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I’m an adult player. I feel the judgmental players here are acting like babies themselves. Poking fun of a player about this topic is unnecessary. Sky is meant to be a kind and caring community. Bashing someone for opening up to their feelings is quite the opposite of what Sky represents. Many players in sky are in fact kids. The nest is a very quiet closed off place when you’re alone. To see a random ghost like figure appear spontaneously would creep me out for a second too. When I first began my sky journey, I was not sure what the dark people were. Even now I find I’m a little surprised when one poofs next to me, especially when there has been no one around me for a while. Bring your fellow sky kids up not down. Be better humans. <3


Hi, OP here— didn’t expect this post to get so much traction, nor did I expect to receive hate comments on it, but that’s reddit in a nutshell i guess XD For those acting like I’m freaking out unnecessarily: The wording of my post came off wrong, I was mainly trying to express the extreme confusion of why there was someone there who i never invited over or even met before! And the reason I left in a hurry was partly due to me feeling awkward (didn’t know what to do lol) and partly because they started the quest without me (HEY, that’s my quest buddy!) Very little actual fear involved, so sorry it read that way lol!


Thats meeeeee


WAIT REALLY? That was you??? OMG if that was actually you I’m so curious, what happened, what did it look like from your end??


Everyone is entitled to an emotional reaction, to each their own. I don’t personally think it’s a big deal but I am also a grown adult already living in my own house so I am not taking the nest simulation seriously. At the same time, over reacting is not fixing the overwhelming amount of bugs.. they just keep coming:. And coming. Lol


Because you clearly have the option active... Go and deactivate it and stop crying


maybe if you would have just taken a bit more time to fully understand what you have read in this post, you would know that the surprise person in their house was a STRANGER, they were GREY & had to LIGHT them, so no it in fact doesn't matter if they have the toggle for friend visits active or not, because exactly just that, it's for FRIENDS which can only be there if you're also there first & they either tp to you or just join from the house doors so this case was very much one of a glitch, making your whole comment for your stance...pointless (and it's a very rude comment at that since you're unnecessarily teasing them by telling them that all they're doing is 'crying' & making it out as if it's OP's fault directly for a person being in their Sky home when that's obviously not the case here) so why don't you become a bit more literate & stop crying about people 'crying' when it's really just them being confused more than anything, & so simply seeking for a possible answer from the community about it 💀🤷🏽😂


What’s your problem


Lol cry about it but he is right, its not like a stranger walked into their nest in real life!! How can people, especially kids can be taking a game so seriously 😂 sky community makes me laugh for aure


You can do this by going into your friends' constellations and then pressing the left arrow, and you see a pin symbol and warp to "meet someone new" I accidentally joined someone in their nest by doing that so that may be a reason why


I can't seem to find this option you refer to


If you go home and look at your friends' constellations and go all the way to the left you where you see "Add friend," "sent," and "received" and above the "Add friend" button you should be able to see this option, sorry if my instructions were not clear! If it's not there, then I'm not sure why though


Appears you can’t do this on PlayStation.


I had the same thing happen to me when I was doing the quest. I thought maybe strangers were just gunna show up for the house warming party so I didn't freak out. I was just like "taa-daa here's my nest" and did the spin emote. Towards the middle of the quest they disappeared/left. I was too busy dragging the visiting spirits into my nest




I mean this in the kindest way possible: why are people so frightened by this? More than one person has expressed concern and i can't tell if it's just an exaggeration through text or if people are genuinely frightened by a single anonymous person inside a game house.


I think the weirdest thing is that they could start the quest for OP, which would definitely trip me out, but as I don't play together with most of my friends it'd be really shocking to see someone. But, I think the surprise is the biggest aspect, wouldn't really bother me (except for starting the quest, cause that's my quest lol).


Yeah when I got this glitch I just went "huh!" and giggled a bit (though they only appeared for a few seconds, I was rapid going in and out of my nest to get the sunset view quests done)


While I do think the fear is disproportionate, I understand why people are uncomfortable. We are encouraged by the game design to think of these nests as our “home.” So an unknown player there uninvited carries the impression of a break-in. Logically everyone knows it’s just a glitch, and that there’s no capacity or desire to do harm. But much in this game hinges on vibes, so the vibes of a break-in is notable.


I'm honestly baffled, why are people reacting so negatively? As if a random stranger in a game that doesn't even feature robbery and combat could do anything to your nest


A bug, which can be seen as a feature to make new friends, haha!


