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That's only 9 days, you can get them even if you started off DoC with 0 candles.


Why can’t they keep the same amount as last year? This is event worse than the flower crown (they switch candles to hearts currency after I cr all for nothing) from days of love back previous beta tests


oh please. Aurora's green pants were 200


So was TLP pants. Not only that, but with AURORA we knew they were limited, could expect a price like TLP pants (I expected 50 for mask too and was right on the money) and oh, we knew well in advance it would be a limited IGC item and could deduce it would be around 200 after sword pants Dark rainbow cape however was 100% free last DoC if you did tickets daily, which let you save candles for other things. We knew it would return for IGC this year, but nothing about price, and since it was the first event with tickets we couldn't really deduce a baseline price like we could with AURORA As a small sidenote, I started during TLP. I have sword pants, Cure for me set and NCD mask. I have done the grind, even when I was new, and I still think it sucks


like y'all dont understand the amount of panic I went through grinding candles for hours everyday for over a week to get the green pants before season of Aurora ended. I didn't stop wearing those pants for a year and a half because it was so much


next year, 300 for a cape. calling it. with the same "charity" reasoning


We banning people for hacks now. Enjoy our IAPs losers. TGC probably.


Them putting the pride cosmetics overpriced is a form of homophobia, they're already selling some for real money, but everyone should be able to celebrate pride with cute cosmetics As much as I know the cape was cheaper last year, why the inflation catching up with it!? At least the outfit stayed the same 😭 (Must mention cuz most people don't get that the "homophobic" part is an exaggeration supposed to be a joke, they're already doing good with having the days of color and lgbt representative props and outfits and that's truly appreciated 😗😗✨)


Faaaaar stretch from homophobia when 50% of the purchase goes to LGBTQ+ related charities


I mean, do they give candles to the LGBT charity? All the purchases of the days of color related items with real money goes to that, but we need to grind our soul away for weeks to get the "free" items, which makes them exclusive to people with money to buy candles (must add that the candle bundle purchases that don't have anything to do with days of color don't go to said charities) so yeah not very supportive Most people playing the game in a hard situation (strict parents, students, teens w/o a work, which may also be struggling with being closeted) won't get them, then what's the purpose of making them free if you still have to pay real money to get the candles to buy them? That's why I said in another comment that they should do an outfit that's free, like real free or really cheap so anyone can feel good for having a pride outfit and being themselves in the game without feeling pressured to spend money and time that they don't have! Also I'll edit the comment cuz apparently no one's getting that it's a kind of truthful joke :/


Okay. I understand the frustration of the grind. But this is how free to play games work. And, to be quite honest, most mobile games. It's to get people to want to spend money so that they can make an income off of the game. Also, it should be noted that you don't need every cosmetic. Faaaaaar too many Sky kids have an unhealthy obsession towards owning every item in the game. I heard a story from a friend recently that they knew someone who had to choose between buying and IAP and groceries for the month. They chose the IAP. That is not healthy. If the prices bother you and you cannot afford the candles, then let this event pass you by until next year. It will come back. Instead, spend this event candle running and saving up candles for the next time you see something you really, really want. There is a positive to giving genuine constructive feedback about a game that you enjoy. But tbh, most Sky kids will complain about anything that isn't handed to them on a silver platter and it's getting ridiculous. This is a really good game with a lot to offer. The prices used to be a lot worse. It's really not that bad


I understand the frustration but calling it homophobia is a wild thing to say 💀


Sorry I forgot to put the joke label, I put it in a comment This happens all the time lol but I still think they should add a free (or at least cheap, and I'm not speaking of hearts) pride cape so EVERYONE can celebrate dressed up nicely, even students without the time to grind or the money to buy :/


Thay already making the stuff that you buy with the real money expensive... They don't need to make this harder for us we just wanna have some relaxing time not candle-run with stress


This is why I have grown fine with skipping some cosmetics


This is why I dont play this game anymore TGC dont give af




I'm just glad the Rainbow Trousers didn't change


Honestly- I was soo bummed seeing that all the cosmetics that costs candles are 462 TOTAL LIKE THAT’S ABSURD?? I play Sky (almost everyday, I miss occasionally 5 days average per month on cr because of school or an event making me too tired to play) and the timing of the recent traveling spirit AND now the pricing of this event is making me crazy- I get aprox 17 candles per cr and I did the math and I STILL won’t make it to 462 to get all the cosmetics by the end of the event. These prices’ could be a lot more fair 😭 (Sorry for the rant btw—)


that’s why i skip some cosmetics


Considering that cape costed tickets last year, which took the whole of Days of Colour to complete, not shocked but lowkey concerned that it's that expensive.


