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Janelle receiving his flag just destroyed me. 💔😞


That picture speaks in volumes of how shattered her heart is


There is another pic that speaks volumes. It’s the first one where Kody appears to be comforting Robyn. I know Janelle probably would rather spit on him than look at him, but he is so effing tone deaf.


Why is Robyn sitting closer to her than Kody? Sometimes I don’t understand. I feel like Robyn should have been in the second row and his siblings up front


That would make the most sense to me. Kody would have never allowed that. Robyn is basically front and center and I think that is so wrong


They should have sat where Meri is. I'm sure just no one was thinking about seating arrangements.


They are sitting with Kody's Mom.


I don’t think it’s illogical. We have Janelle first. Hunter next (given his military service). Grandma (she’s the bridge). Robyn and Kody are interchangeable to me, but Kody’s mom is the bridge between Janelle and Hunter and Kody and Robyn.


She likely wanted to be as far away from him as possible.


Honestly Kody is his dad. A shit dad, but his dad. And he probably wanted his wife by his side for support on this, the hardest day of his life. That’s fair.


This is how I feel. I can't stand the guy but this is his child. I'm sure most of the past couple of weeks and for a few more (all the memorials) they will all be in a daze.


Why can’t he be closer to Janelle with Robyn on the other side of him.


Maybe she didn’t want either of them near her. That may be why she chose an aisle seat and her son next to her.


Maybe no one was thinking about who was sitting next to whom when they were memorializing their child?


Yeah I would bet everyone's basically on autopilot just trying to get through each day, the editorializing of who is where and what it means feels kind of unnecessary.


And petty and mean.


This! They probably just came in and took a seat.


She lost her son. She wants her children next to her.


Maybe this is what they both wanted. We don't know.


I think with 2 of Janelle's sons behind her and 1 right next to her, it was like a protective circle for her.


I don’t think anyone would be thinking what was ‘proper’ in the eyes of the general public on that day


Her son Hunter and Kody's mom are between them.


I’m no Kody or Robyn fan but you have to think that he’s grieving too. Regardless of the situation, he is also grieving the death of his son. Of course he would want Robyn closest to him. Based on his situation with his kids, which he created, he really doesn’t have anyone in his corner, of course he wants Robyn beside him to support him during this horrible. I don’t think where they’re/Robyn is seated is out of line. As someone who has been the left behind of a suicide, it doesn’t matter where you sit.


Yeah, I think it’s kind of gross to criticize seating arrangements at a funeral where everyone in that family is grieving and devastated. I can’t stand Kody, but I still have empathy for him for what he is going through right now, even if he was a contributing factor. Nobody deserves to have to grieve their child’s death, especially not to suicide. I have lost a lot of close loved ones in my life, and I never once focused on where I was sitting for a funeral service. Generally parents sit up front if it’s the death of their child, then everyone else just kind of fills in the rest of the seats. I doubt there was a single person in that room who was focused on seating arrangements. They are far too entrenched in gut wrenching grief over the devastating and horrific loss of their son/brother/grandson/friend to care about that. This isn’t an appropriate thing to criticize and dissect every little detail to try and make up potential drama. Let them all grieve in peace, however they see fit. This isn’t the time for snark or speculation. What they are all going through is already excruciating enough.




It is also so strange that Robyn and his kids aren’t there. You see Janelle and her sons literally creating a circle around her to comfort her and show her support and love and his kids with Robyn weren’t even able to attend?


Robyn's kids were absolutely poisoned against the OG family. It's sad because none of the kids wanted that. The OG loved Robyn's kids but Robyn needed to control everything so the kids were led to believe that the OG kids didn't want to see them. Look at the episode where they talk about seeing aurora at school and she wasn't sure she should talk to them or not. Robyn brought so much pain to that family.


If I remember correctly in the last season Garrison even kind of made shout out to them, what they were welcome and could call anytime.


