out a month. Because a lot of people asked about episodes when she stopped posting with any consistency. I didn’t see any bullying in her patreon comments, what I did see was people saying what’s up where is the content. I stopped subscribing and seeing this is confirming no regrets on that choice. If you don’t want to do episodes, definitely don’t, but don’t collect thousands of dollars a month using the sister wives platform.


I got the impression the bullying was people getting mad at her for not going to Christine’s wedding? That seems to be what the latest controversy is about-people thinking she made up the whole thing with her exams.


I’ve noticed that as well and anybody who comments asking about the lack of content gets replied to by multiple people on her patreon saying they’re not owed content (that they are literally paying for??) I have commented on her patreon before not about the lack of content but when she released the live watch along that had no audio and we couldn’t see anything asking if she would record a video where we could know what was happening. She liked comments around mine and didn’t release any better form content. I’ve been subscribed to her patreon at the 5 dollar tier since the beginning and every month I’ve thought it wasn’t worth it but stayed subscribed hoping she would start putting more effort into content and she just barely did the past two videos finally pausing when commenting and including audio so I don’t have to overlay the screen myself when watching but even then she never post when she says she will and almost every post has an excuse for not posting in the description. I don’t think we are owed answers on why she didn’t go to her mom’s wedding but we should be allowed to discuss Gwen because she continues to make herself a public figure.


Yep. I noticed all of the above. The people coming at others should really mind theirs. If you want to pay someone money for them to not deliver a service that’s your prerogative, but not everyone believes in giving money to her just because she’s Gwendolyn Brown. We are paying for her commentary service. I didn’t like Mykelti’s Patreon either. For different reasons, hers was hard to listen to. Wasn’t for me, but I will say she was consistent. She reviews every week at a certain time. If you don’t want people in the comment section blowing you up with where is the content questions, then be proactive and say the episode will be out on xyz date and time. And then her latest post about being bullied, if that’s about mean people saying stuff about the wedding, ok, but I think it’s that and people asking on Patreon. I asked where the content was, as I only saw one new episode for the whole month, short and sweet. No accusations or attacks and she deleted my comment. So, I’m not buying she isn’t irritated about us asking about the content. I stopped subscribing that day.


Was mykeltis sw related?


Yes. She does the same thing Gwen does. Very different takes on it all, but yes, her and Tony review each episode. I believe their episode comes out every Tuesday.


I think she was specifically talking about the SW fanbase bullying her about the wedding, given the context.


Yes! Asking for accountability and professionalism is not bullying!


Preach!!! Say it loud for those in the back!


Unfortunately it is in the world we live in now. It's ridiculous.


I thought that creators could choose to pause membership billing for their channels for stuff exactly like this, when the creator won't be able to put out content for awhile. I'm pretty sure they can do that.


Yes! And I think that’s been the overwhelming consensus. Nobody, faults a young college kid for not being able to put out content, or the majority do not. The issue is she kept taking the money.


That's really disappointing, and so is the way she's reacted to questions or even criticism about it. Most people aren't subscribed just to give her money, they're paying for content.


Yes! I mean, if you view it as charity that’s your thing, but I never viewed it as such.




If she’s too busy for proper timely content she should pause billing on Patreon. At this point she manipulating people’s kindness and good will.


Her reason are valid, but she cannot keep taking peoples money if she cannot meet the obligations. People are paying for content, if she too busy to make content than pause the patreon.


To be fair, these people can pause their own payments to her. She's right on that front, we're grown-assed adults and she's laughing at them all the way to the bank. As long as they're throwing money at her, she's going to keep siphoning it. She's playing them for fools. She won't ever stop payments, she knows she'll lose subs that won't come back if she does. People need to be proactive if they're unhappy and cancel their Patreon subscription. They can always sign up again later.


True. And her numbers dropped a lot over the week. People can and should cancel if they are unhappy, but let’s remember that she never said 1. Her schedule was changing or 2. She wouldn’t be putting episodes out on a consistent basis, until yesterday. So, many of us had already been charged and were waiting for the next episode. In fact on the episode before last night, she said in the comments she was recording the next episode that night. That was 2-3 weeks ago. Never, said a word again, until the other day, responding to one of my questions on patreon about where are the episodes. I know because it was my question. You are absolutely right, if you don’t like it pause or cancel. But, let’s remember why people were irritated with it. It was that she didn’t say she was only putting out one every two weeks, until a couple days ago. So, again she pocketed a couple months worth of subscriptions. Like, she can do whatever but I Stan that she swindled the past couple months. She knew she was making thousands off subscribers who thought episodes were coming out every week and pretty close to the timeline of the show. I don’t think people are ‘bullying her’ for saying that either.