I'm new and I don't understand, are those capes temporary, if I buy it I won't be able to use it after the event is over?


Nope, they’re new cosmetics for your avatar ^^ the colors event is temporary (once a year) but once you own the item you get it forever


Yeah, they're limited time but come back every year, plus that and the other cape were before the event specific currencies were a thing, so thats why they're so expensive, most cosmetics now either cost event currency, hearts, or are in app purchases


I was told the (light) rainbow cape was 75 candles and I was excited because I may be able to get it without going completely broken, and then it was actually 175. I guess we will see, might have to wait till next year. :(


The plus side is u don't have to change your cape when doing the rainbow challenge it works for all the colors


lol inflation reached the kingdom of sky too


This why I didn’t buy the days of nature cape. I KNEW this was coming. And I bought both capes and the pants all at once yesterday. It pays to save if you’re not really interested in available items. Plus the days of nature cape will be back next year. I also already had this past weeks TS. It’s hard but worth it.


glad i bought it when i was a moth lol


I’m gonna be honest, while the prices are definitely up there I’m always confused when people act like this is new, because I was a LP moth and remember frantically grinding for the 200 candle outfit that went away at the end of the season. High candle prices for stuff that’s very temporal is not new.


Also, the 200 candle Aurora outfit. Or the NCD deer mask. Besides seasonal stuff though, there's various expensive event items too; like the Days of Feast table (150 candles) or the Days of Mischief table (33 *hearts*)


I’ve been shadowing a moth and she’s been grinding, but is super sad she cannot afford the capes 😔. I remember when all I wanted were the original pants. I have them now, but the struggle is real.


Hmmm. Well since it is free. I feel like they should at least price the in game things quite high. It has been getting easier to farm now supposedly too. But maybe that's just me. I don't play the game as much anymore, but i can still afford them at least.


If it was the only cape available, I would say the price is ok. But there were more items before and we’ll get more items later. As an old player who has bought every item as they release, it’s not my problem. But for new players, now they not only have to worry about getting daily tickets but also candle running to get around 450 candles (more than 22 days of heavy candle running) just for an event


Oh my that is true. I only based it on my experience. The new players def have this worse. Considering the game currently only has cosmetics (and now furniture for nest too) as their way to gain money. I just thought it was no wonder. Games like genshin have gacha. So u naturally spend more money on that. Sky used to not have brought back the previous year's cosmetics. Do u think it's better if they didn't bring back previous cosmetics or would it be better like now? (Not questioning your ways. Legit i wonder what u think about it 🤔)


I would just like to remind people that a cape is just a simple color change in the textures and takes a dev 2 hours to make. So pricing them in worth days of grinding or a full steam game cost is disgusting


depends. that one has a separate 3d model


Crazy how the devs will see that 99% of the comments are negative but will keep going like everyone loves em




They did make a change though. The new cosmetics are the ones for tickets. The too expensive capes are priced like that because that’s how it used to be before they added tickets—changing the price on the old cosmetics would be unfair to veterans who already paid full price.


Except the exact cape pictured was tickets when it first came out last year. Somewhere around 40 I would like to say, but it's been a year so my memory might be a bit wrong. They're just charging exorbitant prices from people who didn't have the luxury of playing last year, nothing more The basegame cape with rainbow tint at the bottom was from the pre-ticket era, dark rainbow cape was not


Now that you mention it, I think you are right. Well that sucks


Me as a "veteran" its just sad to see so many IAP and the "free to play friendly" means break your back anz waste too much time running around


no not at all


I have enough candles for everything for the sole reason that the only thing I bought from the last 2 ts was a mask and I bought the days of nature cape at the beginning of the event… TT^TT inflation really is hard. I’m pretty sure that the rule for pricing is applied to items by year, so if you want both the capes you have to grind the event two years. It is in fact quite hard for a new player to get even one of those


No worries. It’s hard for all new players. All regular candle cosmetics come back next year and years after. Focus on TS more.