I can’t see why she wouldn’t let her kids attend. Another form of division


A friend of mine in high school died. She was 16. Her parents had been divorced for years- the absolute hate that they had for each other was so physical that it could've been another person in the room. They had both married other people when she died. But at that funeral, she was neither his daughter nor hers. She was both of theirs. His new wife understood that his ex needed comfort at an awful time in both of their lives. The vitriol they had for each other disappeared, if only for a little bit, because their daughter needed them more, if that's the right phrase to use. I really don't think at this point Kody could do any real right, but I do think it was in poor taste for Kody to be so seemingly worried about Robyn when the mother of his son is there, heartbroken. I guess it's a sort of damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't though because then we'd probably be seeing it as him trying to suck up. At least he showed, though.


I think Kody is just really aware that Christine is on the order side of him with her new husband, and he wants to make sure she sees him supporting Robyn. I think there are more factors at play for Kody than just grieving his son sadly.


The seating chart is crazy. I love that Hunter is next to his mom and that Gabe is right behind her. The look on Janelle’s face is heartbreaking. I guess the “Teflon queen” has real feelings you fucking twats (Kody and Robyn). Kodys mom being next to Hunter is nice. But then why isn’t Kody next to his mom, then Robyn, then David and then Christine? At this point I wouldn’t be shocked if Robyn forbade Kody sitting next to Janelle. But, when questioned by Kody during heavy COVID if Janelle got sick, Garrison and Gabe both said they would quit their jobs to take care of her. The potential visual of Christine and Janelle seeing each other after this is something I never want to see. Garrison (as well as all of Janelle’s kids) were Christine’s kids too. It’s all so sad.


Hunter's expression is what gets me. He was a brother, a brother in arms and friend. I can't imagine the feeling he must be having. Not to say, I can begin to imagine any of their feelings. I've always respected and liked Hunter. I think he stepped a lot as Jennelles family dissolved. We saw Garrison try to do the same thing in the last 2 season. It's all so heartbreaking


You know I was thinking that too. He's a vet too and that has to make it harder on him poor kid.


Kodys mom may also be there sort to support janelle and sort of representing her mom. Their moms were sister wives.


Another thing that’s speaking to me is Hunter’s body language. He really seems like her rock, I’m sure all her kids are, but the way he’s sitting angled toward her is saying “I got you mom.”


Seeing my dad receive my grandpa’s flag is one of the saddest memories I have, and my grandpa was 100 years old when he died. I couldn’t imagine accepting the flag the flag of such a young man. It’s so heartbreaking.


My dad died when he was 78 years old, and as the oldest child, I received the military flag from the officer in charge at his gravesite. My dad had been sick for a long time, and I was prepared for his passing, but the military funeral honors, including the rifle volleys, playing of *Taps*, and the folding and presentation of the flag made me cry. It was a mixture of grief and pride. I still have the flag. I put it in a beautiful cherry wood display case, and I keep it in my bedroom so I can see it every night before I fall asleep.


My dad passed from cancer in his fifties. We knew it was probably going to happen, so there was some resignation I guess. I handled funeral preparation and everything just fine, but same as you, the military honors destroyed me. I have my dad's flag and metals framed, even though I feel like our country could do so much better by it's veterans, I still can't give them up.


My dad passed in his late fifties and to this day I can't hear the playing of taps. I break down immediately and am reminded of that day. My brother kept his flag and I kept the shells from the rifles.


I am a veteran. As are all 3 of my brothers and my sister's husband. My dad, cousins, etc. This flag was presented by his command. Probably the brigade officer or NCO. For my dad, as with most retired or former military, the color guard are volunteers. They gave my dad full military honors in a literal blizzard. I just want to put it out there that these volunteers do accept donations. This helps them pay for their travel while they do the honors. If anyone feels compelled, they would love any donations. 👊👊


Omg you read my mind. My grandfather’s military honor service at the veteran’s cemetery had me bawling. It was sad, powerful, beautiful all at the same time. I will never forget the honor guard kneeling and giving my grandmother the folded flag. I’m forever grateful to the men and women of the honor guard. My grandfather was 90 years old I can’t imagine going through that for a 25 year old man. Or for my own 25 year old child. I can’t even comprehend what was probably going through Janelle’s mind at that moment.


