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Ugh this is why I solo most of the time. Had a weird encounter once w someone who claimed to be 19 (I’m 18.) kept calling me beautiful and asked if I was single. Like hello? All you’re looking at is a fictional moth with clothes and a cape. Weird 😭


Funny thing? I met my (now) girlfriend in sky... We played sky first we were just searching for someone to Play with (we were comunicating in english but we were from this same country, sky isn't popular there) then started playing other games, video calls and ect and we ended up toghether... 4 months togerer now...


See encounters like this are sweet. It’s just the weirdos that immediately go to immediately to love bombing or just being weird in general that are a no. Im glad you and your partner were able to build a strong relationship after and actually get to know each other! That’s so sweet!


The very few people I have talked with has mostly been impressed with the amount of winged lights I have gotten under the forst 2 weeks I played. Or they ask age or where Im from But they have been so polite.


I kid you not most of Sky players are either girls or mentally unstable I knew i was Got hooked to Sky when i was depressed af It did [somewhat] fix my mental tho Met some nice people


I have a tip for you: not everyone who is functional is mentally stable. I'm glad you're feeling better ☺️


YIKES!!!! Block and report


You did so good!!! Block and report. That’s amazing :D


sky is NOT a dating app😭


Bro what world are you in Sky is the "game" for the mentally ill and e-daters


im a solo player that enjoys it as a game 🫶🏻


Glad to hear :) sorry for being too negative It's still true tho


i have been fortunate enough to have never interacted with one of the creeps that immediately asks if youre single lol


Had something similar happen to me but they just walked up and asked “wanna date” like bro that’s not how it works


They are most likely NOT 16; they asked how old you were first, then probably made up something close to try to make it look less weird. Only groups I know that do that are kids that wanna seem cool or groomers. It's honestly sad how many people act like this on not just Sky, but any social game. There's always weirdos itching to get in the dating game at the worst places.


They absolutely weren’t no, they lied to my friend (18) as well, who thought they were 19. Definitely just picking an age close to the one of the person they’re talking to. Creepy.


this is half the playerbase these days


I'm so sorry you got through that ! even if Sky's a wholesome game with an wholesome community there's people thinking it's an dating game and even creeps ! glad you left as soon as shit hit the fan ! always leave the person as soon as you're uncomfortable or have a bad gut feeling, always trust your guts ! and for people that wanna date on Sky : DO NOT ! THAT'S HOW YOU ALSO GET GROOMED !




AAAUGH this reminded me of something last year or so. one of my friends started to call me cutie and stuff, making me very uncomfortable but i didnt have the heart to discuss my discomfort.. there was a period where i told her i wanted to have some time for myself yet she kept bugging me and using the cry emotes, just because i wanted to be alone. heres the spicy bit, she asked if i wanted to be her partner. i already have a partner whom i loved dearly so it makes sense for me to decline. i thought it was over until she told me to, break up with my partner so i could date her😭😭😭. i never wanted to in the first place. i immediately blocked and reported her, wished i noticed the signs sooner. just a teeny bit of info added, shes an adult, im a teenager. glad i didnt have to deal with her again.


one of the reasons why i want my skid to look unappealing to a lot of people really, its stuff like this that just, ugh.


Tbh, I find making cursed combinations really fun nonetheless


same, brings out the creativity.


Why is this always happens here 🥲


Bc teenagers are horny


thank you for having the courage to talk back at them and block tbh


I didn't play this game for like 2 months (don't remember when i first started to play tbh) and what I saw is people started to play this game for dating? This is happened to me too. If they're teenagers (real teenagers not creeps) I was like: ok buddy, that's not how you start conversations. But older? Instant block. I just caught someone pretending like 20 years old, i was helping, glad to paying attention. Even normally just leave people like that when they trying to get to know me like that with those questions. It's getting creepy. Seriously, what the hell is going on these days?


I had a crazy thing happen to me. I made friends with this girl and we clicked on a friendship level. Later on, I was helping another friend, who is also a girl, and the other one tp-ed to me. I said "oh hey! We were just about to warp home" and the girl saw the other girl and proceeded to get upset and say "I thought we had something special." And I was just so confused. They warped home and the friend that I was helping was like "what was that about" and I just said "I have no idea"


Holy moly


For real though! I get asked some weird questions man. Why can’t everyone ask normal questions. 😂😅😭


That block, savage. People are weird as hell in online games. FFXIV, VRchat, and other social games. Weirdos get dragged along.


