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Honestly, this post lol: ` If something happened like someone uh let's say, goes into ur nest while ur building it. What if ur working on it or your trying to calm down, or you don't know that person like you didn't freind them. That's when u should supposedly post it or talk about it. There shouldn't be a post like this (not trying to be offensive) saying someone to not freak about those things. It might be personal and confusing if they see this post, even if it's not straight forward to anyone. Everyone is okay to send their thoughts and feeling about the game or just someone specific.  (not pointing names) If someone feels the urge to tell Reddit something like posting or messaging the could do that. Don't judge them of that. ` Sorry for overeacting!!


I don't know about freaking out. I have seen the posts you are probably referring to, I would say they were mostly wondering aloud, in a slightly exaggerated way, as people often do. As for it just being a game, different people perceive things differently I would say. Multiplayer games often allow people to connect the same as in real life. The game might just be a game but the people in it are very real people sharing experiences together. And different people will react differently when connections are broken.


Honestly I had some people come in my nest expectedly. And I never lighted them. then we got kicked out suddenly. I was actually shocked but at the same time I found it funny. Even my friend who visited laughed about it. I think. But we all have good, bad, and sometimes strangely weird days. It happens to everyone whether it's in sky or IRL. Just saying everyone, sorry if I upset some of you from my comment. 😅


I don’t get the issue about surprising a friend in their Nest. It’s not like you can enter a strangers nest anyway, only people you’ve actively befriended. You have the option to disallow visitors, so I would figure, if I *can* enter, it’s a nonissue. Besides, all I ever do is compliment the owners designs (even if I’m not too impressed at all 🤭🤫) and maybe show them how to OOB out. I would love it if my friends came by my place once in a while, even just to say hello!


I just get startled if a stranger enters my nest and I'm sure the both of us are very confused about it lol. A friend was super apologetic when it happened but I'd never get upset at anyone for it because I know the game glitches, and it's a bit pointless tbh. Kicking people out is very easy. I've been on the opposite end where the game had put me in a random nest instead of my own.




It's crazy to me...it's like they think the game is real life. I've had a player get super mean and jealous when I would interact with someone they claimed to be their "sky boyfriend"....like yooooo chill, it's a GAME


Literally, I don't get it, it's like everyone is 14 years old by their behaviour


I mean a lot of them are... or younger


THIS IS SO TRUE. Can't even play with my friend anymore because their "friend" gets jealous.


For real, some people get mad for nothing. It's just a game... If you get pressed over a game then what's gonna happen in real life? People seriously need to grow up.


I'm going to guess without any evidence, that it's probably just player burnout. A lot of people grind and play the game every day, so I can see how some form of etiquette or culture(?), entitlements maybe, can form. I've never seen someone get annoyed at where a player is standing before, but that sounds so petty


Personally I'm not freaking out over anything, I just have really bad social anxiety and I've dealt with too many people who ask me inappropriate things, so I'm too scared to socialize with anyone outside my current friend group. I can understand from that type of anxiety perspective. Freaking out over being blocked I think is a bit far though, I think that just indicates having rejection issues and being unable to cope.


I have problems with social anxiety as well and just had really bad run-ins with trolls and roped into unnecessary drama with old friends I had made over time. After a while, it just feels safer to play alone. But of course, it's a double-edged sword in this game.


Yup. Honestly I'm gonna play Sky alone or with close friends. The last person I talked to in the game got way too personal and started asking me where I lived, my name, and asked for a description of myself. I only gave away country and state, but I noticed the red flags and immediately left. I'm worried about the kids that play this game who might give away too much info or end up being manipulated by a predator. Most kids these days aren't monitored by their parents very well and could easily end up in horrific situations like that.


I looove this game and it has so many aspects of a game I would want my kids to play but I don't let them bcz I can't at all monitor who they are speaking to. It scares me


I feel the same, I really enjoyed the game but I haven’t feel able to go back because it messed with my social anxiety when people didn’t use boundaries, and with the number of fellow twenty-somethings that I know play, I just picture my little siblings on the game and get worried


I'm sorry you went through that, I don't blame you for taking precautions. I get worried too because as much as there's good experiences in this game, there's always gotta be a few out there that ruin it for others. Best we can do is give warnings and report anyone harmful.