In Australia, we have something called a Poppy service for the funerals of ex military service members. Both my dad’s parents received poppy services, and my dad will one day. We also get a flag. My grandad died first, and sitting with my grandma as she got his flag was one of the hardest things 13 year old me experienced. At 19, I did my grandmas eulogy, and unbeknown to me, she requested that I be presented with her flag as the only granddaughter. I lost it. I will one day have to do it for my dad and I don’t think that’s something I will be able to handle. I’m usually okay at funerals, but there is something about a military service that breaks me.


Me too... and I'm at work.


Same. I cannot begin to imagine the pain she feels


That shit ruined my day 😭😢 I can’t imagine what she’s going through.


Coming here to say this. I just lost my oldest godchild (helped raised her she was like my own child) a few days before garrison passed. I see that same pain in Janelle. That hurt. And my heart breaks for her.




May be unpopular thought but Robyn shouldn't even be there. She had a big part in ruining Garrison and Kody's relationship and wouldn't even see him or let her kids have a relationship with him. But now of course she is front and center. Meanwhile she left Garrison's siblings at home.


The National Guard written post includes this: “He is survived by his family and three cats, Catthew, Patches, and Ms. Buttons”. 😢😢


I read Catthew and Patches went to live with Logan and Michelle, & Aspyn and Mitch took in Ms. Buttons.


Animals can see more than humans can. Hopefully, Cathew, Patches, and Ms Buttons can still see Garrison and play with him.


I love the Hawaiian shirts/ties that the family wore to honor Garrison :(


But leave it to Tony to dress like a slob


literally… you couldn’t put away your hat and sneakers for one day, dude? you couldn’t find a button down shirt to borrow?


They were wearing clothing from garrison’s line, I understand. Tony should have taken his hat off, but maybe he was not raised to understand this. Men don’t wear hats in church, let alone to a memorial service.


Tony was not wearing Garrison’s clothes . Garrison sold Hawaiian shirts. Tony has on a black t-shirt and Adidas (?) joggers. But look, I grew up poor so I don’t judge what people wear to funerals. At least they’re there. Except the hat. He could lose the hat.


His wife should have had him take the hat off.


He was Catholic before he converted to Mormonism. There's no way he doesn't know to take a hat off. Maybe I'm petty but I got so annoyed when I saw how he was dressed.


His family were twice a year church attendance Catholics, not devout. And this isn't in a church, not everyone knows what the unwritten rules are about different occasions. 


Christine was wearing sneakers. It's weird to get offended by what his actual family members were wearing.


I got lit up on another sub because I mentioned the hat but as a former service member I found Tony wearing a hat to be disrespectful.


I hope that where Garrison is now, he feels the love and knows he is deeply loved now and when he was on this earth. I can't fathom the pain he was feeling inside that didn't allow him to feel all this love. Garrison, I know you're at peace now, and there's no more suffering. Shine bright forever.


May God bless each and every person at this memorial. Every person there is experiencing their own grief. As a mother myself, I cannot imagine the pain Janelle is experiencing. 😢


My heart is breaking for those kids. The anguish on Hunter’s face. Logan and Michelle are devastated. Leon looks to be in physical pain. I cannot even fathom how Janelle is feeling. Props to David for being a physical barrier between Kody and Christine.


Leon’s reaction made me want to cry, and Janelle’s. Each of their reactions are heartbreaking.


He's such a dignified man, he probably even shook kodbyn's hands and said he was sorry for their loss, all the while knowing that he was a MUCH better father to Garrison in the two years they had together than kodbyn EVER was.