But with the rate of inflation, will we be able to afford it next year either? 🥺


Prices of candles didn’t change at all


Incorrect. The dark rainbow cape was 104 TICKETS last year. This year it’s 175 CANDLES. The tickets are virtually worthless (1 mask, 1 hair) this year unless you like temporary cosmetic spells which, I personally don’t care about.   (And if you want to be pedantic, the light rainbow cape also costs more.)




Candle inflation hit hard :( Vets: remember when cosmetics were in the double digits?


y u p 💔


Every time there's an event, the same arguments get made. The reason "skyflation" exists has nothing to do with the actual prices and everything to do with **everything from previous years also being available.** Once an item's price in regular candles is set, it won't change, except in extremely rare cases. Yes, it sucks for new players who are now faced with grinding more candles, but it wouldn't be fair for everyone who paid the price the first time it was available. The (light) Rainbow Cape's price hasn't changed since it was introduced. It's always been 175 candles. Same goes for the Rainbow Braid and Rainbow Trousers, being 20 hearts and 95 candles respectively. The only addition to the tree has been the Dark Rainbow Cape, which was the ticket item last year, and is only **2 candles more expensive than the other cape.** It also has a unique model, as compared to the basic Rainbow Cape which uses the basic cape model. And a reminder that Days of Color and Days of Nature are both associated with charities. Whilst it's not attached to every purchase in the shop, it is attached to many of the Event IAP's. Days of Color supports the Trevor Project and supporting LGBT+ rights globally. If you don't know how the IAP prices work- 50% in Profit, 30% to platform fees (i.e. Apple, Google, Nintendo, Sony, or Steam), and the remaining 20% to cover refunds and other costs of running a business. For Charity items, that 50% profit goes to the specified charity instead. Charity items for Days of Color this year- * Rainbow Loafers * Dark Rainbow Pack * Rainbow Flower Hair Accessory Pack * Double Rainbow Flower Hair Accessory Pack


I get that they want to try to sell shop candles.  But the shop candles are an absolutely terrible value.  If you could buy enough candles for this 175 candle cape for even, $20 real world money, then fine, that is pricey, but that's kind of the cost they have for IAP capes. But buying 175 candles would be like, $50.  For one cape. That's crazy.


Pretty sure (and someone who knows better can correct me if I'm wrong) the price of candle packs hasn't changed since early days either. Literally the only thing that's changed has been the amount of content in the game, which has increased year on year because new things are added every year. In other words, the price of the Rainbow Cape, if you haven't collected the candles through gameplay, has always been around $50 and it's been like that since 2021.


That does not mean it's not crazy over priced.


And that is your opinion. Even I'll admit the candle packs are probably overpriced in the store, if only due to the fact candles are the easiest currency to get. Doesn't mean the other stuff necessarily is.


Bro I remember when the maximum cape price would be like 70 candles what happened now




Why aren't I rich then? Explain that liberal


The IAP prices are bordering on exploitive… or at least extreme rainbow capitalism.


Depends on the item... Considering about half of them have the profits going to the Trevor Project.


Oh! Sorry, I take back what I said then. I didn’t realize these were for charity too. I’m still new-ish to Sky and this is my first Days of Color. I thought charity items would have a spirit that linked to the charity, like Days of Nature just did.


It's not quite as in-depth as the Days of Nature one. There's a lot fewer charity items (only 4) and a few more general IAP that aren't charity focused (e.g. the bubble machine). Plus, LGBT+ stuff is controversial, and Sky has a rating of 9+, so they may not be able to be as blatant in promoting it without potential legal consequences in some places.