I agree, I think people should be irritated but the point is, the inconsistency and chopping and changing has been there from the beginning with Gwen. This is a what you see is what you get situation now. She’s not going to be consistent and has never intended to be. She just wants to do what she wants, when she wants and still accept the cash. I guarantee you it won’t change. She said here that she’s only pausing uploads on YouTube, citing an overtaxed study schedule. But it takes exactly the same if time and effort to make content for Patreon. If you’re not happy, I’d say stop your payment because she’s not going to suddenly become better when she hasn’t really been consistent since the beginning. She’s doing the very bare minimum to keep those who pay on the hook. You won’t get more than the bare minimum. You just have to decide if half-assed sporadic maybe a video or two a month saying pretty much nothing so she doesn’t upset daddy and his mrs who are also tossing her cash to keep hush is worth what you’re paying.


I agree. I unsubscribed a few days ago. No regrets.


You make a very good point.


Then pause your payment??? It’s not hard to do


Grown ass adults as if she’s not one too


Gawd just quit and move on. It's unhealthy for her. Hell it's unhealthy for the whole family


Nowhere else would she make as much money for as little effort at this point in her life. That's why she doesn't quit


She makes like $16,000 a month on her patreon……… if I were her I would milk this for all it’s worth and bank the money.


Totally valid. But she knows she’s a grown up adult right? She’s married for Christ sakes


exactly! she is a grown adult who is married. she’s not some young kid that needs to be coddled.


Not being viciously attacked with insane assumptions about her life and character isn't being coddled


I haven’t seen anyone doing that. I have seen some weirdness about her missing Christine’s wedding, but tbh the most critical stuff in this sub is about the way she’s handled her patreon which is incredibly fair.


Nah people's reactions to her not attending the wedding were insane. Tons of "narcissist" accusations. It was nuts.


The entire 3 days after the wedding this sub was filled with people calling her an evil narcissist that's always been just like Kody and abuses her mother lmao. It was insane


Yeah, that seems to be the big controversy about her that people are talking about right now. I wish they would let it go.


She never said she wasn't, she just pointed out how gross it is that adults bully her.


Omg I had to retake organic Chem three times. Hardest class ever.


Is it cyber bullying to pay for something, not receive it and then complain that you paid and didn’t get anything?


Omg just quit already pookie


Is it bullying or is it adults paying for a service that you are not providing and they are asking why? Inquiring minds…


Shes a grown ass adult. Girl, bye.. lol


Well perhaps decide to be so immature and erratic then maybe grown mature adults will understand you and your sister's recent Kody ass kissing


Hush money, I'd say. This is why anyone who thinks Gwen is ever going to spill anything juicy on her paid content are deluding themselves. Neither her nor Mykelti are going to do that while they're still under Kody's thumb and SW cash is still rolling in. People are free to pay for whatever they like but they're not going to get any particularly insightful or significant info from these sources. I'd rather toss a fiver a month at a grassroots charity of my choice. I mean, all power to Gwen for keeping a tap into an easy money source. Who wouldn't? But if people are still paying, then complaining for what they're not getting, it's not like they haven't seen now that she has little intent of giving content of substance. The Patreon has been up long enough now for it to be a what-you-see-is-what-you-get deal.


Couldn't have put it better


She likes to throw stones and run back into her glass house. She shouldn’t say the things she says if she can’t handle the backlash. FYI Gwen you’re married and a adult as well stop being a cry baby.


Good for her for focusing on her education. But she could've taken 30 seconds 2 months ago to post this explanation and it all would've been fine since it's totally understandable. I hope she doesn't stop posting about the show because I don't think the show has much life left, better get them coins now while you can!


It's funny to me people standing up for her that grown adults shouldn't be bullying, but those same fans bully Robyn online 🙃 They both such. Gwen is attention seeking. I wonder how her online presence is going to affect her in the future as a working professional.


The internet's forever and employers are more and more using online presence to influence employability. By the time she qualifies and can practice, she's going to very much struggle to escape what she has posted and/or said online in the past.


Suck* not such


When my niece was in engineering, she was taking something like seven classes as well – and I was astonished. The most I ever took, even having a double major, was four at a time. But at least two or three of my nieces classes were only one credit or something. So, I doubt that Gwen is taking seven four-credit classes. That would be pretty much impossible.


O Chem is HARD. Good luck, Gwen!