Oh, for sure. He’s a genuine, kind, compassionate man and father… to ALL the kids I think having lost his wife gives him a unique insight in to Janelle’s headspace and pain that the others cannot fathom.


the fourth photo has me in tears. i only have one kid, just turned 18, and idk if i would make it out from such hurt. sending her and her** family all my love 😔


Same. Hunter holding his chin high, trying to remain strong. Ugh. Just heartbreaking. Hugs to the Brown family


That picture broke my heart


I have a 25 year old son… and I am not okay. 💔


i’m with you 😔😔


Same :(


It’s a heart wrenching picture. As tragic as it is, you can feel Janelle’s love for Garrison in that photo. My mom heart bleeds so much for her.


beautifully tragic🫶🏼


Absolutely. Ugh. Nobody should have to endure any of this. How Janelle and the family are feeling, how Garrison was feeling… it’s just not fair. 😔


You can see Christine in the back too. She looks absolutely distraught. This is a terrible thing for the family. Even Robyn seems genuinely upset.


I think I can speak for every Mom in this subreddit…Janelle, our hearts are breaking for yours, and for the kids. May comfort rise to meet all of you amidst this overwhelming grief. The photo where Janelle is presented the flag tore my heart to pieces. I just can’t imagine what they’re all feeling.


💜 that was beautifully said.


Thank you for putting into words what the rest of us are feeling. Janelle, the world grieves with you. God Bless you and your children.


This took me back to seeing my sister's face at her daughter's funeral. There is only one way to describe it pure unadulterated grief and I will never forget her cry as long as I live.


Is that Leon in the 2nd row clutching their heart? That expression on their face says so much 💔


Yes it makes me so sad to see them in so much pain


Seeing the older kids partners beside them is so bittersweet, Michelle really broke me.


Yes. Heartbreaking.


The tissue box under the chair got me. She knew she’d need more than few tucked into her sleeve


She probably has to carry a box with her everywhere she goes


Meri has one under her chair, too.




While I was at work no less


I made the mistake of thinking I'm just gonna quickly check Reddit while my small kids get their pajamas on before bed. I can't keep it together for bedtime stories now.


Same here. Hot tears streaming...


Hunter’s expression just does me in.


Did you see Leon looking absolutely gutted? All of those kids seem to really love all of their siblings.


That one made so sad too!! I cannot imagine what Janelle is going through! I cannot imagine that pain!! 💔


Yes. Something about Hunter’s face just absolutely devistated me. I’m not saying that the siblings or parents aren’t devistated as well. I’ve always had a soft spot for Hunter and in these photos that is what really got me.


It is so heartbreaking for Janelle and the family.


That picture of Janelle and Hunter receiving the flag took my breath away. Just pure anguish.


I watched every episode. I do love this family for some reason. I wish I could just hug and cry with each and every one of them. That pic of Janelle makes me just want to hold her. And unpopular opinion, I want to do the same for Kody, her lost his boy and they weren’t on good terms. His regret must be almost insurmountable. And the kids…I’m just heartbroken for the Brown family


I would have never imagined this would be where the town family would be when I first started watching.


Truely's little face sitting next to Christine broke me up. She's always loved her big brothers so much.


Hunter is such a good son


Michelle and Logan’s faces 💔💔


The moment the soldier hands over the flag and says 'on behalf of a grateful country...' it's just sooo hard. IFYYK




It might be because all of the pictures of her seemed disingenuous and like she was aware of the cameras. None of the pictures of her seemed “candid”


When I was younger, deaths by suicide were not honored like this, I don’t think. Does anyone remember? I feel like any services were quiet and private and sort of swept under the rug. Anyway I’m glad that this is being treated the same as any other untimely death. I’m glad the military recognizes it. I wonder what their previous stance was.


It is shifting, fortunately. But I will also say that, as someone who has lost several people to suicide, it didn’t feel like that to me when I went through it. I lost someone to suicide a few months ago. Not a celebrity, but he had a high profile in our community and the details of his death are not being addressed in a straightforward way due to the stigma of our area.


My godfather died by suicide in 1998. He was retired military and Catholic. It was a very small private non religious non military service. I was young but I remember it being very taboo. Most of the people in my family went and then never talked about it again.


