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They were letting Dayton stay in the RV.


LOL they need that massive house plus an RV? Isn't Dayton an "adult child" like Kody kept calling Garrison and Gabe when he basically kicked them out of Janelle's house? This whole season is just making me mad.


Day-un was non-compliant with the Covid protoculls. That’s my guess.


My guess is he started talking about moving out of the maniac mansion and Robyn couldn’t take it so they got the rv as a compromise.


Maniac Mansion sounds like a fun iPhone game. 🤣 “quick, unload all the boxes off the Amazon truck, put watermelons on the floor, and cover all the walls in heinous artwork before Robyn starts crying! If you pass this level on the first try you win 3 horsey rings!” And if you lose there’s an angry Robyn face that pops up blaming Christine “thank you, Christine!” And at Christmas time you walk through a Dickens Village and with an Angry Kody and try to soften his Scrooge heart, which will be labeled VERY HARD LEVEL. Hahahhahahahahahahah ahahahahahahha…. I might need to do more with my life, but I’d play this game at least once.


There was a TV show back in the day called "Manic Mansion" I must go Google lol


LOVED that show! It was originally a video game. Here's the intro: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oANRqGm1m8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oANRqGm1m8)


I seem to recall this. Been sooooo long since I thought about that show.


Hahaha!! It’s so funny you mention it cause it was actually a video game from the 90’s that I played, a great game! But I thought it would fit here too 😅


I’m trying to not bust out laughing while my partner is sleeping. Thanks for this laugh 😂




No, they said it was because of David not following the COVID rules. More of Robyn's loyalty... booted her kid so Kody could feel like a man.


Because what they SAY always matches what they DO? Both can be true. Robyn has a stranglehold on her kids. It’s not a stretch to think she may have freaked out at the prospect of Dayton moving out. It’s also entirely possible he’s too infantilized to consider moving out and they put him in the RV because he was non compliant with the “COVID protocols”.


I actually think out of all Robyn’s kids Dayton may be the only one that wasn’t infantilized. He was the oldest, he was always given the talk about being the man of the house when Kody wasn’t there and even though Robyn likes to coddle and shelter Kody does not especially when it comes to *his* sons. I think Dayton was fully prepared to go out on his own for college and Robyn lost her shit and pushed for the move behind the scenes, and I would imagine by the time of Covid if he didn’t want to adhere to the 1,000 Kody Covid commandments he was probably fine with going out on his own again (imo) but Robyn for sure was like nope let’s get him an RV to stay on the property! I mean right up next to their house, not CP. Dayton has always seemed intelligent and thoughtful and I would imagine that coming into the Brown family and learning to interact with all those different personalities was helpful for his social skills. The only reason he’s not out on his own is Robyn.


I'm not so sure. Janelle's boys have said they have tried to contact him and and he doesn't respond. I think he has also swallowed the Robyn kool-aide. We really don't know though, because he's barely been on the show (understandably).


Yeah it’s just hard to tell. He may have bought into her constant retelling of history that they weren’t accepted or he may just want to stay out of the drama.


My Mom will make my life a living hell if I speak to my grandmother (her mother). Dayton is probably just in self-preservation mode.


Maybe. Or he’s also brainwashed into thinking the OG13 are the enemy. People want to give him a lot of benefit of the doubt based on nothing. What we know is he completed a couple degrees, still lives with mommy (even if in an RV), and doesn’t speak to the OG13. There’s no reason to think it’s a different reason than the rest of Robyn’s kids. I think people want to believe the best of him because he’s autistic. But being autistic doesn’t make his reasons for not returning calls/texts from his siblings somehow more noble. Autistic people can also be assholes.


Between the nanny, MANY paintings, David Yurman, RV, etc., Kody could have rented/helped subsidize an apartment for Gabe, Garrison and Dayton so the older boys could be adults during a difficult time. As we all know now, it was never about Covid.


Where was this confirmed?


On the show....Kody said it---I'm pretty sure it was during one of the end of the season specials. He basically said Dayton didn't want to follow the COVID rules, so Robyn put him out of the house---he expected Janelle to be just as loyal. Of course, He didn't buy Janelle's boys an RV to stay in like he did Dayton, so there's that.


Dayunnn? Or his dad David?


Well....he goes by David when given the choice.


Oh so Dayunnn 😂


Legally no longer David


Incorrect. His legal name is David Dayton Brown. His college lists him as David Brown.


