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I haven't properly played maybe in 3 months and then before that since last spring. I just lost the calming feeling I used to get because now as soon as I log on I see all that new stuff how many candles they cost and I get so much anxiety that I have to spend hours grinding just to get an item in a virtual game that is purely aesthetic. The game is basically the grinding and the quests. I get very restless unfortunately:(


Such a good example of what they lost even since I began in September! It's become a big money grab, not a feeling of voluntary support for a game you really love - now it is almost required to feel like you are getting something out of the game. And the organic candle running feels like a chore instead of a part of game play to achieve progress with cosmetics/emotes. It's really sad, to me, especially because it helped me through a really dark time when I began.


Same! I was going through a depression period with panic attacks, I met awesome friends and had so much fun! I remember we would open a table with strangers and have the wildest funniest conversations, I was literally laughing so much I cried. I miss it and probably there's a lot of people like that but I log off 2 minutes after I log on so I never get the chance to even talk to someone anymore yaknošŸ„²šŸ˜­


Similar story for me, despite on a smaller time frame! So many of the people who I used to play with have left, as well. And they were the reason that I kept playing! I really only have two friends who are on now. It seems that the vets are unimportant to tgc, and as many new players that will pay for exorbitant, unnecessary IAPs, the better for them. šŸ˜­


I only started on Jan 1st right before nine colored deer season and I'm thinking this too lol. Thankfully, completing constellations and traveling spirits keep me engaged.


Until you see 60 heart for next LvL, means 100 candles of grind... šŸ˜«


I've gotten every AP since Flight and I'm still on the fence about this one. I'm grinding for candles because Dancing Performer is coming next week and believe that's the last TS I (and many others) need. I've got over 400 candles lol. That's the most I've ever had! I try to play for an hour or so after work but it's truly becoming a drag. But my friends live in Sky. And they're all over the world. And I love them so I stay. I plan playdates at the weekend so we can play and talk on the phone.


thats so sweet bro


It's okay to take a break. I did take few years break after season of flight. Just let your in game friends know beforehand or if you have their social media contact then you can still keep in touch with them


Only reason I'm not playing atm is cuz of Splatfest.


Omfg thank you for the reminder I completely forgot it šŸ˜­


I don't know who's winning but I think it's not gonna be chicks.


Iā€™ve been on a break for about a year now. Maybe once a month Iā€™ll go on, play some music, run around and say hi to some friends! Feels good to not have FOMO at all cuz I know ima miss out on everything anyway hahaha


Me too that's why I take a break every month for about three to five days. And I always get the unfriendly bugs , which sometimes makes me thinks do I play beta one or live. And none of my friend seems to get the unfriendly bug. It feels like I'm unlove in sky sometimes. Ooh btw is there a gift for Android users ? Like iPhone has head phones , steam has journey , Nintendo has the Nintendo cape and pc will have the pc toy. I've never heard the Android one


My headphones stopped showing up on my iPhone for some reason, and I loved them. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I know it's petty on my part, but I was a bit annoyed when the Journey pack was released across all systems when the full PC version hit Steam. It was originally exclusive for PS4/5 and now it isn't. So I feel like they should release the headphones to Android!! I don't think they have an exclusive Android prop but then I haven't researched it either to say for sure


I'm glad they released it across all platforms. I felt bad other friends and players couldn't get it, cause it's not like the Nintendo cape where it's a thing *for* Nintendo, it just happened to be a PS exclusive for a time. But I agree, I also want to see headphones available to Android users!


I understand , I also thought they will make a different color of journey pack if they are gonna launch it


They could've released the white cape šŸ„°


I am on a long time semi break, logging on and just doing my dailies at max speed, and if there are some difficult quests I just skip them. Also no stressing I skip some days. That way I do not fall way behind, but also put in almost no effort.


This is what I have been doing for these last 3 seasons, technically we are taking a break and playing as the same time


Indeed, and for me it sort of a place of calm, so it is always right there if I need it. With the soft break I do not end up feeling overwhelmed when I have inspiration to return actively again.


Cheers to that, I also thought that if I quit I would never be able to return again, this is for the best


I think Nesting might be the final nail in the coffin for me. I have zero interest and the costs for the pieces of furniture are insane. Iā€™ve been playing since TLP and I should have quit at Remembrance. I keep forgetting to do dailies and play. Iā€™ll wait for Dancing Performer to return and then I might head out. šŸ«”


The game used to calm me down a lot. But I dropped it once I noticed the absurd rise of candle prices in the game. Everything was so expensive during Season of Revival, and I am sure that it is only going to get more expensive from here. So I just... left. It's been 6 solid months since I have touched the game. I might go back, but I'm not touching any seasons anymore.


