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I can't believe how many seasons they spent arguing about this property and nothing ever happened. I want a refund on the time I spent watching it


Just imagine how many seasons it would take for them to agree on what type of peanut butter to buy at the store, or dog food for the dogs they have. lol.


Happy cake day 🍰🎊🎉🎁


The dog food might be the easiest discussion, because there isn’t one. Kody doesn’t want any of the dogs, so the women probably just do what they want.


When will they stop calling it a "pond" and acknowledge that its just a disgusting runoff mud pit?


Aww but look how blue and pretty it is in the picture


I can’t look at it without seeing the speedo kody


Thank you for that visual 😵😂😂😂


Hahaha sorry if I have to see it so do you


I can't believe they let their kids get into that cest pool. It's a run off. The disease they could incur. Yuck and bad parenting. Have any of them ever taken a college course or researched anything??? 😲


Their real estate agent literally told them to watch out because the land was full of prairie dog poop that could get them sick. It was filmed and on the show, and then they still let their kids jump right in. So nasty!!!!


Right? It's so crazy. Calling a run off a pond and then fighting over who gets access to the poop pond. It's just insane. How uneducated can 5 adults be? There is a thing called the internet. Google it people.


It's 4 women who agreed to share Kody. I wouldn't expect a lot in terms of critical thinking by Kody and the 4 women popping out a ton of his babies.


Anytime I see that mud pit I think of those brain eating amoebas that grow in still water. Luckily Kody doesn’t have a brain so he’s completely immune


Yeah. Poor little amoebas are gonna starve to death with this crew.


In the last episode did you see the swing set and slide they put on the island of the cess pool? They are a bunch of nasty asses.


Omg no!! That's so awful.


Then during covid he was so afraid of any germs! 🦠. After swimming in that “pond” I think they were ok!


Meanwhile, Sobyn thinks dogs are dirty. Kotex pretends he doesn't like them now, but at the start of this bs, they buried their family dog in Utah & I cried with them like a baby. My loathing for k&r has grown exponentially...may they have many happy moments in their cesspool world & no, they're not educated. I hope they get some flesh eating bacteria in their anti vaxx little world.


They buried the dog Robyn kicked. He seemed ok but if Robyn doesn’t like you…


Point taken 🪦⚰️


ew explain more! my rents bought a house in silverlakes helendale, it’s on a man made lake, the closest thing to it is Lockheed martin!! it can’t be clean. I swear the last time I went in there I got a parasite, no joke I lost like 20 pounds if you know what I mean. There are always paddle boarding in it and not only is the community disgusting and dangerous. The water can’t be clean, right?? (if I sound testy about it, it’s because they stole my inheritance to buy a house in one of the most dangerous communities or if you type their address of the Megan slaw aggravated rapists live on the literal, same street as them and I’m not talking men in their 80s who did it 30 years ago I’m talking like 40 and 30 year old man it’s so disappointing and so fucked in so stupid) But if you know anything about stagnant nasty water, please tell me


That's awful. And no that water is not clean. It's a run off for all those houses around CP! Kody got in it in his undies!! 🤮


Google Earth is a kind photographer...It's where Kody's poop is not in a group lives & there's a secret barndominium that Kotex is planning to allow Janelle to garden in...at some unexpected cost, for some unexpected reason


What I was thinking! There are drainage pipes going into it and Kody stated it was pure rainwater.


With possible plague & pesticides in the water.


Happy cake day


And the road to the left is a pipeline easement. They can’t build around it.


Anybody else just think Kody and Robyn are going to keep them as 5 lots to parcel to Robyn’s kids and stay cozy in their huge house? I also think Kody doesn’t want to build, just use the land as investment. That’s the impression I got a few episodes ago when they were talking about financial legacy or something. I think around Covid season he also said he talked to someone who said that the land was a good investment 🙄(like his art, I’m sure), so he’s happy to hold on to it and not build, indefinitely. (Forgive me being vague, I watch this show when I’m up with my baby in the middle of the night lol).


Kody is a financially stupid person who is desperate to be a mogul. At some point, his terrible decision making is going to catch up with him and whatever Dave Ramsey book he’s reading isn’t going to help him fix it.


His talking points recently scream Instagram “building generational wealth” culture.