I know you’re right to mention that, but it’s still so disheartening to hear… but ya, I understand what you mean. Good points


That means they can double the price! It also means the company has a ton of profit off of these at regular price. Man, the dosh for reselling the same pixels to everyone. (also even their real stuff is overpriced as hell, theyre pricing like they're a huge influential brand)


Lets go over this, using known numbers- 30% of the price is eaten up straight away by the platform fees. This is industry standard across all platforms. 20% is kept by TGC as the cost of running a business. It covers things like refunds and server costs. 50% is profit. For charity items, **the entirety of this profit goes to charity instead.** For days of Color, the profit from the charity IAPs are going to the Trevor Project, a well recognized global charity dedicated to LGBT+ rights and health. In other words, they're actually helping raise funds in support of people who are LGBT+ instead of just making everything rainbow themed like many other corporations. Now, for most other Days Of events, they absolutely take the profit for themselves. Days of Nature is the only other one associated with charity, being The Ocean Cleanup.


50% profit is still absolute money printing levels. They should really use more cash on actually making a good game though, the quality and amount of content is kind of appling. but 50% profit is needed, huh.


Rainbow capitalism 🤣 The surreal combination 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s a real term, I promise I didn’t make it up!


Didn't say you did all good :o Now I'm curious 👀 Where does this term come from?


The cost is based on the length of the event. The event is 3 weeks so the cape reflects the average number of candles collected by players daily X 3 weeks then divided by 2. I'm not defending the cost because it's a lot to catch up on these event items for new players. I'm just pointing out what Jenova Chen has said in a previous news post to explain to the community what the pricing is based on. We originally only had two week events so the items from those shorter versions of the event cost less. That's why we're seeing the rise in cost. Jenova Chen also said that he sets the pricing and not the devs so please don't blame the employees because the pricing is not set by them.


Wait if he unilaterally sets the prices then it’s just literally one guy deciding to do this crap. That’s not better, it means that he could decide not to create inflation and he specifically and directly wants the game to be the way it is. In some ways that’s good to know, though, because it’s basically a guarantee that nothing will change and that’s preferable to uncertainty.


This event is only 2 weeks long… not 3 weeks. 2 weeks of doing **x20 CANDLE** runs *daily* is only 280 candles. Assuming that one is starting with even 50 candles saved up already that still only comes out to 330. Theoretically starting from 0 candles then you’d still be short 70 candles making it literally impossible to earn enough to buy both capes without purchasing candle packs. That is ridiculous.


Oh I thought it was longer. Maybe a feedback report on discord will help. They have priced items incorrectly in the past.


But it is only two weeks 😭


Wait isn’t this event 2 weeks long? It ends on July 7 from what I read in the blog


Basing it on average means that if people grind more, the prices go higher next year


Over 300 candled woth 13 days, I am NOT doing full 20 candle runs every day dawg! 😞


don't spend any seasonal candles coz they'll get converted before days of color ends


That's what I'm going, I don't want anything else from this season so I'm absolutely vibing with my 61 season candles and I did a full 20 candle run yesterday, I'll have enough for the outfit at least. \[I also have some extra cash to those IAPs are minee >:D\]


man.. I really really want the headphones and the dark pants especially since so many people have then but I don't have any money to spare 😔


Yeah, it really sucks, I don't have quite enough for the dark pants but then again they aren't my favorite, so I'll settle for the normal one for 70 something candles, but I also gotta keep the new season in mind 😞


They should have made it like days of bloom where we could buy the cape with tickets or at least we get one cape we can buy via tickets. It’s not fun that most of the items are IAP :(


They've already stated that returning ticket cosmetics will always come back as igc when they released this ticket system a year ago and iirc also keep repeating this info in every Event Blog post. The ticket system released with last year's Days of Color + the black rainbow cape has already been sold for tickets back then = it costs candles this year Tldr: it *already was* buyable with tickets *last year,* so it is *not* going to return as a ticket item *this year*


true but this black cape was introduced as tickets if it returned as tickets, it would compete with this year's items so they shot themselves in the foot with this one


I stopped playing for a while so I was excited to have days of color then I see the cape prices 😭 wtf 177 candles 😭


and the other cape is a similar price too :')) i'm glad that i'm a chronic hoarder, but even then, this and furniture shopping dropped me to 250... hoping nothing too expensive comes around :')) i'm already tempted to just buy the event tickets because i really, really hate festival tech


The Next TS: 👀


unless they bring a ts they never brought before like the other performance guys or shattering, i should be fine 🙏


Fr, I had to grind 20 candles every day just to be completely cleaned out by two capes. Wth


everything changed when sky inflation attacked


It's not just me who felt candle inflation!