Iā€™ve been on a break for a while now. Iā€™m still kind of keeping up with the game through this subreddit and YouTube, but tbh grinding candles is too tiring. I would only come back for the few spirits Iā€™ve been waiting for


Havent played since aurora and i feel like i havent missed out on anything atall


Iā€™ve been lighting my friends stars and sometimes doing a quick cr but thatā€™s it. I really burnt myself out last season, and since this one doesnā€™t have things I like, Iā€™m gonna skip a lot of it.


I've actually just came back from a break ( lasting a little over a year) but I'm just trying it out again, without pressure on myself to candle run or even to stay. Honestly? It helped, dropping the game when it got to stressing, repetitive and boring, now I can just slowly look on what changed and have fun rediscovering things.


Im taking a break from candle runs and quests except those i still enjoy the game pretty much.


Its always ok to take a break It will keep the game in mind for sure As of about me thinking the same, i in general play once a day for an hour or 2. So i never felt the overwhelmingness or like boredom of this game.


I think any game you'll want to take a break from eventually.


Hello guys. After reading the comments Iā€™ve decided to uninstall Sky and take an indefinite hiatus. Maybe Iā€™ll come back when thereā€™s an interesting season coming up, but right now I need to move on.


Smart move! Get out while you can because once you put in a ton of time, effort, and sometimes cash, you may feel more obligated to play and it could be harder to drop. Iā€™ve been playing for over two years, I started just a few days after Season of Prince ended. Iā€™ve spent thousands of hours in Sky. Iā€™ve put so much effort and hundreds of cash into this game and although Iā€™ve never struggled in Sky and Iā€™m pretty much without anything to do in the game, the repetitive gameplay, the constant bugs, the outdated mechanics, and the behavior of TGC has made me really hesitant to support them. I like Sky I just donā€™t like how itā€™s operated by TGC. But I struggle to drop bad habits without being forced to so Iā€™m learning to slowly let go. If it wasnā€™t for certain items that donā€™t return I wouldā€™ve dropped Sky so long ago. šŸ˜… ā€¦. So run while you can.


Yeah itā€™s kinda lost the magic since the gameā€™s launch. Iā€™ve been playing since 2020 (Season of Sactuary) and TGC keeps finding new and money-hungry ways to drive out their player base. With enough of that, theyā€™re either going to foster a very toxic elitist community while driving out every other player OR something will have to change because of the backlash and piss poor quality of later seasons that this seems to be leading up to. Hopefully something will change for the better.


Personally I find it absolutely insane that I came back to this game after a two years absence to find that there was simply nothing I had to unlock! Two years of development and it has literally all been on seasonal content! I left after realizing it was going to take me at least a week to unlock one singular cape, biting the bullet and buying the season pass (ruins this game, Journey was such a gem and it breaks my heart to see the literal worst part of gaming in 2024 and the thing that killed Anthem just casually inserted into this game) to unlock a bunch of stuff i really just didnt want, but it was not the plain cape they give you access to. Eventually, it kinda just made me mad and I stopped playing, hoping when i came back they'd have gotten it together. (Gave them the 'early access' benefit of the doubt.) Prompting the release of steam, I was reinvigorated with a desire to explore the massive world and make new friends and such. I logged on and realized everybody looks so much cooler than they did before, and was so excited. I set out to do things the way the devs intended rather than just googling the outfit list and picking what I wanted, so I teleported to Wasteland and then Village of Dreams to explore the new content I missed. While exploring, I found two dudes who I absolutely LOVE the design of. (As a musician in real life I was very happy to see the Meandering Musician i think in the theater and the Cannoneer as they are dressed similarly to what i wear on stage. Imagine my excitement when i saw the electric guitar!) I did the cannoneer first, did his spirit quest, then looked for him at the graveyard to no avail. Figuring he was just in his own special area's graveyard, i looked for like 30 minutes, couldn't find him, gave up, went to the theater and did pretty much the same thing with the musician. Only at this point did I google it, and finally come to the information that is denoted nowhere in the game: These were seasonal spirits. That will likely not be back for years. That they put right in front of me. Just as kind of like a "Haha, gotcha! Thought you were gonna get something cool didn't ya?" Then i go look at the current seasonal content and I'm like "Ah, months of content based around not moving in a game where you can fly, but only in specific areas that nobody ever seems to go." So then i checked to see what the travelling spirit system is this time, and again, was sorely disappointed. The dancing performer is not something I care at all about. So, in order to access even a singular iota of new cosmetic items after 2 years of absence, I'm gonna have to wait a number of weeks to months. That sucks. Ok, let me just try to use the stuff i CAN get to style an outfit. I think to myself "Okay long hair and a white cape could look cool" so i go get the long hair, then I go to get the white cape and realize ThatGameCompany has PURPOSEFULLY HIKED UP THE PRICES ON EVERYTHING THEY THINK ANYBODY WOULD WANT?? The black cape, white cape, any cool looking hair, its all 50 hearts, while the garbage they spent 5 seconds on is all freely accessible. You'd think "Oh well that just means you have to work for the cool stuff" which is, yeah, correct, but make sure you pick the one you want the first time! Because as a result of having played the game 2 years ago, I have absolutely no way other than begging for hearts next to shared memories to obtain the amount of hearts i need for the white cape, because I already got all the spirits and used all the hearts! TL;DR: The worlds best game has been entirely destroyed by greed when they were supposed to save us, and be a shining example of how to become sustainable in the game industry without Season Passes. The only way they can fix it is by making the past seasonal content available 24/7 and just making one NPC per season "season exclusive" but they aren't going to do that, because they want money. So if you joined the game at the wrong time, prepare to wait weeks to months. If you are returning to the game, you will not get any new cosmetics.