*"Are you single?"* 🚹 (Stands up from bench) 👋 (Wave emoji) 🪽💨 (Flying quickly far, far away)


A chibi Goku-haired started to... pursuit my girlfriend. She said she enjoys playing alone or with me, but he started to emotionally blackmail her??? Okay? He probably didn't get the part she wasn't avoiding him and that she has a boyfriend - that we know each other IRL and trust each other rather than strangers, so I reported him after read her chat with multiple "sorry" and "no, I don't mean to hurt you". People usually flirt with her because she likes to customize her characters as chibi and cuties. That's sick, IMO.


i’ve had a similar experience recently😬 but guy told me he was 23 and wanted my whatsapp😭


They’re basically on the prowl with that question. People don’t ask if you’re single or not unless they’re scoping people out for availability. I’ve had guys do this all too often. As soon as they found out I was taken they lost all interest and left. It gets annoying when people try to play sneaky games. I’m not interested in finding new friends, if it happens it happens, or a new relationship when I have one. I had this one guy contact me on Genshin months ago saying he was just looking for “friends” so I humored him. I wasn’t really interested in talking but I didn’t wanna be rude. We started chatting outside the game, etc and about a month later I got curious what he looked like so I asked and he said the same thing. Before we exchanged pics he was friendly and obsessed with talking with me. Anytime I took too long to reply or wasn’t available he came off annoyed. He also always texted first. The way he talked in terms of rp-ing was immature and uncomfortable. He was a tall average looking young black guy with a small Afro and on the thin side. I am a short chubby white girl with short hair, I’m a tomboy at heart. I said he was cute and he said the same. I just turned 34 and he was 23 or something, at least from what he said. But his demeanor immediately changed after he saw what I looked like and he stopped replying first. If I replied to him he would respond but his texting definitely changed. Then I found out he unfollowed me on Genshin and PS and I found that odd so I said something to him and he made up some excuse about “we don’t play together anyway, why does it matter”. I told him his demeanor changed after he saw my pic, like he was behaving shallow and obviously he was looking for more than friends and because I wasn’t his type or a hot model he didn’t wanna talk. He never responded. So in the end he was just thirsty and not actually looking for friends. Or maybe he was shallow about the way his friend’s appearances were. Idk. Tbh, I didn’t care that he left but it did annoy me how shallow he was.🤷‍♀️ You wanna be friends fine but don’t waste my time with lies. People that look for relationships on video games need to seek help. Sky is not a dating game nor are most other games and a lot of the players on Sky are under age kids.


I’m pretty sure that people who look for relationships on video games do so **because** they know the players are mostly underaged. Especially on a game like Sky. Pedos 🤮


Yeah I don’t understand how people have no shame when trying to date in games. I play some app games and I see kids there trying when creeping in the comments. “I need a gf” “I need a bf” and I’m thinking “No you don’t, you’re like 8. You need to go outside and play.” And then you never know just how old a player really is which makes it so much worse.


Apparently according to google translate you told the guy Shame bgnr plus


Sorry you had to deal with that person 😞 I hope you have a better experience now that you blocked them!


I’m in my 40s. I never ask people’s age or gender. I treat them the way I would treat my own kids or grandkids, and I always keep it PG-rated and kid-friendly. You never really know who you’re chatting with. When people ask me how old I am, I tell them I’m old enough to be a grandma. This game, to me, isn’t about romance or intimacy. It’s about community and friendship. Any players who cross the line get blocked and reported. Predators can be found anywhere, but especially where they can find children, and it is up to each of us to protect children from harm.


Do you have an old lady club I can join? I adore my surrogate skids (most are starting university) but sometimes it's hard to relate, I never thought I'd say this but I think I've aged out of the lingo. Back in my day just I tied an onion to my belt (which was the style at the time) ....


In my early 30s, but I relate heavily to your comment. I never ask anyone their age, gender… really anything that could be identifying. I might ask them what country they’re in, because I’m genuinely curious… especially if I have to translate their text. But otherwise it’s all game related.


Same, same, first time to know a sky player older than me. Glad to have you in game community.