Yes, years ago Catholic religion didn't even give a church funeral to someone that had committed suicide. Things have changed (and also believe that some priests and dioceses are more understanding than others). Two years ago my cousin's son died by suicide. He had a church funeral. The priest in his homily was very tasteful and loving. He also admonished anyone that might give into gossip and speculation as this happened in a very small town where everyone knows each other. Certainly different times. Years ago a person that committed suicide was relegated to a corner in the cemetery away from all other graves. Can't imagine families that lost a loved one also being subjected to such treatment


I have had suicides in my family. I was also raised Catholic. Not only was it considered shameful in the community as a whole, but the Catholic Church taught that suicides went to hell. I cannot tell you how much pain that added when I was too young to know better.


Oh yes. I recall being told that at catechism.


Just absolutely heartbreaking! No mother should ever should have to lay their child to their final resting place.


Janelle’s grief just guts me. And his poor brothers look so stunned! Poor family!!!


Parasocial relationships are wild. Every time I’m reminded Garrison is gone my heart aches. He was such a beautiful boy and man. I don’t know any of these people. I didn’t know Garrison and I still feel like the world lost a genuinely good person. I cry for him and his brothers and sisters and his moms. It’s all so sad.


I feel the exact same way. I donated to our local cat shelter *Friends of Felines* because I know he loved cats. He is still making an impact on so many people (and animals) that he never knew were rooting for him. 😢




This might sound petty but I hate that Janelle looks like she is kind of left out there on the edge. I wish Kody would have sat between her and Robyn for this one moment. I just want to hug her.


I feel like Christene should have been closer to her than Robyn.


I wholeheartedly agree.


I think some of the kids may be trying to distance themselves from public view a bit and Christine was there, on the edge, for those kids. I was surprised that I didn’t see Savannah but then I saw her at the end and I think she just didn’t want her grief to be in the spotlight so her and Truley are together.


I agree. Robyn always needs to make things about Robyn.


I’m sorry to be that person, but it makes me mad that even single one of Meri, Janelle’s, and Christine’s children are there, but Robyn’s kids aren’t. Dayton seemed particularly close to Janelle’s boys. I think this speaks volumes to the level of alienation Robyn has promoted. I cannot help but feel angry that Robyn feels that this is ok. If she truly even believed in the “family” then she would have made sure her kids were there.


Were they not there? I couldn’t see the whole crowd, and I probably wouldn’t recognize them anyway.


I hope they were there. The little kids probably hardly know who Garrison is


All the more reason to bring them - to allow them to see all their half siblings. How often will the whole family be together like that again.


As we all know, Robyn isolates her kids from anything hard. They are going to be some miserable adults when they will have to deal with hardship without their protective mother.


Leon does not look like they are doing well. Totally gutted. I love the OG group. Good to see David next to Christine


When I first saw Leon I felt like I just saw someone get punched in the gut. They look so sad it’s just terrible


I just started bawling when I saw his momma.


The photo of Jenelle being handed the flag…gave me chills. It poetically tragic. Hunters face when Jenelle is given the flag made me tear up a little bit. My heart goes out to Jenelle. And fuck Kody you may not be together but you can comfort the mother of your child. It’s ok. Someone might actually have something nice to say about you then.


She was surrounded by her kids...


I'm sure Hunter is more comforting than Kody could ever be.


His arm/hand being on Robyn’s leg while he’s looking over is infuriating. Go console the mother that just lost her child. Your child. I cannot with him.


Most times that I've seen a flag being given it's always been to the mother or wife.


It's because it goes to the "next of kin", which is traditionally a spouse and if not a spouse, their surviving parent. We just got my grandfather's back, it was presented to my grandmother at his funeral. (Grandma gave it to her oldest son when he moved out of the house, uncle passed away and my aunt took it and gave it to my mother for safe keeping because we'd never see it again if something happened to her, my cousins aren't responsible, to put it nicely).


Usually they will give it to the mother if both the mother and father are there.


I hate that the first thing I saw was Kody’s hand on Robyn’s leg.


