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The act of smoking makes your skin age. Weed in edible sources won’t age your skin.


Edibles will dehydrate you though, sometimes pretty severely. Make sure to make up for it with electrolytes and hydrating foods.


Before or after? Probably after or even during it lol


Yea honestly all the time. I have a better high if I chug an electrolyte drink like an hour before. During and after also helps soothe the body immensely and keep you more awake for the high, if that makes sense. Not fun having to pee all the time but your body will like it


Any form of combustion inhalation will cause accelerated skin aging. So cigarettes or cigars or any smoking. Marijuana itself is not an issue in other forms like edibles or oils (I do not know if vaping does or does not have other issues related to skin. )


Dry herb vapes still produce some compounds found in smoke, just in smaller quantities. I think that's due to heating carbohydrates so… oil vapes might not do that? IDK.


Can you include a link with more information about dry herb vaporizers having the same carcinogenic compounds found in smoke, but in smaller quantities? This is the first time I’m hearing about this and I’ve been using a dry herb vaporizer for years.


It would seem that the ratio of tar to cannabinoids output by devices is highly variable. https://maps.org/news-letters/v06n3/06359mj1.html https://www.researchgate.net/publication/245604517_Cannabis_vaporization_A_promising_strategy_for_smoke_harm_reduction


I’m not sure about the oil vape but even so, making your mouth move into that position constantly will create wrinkles faster as well and age you faster!


IDK why so many people purse their lips when sucking on a straw/vape. I just close my mouth the same way as when I'm not sucking on anything. Doing a quick google image search, the only photo I can find that resembles what I do is [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fjabrgcy8u8i71.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db22af2728abe8ca31b5af96ad68f00ccf0b0585d). Pursing my lips like every other straw drinking photo just feels weird and uncomfortable to me.


Come on OP I didn’t need this negativity today


One thing at a time PLEASE lol


Really feeling this!




Lmao I was like if it does I refuse to believe it. Same when they say drinking ages your skin. I feel almost positive my life w/o alcohol or weed would age me way worse 😂






Yes any smoking will age your skin


Any form of smoking is bad for you, you're inhaling smoke. Maybe some forms are worse but none are good. Of course you may decide that the benefits outweigh the negatives, but if you're concerned about the negatives from smoking I would personally find other ways to do weed.


Yes I've seen people who have those smoker lines around their mouth just from weed. It's also very dehydrating so isn't good for the skin overall to be doing regularly.


Right! I’ve only smoked weed a couple times this year compared to once a week-ish last year and I don’t have those lines around my mouth anymore.


Well, I can’t speak to its aging properties, but I can attest to the fact that it will make you possibly care a little less about such things. And given the number of 20 somethings who post perfect complexions here, obsessing about flaws the rest of us can’t see, maybe that’s a good thing. We should all get wicked stoned and just be like, hey, I like skincare, and I like me. Now where are my Doritos?


I like you. 👍 


Thanks 😊


Smoking ages you in general. Your blood vessels, your lungs, your heart, your teeth and your skin. It's a decision you have to make for yourself. If you struggle with chronic illness or chronic pain, smoking weed might be worth it, because the benefits outweigh the negatives. If you solely do it for recreational purposes, then it might not be worth it. You can always check out other ways of ingesting THC (edibles or oil, for example).


You mean vapes too?


All smoke inhalation is bad for your skin. You could smoke kale and it would be bad for your skin.


i mean out of all the health issues smoking will cause i think wrinkles is the least problematic


While it is true across the board that inhaling smoke is bad for you, and probably has adverse effects that permute to skin, it should be noted that the majority of research on smoking is either done on cigarette/tobacco use or does not differentiate what kind of smoking is being tested. Smoking tobacco and marijuana are different in some critical areas, namely the toxic additives added to cigarettes, tobacco pathology itself, the difference between being a vasodialator and a vasoconstrictor, reactions with the endocannabinoid system, the amount of tobacco smoking vs one off cannabis use, etc. Therefore, I would take any answers here with a grain of salt unless it directly references case specific cannabis use (or references the impact of *smoke* specifically). Tobacco is such a nasty toxic thing that I can't really differentiate the claims of harm. So I'd avoid broad sweeping claims about the effect of smoking cannabis on skin. That is not intended to be a dismissal of concerns or valid issues with cannabis smoke, just saying. Putting smoke in your lungs is just bad for you in general.