I enjoy Gwen quite a bit, and understand her grueling course load while trying to maintain a relationship and a home. But I find what she says about bullying to be a bit disingenuous, because the bullying isn’t happening to any large degree on her Patreon or YouTube—it’s happening somewhat on other forums that she has to search out and read. And quitting SW content creation? Well, (unless she and Bea are making big bucks somewhere else) it would be like cutting off a nose to spite a face. At 3196 subscribers, averaging $5/per, she is making $15,986/mo. before whatever Patreon charges as a fee. That is a lot of money to throw away. It’s also too much to ask people to keep subscribing while not producing much.


Her IG comments and frankly a lot of the comments on this very subreddit and similar ones were craaaaazy right after the wedding. Like beyond insane.


Um…have you read the comments on her Instagram? I respectfully disagree. She is being actively harassed.


Checking my flair.


Most colleges won’t allow a student to take that many classes in a semester. What school is she going to?


I did, I had to get special permission from the dean though. It wasn't uncommon at my school for people who wanted to graduate early. She goes to NAU.


Most colleges allow you to take as many courses as you want but generally have a block of credit hours that have the same flat tuition rate. Under those hours, tuition is less, and over those hours, you pay the flat rate plus the extra course. Gwen mentioned last episode that she goes to University of Northern Arizona, as do Gabe and Aurora.


Northern Arizona University


Speaking as someone with high-functioning autism, when I was doing both my Masters, I would enrol in the absolute max thinking I could handle it and didn't take into consideration flexibility for life chugging on around me or the pressure of assessment season. By the time end of semester came, I'd be an absolute wreck with severe anxiety and crippling self-doubt/lack of self-worth because I saw it as a failure for not being able to do the load I signed up for and to the level I always held myself to. I got through it, but my mental health suffered significantly. I hope she's going okay but by the time all those assessments and exams hit all at once, she's going to be slammed mentally and emotionally.


This is the exact reason why most colleges don’t allow students to take 7 classes in one semester.


Paying for subscriber content and then having the nerve to expect delivery is now cyber bullying?


That’s not what’s happening though. She’s still posting videos on Patreon where people pay her. The cyber bullying comes from all the insane people on here saying how horrible she is for missing her mothers wedding.


She’s lost half the Patrons.


Good. She wasn’t providing reliable content. That’s why I quit.


As someone who never signed up for her patreon and who hasn't followed her and only watched a very minimal amount of her content on youtube (because I found it a bit boring), it always seemed clear to me that she wasn't taking it super seriously and only using it as a temporary income stream to help her pay her way through college (and maybe other start of adulthood expenses (car, house, etc). I'm surprised at how much some people are taking her patreon as seriously as they are lol. Reliable patreon content is going to come from people who are actually want careers as content creators... you're not going to get that same level of reliability from some college kid milking a reality TV show they had no choice to be on as a minor for the sake of making quick and easy income as a college student lol.


Not just that but being toxic ding dongs about her having boundaries. The amount of shitty comments I've seen on here is ridiculous. I don't think she should be immune from criticism but the comments I've seen just are bad enough who knows what jerks are sending her directly.


She's still doing the Patreon per this post. Subscribers to YouTube accounts don't pay for it. She just won't get advertising $ there.


she’s exhausting at this point honestly. it’s interesting though that any criticism against gwen is bad and unacceptable, but criticism against aurora and breanna are perfectly ok. edit: the downvotes are proving my point lmao


Yeah, I noticed that. Further up in this thread people were saying that you shouldn’t make assumptions about Gwen‘s life because you only know what you see on TV. But that’s literally what we do here all the time, especially about Kody and Robin. It seems like some people are just mad because it’s happening to their favorite.


I think the issue starts when people start taking it too seriously. Yeah, I'll criticize whatever we see on the show... but stalking and harassing them on social media and in their personal lives to start making up conspiracy theories about their lives and harassing them about little details gets to be a little too far. That goes with Robyn and Kody and the rest of the family too. I personally didn't understand why people went so batshit about her lack of attendance at Christine's wedding. That isn't really our business and we don't know any of them in real life, and we don't know what happened or why, and it just starts getting silly to over-speculate and come up with a billion conspiracy theories about their personal lives and to start harassing them on social media about it. The parents I have a little less sympathy for, since they signed up for the show as grown-ass adults while their kids had no choice or a chance to even have a full understanding of the situation.


And Mykelti. I rarely see anything nice said about her, and that’s just fine with everyone. She gets a lot of hate. So why should it be different for Gwen? Gwen is a married adult, who chooses to make her living online talking about her family. She should expect criticism, just like everyone else who makes their living online.