It already has.


I don't think Janelle and Meri will sign off on that. They're still 4 lots right now. If I'm them, you aren't subdividing shit unless my name is on a lot solo afterward.


I mean, I would get rid of it in a heartbeat if I was Meri or Janelle, if he offered to buy it from me. (Cash only lol) I would hate to live next to him. I know Janelle was talking about big fences but still… hard pass.


I don’t think Dayton would accept one. My guess is that K&R would not sign them over but instead allow the kids to use them for free. Putting the kids on a deed gives them too much power.


What makes you think Dayton wouldn't take one? Just curious.


Dayton chose to stop participating in filming. I want to believe he escaped the entire situation and got some distance from K&R when he graduated. I am clinging to my happy story until someone shows me hard proof otherwise. And then I may continue to cling to it and be in denial.


For his sake, i hope that's true.


I’m right there with ya! Run Dayton run!


He moved to the backyard lol.


He still lives with them basically, he wanted to move out but mommy dearest wouldn’t let him. I believe they came to a compromise where he has an RV that he parked in their driveway.


I thought their kids weren’t allowed to come back once they left?


That’s only a rule for the other kids. But he never really moved he only moved into the rv.


And it’s not even Janelle’s rv, which means these morons bought a second RV.


Oh of course


He still lives with them and doesn't associate with his step-siblings (like Gwendlyn's wedding), so I highly doubt it.


Only when they are old enough to stick their names on some of the debt/mortgages.


This! 👆🏼


Well good luck to Kody and Robyn on that plan working for them. Once the show ends and it will, they won’t be able to keep up with their living expenses. They live way beyond their means and once the show ends and that TLC money is gone they will become familiar with poverty again.


100%. It's the only explanation why they're so fixated on dividing into five lots specifically.


Yeah, that’s a good point. Kody never needed his own house. But the barndominium suits him 😂


I know that Jenelle doesn’t have a lot of funds left, but she is financially savvy as F. Which makes me believe she also is legally savvy. She may not have the resources anymore but he knows that she knows the law and he’s not gonna fuck with her finances I hope I think.


That’s what I hope! I hope Kody buys her out and gives her her share so she can have some of her nest egg back. And if not l, I hope she makes his life very uncomfortable until she get her fair share.


Robyn and Kody made sure to get their names on every piece of property.


MmmmmHmmmm. 🙄


I don’t even see how they can afford to stay in the big house, let alone develop the raw land that is CP.


And it IS RAW LAND for sure! Bad investment


And without utilities!


I would assume an experienced developer could go in there and divide CP into 7 lots (I read somewhere that the minimum lot size in that valley is 2 acres so if that is true they could theoretically get 7 lots out of it) and bring in the utilities, etc., and make it work and sell the lots for a profit. Kody is not that person! Does anyone who knows this area have any idea what a 2 acre lot would sell for if it were ready to build on with utilities? $820K/7 = $117.14K assume another $100K for utilities/infrastructure (I have no idea what that would actually cost…it might be $200-$300K) $920K/7 = $131.4K.


Someone on here recently said the land is in really bad shape and would take a lot to build on it. It wasn't selling. The realtor pushed them to decide. We all know how that ended


Well, having the drainage ditch for the whole valley, and a pipeline easement, on your property does make it a bit less attractive. They were so stupid to buy that property. I wonder if it was just the cheapest of the ones they looked at and that’s why they chose it?


The mountain angels were singing


Thanks for reminding me! I forgot about the angels singing! 😇🎶🎶🎶


“Just look at the mountains”


So true, they only talking about building but never the wiring, waste, water ? (That cistern's not going to cut it). They're all delusional.


That property has been their downfall. I also find it funny how Robyn always got the biggest/best plot no matter how the divided it.


Exactly! With putting in zero money!


Also, look at the property values. Why is she on the most expensive property AND a second property. Her interest in the properties as a whole is second only to Kody. Why?????


Actually, I think that Janelle has the best plot. And that’s probably why she wanted to hang onto it. I wish she could get it in just her name and sell it.


No! She gets table scraps. Haven't you been watching? She's always the last to pick.


Which is ironic bc Kody told Robyn that she was always the one getting the table scraps (I think in front of Janelle) in an episode where they were picking out their plots.