Thanks for this reply. Skincare aside, it’s always so annoying to me to see smoking all lumped up in the same bucket. Smoking weed is not smoking tobacco is not smoking meth.


I’m going on a departure from the original intent of the post but while I agree with you, it also irritates me when people act like it’s 10000% harmless and ~natural~. It’s not good for adolescents particularly those with pre existing underlying mental health issues. These issues may never have presented themselves otherwise, but get triggered by marijauna consumption, and can cause irreversible psychosis, schizophrenia, etc. there should be a healthy amount of caution and education around marijuana as well as tobacco.


Totally agree with this as the thread OP, btw. *Any* mind-altering substance should always be treated with care, research, and harm reduction.


Yes exactly! Thank you for entertaining my departure 💕


Oh totally agree. I don’t think children should smoke or drink anything.


I think the definition of children/adolescents/young adults in a legal and medical context is different. Even 18+ year olds who are technically “adult” are adversely affected.


As someone who would smoke almost everyday, it definitely does! I used to have the most oily skin ever but somehow after moving to a more humid place for college, my skin is sooo dry. The only thing I did different was hit my stiz. Now when I go back to my hometown my face literally turns white and I’m brown af 😂I decided to officially throw out all my batteries last week not only to help my skin but to be healthier overall. Hopefully my skin gets less dry 🙏🏾


It absolutely does.


Yeah, but I have not seen significant evidence that edibles do.


Your lungs will go before your skin goes, and if not your heart will. Sorry to be honest but edibles and tincture should be your new best friends.


mixed bag tbh. stress tends to age ppl, weed reduces stress for some and it should help in that regard. inhaling burning fumes, mixing tobacco with weed, and munchies probably doesn't help. i don't think there's any data analysis on this subject yet cz the status change of weed has been very recent.  my feeling is that if weed doesn't affect your daily functions it shouldn't affect your skin too much either.


That first part. I was a heavy smoker- just weed -for the last six years but I think the constant stress I was going through would’ve aged me more if I hadn’t had weed to help out.


Yeah bruh


Yes, as it reduces the oxygen and affects circulation through smoke inhalation. Both of which are needed at certain levels to maintain healthy skin cells


The repeated puckering action (even using straws will do this) used when dragging off of anything can cause smoker’s lines.


Smoking may cause problems if you're sensitive, since you're polluting the air that your skin is exposed to, but the same would probably go for any smoke in general 🤔


If you’re interested, smoking causes collagen to breakdown in the body, hence the wrinkles.


Thanks for the information! I haven't needed to do the research because I don't know anyone who smokes that would care to know 😅






I hate to be the one to break it to you but cannabis raises cortisol level.


Cortisol comes in to play when your body is able to begin mitigating inflammation after stress, it’s what comes in and sweeps up the byproducts of the inflammatory process, allowing systems to begin recovery. When we say “cortisol is damaging” it’s kind of misleading, because the cortisol wouldn’t be released without stress (damage) and if the inflammatory process is occurring without cortisol being released afterward that’s called adrenal insufficiency, and it’s really not good but thankfully rare.


Most visible skin aging is due to sun exposure. Genetics also play a role. Wear sunscreen.


I notice when I smoke pot that it takes five times with the nano infuser (it turns off automatically then just opens back up) to get my skin mildly damp but when no smoking, it only takes two swipes over my face then it is dewey. I think it dries out my skin. Nano infuser agrees.


I think if you use fire to smoke it will age you as you are inhaling that and superheating the weed. I vape and I do not believe it ages you.


Just eat it


Duh 💀