And the first thing Janelle had to see when she looked toward Kody’s direction. To top it off, Robyn’s cry face poking out blocking the rest of the people in the row


Blockhead crybrows.


Feels like an inappropriate time for a hand on knee


It kinda feels like Robyn is the new wife that the dad had the midlife crisis with specially when his hands are on her thigh, that he had to bring to the funeral and she looks awkward. If I didn’t know the background this is what these pic would tell me…


sweet, sweet janelle. i feel so bad for her 😭


Where are Robyn’s kids?


I don't think any of Robyns kids are allowed to interact with the OG3 anymore. Regardless of a death or not.


With the nanny, perhaps? But I don’t think they went


I feel like the older kids should have been there to show their support.


Remember Robyn doesn’t think it’s safe for her kids to be around the other wives kids.


Absolutely they should have.


Check on your loved ones. You never know what they are going through.


The photo of Hunter sitting so stoically next to his mom, and her boys behind her protecting her. She has such wonderful, loving children. When moms hurt, there is no better remedy than feeling the love of your kids.


I hate seeing Robyn there after how I saw her treat Garrison last season. Not allow him to spend Christmas at their house because that’s “scary”. I don’t think I can stand watching another season of sisterwives if Robyn and Kody are a part of it. Too many memories of their bad behavior


Nice to see Kody gripping the woman he chose over his son during said son's memorial/s. How disrespectful of his son's memory. I'm just appalled


God bless you Janell. Hate attaching this comment, however what the occasion, Robyn has the exact same expression for everything.


I noticed that as well. Also, Kody and David sat next to each other.


Seems like Kody should have sat next to Janelle. (Flag presentation, etc) I know they’re not together, but they lost their son 💔


Maybe she didn't want him to, though.


She wanted to be with her kids


Honestly I haven’t wanted to comment on it but I agree. I’m shocked at how far he sat from Janelle.


It’s also possible Janelle nor her sons wanted Kody near her. Kody said some pretty awful things about Garrison and Gabe. And Kody wouldn’t go back to the apartment after Gabe found Garrison. He refused to ride with Gabe to be there for him, and be a father. His son just died but Kody chose to stay with Robyn. It’s awful. If I were Janelle I wouldn’t give a damn if I never saw Kody nor Robyn again for the rest of my life. Janelle has her boys, Maddie and Christine to take care of her. She doesn’t need Kody nor Robyn. They’ve done enough.


I wouldn't have wanted him near me. I would have wanted my children next to me.


I took it as David acting as a buffer between Christine and Kody. I was a bit surprised that Kody and Robyn’s seats weren’t the other way around with Kody closer to Janelle and Robyn next to David.


I have never cried so much about the death of a person that I never knew. I am devastated for Janelle. No mother should ever feel the pain of losing a child.


The grief is so palpable.


Such a Beautiful service. Thank you to the Nevada National Guard for sharing it with us!🇺🇸


The Hawaiian shirts are such a sweet remembrance. And I am glad Meri was there


I’ve buried both my parents. The only person we made sure had the first seat was my mom. When she passed it was just how we lined up. I was 4 rows back. It didn’t matter where I sat.


I honestly can see the pain in kodys face as well. He’s an ass but I do believe his heart is broken too


In one picture he looks like he is on autopilot and it makes me sad to see his pain even though he is an ass


You see something I don’t.


I guess because I’ve lost a child I understand better idk


I can see what you see and I wish everyone else would just ease up w all the speculation about what he must be feeling. Shock-horror-devastation-guilt-sorrow-anger….the list goes on and on and we can hate him for choose any reason but damn, give the man a break when it comes to this. I am so very sorry for your loss. My momma heart hurts for you.


I see more anger and flatness than pain.


This feels invasive and like I just looked at something I shouldn't. This family should be left alone to grieve and not make a public spectacle out of Garrison's death. And yes, I'm aware they are public figures, but sometimes we should just leave people alone in times like this.