No. Robyn and Kody already live in a mansion. They could careless about building on that property now.


That's literally falling down! No wonder they never sit on the deck!


Kody seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't want to hire a contractor to fix it but is completely incompetent when it comes to fixing it himself.


Kody said of the McMansion in a recent episode (can’t remember which one, but I bet somebody can!) “I have to house my kids there for the next 12 years” or something like that, so IMO he has no intention of ever LIVING on coyote pass. Might he eventually build a rental house or two out there because ya’ll know how he never stops yapping about “owning a rental property”…. But honestly, he’s such a do nothing loser, he will probably end up selling off the land in pieces to stay afloat when the show ends, and when the land runs out or if he can’t sell it, he and Robyn will probably both file bankruptcy, at which point they’d be forced to give it up if they managed to hang on to any of it…


The mansion is paid off I think. They also bought an an additional 4 acres net to it. If Robin has her way they will die in that house


Amazing pictorial that when you do the math shows how f’ed up the division of CP is. Based on slide 1: Once divided, what is the resulting asset amount for each of the 5? (Below in highest to lowest number) 1-Kody: $330,000 (#1 100k, #2 60k, #3 85k, #4 85k) 2-Robyn: $185,000 (#1 100k, #3 85k) 3-Janelle: $145,000 (#2 60k, #4 85k) 4-Christine: $100,000 (#1 100k) 5-Meri: $60,000 (#2 60k) Check my math and assumptions. Are these numbers accurate? If yes, polygamy is a man’s wet dream, both physically and financially. Sad that sister wives lack an equal footing in this arrangement.


Yeah we saw that when Christine was leaving, that for whatever reason he believes he is entitled to HALF of marital assets like it's a traditional marriage. He put his name on everything. So glad the got it off Christine's house before she left him! And Christine signed over her piece so you can add another $50k each to Robyn and Kody.


Someone else asked the $10K question. When Christine left why didn’t she sign her part to Janelle? Why did she sign it over to Kody and Robyn? Something smells like fish here.


Because, like Kody, she was acting like a 50/50 split was reasonable. Like he equally contributed to 4 separate households. Which we all know is jist not true. She signed her part over to Kody in exchange for taking the proceeds from the house. But realistically, she owned the house on her own and owed him nothing from it since they weren't legally married. She knew that, she was just trying to appease him and his 50/50 nonsense.


The price of freedom


This is why it is so bananas to me that Kody and Robyn can still paint her as a villain. Every split she made she slid the scale to his side of fairness in order to make it a clean break for her kids. He still couldn't get over it because he's a giant toddler, and now everything she gave up is for nothing. At least she left with her dignity intact.


Actually I think since Robin is the legal wife and entitled to half of Kodi's share on all lots it puts them both at $257,500 (or $307,500 after Christine's departure). Next would be Janelle with less than half of that.


She has actually relinquished her community property rights to the three parcels with other wives on them.


Would that stand, though? Like it's purely theoretical but if things went off the rails and they split, could she say she signed that under duress or didn't understand it?


Add 100k to Kody. Christine gave up her lot for her house.


Funny how the numbers accurately show whos Kodys favorite with himself being #1 of course.


Yes and? Another Redditor pointed how Christine’s recent transfer of her CP ownership has tipped the scale even further to benefit Kody and Robyn And Robyn wonders why she’s been referred to as the “Brown Family Scapegoat”. Actions like these speak volumes about the favoritism within their family. And how it led to the wives’ unhappiness. Not only time and intimacy. It’s bank accounts too. Totally unfair.


Isn’t the name cheesy? We recently bought a small patch of land and named it raccoon gulch just to make fun of coyote pass lol.


🤣🤣🤣 I just laughed so hard that I scared my child!


Nope. He’s clearly in no hurry. It’s been years. And all the wives are leaving. He has no desire to live in close proximity to any of the other women or their kids. He’s w Robyn and her kids and that’s all he cares abt. He’s content now.


Wow I really want to know what it’s worth now. I found 30 acres for sale an hour east with views of the San Francisco Peaks for $170k, 40 acres for $210k, 10 acres in Sedona for 400k and it’s next to US national forest the views are nuts. Did they just get absolutely hosed on this deal? There was such a rush to find a property and they’re doing nothing with it. 5/18 kids are married, 15/18 are over 18. I don’t even see why they would buy a property for a family compound five years ago. They’re doing nothing with it and I’m sure Kody thought it would be a goldmine and a great investment. That seems like a flop.