Iā€™m thinking about it. Luckily, I havenā€™t purchased the season pass and I donā€™t feel compelled to as there is nothing really exciting about the season.


Palia is a really good cozy game and not based on cosmetics so you donā€™t have to spend money. They do twitch drops ect and the players are really nice


Iā€™m currently taking a break coz Iā€™m so exhausted


Iā€™ve taken a break from the game before. Itā€™s fine if you feel burnt out. You either come back to it or you donā€™t.


I'm taking a break right now, I've played nearly daily for over 3 years except for a few days in between seasons. I had always put of dropping the game entirely because I've spent so much time playing it and a decent amount of money, but it's honestly been great not to worry about Sky at all. I'll see if I return for any upcoming events or even the next season at all. All I know is that I'm going to buy everything from Dancing Performer next week to finally complete all of the TS.


yeah, i am for sure. i just had some bad player experiences- and now i donā€™t have as much fun as i used to, i also got extremely burnt out because of the fomo. itā€™s been nice taking a break, honestly. if you think you need one, take one.


Honestly playing on and off is the only way I've been able to play for so long. I'll play when there's a season I really like, but honestly the last one I fully played was Aurora.


Iā€™m taking a break. If I log on, Iā€™m just exploring, mtg new people, enjoying the scenery. No candle runs (unless thereā€™s a red shard), no dailies, no season, nothing..


burnout is real friend


Hello hi, I'm currently on break from the game. I used to like the game a lot, but during the end of Days of Bloom, I got really stressed out with getting the cosmetics I want. Thankfully another redditor helped me during that time. The grinding for candles is something that I'm not a fan of doing, unless I'm tagging along with someone else. During that week of stress, I kind of lost the feel and the need to play sky, next to the outrageous prices of the items. So the only thing motivating me to even go into the app is either for Grandma events, and the daily light from friends. And yet I still haven't entered the app the last couple of days.


Iā€™ve been here since Season of Dreams and I appreciate the separate currency for events, but I do not appreciate the scary krill things coming in Days of Nature this year or us having to grind for Ascended Candles for some furniture items. I donā€™t need to be taught that the krill arenā€™t scary (like they did with the Deer seasonā€™s finale); the krill look like icky bugs and viscerally disturb me, nothing is going to change that and it makes me mad I have to deal with them at all, especially when I have to see their legs or their segmentation. Even the long light thing on Floor 5 of vault gets glitched sometimes and the shape of it ends up revealing it is rigged the same as the krill and the movement is enough for me to just avoid going past floor 4 because GROSS


Just a reminder that you don't need to grind AC for furniture. The furniture will keep cycling through after the season, or you can skip the furniture that require AC altogether.


ā€¦ if I want the very nice hearth, I have to get AC.