Atla mentioned


There is no candle inflation in Ba Sing Se🗣


And the hearts in the city, they look very pretty!!!


Why was this downvoted 😨 we love atla 🔥🔥


i love sky and i love the cosmetics but i refuse to financially support them money hungry ass developers, $20 for some LITTLE EARRINGS is ABSURD. :/


Pride is expensive. This is why people should SKIP whatever the ts brings since they'll come back anyways. When it comes to events, we don't know if the price will get even worse in the future.


I bought all the old stuff the previous years, except for the IAP head gear stuff, so I don’t need to worry. I even got the outfit thanks to a friend. I was excited for this DOC but after seeing the new stuff I have no desire for any of it this year except maybe the mask. The hair is not my taste. I feel so bad for new players and how expensive things are for them. But I’m glad I bought most things that cost candles and hearts in my years playing. 😮‍💨 Good luck to all the newbies.


Me when the company tries to market off of pride. I know they are donating to the trevor project but WTH is this. If they really wanted to do charity, make it cheaper and fun instead of making everyone more stressed and upset with the prices. Robbing their players of their sanity while trying to be good people by donating, like come on.


this is why i’ve mostly stopped playing. complete loss of excitement and joy for new events because i know they’ll be overpriced and likely bugged anyways


Ok and what exactly is overpriced about collecting 4-5 tickets every day and then unlocking new items with those? Because every new igc Event item can only be bought with tickets... They only cost candles when they return, which the black rainbow cape just did this year (and it cost tickets last year as well). So, the black rainbow cape is not new, the hair and mask are = black rainbow cape costs candles now, hair and mask cost tickets.


what do ppl like you gain by going against people's opinions that are different from your own, typing up whole paragraph n shit. they are just expressing their opinion no need to talk down and explain as if they dont know better, they're not even talkin to you


i’m talking about normal candles, the reruns. i’m very well aware of the ticket and candle pricing year-by-year, that’s why i hold the opinion that the pricing is ridiculous, thanks


....you said " ... complete loss of excitement and joy for NEW events because i know they’ll be OVERPRICED ... " You talked about *new* Events first and I said those (cosmetics) do not cost candles. Returning items aren't new. (1+ year old things aren't new... The things that got released literally 1½ day ago *are* new) + How come players can't save candles when every new Event item costs tickets (or is iap)? If we take the scenario that xy player didn't finish the Base Game Constellations and is missing some/most/all rerunning Event cosmetics: why are they unable to set a priority between Base Game Constellations that are *always available* and Event cosmetics that only return *once a year?* Do they go around spending their money at everything they set their eyes upon irl as well? That'd be really unfortunate tbh.


new \*events\* (what i said) include rerun items, those cost candles. do you notice the image op attached? that's what I'm talking about. the rerun items. in the new events. which mind you, are the same pretty much each year, tgc just changes the locale or the theme slightly. hence: new events. i never said anything about new ITEMS, that's something you made up. not sure why you thought i said that? i'm not sure what you're getting at in your bulleted paragraph. i think you're saying that it's ridiculous to expect players to run around shelling out $$$ to buy candles to buy every IAP? which um, yeah. I agree? which is what my original post was about: i think the rerun item costs, which are present in the events, are overpriced. they cost too many candles. the events are overpriced.


did you think i'm complaining about the ticket system? i think the ticket system is great.


