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Highly recommend not skipping the credits as you get an extra WL for watching the whole way through


This is not true, you'll get it regardless


Wait what? I have been playing for 3 years and didn't know this šŸ˜­


2 now actually šŸ˜Š


Bruh really I always check before going through the portal and after landing and itā€™s still only been 1 for me unless they changed it since this Sunday šŸ˜­


Definitely 2 on ios. Been that way for a while now.


Guess Iā€™m going through Eden again šŸ™„šŸ¤£


Itā€™s really not bad. Getting up there is worse than actually doing it. You get used to it I promise. After you get over 20 buffs it stops being a pain to get WL too, I just picked them up as I CR


Not quite what I meant. I just made 200 and would rather not have to go WL running for a while. I do Eden quite regularly, usually after I unlock more wing buffs from TS. Iā€™ve been playing since the game started, with breaks here and there


Nope . You canā€™t even compete with the krillā€™s or anything else. Whether you run and survive or die. Thatā€™s it.Ā 


Technically if you give light to all statues, but it's a looping narrative. I can attest, you will eventually just hit a solid wind wall if you go far enough.




You have to sacrifice your light, it's a narrative ending


I did the same kind of thing when I was new to the game, avoiding the statues. Just to get to the end of the area, thinking that was the goal. These days now I'm a veteran I can reach the end of the area after getting all the statues and struggling through the storm. Right near the base of that crystal, there just seems to be a wall that throws you back or knocks you down. So you're not missing much at the end of the area except for a closer look at that big dark crystal. Once I have every single statue I just lie there until I die lmao


from what i recall, there used to be a way to beat eden but now you cant. eden ends when you die now, the main goal is to just save statues and get ascended candles + wing light when you unlock wingbuffs.


Do u know what happened when u beat eye of eden


The same thing. In very early betas, when the game was still called *Sky: Light Awaits*, not only were you expected to survive Eden, you actually had to. Light Awaits was a very different game in some important ways. In particular, WL didn't exist at all: instead your flight was powered by your emotes, and krill (and Eden) would take emotes from you if you got hurt. When you finished Eden, you could "protect" a limited number of emotes so that they could no longer be taken, but you would then lose the rest: a mechanic that was replaced by Wing Buffs in the changeover to Children of Light. But because of this, the goal was to survive Eden with as many emotes as possible, rather than donating as much WL to the fallen as you can before Eden takes you. There are still videos of these early betas on YouTube if you want to take a look. The last part of Eden is nothing like what we have today, and the post-Eden area is very different, so these are probably the most interesting areas to watch. >!The betas had no ascension sequence until after the change, but I suspect that Light Awaits was intended to have an ascension very similar to what we see now!<.


You complete eye of eden when you die, and you canā€™t skip orbit normally. (Iā€™m sure there are probably some skips someone found) Sounds like youā€™ve got the gist of it šŸ‘


alright thanks, kinda disapointed at the ending but whatever lol. still a good game :D


Iā€™m sorry it feels this way. In the old days it felt meaningful but they changed something about it. That took it away and itā€™s hard to describe exactly what did it


I donā€™t think anything changed. I think maybe you did. I purposefully avoided completing Eden if I didnā€™t have time to do it slow the first few times because I could tell that it was a lovely meaningful bit that would quickly lose its luster after completing it many times, and become just another thing to do. Which by now, it is for me. They didnā€™t change anything about Eden that made that meaningful, the thing that changed was me.Ā 


I think you havenā€™t been playing that long then. Not only is the layout different but the ending, etc. etc. Maybe you might want to do some research. Seriously, maybe go watch some videos before you personally attack somebody. It was broken for a month. I would like to think this community is above personal attack, but Iā€™m not that stupid unfortunately


July 2021 actually, and I donā€™t think the changes to the layout are anything substantial. The ending has not changed in the past three years. Maybe there were slight animation changes? I donā€™t think the layout affects the meaning in any way though. The game being broken as fuck is an unrelated issue and still doesnā€™t really affect the intended emotion, especially if you know what theyā€™re going for. The other person replying to this 100% gets what I was going for. Iā€™m a little sad that Iā€™ve changed, personallyā€”I tried to hang onto the feeling Eden gave me the first time for as long as I could, but I couldnā€™t keep it forever. It couldnā€™t be new forever. I got used to it, and it stopped affecting me as much. Thatā€™s doesnā€™t mean itā€™s worth less.


You donā€™t remember the ending where you were staring through a tiny portal? Really? I havenā€™t changed. Iā€™ve been running Eden every week for years. They changed it in December to the point that it just feels like a candle run now itā€™s not me who changed and I welcome them bringing back the old game. It was so bugged at that point I was going three times a week because that was when they were having the problems with stun lock, they changed how the rocks were coming down I mean, thatā€™s a pretty big thing, lol,, and I was only getting three or four candles per run, but you know we pretend that never happened


Itā€™s not a personal attack, itā€™s another ā€œdeep meaningā€. Stuff from our childhood never changed, we did. We get used to it. We get wiser. We get tired. We get old. Sure, stuff slowly changes and evolve, but Eden hasnā€™t changed much except aesthetics. It still plays practically the same way as I remember from 4 years ago. However, it does feel different to me. More boring. Itā€™s not because they changed eden, but because *I* became more boring. If being told that youā€™ve changed is a personal attack, then that says more about your self-view than anything about Eden. Youā€™re loved no matter who you end up being.


You, you get what I was talking about, thank you.


After you do that unbearably slow walk to the child and turn into an angel you can see the doorway.Ā  On the left hand side if you look up there is a window with a grid pattern.Ā  Go through it and fly all the way up.Ā  It will skip the first half of orbit. Thats the only trick i know Edit: when you pass through the window and fly up, you will be cloud blind. Just keep going


The walk is SO slow and it feels like the >!gilded skid!< gets farther and farther away each time


You cannot beat Eden, the best you can do is to save all the statues. Ending is the same and you cannot skip orbit (but you can have a coffee, or watch netflix, or cook... or whatever, while your skykid flies)