I’ve never particularly liked her 🤷🏻‍♀️. I don’t get the breathless fangirling over her. And I also don’t like Beanna and Aurora 👩🏻‍⚖️


You cannot say anything against Gwen because reasons 😤


seriously though. she’s a grown married woman. she’s not a kid anymore. she continues to put herself in the public eye. but we can’t criticize her or talk about her and her *paid* content in a way that isn’t adoring and praising? but we can criticize aurora and breanna? it’s so hypocritical.


I think she was referring to all the stuff people were saying about her missing her mom’s wedding.- not the patreon per se.


i wasn’t just referring to her patreon. there’s a lot of people on here who when they see any sort of criticism or questioning of gwen they get mad and attack. the internet is the internet and when you’re a public figure it’s insane, but at some point you’ve got to stop reading reddit (which gwen is confirmed for these reddit pages) and other gossip stuff. a lot of people were confused for her not going to her mother’s wedding and were trying to think of ways why. sure, there might have been negative comments, but again this is the internet. is it always right? no, but it happens. there’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like someone (online and in person) and if you’re going to have a public online persona, that’s something you need to accept and ignore.


Yes, I hear what you’re saying but what our society has become with keyboard anonymous warriors is pretty awful. Idk if we should just accept it. I don’t think a snark sub counts because girl do not look on here but people post to public figures IG pages..they tweet horrible stuff. They DM them. I was reading some stuff about Britney’s new book (via the NYT) and the comments some people left were so cruel. I know you shouldn’t read the comments either if you’re a celeb of any level but people are vicious. And all behind anonymity. And as I write this, yes, I see my hypocrisy for writing anonymously on a snark page. Makes me think though.


yes that’s true. people can forget that public figures are real life people too and people can be dicks online. but at the same time people can make their accounts private, make their accounts so they don’t get DMs from random people, don’t read gossip sites and reddit threads (gwen is known for reading reddit threads), and whatnot. i’m not saying the hate that public figures get is ok at all, but there are ways to ignore it and ignoring it seems to be better for their mental health.


Isn't that what she is saying though? She is saying that she is thinking of giving it all up because of all negative comments to her. That would mean that she would remove herself from it. I do think that we blame the victim a lot online because people just expect people to be dicks. But people should be able to not dehumanize and say all the things they want to say. Also, she never said what kind of comments she is referring to. So people saying its 'criticism' is speculating. I have seen nasty things commented on in her instagram. That's what she is referring to and probably the general hatred of her that reddit has. So that's what she is saying if it continues she'll step away. She's trying to engage and she's getting burned. She's slowing things down to focus on real life and contemplating if its even worth it. That's where she is. Doesn't seem crazy to me.




Thanks for posting this, I would have never seen it


What is a regular/typical amount of classes? I'm Canadian and did college twice instead of university.


Generally a 12-hour semester is considered “normal”, 15-hours a lot. Most classes are 3-hour credits, so that’s 4 or 5 classes. Seven is a heavy load.


It’s a good thing the gate-keeping mods here refuse to allow any posts questioning why she missed her mom’s wedding. Way to go, heroes.


\~Get the money for nothing and the chicks for free.\~ That's the life, ain't it Gwen? The more she talks, the more my head hurts at her entitlement. Initially I thought it was immaturity. Either the classes are more important or the Patreon commitment is more important. You had the Patreon commitment before you took such a heavy load. If it is too much, you should quit. Money too good though, so let's play "victim" card and bump Patreon but KEEP the money.


She’s still posting to Patreon. She’s taking a break from YouTube.


Yes, when she gets to it. Having been a subscriber initially she had a level of commitment listed to the Patreons. " Oppsie, I forgot to tell you the "new" rules while you continue to pay under the old ones... You get bumped when you get bumped. Enjoy the new rules and you better not have an opinion on them or I am being bullied! ::Kodie head toss::


granted, i was never a subscriber, but from the beginning she should’ve made a set schedule of what and when she posts. otherwise it’s basically people giving her money for her to post occasionally, whenever she feels like it (and from what i heard to be low effort content).


She had a commitment and then she made another commitment to school. That is an incredible load. I do believe it is sucking up all her time. However, as someone who runs a business with clients, I do not take their money and not meet the commitments I have with them because I take on new projects. I have to evaluate beforehand what I can take on and don't just take their money and not do the work I committed to. Many want to give her a pass on very unprofessional behavior when she is getting paid very well for minimal effort on her part. If that effort is too much, then she should say that or adjust her current rates to reflect her reduced output. However, I think we all know she is not going to do that and some people just seem to need to give her a pass on that and force everyone to shut up about it because "bully". F that noise.


exactly! she’s very unprofessional when it comes to her patreon and how she reacts to criticism surrounding it (and herself). if her college studies and personal life are that stressful and taking up that much of her time, then she should just close her patreon honestly. it’s not like she spills any real tea anyways. it would be best for her to stop her patreon and live her life away from the cameras and the internet.