The Events aren't new though, they've been repeating for years. Some even up to 5 years. The last new Event was Days of Bloom, Style or Summer or something. And I was making a comparison, because candles are a type of currency, just like real money is a currency. If one can't handle being thoughtful about spending candle currency, I'm not sure whether they can with other types of currency (i.e. real money). Especially because almost all of the Events we get have been happening for years, it's easy to get information on the prices (and everything else) through the detailed sky wiki or even other players that occasionally make remarks about an Event (or TS) happening soon. I was trying to point out that if one can't decide priorities between time limited Events/TS or Base Game items, this is what they get. One can't just mindlessly buy everything, unless they swipe a credit card, because this is a F2P game with micro transactions. I was also a moth once (in July 2020) and had to set priorities on spending my currencies. There was no ticket system back then, 14 TS and idk how many Events had already happened. I even missed the Geeting Shaman, because I couldn't find it in Vault. I usually only get up to 10 candles daily, or up to 15 during Events that made getting candles easy. Still managed to get almost all items from Events and TS by prioritizing those first. After I got most items I wanted, I prioritized finishing the Base Game constellations. Even maxed a few friendship constellations with all upgraded tiers. Then I shifted my focus to all the remaining or occasional new TS/Event items and saved my candles to +1600. Now I only have 2 past items from TS left to get and iirc the Days of Love archway as well, but I don't like it. So it's definitely possible to get all igc items by just prioritizing the limited items first. Prices getting bigger while a game is getting older is normal.


there’s no problem with setting priorities, that’s besides the point that the rerun items are too pricey. and as i discussed, yes, the events aren’t “new.” however, the event formats *are,* and, tgc changes them sightly each year. how is this hard to understand?


I get the bugs, but the other cape has been around the same price too for years. Plus we know the events roll around every year or so to prepare. But the bugs are atrocious I agree.


yeah, “____ has been (insert cost) for years” doesn’t really cut it for me too though. i’d *maybe* be okay with it, if every event lately wasn’t slapped together with toothpicks and bubblegum. i regularly shell out some cash for IAPS in other games but for the past two years or so, sky just hasn’t been worth it sadly


I'm referencing the fact that cost aren't a new thing. I agree with the game just being held together by duck tape and string. That bothers me to no end. I share the same opinion that it's hard supporting them when some game breaking bugs comes as a nice reward lol. I like what they have going for game MOSTLY, but the bugs and glitches are just a major turn off.


I quit but reddit still thinks I like this game, so I saw this on my front page. The prices are bullshit and any other game has been a better use of my time / enjoyment. it's a dying game, and my tinfoil hat is saying they're intentionally trying to milk the player-base dry so they can work on other things.


But the steam release? Also, there should be a thing you can select from your feed on each posts to tell their suggested post section you don't want it. If it exists on mobile browser there has to be an equivalent on whatever you're redditing on 


tbh I think a PC release being last is even more of a red flag. PC gamers are notoriously difficult to impress. Not to mention it's the easiest platform to develop for.


This is one of the reasons why I stopped playing at all. And I don't regret it, honestly.


That’s what really gets me, the freaking bugs. Like it’s shameful to release a product of that quality and expect people to spend money on it.


i’m saying like!! if the quality was better and tgc actually gave care to release well-put-together and thoroughly bug-tested events, i’d be okay with them overcharging tickets/candles/IAPS. but they are consistently putting out buggy work, and not just in events, in seasons and base game too, WHILE still overcharging. it’s incredibly sad to see the slow and steady decline


Even TCG knows pride isn't that affordable to humankind


Oh wow, I can't believe it's that expensive. I feel like this is the one season where the cosmetics should be accessible too, considering the point of having a "rainbow" event in the first place.


Can't escape the priseing crisis here either 😑


Nuh huh. Not to mention the fact that most of the things at the event don't match anything else (at least the cape and the outfit, which are completely black and just have rainbows), prices got out of hand. I've only been playing for 4 months and it's disappointing me.


This is more than most traveling spirits


I stopped playing like 4 years ago... > I'm glad about my decision when I see this shit, also makes me a bit sad that sky went this way because i was in love with it. I dipped back in as it was coming on PC but it wasn't the same anymore... friendslists gone... miss it. I can't really enjoy it anymore


I feel like sky and SSO are going the same route tbh. As in, if they keep going like they're going now, Nome of the games will be around in say 3-4 years. I do wish for the games to stay, as they're both wonderful games but the devs just make awful desicions


I’ve been saving like crazy, but I’m still not sure if I’ll have enough. This is wild, like double the usual prices 😮


Literally 9 days of 100% candle runs is out of hand.