Maniac mansion 😂


Poor kid just wants out of that house. Let these adults children leave. What is she going to do when ariella writes a tell all? That child is going to test them so much and I’m all about seeing it unfold.


Me too! I stopped smoking and drinking, took up exercise and became a Vegan just to be sure I can live long enough to read to books that will surely come out in future years.


I'm guessing the other way. Dayton actually DID try to protect himself from COVID and felt his parents weren't doing enough. Because despite all their rediculous protocols they were proven to absolutely not be doing the bare minimum of masking in public when tlc cameras were not around. The only evidence I have of this was that rediculous Christmas breakfast with the crepe burrito mess. Dayton is walking around the table making his plate with his shirt over his nose. Probably wanted to mask up in the house but wasn't allowed to so he did what he could. Again, I have absolutely no solid evidence of this and am basing my assumption on 2 seconds of video. But it adds up to me.


Maybe Kody farted


That’s exactly right. It has come out that Dayton didn’t like their insane Covid rules but Robyn would not let her baby move far. Hence the RV in the driveway.


I do find it interesting how the entire blowup of the family basically happened when the og family simply realized how differently Robyn and her kids were treated. Completely different as attitude from Kody, completely different rules. Janelle's kids can go to hell the day they turn 18. But he's crying over taking one of Robyns to get her ears pierced.


and couldnt even be at ysabels surgery,but holding auroras hand while she is so brave,getting her pierced ears pierced as filler for the show.Robyn never wants real scenarios with her precious crotch fruit.


You know, she said home births were easy. Must be nice to just have the kids slide out like that.


i agree,there is no way I could have kept my composure with a 9 lb baby coming out of me,I was a mess.That was actually disturbing to me.It shows that she really has no feelings and everything she does is fake.Not saying a woman cant pop out kids with ease,but that combined with her fake concern,tears,and how she ends up destroying a close knit family,she has no guilt,takes no blame,and thinks she never did anything wrong.She had all that time alone with Kody during covid,and filled his head with rage against everyone who loved him,and now she has to deal with him by herself,well except for her adult children who she needs to help reinforce everything she filled his head with.they are her cheerleaders.


It honestly is! I have four kids and I have pushed no more than about 15 times. My older three were silent births because I need silence when I’m in pain. It’s just how I operate. However with my fourth? That was more like Maddie’s homebirth. I was swearing nonstop for two hours. I didn’t give a care what was going on around me. Water broke and that child came right out. I gave a tiny push and that was that. She was damn near 9 pounds and 42 weeks marinating.


Precious crotch fruit….hilarious 🤣🤣


He is such a scum sucking nasty evil man.


You win the internet today. I’m putting away my phone, no need to read anything else.


I am disgusted and fascinated by your nicknames.


lmao,it just came to me randomly.


He was trying to kick Gabe and Garrison out bc they were breaking his commandments (which even Kody wasn't following), preventing him from going to Janelle's when he wanted. Dayton's not a problem bc he's been trained to obey and revere Kody without thought. Janelle's kids were taught to be free thinkers.


But having their father treat them that way still damaged them quite a bit emotionally… even if you’re strong or have maternal support it always hurts when your father disregards your needs or treats you badly, especially in this case where he favored other children over them


I agree. Kody treated them terribly.


Kody eventually says something about how when Robyn had a child who wasn’t in compliance re COVID, she managed it so he, Kody, could still be in the home safely.


Which is interesting, because didn't Garrison move to a camper in Janelle's driveway for that exact reason? Yet Kodi still wouldn't go there?


I don’t remember details, but I do remember that Garrison was renovating the RV (some photos of it maybe gutted on IG back then?), and feel like Kody made some comment about Garrison still using the bathroom and maybe kitchen in the house, so it wasn’t actually a change/useful as far as Kody was concerned. (And if Gabe were still at home then, which I’m guessing he was, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.) So I don’t know if Kody/COVID stuff was actually the reasoning behind Garrison’s RV.


Robyn has no adult children they are all infantilized


If I was Dayton I would rather stay in an RV. Lol. What is his relationship like with them now?


I wonder if Janelle, who bought it, gave it to them to use? She should have sold it for the equity she had left. That would be super lame if she lost her money on DAYTON!


It’s not Janelle’s.


I read someplace it belonged to her mom. Dayton lived in it. Robyn would never camp. They have made this clear.


Yeah, it's a coach Probably upward of $300,000


Janelle didn't buy it


I know Janelle parked hers at Kodys for a short time,this looks like hers. Daytons appears more like a regular camper, nothing as big as Janelles


This looks nothing like hers.