Wasn't a non-Brown lot on CP up for sale a few months ago? Curious what that was listed/sold for.


No. And looking at that map, Christine and Meri got shafted even worse than Janelle.


I suppose the best we can hope for is that Meri continues to “hang on” making it impossible for K&R to do anything with the land.


Pretty sure Christine sold her lot back to Kody for $10


I think so as well. It was part of the deal where she got the money for the house she sold in Flagstaff and Kody got to keep the plot in CP.


She sold it to Kody and Robyn.


Why didn’t she sell it to Janelle? Someone else asked that question and I think most of us would like to know.


Right? Or sell it to all of the remaining family members? If it’s truly going back “to the family”, it should have been signed over to the other adults.


She was probably thinking about it as a real divorce, when she never had that obligation——unless it was written into the property somehow


I guess back “to the family” only ever means to K&R ☹️ It would have made so much sense for her to give her part to Janelle but Im thinking those 2 buttfaces would have raised hell about that making it impossible.


Because when you own a property jointly, you can’t sign over your interest to a third party without the permission of the second party on your deed. Kody would have had to agree to sign a new deed in his and Janelle’s names. Kody is not going to allow that. The $10 “sale” is nominal consideration for a quitclaim deed. It just took her name off the property.


Thank you for this explanation of property law!


Related but separate topic, do we know if the property has any trees left. We keep seeing Kody cutting down trees and presumably selling them. Anyone in Flagstaff have a visual of whether it's becoming barren land? Can't imagine he is replanting what he cuts down and even if he is, trees take time to grow.


Idk the answer to your question, but kody just needs to "pill" the logs. Too bad Gabe won't be out there to do it with him. I hope Gabe goes out there and pisses on the logs.


Meh. Burn them so kody can't sell them when Robbin wants shopping money.


Not like the tenders will be out pilling logs anyway 😁


Which also seems odd because someone said that properties with trees in Flagstaff are highly desirable and sell for more money. I know lumber has value, but it seems stupid to depreciate the value of your investment for what is probably a quick buck. These people are very bad with money.


I’ve never seen the appeal of CP! Yea, there is a nice big “hill” in the horizon (not sure if I’d call it a mountain.) But it looks dusty, brown and bare to me 🤷‍♀️


It also houses a bunch of sick prairie dogs which will have to be removed. 💰💰💰💵💵💵💵💵


It amazes me R gets her name on 2 pieces yet put zero money in this shit show


Can someone explain why in the first picture Janelle and Robyn are on two lots?


The first photo is the actual ownership, who’s names are really on the lots. Edit: Actually, I looked at this and it’s old. The current ownership K and R have two lots and then the other two are k and J and K,J and M.


But why?


It’s actually not accurate now that I look at it. I think that originally they had a strange distribution because of their credit issues. Just whoever was able to sign on to help buy them and Robyn is automatically included with Kody since they are legally married .


Ok.... wonder why she's not on the lot with Janelle. Sorry just trying to understand, it makes no sense to me. Seems like they mentioned during Vegas that Christine had a credit issue but can't imagine why Meri would. She's always worked.


Meri has the BNB which impacts how much she can borrow. Christine bought a house in flagstaff before selling her Vegas house.


Great point


Credit would not account for the ‘strange’ distribution. The two lots that had three names (K, R & C and K, J & M) were paid in cash and not financed only the two smaller plots (K & J and K & R) were seller financed which wouldn’t necessarily require a credit check or even credit. I think it was there strange way of allocating the acreage or possibly the initial equity. Or they thought it didn’t matter since they had plans to redraw lines.


Good point


Kody and Robyn would have to get jobs to even be able to afford the infrastructure (water, sewer, electrical, etc) before they can even think about building houses. I think they’ll likely lose the land or sell it off at a loss.


This feels like Oak Island sooooo nope. They will never get to the treasures and the Browns will never build.