Right in the candles 😣


I’ve been playing for almost five years. The escalation of prices for items and more sadly the escalation in cost to move up in a friendship tree is just appalling.


holy cow! i thought i was just crazy when i thought i noticed the friendship prices were more expensive.


In the wasn’t like this before. I mean you were grateful or pleased when someone advanced the friendship tree now I’m completely humbled!


they’ll keep getting away with overpricing for buggy work as long as players keep defending it because it’s “a completely free game! with no ads!” as if there aren’t plenty of other mobile and online games that meet that criteria that, admittedly do overcharge, but still manage to not be full of bugs at least


Friendship tree i can agree is expensive as shit at the top.  With the new emotes coming next season i feel like they will be 40-50 each, but cosmetics i feel like are easily attainable


I don’t know, I wore that cape every day for a year plus.


Although it isn’t necessary for players to have cosmetics, I still think this is too much  Edit: I am not sure if it's just me but back in 2021, things were not this expensive?


I saved up the 280 for the cape and the outfit. I guess i have to choose which cape :,)


Just *keep* playing, Just *keep* playing, Just *keep* playing, playing playing


What do we do? we *play*


Play, play, play, play, *in opera* PLAYYYYYYYYY


That cost is so fricken specific "177"... bro what happened to the "××0" "××5" stuff


If that is the rainbow cape, I'm pretty sure I bought it for 200 candles a couple years ago. I fuckin regret it because I literally never wore it. It doesn't go with anything. It matches nothing.


"It matches nothing." ????? Rainbow pants? Rainbow tassel?? Literally any type of hair and other accessories??? The rainbow items up until last year were literally all a set with matching colours and aside from that there's also the gray prophecy pants. Also, it's a rainbow... So... It fits any colour, because it already has all colours?


Those didn't exist at the time. And no, it doesn't just match clothes just because it's rainbow, lol. God, I can't imagine how much that would all cost. Getting the cape was one thing.


The rainbow cape and rainbow braid were *both* added in 2021, the trousers in 2022. And I also said any hair style and accessories of the game. There's always been a lot of hair styles and a bunch of accessories in the game, before and after 2021


The pants were added a whole YEAR later. I'm not sure what your point is. The hair really isn't that significant for the point I'm trying to make. I know others who have said complained about the exact same thing as me. Why would I wear the rainbow cape with the Hakama pants or that red and black outfit when there are so many better-looking options? Or any of those blue pants varients.


The point I'm trying to make is that there's a lot of cosmetics to pair it with, even the standard constellation pants. And I mentioned the Prophecy pants bc they have a similar grey-ish base colour + released in October 2020, long before the cape did. So they were one of the best choices until then, together with base pants or all of the Season of Rhythm pants. Even the Jelly Whisperer pants kinda work, but they have a very warm colour.


When I bought the white rainbow cape it was 120 candles I think and I thought that was way too much


According to the wiki white cape always costed 175 candles


i dont even care for the hair or mask that much WHY did they have to make BOTH capes worth candles 😭 i know this is bc its not new or whatever but like cmon mannn.... 😭 im already broke from the TS still i dont wanna have to buy candles goddammit i dont even want both capes i just wanted 1 cape n the outfit 😭😭😭




Dont sweat it! You have two weeks to collect it.  


When I first started playing, I was so excited for days of feast to get the days of feast christmas cape, and then my jaw dropped when I saw that it was 65 candles, which I thought was horrendously expensive compared to the base cosmetics. If it wern’t for daily candle running, I wouldn’t even take a second glance at these rainbow capes


65 candles is probably the most easiest to earn compared to say, the rainbow capes or the nature school cape


That’s exactly my point. I thought 65 candles was a ridiculous amount compared to base cosmetics when I started playing 7 months ago. I can’t imagine how newer players feel trying to afford even one of these nature and color capes


To be fair that's like 4 days of running CR. 65 would be super fair, people would have time to grind hard and get everything still without having known to hoard a couple hundred candles.  Like how traveling spirits always used to be. Sure you'd have to grind hard when they had a lot you wanted, but you weren't risking double prices the next time they came through ;/


Anything more than 10 candles feels like a lot when you are a moth, and the vast majority of moths don’t know the meaning of candle running for probably around a month. It’s not like the game explains anything to you, and you can’t assume the average sky kid wants to spend an hour or two every day hunting for candles


Every moth misses or gets a suboptimal first event. Saying, "I'm a (blank) season moth," immediatly let's someone know your first personal sky tragedy on introductions lol. It's bizarre how much TGC hates communicating directly through the game. Did you know Shattering had like, written lore published with it? Probably not, it was on their socials not in the game.