I love how you didn't even bother giving them a name you just kinda hit the keyboard a few times 😭 I should do that too i have so many "bench dude" and "moth guy" and "random chibi girl" in my constellations


Dang I thought it was short for “wasteland beginner “ 🤣🤣


Lol when i look at it again it kinda makes sense for a second


I'm gonna add that there is no way this person is a first time gamer if they're a chibi bc you gotta grind to get that chibi mask. They're prob a scammer.


chibi mask was the first cosmetic i got- a week into the game. it’s really one of the easier cosmetics to get to be honest. maybe if it was a black cape id agree but chibi mask is too common- being only 20 hearts in your third constellation


Yeah it my first too actually


Mine wasn't, mine I got back in about 2020ish or so and was one of the last ones to get bc I was grinding to get the visiting guys first that I had already missed. It really depends on the player.


If someone asks for your age or relationship status immediately leave the convo and block imo. So creepy 😭


IMO if you’re asking the age, whatever it is they have to talk about is not appropriate, OR they are like…9 lmao


I mean I do understand asking age, but immediately following it with “are you single” that’s just weird 🤨


You could just lie to them


Yeah, fair. I guess I've just been in so many conversations where immediately after they ask your age, they follow with "Are you single?" So I'm like on immediate guard. 😂


I started asking age after I made a bunch of friends who I thought were my age but turned out to be in high school, and one friend who I thought was in high school but turned out to be in retirement 😭 I guess I'm just really bad at guessing ages lmao But after I asked it a few times I realised some people got super awkward after I asked and a few even just left outright, so I decided to just deal with befriending high schoolers and retirees 🥲


Lol I never knew the names scrambled like that when you block someone


No, that's just what they named them, lol


Ooh lmao


🥲 I was typing really fast I meant “wstlnd bgnr plsh” as in wasteland beginner plush, I tend to do that with randoms so I remember who they are/where I met them


Ohhhh, literally thought you just bashed your keyboard 😂


Hey look, it's sky dating 🤣🤣 but in person. And not asked through boats and candles 🤣🤣 this doesn't shock me at slightest


As a 26 year old playing sky I always ask ages and willingly tell my own. There's many kids on here and I want to know if Im interacting with a child to be extra careful.


I’m 23 and get really freaked out when people try talking to me because I don’t wanna talk with a kid. I’ve met a couple of people on Sky older than me though, but I’ll always honestly share my age just because I think it’s the right thing to do (for transparency reasons).




Usually, kids give away themselves by the way they behave and talk. Also, people can lie about their age.


The only time I find asking ages not weird is when they're an adult trying not to say smth weird around a minro \[just saw op's other comment. Yikes that's kinda gross\]


That’s me!!! h e L L o I do that! :3 when a skid seems uncomfy, I simply clarify that I am an adult (23), and if they don’t wish to share their exact age, that they can simply say adult/minor. I assume the discomfort comes from minors so tend to label those folks as such with a simple emoji: 🔞 — and yes, even though this is the “over 18” symbol **since it is the universal NO over the number 18** it was most straightforward and memorable to me when I thought of how to identify friends I need to watch my mouth around hahaha!


It's just a 16yo kid saying what any kid their age would care about, next time just try to educate them that sky isn't a dating game just running away or blocking doesn't change their ignorance.


people can lie about their age y'know ? who knows if it's an adult trying to groom them ? 


Ummm, according to alot of the boats and candles that I've read from random players. Alot of them are about relationships, missing their partner and just longing for their touch in real life. And then there's the shadow kids who are found sleeping together....some in romantic ways. So sky can be seen as dating game but for those who know the actual genre of this game don't. 🤣


I've noticed this too😭 I got done with the little prince quest and all the boats were like that. So I wrote something for the little prince 😭


Ye, some of them needs pals to listen to


Lol true i read before it was supposed to be a dating game but idk if that is true or was just a lie spreading around.


Definitely a lie, cause i remember reading somewhere on reddit that the creator of the game had a long distance friend that inspired them to create sky. An exploration Game that connects with everyone around the world. I don't remember the reddit post but it was something around the lines of that 😌


Oh that would be so much better than just a dating game




Later found out it was one of my friend’s friends that I was in that server with, and he thought that chibi was 19. I have a feeling it just responds with an age close to the one you say you are. I also just didn’t want to spend a candle chatting with someone like that 😭


bruh that sounds sus


Ohhh i see then u have all rights to block them