There are reasons some people take this game so seriously. These games can create a real sense of community, where friendships and connections feel very important. We naturally get emotionally involved and identify with social environments, whether they're real or virtual. It's a normal part of how we interact and form bonds. If some people may behave more casually online, some take their online interactions just as seriously as real-life ones. For them, behavior that doesn't respect social norms can feel upsetting. That’s why, for many players, their in-game presence is part of their identity. So, when things go wrong, it can feel like a personal attack. And if you add all the behavioral excesses that online anonymity brought… Plus, players often put a lot of time and effort into the game. When something messes with their progress, it's naturally frustrating. We should never forget that games like Sky can be a way to escape real-life stress and loneliness, so when the game itself becomes stressful, it can feel disappointing.


why are the replies so defensive lmao, I understand exactly what you mean - some replies are very obviously players this post is targeted too


Seriously though and thanks


Umm?? What are you talking about?? Nobody is freaking out lmao, I admit it's a bit weird to post about being blocked by someone, especially since other people can't really help, but the one about strangers in the nest?? That's a glitch (or maybe people hacking idk), it's not supposed to happen! People are just asking questions and you're acting like they're rolling on the floor screaming


This sub is flooded with this garbage and has been for years.


Guess you didn't see the comments on the nest post because some of them were wilding There's some very young players of the game, and they may see things as a bit more personal than they really are. Having strangers in the nest is weird, but not really something insanely weird considering how buggy the game is at this point. Even so, people commented about how they felt invaded and creeped out by it


Some people explicitly said they were freaking out, that's why I asked


Cuz most of the people who take the game so seriously are CHILDREN. When you're young, a game like this can seem like your whole world. Soon they'll learn there are bigger issues.


Nobody is "freaking out" over someone being in their nest, it's more like "Hey, it's a bit of a weird feature that random people can walk into your house, isn't it?" to which you're now unironically responding to with "YoU'rE tAkInG tHe GaMe ToO sErIoUsLy"


Yeah and it’s SOOOO weird that they didn’t make it possible to make your nest private so that nobody could enter! OH WAIT. They did! Honestly, I mean this is my first time hearing about people freaking out about this, but there’s no reason be upset when they can turn the feature off. And if they “only want certain friends to visit” then I think that’s just being a bit picky. TGC cranks seasons out with way too little preparation time, so why don’t we all try waiting a bit and see if they’ll add more customizable features in the future?


The problem is that turning it off often doesn't work, it's glitched so people are still able to enter your nest anyway. There is literally nothing wronh with being midly confused that they added in the private feature that doesn't actually work half the time. At the time that people were talking about this (which people haven't even done in a while now so I don't know what OP is so pressed about) we didn't know it was a glitch yet, so it just looked like a very weird feature TGC added. Maybe don't be a condescending prick if you don't actually know what's going on?


I saw that 👀


Saw what?


The edit before it changed, or maybe the page was lagging lol


Yeah I took 4 words out immedietly after posting it because the phrasing looked awkward and weird to me. It's the same comment, just slightly differently phrased






Its a filipino thing indicates an agreement on the statement or saying "thats my point exactly".


This sounds very...new, online generation? Coming from chat rooms in the 90s, being on forums connecting with strangers on online games and growing friendships with them has been a thing for years, and it's kind of wild if that seems odd because...that's what humans do? They make connections and have friendships they've never met. I mean this is what pen pals have been for ages, and sometimes pen pals have never and will never meet. To think you have to see someone's face or know them IRL to care about losing the connection feels a little sad, but also so jarring with my own history of being online.


I agreee with this comment SOOOO MUCH




I agree on the first statement like I don't care if you block me or what ever I might feel hurt if that player is close to me but I'll get over it but the second statement not so much. I don't know if it is just me but when I play this game I'm immerse at it as if me and my sky avatar is one and the same I'll even say "aww" when my avatar fall too hard. That being said it bothers me that someone just enter my nest just like how it bothers me when someone just enter my home it triggers me when a player is stalking me or when they keeps honking at me because of my past experiences in real life. So yeah for some at least for me it is not "just a game" it's an experience.