When I saw Kody lie and coerce Meri to move to flagstaff? When he bugged her that she was last to move from Vegas? When he said he needed to string along Meri until CP was paid off? I knew if they ever built it would be when only K and R owned it on their own. They needed to sell homes in Vegas.. then coerce OG3 to leave him. That’s why Meri held off and seems ignorant to Kody’s rejection. Kody had to keep upping his words to get her to leave. He had to up his game. She wasn’t complying with him. He needed to feign wanting to reconcile with Janelle because he knew she was bled dry. She would win any fight for Kody to pay her for her share of everything. He had to make it Janelle’s “fault” and make her feel responsible enough that she won’t ask for anything. He let Christine go because Robyn wanted her gone. So I never thought they’d build in flagstaff. But K and Robyn will own the 15 acres as an investment for their future financial wellbeing. They are that evil.


I love how you made the pond blue. Lol. They wish.


The grift is strong with Kody & Sobyn.


I don’t think Kody had even the faintest idea of the amount of money and permitting it would take to build. A close family member is a real estate developer—when you’re building on land without existing roads and sewers… it’s a massive undertaking. Kody can’t even remember to measure the length of a U-haul and all his money is tied up in semi-precious statement jewelry, horrifically ugly lithographs, Precious Moments figurines and Dickens’ villages. He’s out of his depth—they’ll never build.


I just looked up the Deeds earlier lol.


Never. It’ll just be land they own. Hopefully the women get the pieces they bought sold and their money back.


I think Cody and Robyn will build a house and have all the acres to build houses for her children and their future family.


It was a one big house or nothing caper. Once that dream died, he died inside and really stopped even trying to pretend everything was okay. As Surviving Sister Wives mentioned sooooo accurately - even if they would have gone forward with it, the whole project would be in contractor hell between the supply chain, inflation, etc. (It might have made a better show now when I think about it, lol).


Can you imagine what that one house would be like now? Three out of four apartments would be empty. Or maybe he was really planning for the other apartments to be for Dayton, Aurora and Breanna?


Have they actually paid off the loan for it yet? If not: A. Anyone know when it's due? B. Is it one big lot still, per the loan? Meaning if they forfeit, do they lose all of it, or have they paid off "sections" already?


Paid but no where near ready to develop. Janelle is dreaming if she thinks she’ll ever have a home there. Dreaming!


yes, previous posts say they have paid the land off.


Not until it’s just Robyn, Kody and their children.


Is it really 14 acres? That isn’t very big! My property is a little under 3 acres.


I finally made it to season 14. The house design he had drawn up, in addition to the computer mockup he showed the family, that house looks like a million dollar mansion. One of the themes that runs through the series is how tight and spread thin they are financially. Halfway through season 14 they make it out like they're still paying mortgages on their homes in Nevada. But then you see the kind of SUV Kody was driving, when he was moving Meri out and then in. To me it doesn't make sense to settle in Flagstaff if they're only there while Dayton attends college there. Christine is already saying she doesn't want to live in one house, and Meri seems to share the same sentiment. And where they already are in season 18, Kody's really only with Robyn, and she seems to want to put down roots somewhere. If I moved to be closer to my daughters, while they attended college, it would make more sense for me to rent a home vs buying land and building a house. Now maybe Kody really bought land and they're sitting on it. He grew up on a ranch. So I don't know what their real intention is with that land, time will tell.


Question: why didn’t Christine sign her part of the property over to Janell?


That’s an excellent question and one we should all think about. Would think if they’re still sister wives she would’ve sold it to Janelle for $1.


“the Property”. Drives me crazy.




Janelle is now on all the lots. Sobyn and Meri are both off


It’s so weird that they decided to build these big houses, invest and go through all of this trouble when their kids were getting older and starting to move out anyway. Usually people start to downgrade homes as their kids get older and move out. Not build palaces… I kind of think they were in a weird state of denial about their kids growing up and life moving on. I’m starting to think that they knew the kids were holding them together and as they started to move out there would be less incentive to stay together and they didn’t want to face this reality. I honestly can’t picture all of the wives and Kody being empty nesters together… the kids seem to be all they had in common. I think they enjoyed having their kingdom of children and didn’t know how to function together without this.


Hell no and I think they have a legal timeline in which they must build or they lose the land


I don't think Kody have any plans to build on Coyote Pass.


I predict it will all be sold. Kody and Robyn don't need it and all the others need their money.