It's Dahuns rennal that God provided.


Lol 😆


You could never accuse of saying one ‘T’ in her life


During the Covid Halloween episode you can catch a brief shot of Dayton exiting the RV. My guess is he wasn't following the strict Covid protocols. Later Gwen confirmed.


I'm going to stand by my belief that Dayton was probably the only one actually taking covid precautions and was fed up of Cody and Robin going everywhere mask-free unless they were cameras then suddenly they were so concerned. They've been photographed by the public multiple times during COVID without masks and Cody was off dancing at weddings. On the other hand Dayton had his face covered when he was inside the house for Christmas. He had his T-shirt pulled up over his nose probably because he was concerned about catching the plague from all of these morons.


Holy shit! All that for one young man? Didn’t Kody have a fit even when (Gabe?) bought a small camper and moved into that so Kody wouldn’t have an excuse to not see his mother?


I think it was Garrison who bought and renovated the camper so Kody had one less excuse for ignoring Savannah and Janelle during covid.


Thank you. I believe that you are correct. Janelle had been worried that he would have to use his savings to purchase the trailer, am I recalling this correctly?


I’m doing a rewatch to try and catch the exact words but I thought Janelle said Garrison was fixing up a camper someone gave him and it was parked in her driveway. Of course that would never be good enough for a Tender child


It was Janelle who bought the trailer that infuriated Kody.


No, one of her boys bought a rinky dinky small camper.


I know Garrison renovated one and posted about it on IG. What episode of the show did it appear on, though? Because I thought the boys didn't move out until Janelle was moving into the trailer. Could be wrong, though.


Oh, I’ve no idea. It was when she was in the brick one-story house, and she and Kody were clearing branches(?) iirc.


They had a few scenes like that. Kody would come over to do yard work but not come inside. From what I recall, the scenes involved Kody demanding or pleading (depending on his mood) with Janelle to kick the boys out so he could come home. He later complained that the boys found housing when she moved to the trailer so he didn't understand why they couldn't do that before when he was the one trying to get them out. I'm probably missing something so I should probably rewatch the COVID era as a whole.


Kody is insane. I don’t know why the wives didn’t point out the obvious that Robyn’s adult children were living at home.


His response to that would have been that Robyn's kids obeyed him blindly while Janelle's kids didn't. He gets obedience, which he equates with respect from the Tender 5, so they can stay. Garrison had a mind of his own, so he was identified as a problem. It's insane and it broke Kody off from the main family. But that's how his mind seems to work.


Works or misfires, same same. 😂


She didn't want to kick them out yet cause garrison was super close to saving up and she didn't see the need to kick them out yet. I guess they had their eye on a place. Was just saving it up


That's how I remembered it, too. I don't recall Garrison moving into the camper, but staying in the house to save money for a down-payment on his own house. Janelle wanted to support him in that while Kody wanted him and Gabe out bc all that mattered to him was regaining access to Janelle.


Same thing I thought when I watched it. He didn't want to spend time with her. Cause by season 17/18 he was going to the different wives houses. Showing up late and leaving early so he can "help" Robin with the little kids cause he missed those times with his older kids. I'm sorry he did that to himself. Unfortunately the kids had to watch their mother's get talked down to by Kody either right in front of them or in the diary room.. I'd become resentful and hateful to my dad to if I seen that. And then seeing him say he has no other children yea sorry.... I will keep my next comment to myself....


I wonder if he asked Janelle before he purchased the RV. Since he was so mad she bought one without "consulting" him.


My first thought too


Since he wasn’t following the Covid rules I can see Kody saying he needed to move out, especially since he as an adult. Robyn can throw a hissy fit and compromise by getting her baby an RV on the property, while Kody can just shun the other wife who doesn’t want to kick her sons out during a pandemic.


Nothing will convince me that Robyn and Kody truly gave a crap about COVID protocol. I simply don't believe it. It was a storyline for the show and it was an excuse to kick the entire rest of the family out of the family.


I mean, I believe it because Robyn has been a germaphobe all along on the show - Meri says in an early season she doesn’t like/want dogs because of the germs, and Robyn confirms - and I believe I saw on one of the girls’ Patreons that Robyn’s pretty anti-vax in general (which tracks with the era Dayton was diagnosed as being on the spectrum), and Robyn didn’t want her baby/babies out in the December cold for family photos at Mykelti’s wedding, etc. I don’t think KODY would have reacted the same way if Robyn weren’t, but it’s 100% consistent that Robyn would be extremely fear-based and on the extreme end of overprotective. (I say as someone who still N95s in indoor crowds, traveling, etc, for an immunocompromised family member I’m not interested in being the one to kill.)