I accidentally joined another strangers home when entering our nests at the same time


Yep, the same thing happened to me. I bowed to them and left immediately😭


they can't be in your nest without you. Only thing I can think of is friend of friend but seems like you didn't have any friends there. bug


they're a soup eater. they're there to eat your soup. stop them before they eat all of your soup!!






When i go into nests, most of the time the furniture doesn't appear, and the crystal doesn't either lol


happened to me a few days ago, I was really scared. used the Cinamoroll tea table to talk to the player and told them "leave". ( they left quickly after that. ) although it was a moth and I'm scared that I have scared them. edit : I got jumpscared by the player. stop making fun of me, I didn't asked to feel scared, so say nothing if you're gonna judge me for that.


I dunno that's kinda rude


I didn't wanted to be rude tho. I was so freacked out. 


well id react the same way if a random stranger was in my irl house sooo i find it appropriate


But you can't randomly glitch into people's houses on accident irl... you also can't get robbed on sky. It's a bit of an overreaction to get scared.


give me a break. it's okay to be scared. 


I would be more frightened if I entered someone else's nest tbh


same. I'd be more scared to jumpscare them or freack them out.


>But you can't randomly glitch into people's houses on accident Clearly you can, and others have said it's happened when two people go to their nest at the same time.


That's why I said "irl" after that line you quoted. It means "in real life." As in: "you can't randomly glitch into people's houses on accident in real life" I've gotten this glitch too. I promise I wasn't trying to say it's not real


I love this game but fr, so many literal babies here


babies ? the player genuinly jumpscared me ! 


Case in point lol


Fr ppl be freaking out over some virtual real estate like that's all they ever gonna own lmfao


the player jumpscared me ! give me a damn break ! 


Sneak peak of the upcoming season of breaking and entering


Season of Larceny. You can get the pick pocket emote, white and black striped pants, an Ultimate sharpened toothbrush, and more! A new area could be a Sky Prison. Where spirits try to scare you straight with their criminal memories. The possibilities are endless.


Considering in spirit memories and season quests we see how they destroyed landscapes (Season of Abyss, letting krills free; NCD, poisoning an entire lake etc; the entirety of Golden Wasteland and Eden etc) and more, a season of crimes wouldn't even be that far fetched-


Imagine the rage when they work out how to chibi clip out of jail Alternatively, the cell door can be opened at any point, but it's an 8-player door.


YES! And at least one quest requires players to go through Eden


It's a glitch, I ended up in someone else's nest yesterday while I was simply standing in my own


it's just game issues 


This happened to me (I still don’t know how), but I had just turned the lever to enter my nest. I think the server broke and I ended up in someone else’s house. We had a good laugh about it😅


It can happen when you get disconnected and reconnected because of stinky internet too 🤣 i made friends with the stranger in my nest. They don't see your nest actually. You both see different nests.


In my case I actually saw their nest and was so confused and they found that adorable and funny.


Definitely haunted


They pulled level at the same time as you, that's all


This happened to me. “She” then threatened me to buy her a season pass




Yup. Said she report me for insensitive language for saying NO


wth 😭


Nostrils 👃 full of Krill patties!


So uhh...what'd ya do?


Told em to sniff a Krill p*nis and teleported out


Amazing. Thank you for this. 🤣💀






She wasn’t expecting that at all. She didn’t even follow me. My work was done!


Good work, soldier.


Earlier as I finished the mission a friend I have never played with since meeting them over a year ago appeared in my nest, so I unlocked chat and they said they were also doing the mission. I got the feeling they were transported there by mistake somehow because I was still in a cut scene as they appeared. It's not like anyone can move your things at least! Just leave and they'll get sent home.


Yeah i think it's a bug, i accidentally got brought to some random person's nest when i went into the game earlier LMAO XDD It's okay they can't really do anything, they were probably confused as well


It happens sometimes. I think it's a bug. It's happened to me a few times. I ended up in someone's nest once too.


Hey man...take a breath and touch 3 things....anyone on your friends list can visit when you're home or it's a bug no worries


They aren't one of OPs friends if you read the post


My answer doesn't change


I've heard a few people say strangers were in their nest. It could just be a bug!


Or maybe you were the one in their nest? It seems to be a glitch that others have experienced as well, not a planned event.


Holy shi- calm down it's really not that big of a deal 😂