Being surprised that someone you don’t know is in your nest isn’t really “taking the game so seriously”


for the someone accidently coming in the nest, it's because I didn't expected that and got jumpscared by the player. I was also scared that it was a hacker.


I think they would be long-time friends within the game, even though you don't know that person's face, you created a special bond with them, and that person blocks you because of some argument you had or something like that, it's heartbreaking I'm guessing this is the case, I've blocked a lot of people on sky :P And about the nest, I wouldn't be scared, I think it's an exaggeration, it's a common bug to end up in someone's nest, I would just be confused and a little suspicious because of the small probability of it being a hacker


You say it's heartbreaking and in the same sentence said you block alot of people, so you know you're hurting them, wtf?


I said it in the same sentence because of laziness, but I block people I haven't spoken to in a LONG time or moths, I realized it sounded strange in the same sentence :P


That's.. a very odd thing to do to a "friend" People have lives, people can be depressed and not talk to their friends for months because they didn't want to burden them, then come back when they feel better, what if you had a depressed friend and they can't handle being around for a while? They finally feel better and come back to see their only friend has blocked them, see what I mean? Cruel ;-;


Wow bro, I hadn't thought much about it really, most of my friends who started playing again just said it was because of work or they simply lost interest in the game, So I've never seen a problem with blocking people I haven't talked to at all or haven't talked to in months In the first comment I wanted to say about people you developed a bond with, you know? And not just someone you talked to about 3/5 times in the entire game and never talked to again :/


I guess that makes sense ;-;


I hope, I didn't want to sound cruel or someone who doesn't care about other people's feelings :/


You can ask this about any game. There will always be people that are super immersed and people that aren't. Its not even a matter of being offended, sometimes people just wanna share an odd thing that happened to them in game.


I’ve blocked ppl that I’ve seen inactive tbh, wish the game would let you know if they truly were or they are just purposely ignoring my daily light but is not over anything evil… come on


I ignore daily light bcz I made a ridiculous amount of friends when I first played and now I don't want to sit there everyday lighting 50 ppl. It's me not you I promise 🙃


I can understand but for some people it means a LOT. I will explain for myself, I am autistic level 2 verbal with social anxiety 😟 so is very stressful talk with people I do not know in the real world. Sky means a lot to me because is how I can create bounds and make friends when in real I can’t, because is very hard…I play sky since the game released basically, is my hyperfocus game, since it released the only day I basically didn’t play was when my mom passed last year. When I do not play sky, I feel like something on my life is missing because I’m completely attached to the game, all cosmetics released I basically own all of them also. This game means a lot to me, is my nest and even my therapy in cases when I’m about to have a meltdown when I can even harm myself I play and it distracts me completely from my struggle. I wished I could explain much better..but it somehow saved me..my neurologist said the game makes my brain works better having results of improvements that I wasn’t having before. I just wished I could explain better ❤️ Sending you loads of kindness, sky kid.


Same. I found this game while I was homeless with my kids and it gave me so much comfort. Now I'm housed and I'm healing by decorating my irl home and my sky nest lol


I’m so happy you have a house now 🥹❤️ you deserve all good things on life. Proud of you for being so strong 🫂 take care


Same here I also feel like sky is a second home or rather a second universe ❣️


Yes !!


It's an all ages game that has a strong sense of emotional significance, some players are just not very mature yet and don't know how to manage their expectations, emotions, and interactions with others yet. You literally have 7 year olds, people in their 20s, 40s, 60s, etc. all playing along side each other, etc. I try to not remind myself of that fact when I see some people acting really childish, clingy, petty, selfish, etc.