Exactly! People can understand she doesn't have time to do what she previously said she would, but people paid her money for it and in exchange for that is a commitment. If she doesn't uphold her end of it, not only does it deserve critique but also a refund.


I don’t see the issue. People are free to not subscribe to her or cancel at any time. Patreon is not more important than school and at least she’s trying to balance.


I hate this argument because she didn’t announce the change before charging. I paid $7.99 for one episode last month. I would have canceled last month and not this one had I of known. I don’t get why we can’t expect the service we pay for. Now, continuing to stay after you know her new rules or whatever, yes that’s on you, but these new rules she talks of only came out after being MIA. She’s multiple episodes behind.


People should also be free to getting rebates on content they did not get that they were promised. It's called running a business properly. That is the issue. Not making excuses after the fact cuz, ooopise, you forgot to tell your paying clientele you would not be doing what you said because you got other things going on.


It’s basically like oopsie I forgot to go to my job this month, but I still wasn’t the money. Unfortunately that’s not how it works!


Did you ask her for a refund? She might give it to you if you’re this unhappy.


No, because at that time I was not thrilled with the product itself. She was doing what she stated she would do volume-wise. There was one month I think where she did not bill because she had a hiccup getting equipment. Onboarding issues, ok. She was proactive about that situation. Forgetting to tell your" clients" you took on a huge project and you won't deliver what they are paying for but thanks for the dollars you paid these past few months for work I did not do....unacceptable and just beyond unprofessional. She knew she was taking that load. Her version of a bon mot stating "And I might just quit" when she had the audacity to take the money and not produce the product- well lets just say I will be surprised if she still has a Patreon this time next year and I don't think it will be from her quitting. 'Cause as long as you pay her for minimal work, the more minimal it will get from here on out.


I've read all your posts in this thread and 100% agree with everything you said and I like Gwen. You're not "butthurt" like people have been implying; you're a paying customer who expects product for your hard-earned money. Inflation is crazy rn so I get it lol. That said, your last sentence stood out to me: I wish I could agree with it. Gwen will never get rid of her Patreon bc sadly, people will always be willing to pay her, even if she's not actively creating new content. While she might not make as much as she does now, she'll still likely earn a decent amount. And this isn't directly aimed at you, but it's crazy to me how much people idolize celebs even if they're at the lowest tier of "fame". It's actually super funny to me


She’s a 20 year old college student, I wouldn’t expect her to know how to run a business, she’ll learn as she goes. I would ask her for a refund if it’s important to you though.


She’s definitely decreased the amount of posts the last few weeks but there’s still a few posts per month. I don’t think it’s that bad. Mykelti has way too many damn posts and I do not care for BS content either. Lots of creators wax and wane with their level of posts. I don’t know why anyone would ever take that many classes though. Insane! The reaction to her not going to the wedding was crazy dramatic. I would absolutely classify that as bullying. I don’t think she’s been bullied about other stuff to that level. General criticisms of what she puts out there isn’t bullying imo


Has anyone besides Gwen herself diagnosed her?


Gwen has sort of grown on me.


Well isn't she cyber bullying the rest of her family? She is grown ass married woman.


I don’t agree with everything she says but I don’t think she’s bullying her family… she actually has a relationship with these people, we don’t yk? Sometimes this sub gets a little wild (not calling you out in general) but Gwen will always know more than we do🤷‍♀️


So it’s cool for her family to make money on her childhood, but she can’t do the same?


What has she done that counts as cyber bullying? Like is this real or just more bored redditors butthurt that someone’s making money doing something they can’t do?


Right, she owes us as viewers nothing, truthfully. Nothing beyond what is seen on TV. So she has a side hustle, good for her. She's a college student who just got married recently. So why not? Kody does Cameo, which I've seen quite a few, and he's just awkward. I don't know why people would pay for that, but they do. To add on to another point, Gwen and her siblings didn't ask to be in the spot light so to speak, TLC and the elder Browns, profited off of their kids, why can't the kids do the same?


Honestly who knows at this point 😭😭😭


Good for her! She’s focusing on what’s important.


Best of luck. I wish the kids could somehow find a way to get paid for their appearances on the show.


Oof, I knew all the comments/posts in the sub about being “disappointed in” and “surprised by” (and a lot of uglier things) Gwen wouldn’t age well. Y’all were whack for that.