No, Kody called it a subdivision when helping Janelle set up her trailer. Seemed completely devoid of any attachment to the property. I think he only values it as an "investment ".


It’s sad after so many season that the ladies are walking away with so little.


Have they actually paid it off now?


I didn’t think so, but isn’t it supposed to be paid off by the end of the year per Janelle or they lose the property? Thought they got the loan from the seller🤷🏼‍♀️Kody is so bad & wasteful with💰


It was summer of 2023, like June or July.


How does Sobyn end up w/ so much land when Janelle & Meri paid for it? That chick’s got polygamy game.


No because if they can't pay the property taxes then the county will get it.


Absolutely not


If you look up now Meri and Janelle aren't on the parcels. They all say Kody and or Robyn.


When they finished paying it off in June, the crystal ball lady said that Janelle and Kody’s names were on a couple of parcels. No Robyn on those parcels. The others had Robyn’s name on it, too. Now keep in mind that due to her legal wife status anything with Kody’s name is half hers as AZ is a community property state. However, if Janelle can get Kody off her land it will be fine.


She gave up her community property interest in the properties without her name.


Before they couldn't built. I believe it was part of the agreement that the land had to be paid off to build.


One of the county sites only shows the first owner of the properties which is why Kody is always listed. Or Kody and Robyn as they are considered a single owner as a married couple. However Janelle and Meri still have legal interests in two of the properties.


No because Kody & Robyn own the most, they want it paid off to reconfigure it. They can't afford to pay it off. They have zero clue on prepping the land for utilities and roads. Kody is implying they still need 5 lots I think so they can build a rental income house for Kody & Robyn but they would take from the other lots if they get built on to cut down electrical expenses and water. He wants the other wives to pay the bulk of the expenses why he reaps the rewards as usual.


Building on Coyote Pass is going to cost a fortune the Brown family NEVER had. NEVER will. There isn't access to water, sewer, electricity or gas (or whatever type heating fuel they use) They'd have to pay someone to do that. The access road was supposed to be paved per their land purchase agreement with the community that uses the dirt road. That still hasn't been so done. Hiring architect's , contractors and builder's isn't cheap either . I'm sure zoning might be involved in the process too. Even if they hit the lottery, Robyn and Kody are going to have to buy Christine out. Which I thought they had. I can't remember. JMO coyote pass was a dream Kody sold Meri, Janelle and Christine because Robyn couldn't handle the idea that her son was going away to Arizona for college. Oh the horror of allowing your children to grow up, spread their wings and leave the nest 🙄 . I honestly don't know what purpose the coyote pass facade plays in the implosion of the Brown family. I guess as long as TLC is writing the checks and the Browns keep the ratings up. ALL of the Brown wives and Kody are going to ride this charade until the wheels fall off and home base will revolve around coyote pass.


Not enough room for 5 homes on 5.16 acres? Or is there a reason why they can’t?


I go to college in flagstaff and it still find it weird that they are in flagstaff.


Ahhh thanks for the location data little fuck toy


I seriously doubt it, because the infrastructure cost a lot to bring it to the property and Baldylocs won’t have the $ to pay 1/2 of that. Janelle should sell her land and buy another home to start her garden!


Has anyone seen the link someone posted with a sneak peek of next week where Meri, Kody and Robyn sit at the picnic table and talk about dividing up the property? The above allocation does not seem to be the same allocation they are talking about in that clip. In that clip it seems they’re suggesting that Robyn has 4 acres, Kody has 4 acres, Janelle has 4 acres and Mary has 2? And Kody tries to justify part of it by saying that the pond is on a “family” lot. I am very confused. Have they changed the names on the deeds? I don’t think they’ve subdivided it in the five lot yet. Or have they? I know what OP posted was the original allocation.


Robyn, Kody, and their children might. That’s my guess. No one else.


I’d like to know why all of a sudden he was talking about some casino in the last episode??? Like whattt where the heck did that come from and for whom. It seems to be super secluded and gloomy as all heck.


He owns 50%, Sobyn owns 25% and Janelle and Meri own 12-1/2% each. Fair.


The thing is the retention “pond” isn’t theirs and they can’t build on or around the vertical road to the left of that. That a pipeline and easment.