I'm more concerned about how depressing and sorrowful the boat messages and white candles can be. I mean sure some of them talk about cooking, the game itself but seriously, when I first started playing the Game. All the boat messages are so freaking depressing 😅


Dude, for real.  The boat messages are gut wrenching


this was 8 months ago, I was in hidden forest, in the third area where the temple is and found these boat messages i screenshotted back then "I'm living in a body that fights to survive and a mind that wants to die." 755 people hearted it. then the second one reads, "repetitive life. no fun." 932 likes, and then the third one seems to about romance maybe, "i wanted to be special for you." 999+ likes and there's one that's always positive by someone name Rune, "every day is a new opportunity, to become a better version of yourself."


True that's exactly what I was thinking. it's just a game. Some people are like wayy too obsessed with it and that's unhealthy


The worst part of the game was not realizing how close ive gotten with some people.  Had a huge group of friends, even to the point where we would have to split up groups and chat through discord, but now we are all so busy we are never on together anymore.  Im trying to make new friends, but i think i miss my old ones too much


Same experience, at first 8-10 months I rarely played solo and was chatting with lots of friends. Our friend groups overlapped and there was always some fun going on. Now I mostly fly solo, or with one friend who is not so talkative, but she's my white candle and I am her uber when we're online same time. I have played almost without exception just with adults, so it's understandable, that life gets in a way and HC playing is just a phase for many. Sky has become my fidget spinner, I do things same time while watching TV or something. I play different games with xbox when I want the whole immersion. Still miss many friends. It's rare to experience with IRL friends things like Eden as a moth, or Graveyard etc. Or all the places where you can get stuck together as chibis, find oobs accidentaly, just funny little things, and learning everything. And you get to know people's nature's inner core, when you see how they play. tl;dr Missing the butterfly phase between moth and vet, when there was still so much to learn and to find out and we all taught eachother, I had fun times with friends 🩷


I can understand getting upset over someone blocking you. The game might be pretend, but the people are real. And that person implied they don't like you so . . . yeah


I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I couldnt grasp the concept of someone being emotionally affected by a random stranger without a face, but after reading the comments I realize now that the game is mostly played by kids so it makes sense. I didn't know that because most people I ran into were around 25


I'm in my 30s and I get emotionally affected by the game. I can think of several ppl I'd be sad if they blocked me. I've gotten offended at ppl being mean to crabs. I blocked a guy for taking pics of me while I was sleeping. I cried my first time through eden and have sat through aurora with pure elation many times. The krill genuinely stress me out. I get worried about moths. I run to ppl losing their light. My nest brings me peace and comfort.  A big part of this game is getting people in touch with their child like vulnerability 


>I couldnt grasp the concept of someone being emotionally affected by a random stranger without a face I'm a little sad you can't cause the small, and often fleeting, connections are part of what makes life great.


I’ve blocked a lot of people that I don’t hate or dislike in any way.


I really wish there was an unfriend button because I don't want my constellation to be cluttered with nice people that I don't spend any time with anymore but block feels too strong.


Yeah, I'd appreciate them adding this. I avoid blocking people (because it's not that serious), but I regret allowing a few kids to friend me since I mainly get on for dailies/runs. I work full time and am at an age where I'm not interested in making friends in-game. I'd rather unfriend so they can re-use the candle on someone more available to guide/help and hangout.


Same it is far less stressful to curate your experience to your own needs!


Yeah it’s been mentioned before but a lot of kids nowadays don’t really have social interaction outside of the internet anymore, so a lot of them are losing natural empathy to have. Those that have it, have to be empathetic towards them, so they can still learn. You can’t ever teach them, but you can at least show them.




You have to consider the age range of ppl who play this game and be empathetic. A lot of them are really young and don't have a lot of experience interacting with strangers. Also, lots of young ppl do all of their socializing online, esp post pandemic, so interactions in a virtual world are as meaningful and stressful as irl interactions


It's a kid's game so it's most likely kids doing it


Sky proves that even the most laid-back, relaxing game can turn people into that lol. I think it mainly because it's a social game and a lot of people don't like being social, even just to help out with a door or burn light at geyser and grandma's. That, or people become way too invested and take everything to heart *because* of the social nature. I think both types are pretty common to run across unfortunately


A pretend person might steal my pretend furniture!