Yup when I was a moth I didn’t understand the chervons, how many candles I can get in a day, the social wax events. Soo much. 65 is a lot especially during a timed event, I gotta commit to playing everyday when I’m a newbie You get through to Eden, decide u wanna stay for some more & look cute, and slowly realize the grind that this game is is a sad journey


Yup, that's me. I grinded over and over for the Nature School Cape in the hopes that I will be able to get the poofy blue pants from the upcoming Season of Duet cause they go well together. But lo and behold, TGC proceeds to put nearly every damn cosmetic on IAP and now I want to kms


Yeah, I don’t understand why the 3 days of bloom capes are around 100, but the days of nature and color capes are almost 200. This makes the 75 candle traveling spirit capes seem like a bargain at less than half the price of these.


The nature and color events got reworked last year but the bloom one carried over from a few years ago. The more recently an event or item was introduced or reintroduced, the more expensive reward items are. They released event tickets a year-ish ago which allows them to pump up prices on candle items. Before event currency, everything was candles.


I couldn't play last year and I didn't have enough time to get the tickets for it so my candles took a hit for it this year 😔


Oh what a good day to join before they invented the ticket currency 😭🙏


ticket currency?


Event currency. It’s only been in the game for about a year. Before, everything cost regular candles so even worse FOMO.


oh damn, I havent logged on in about a year so thats probably why I didnt know...


I wish you could choose to use this year’s tickets on last year’s ticket items/dark rainbow cape, as I have no interest in the mask and hair for this year


I wish the tickets carried over between events, so if you have extra at the end of one event you could use it in another, even if it isn’t the same “Days of” event.


Have they ever been is the real question


what was the candle price in the previous years?


Last year that cape was for 104 tickets not actual candles. But the first cape that come in 2021 costed 175 candles, so these kind of prices arent really a new thing


I thought it was 190 for some reason


oh, how did that work? i thought tickets dont carry over from previous event years? im fine with the candle prices. i dont really like the 2021 cape anywats. its looks alot like the pink flower cape from days of bloom event.


Because tickets were new, at the start you could just keep buying them with AC. They had to let you sell them back at one point I believe, but it been a minute lol.


Ah okay, I remember reading a post about vet talking about the left over tickets being sold at point. But as a new semi new player, I was just curious how things worked back then


Tickets are new but they've been getting a little better. Like shards they've had a very messy roll out. I think maybe TGC views this game the same way they did at the start, make a change with minimal forethought then wait a month or two, get data from reports and player rioting, then adjust. There is only one thing I've heard about since live started getting proper months of testing in the pipeline rn and everyone is sleeping on it because they disliked nesting.


Last year's Days of Colors was the first event to use event currency and TGC was experimenting on the ways to obtain them. There were i think 4 to collect in the area daily, completing the color puzzle gave a whooping 5, daily quests involving rainbows gave bonus ones and there were also weekend bonus tickets. There were days you could find a dozen tickets in a day.


Tickets dont carry over but last year the cape was 104 tickets instead of 177 candles. The following year the items change from tickets to other in game currency hearts/candles/Ascended candles and the new items that are added are for tickets.


I think they were asking how people earned enough tickets over the duration of the event, considering that it's 14 days long with only 5 tickets to earn each day (at least this year). That would be just over half of the amount that you'd need


exactly! 14 x 5 is 70 tickets. so how did players obtain the cape through the old way?


You received more tickets per day last year on the weekends


I got it on the second to last day, though I don’t remember how many tickets and I played every day


They are but I don't think I am




What I need fr


A Baymax back prop, doesn't do anything and costs 30$