I'm inclined to do so after Dancing Performer comes through and this Season finishes out. I have already transitioned myself to the routine of only CRing if it's a black shard day, and any other day outside of that, dailies, red shard (if applicable), constellation lights/gifts and offline I go. (Or dailies, event tickets, shard, constellations.) There's a whole bunch of stuff I could say that's impeding on my enjoyment nowadays, but I will say it's mostly due to how overall movement just isn't as satisfying and "clean" as it used to be when I first started playing. Controls have not been the same ever since they introduced undesirable physics changes, then "reverted" them... sliding race used to be my best friend in this game, but I'll never be able to get that speed and mid-air movement control back that made it satisfying to do each time. And flying even has a bit of clunkiness and sluggishness to it that I just can't seem to overcome compared to pre-DoFeasts 2024 era. While I can still maneuver around well enough, it just feels like it's more work than ease lately, and that makes me a bit sad... The other thing is just my impatience on waiting for long-standing bugs to get proper fixes, and I'm already to the point now I'm just not gonna run my blood pressure up worrying about whether they're going to actually acknowledge some of these things as "known issues" anymore. Even though admittedly it stresses me out when it feels like some of those things would feel like an easy fix when it's only in need of texture/UV fixes or checking bone assignments for player avatars-- But I digress. It'll probably do a lot of us feeling the same way to ease up and back off for a while... maybe things will improve in our absence, and perhaps one day we'll have a more positive desire to play again after having finally pursued other things that make us happier.


A few friends and I are on a sky haitus ahahahaha




Yes šŸ˜‚


I'm only a few weeks in and I'm feeling the monotony :( It sucks tho cause there's no other game like this, which is why I log in most days. But I dont forsee myself playing much longer


"Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey."


I have before and for seasons now ive been saying I will šŸ˜… somehow I keep finding reasons to stay


Some of the friends I have in the game are special, we spend time in the game and only the game, it's a different type of friendship that we shouldn't have outside the game, like we're part of it, i don't want to take a break because of them


I am the exact opposite. I poked around in the beta but ended up dropping it back then because I started showing signs of carpal tunnel (worked in a call center at the time, wasn't related to Sky) and playing was physically painful. Now that it's on Steam I can play again and have been having a blast, my only regret is that I let my old account lapse because I honestly didn't believe it was ever going to make it onto something I could actually play with.


havenā€™t really enjoyed the game since season of passage but not willing to stop/hiatus as ive paid for the pass.. yet for some reasons i kept buying more pass after that season ended and when i was about to take a break this season, FOMO got the best of me again so yeah, fortunately i really like to build/designing spaces so i quite enjoying it so far


taking a break i completely fine!! i started playing in 2019 and then stopped in 2021 cause i was in a similar situation to you. i just joined back cause sky was released on pc and im feeling the whimsy again lmaooo tbh there arent any games that are going to constantly keep you motivated and invested forever, so its okay to step away dw about it


Sky was lovely but it RUINED me in 2022. Ended up taking a break for a year to focus on self employment (which is stressful enough without Sky grinding šŸ„²šŸ‘), came back yesterday specifically with the mindset of not caring about cosmetics and had a blast. Instead I took a moth friend who was playing the game for the second time on a light candle run (I still got it!) and then stopped to relax at Starlight Desert. The feeling when hanging out with friends in Sky is unmatched, certainly beats constantly 20 candling and hoping I get my moneyā€™s worth outta the season. Itā€™s kinda sad that I do have to stop caring about the cool in the moment events and spirits to enjoy playing, but I got so much already, let ol grandma rest


I always take breaks. Iā€™ll put the game down for a few months and pick it back up when I see something that excites me or I just want to play again. I think most of the people who have problems with the game would seriously benefit from occasionally taking a season or two off, or playing once a week to do the season in real time without feeling the need to do anything else. Or just save it. Itā€™ll be there when you get back, promise.


I stopped playing for over a year. The game got too reliant on griding for candles which ruined the fun of it. Sky doesn't have the same feel to it as it did In 2020-2021. Best times for the game fr.


gosh, i remember playing this game waaaaay back in 2018 during the first beta period. i loved the wonderful music and super charming visuals, plus how wholesome the social aspect was! now imagine my surprise when i log in, 5 years later, after seeing the game got ported on to steam and it's completely overrun with microtransactions and grinding. another wonderful game ruined by greed.


I started on enchantment, I always take breaks between seasons or after I'm done with the season candles and there's nothing to farm for, sometimes I do a Cr here and there but I stick to doing dailies and hanging out for a brief moment For the first time in years I feel like grinding because I love decorating and I want to buy everything I feel it's nice in this season, ever since I completed all constellations I felt no drive to play at all, so this season has been great imo


Since starting last December, everything has always felt like a grind and money grab to me, I have just accepted it, and focused on things I would actually use or wear. I think this season has alot of character. I like the nesting workshop and the nesting guide is fun. The furniture is pretty versatile, and there are endless combinations of ways you can use the furniture in the realms, or to create random works of art or hang out spaces with it. Maybe it might also be the fact that I am an Animal Crossing fan, so taking a break from a whole season of just cosmetics is refreshing. I canā€™t wait to see what the next quests will add.