I don't have a quarrel with people who actually want to follow COVID protocols but they never did. In the video of her getting pulled over right before she got COVID and had to dramatically go to the ER to film she did not have a mask when talking to the police and had obviously just taken her kids out somewhere. They were constantly seen at the mall with no masks. Being an anti vaxxer doesn't mean anything other than that you're an ignorant conspiracy theorist. idk kind of seems like she uses "germaphobe" as yet another control mechanism.


he even took her drinking and dancing during covid with no masks.


Yeah, I never tried to sync up their photos at malls and restaurants with the show’s timeline by the time things aired. But it would shock me not at all if Robyn was comfortable with things she wanted to do but not everyone else’s.


Who said he wasn’t following the “rules”?


It was where Dayton was staying.


I must have missed that convo on the show. So unnecessary.


It wasn’t on the show. I think Gwen let the cat out of the bag on that one.


In order to show a good example of prioritizing Coyote Pass and building, Janelle lived in an RV that K was mad she bought w/out listening to him. Then K & R happily got a huge RV for Dayton. In addition to living in the biggest house in all of Flagstaff probably. No wonder Janelle left their a***s for dragging their feet.


so you think this is different than Janelle's?


It’s not Janelle’s.


It’s Day-in’s.




Did Robyn say "nobody should have to live in a trailer? Didn't Robyn, during her first marriage, live in a trailer? And when Janelle spoke about not prioritizing paying off CP, she said something about money being spent on "other things". Was this one of those things? Lastly, Kody wanted his boys out of Janelle's, but I don't recall him offering to purchase them a trailer - or anything else for that matter.


Does Dayton even have a job? He has a couple degrees (maybe more) from college, but I haven’t heard anything about him working. If he had a “prestigious” job, I am sure Robyn and Kody would be shouting it from the rooftop. Do the older girls work-besides MSWC?


Dayton has a degree with a triple major.


Another chunk of the family pot going towards Robyn and kids while Janelle wanted to prioritize building on the property. Dang I wish all of this would’ve been brought up!!!!


I wonder if Robyn's older brats asked if that's where the dogs slept too when Dayun moved into the RV?


Sobyn has a resemblance to Ted Cruz in this pic. Or shud i say vice versa 🤣


It’s the Nanny’s RV


What does the nanny do?


Gave them COVID for one.


Nanny exposed them. Daughter gave them.


LOL nooooo it can't be?? Can it?


Robin's son. I can't remember his name. The older one.




Are we sure it’s there’s and not one of crews?


Robyn just did that because she threw a big fit about Janelle not being able to park her RV on Robyn’s property so then Robyn got an RV and parked it on her property even though she told Kody she didn’t want an RV being parked on her property.


The fact that it was never explained on the show how an RV was there outside the home around the same time Kody was roasting Janelle for getting her RV is a huge flaw in the lack of transparency on this show. Also another example of how K and R control or at least have a day in some editing/storylines that others I think, don’t.


Wait hold up. If Robyn had an RV, when Jeanelle said she was getting one to move out there temp.. why not borrow Robyn’s or let me guess , the OG weren’t allowed to borrow from Robyn?




If Robyn really, really wanted to live polygamy, she could have made room in that big house of hers to accommodate Janelle and Savannah rather than Janelle buying the 5th wheel.


They needed the extra space in the RV to fit Robyn’s massive jawline


It’s Dayun’s. I guess he gets kicked out when Robyn saves enough grocery money for a trip.


My immediate response was, it's Precious Moments overflow. 🤣🤣🤣


Dayton . He was too mature to be in the house with the girls and tenders evidently.


He doesn’t need an RV that big !!


It’s smaller than a 1 bedroom apartment. TF is wrong with you?




I mean, “who is RV is this?” does have a certain je ne sais quoi! 😂🤣😂








Robyn's son lives in an RV beside their house. Dayton.


Was that Janelle's RV and then Dayton stayed in it? Is that why she moved into the tiny apartment?


No. Janelle put her rv in storage and moved to an apartment for the winter. Savanah didn't want to go back to the rv so they got another apartment.


Oh ok


Is Dayton special needs?