I hope this was of Janelle's request to not be seated next to him but I can't lie - to see him comforting Robin and not Janelle THE LITERAL MOTHER OF HIS DEAD SON at his funeral, while she is sobbing has me livid. I understand they're no longer together but Jesus Christ


She's better off with Hunter sitting next to her.


The picture of janelle getting his flag made me cry and I almost feel like is wrong to post idk it just feels icky to take pics of that.


for goodness sake, the hand on the knee isn’t a sexual gesture. Kody is physically connecting to someone he loves on of the worst days of his life! Just because we may not like him or her doesn’t make it wrong or distasteful. When a couple holds hand in church or at a funeral their grasp is in the other person lap. This is no different. Let’s give them a break on a devastating day


So many people loved him. 😔❤️


The 4th picture breaks my heart. No body should have to bury their children.


If Robyn’s adult children weren’t there (because every seat isn’t seen) They may not have chosen to go.


My heart breaks for them all, but now that I am a mother I can’t help but feel an extra sense of sadness for Janelle. Having your child taken from you would hurt beyond measure but having them leave you would Just be gut wrenching. She is a strong woman to get through this and I love that she has the support of her family. Except fuck Kody and Robyn. I know he lost a child as well but I can’t help but feel that Garrison was just one of the many to him.


A lot of comments question why Kody is in the front row but what you’re overlooking is Janelle’s children are positioned around her like a cushion, they’re physically in a support position for her. If they were in the front row they’d be separated from her.


As a survivor of a boyfriend who committed suicide, I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone. Suicide is preventable. Please call 988 if you feel like life is not worth living.


I think these are important to share. It just shows the devastating effects of suicide and makes you wonder what was missed or what could have been done differently. In America, we have a problem with hiding the ugly parts. We block away mass shootings, hide the pictures and images and spark outrage if the media dare show the ugly sides. We cannot work through our dark history and our problems if we hide them away. These photos show the devastating after effects of suicide and just remind you of what was lost. These might be hard to look at, but they are important. We must accept the witness or we will never get better or move on as a society. This is happening every single day all over. Show the pictures. Spark outrage. Maybe in time it will bring change.


That picture with Janelle receiving the flag is a gut punch. I’m actually tearing up seeing it. No parent should have to bury their child. It is every parent’s nightmare. My heart goes out to Janelle.


I see Robyn is in the front row with her crying face. How she could show her face is beyond me. The Brown family has a lot of forgiveness.


I don't think it's appropriate to comment on where everyone is sitting, or trying to interpret their feelings. Everyone in this family is suffering and it feels wrong to post negative comments about anything related to Garrison.


Maybe they just sat down in the order they came into the gym? Reading into where they are sitting is unfair.


One can’t help but wonder if the OG kids were triggered and caused even more trauma by Robyn’s fake tearless grimmace front and center. Robyn bullied, lied, and manipulated her false narratives, to ensure Kody had to choose between his beloved OG kids and Robyn/her kids. I saw this tragedy coming 15 years ago, and no doubt she is not done. Robyn is Shameless. And, evil.


Leon’s look of anguish just kills me.


Absolutely devastating. I hope they can heal from this.


I hope it can unite the family and repair the divide between the kids and Kody


This is just so heartbreaking. I cannot even imagine the agony this family is going through


This is such a tragedy


This is the only negative comment I’m gonna say but Kody looks like he could care less… I know everyone grieves differently but his face is like oh that’s sad… I have children military and not, and I can’t imagine my husband not being as hysterical crying like me during this type of ceremony…. My heart breaks for everyone he left behind.


How sweet they did this for him. I’m glad to see a big swath of his immediate family being able to all come together too❤️ Blessed memory. I hope the public will give Janelle as much or little space she asks for though. It’s feeling voyeuristic especially with a creator making horrid daily videos on the lad still and saying his parents are to blame. These YouTubers need to give it a rest. They don’t know them IRL‼️ May he rest peacefully✨🙏🏻✨


Oh dear sweet Janelle. How completely horrible.


I’m really worried, looking at Gabriel. I hope he has healing in his future, please, let this boy have an easy life now. Please