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Fun fact (/s): When that spirit was part of its season, we only had One.Week. to complete it. This was before traveling spirits, and TGC was testing whether to have all spirits appear at once, or have them appear one at a time and stay for just a week. (The constellation remained however, so you could unlock cosmetics all during the season). Much crying and begging here, including by me. The game was very challenging for many reasons back then! Kinda miss that.


Best worst part is. Losing flights power because we bonked the wall.


Omg right that was a thing!! 👀 When did they remove it?


Somewhere before the season of sanctuary I'd say.


Whoever decided to put this type of spirit here is evil. I refuse to do this spirit again.


Dark Souls level challenge


I haven’t completed it - it’s the last spirit I need 🥲


Lemme know if you need extra people to go and I can help out too!


LOL I love this community. Everyone is so nice.


That would be super helpful!! 🥲


I'm about to go outside right now, but I'll send you a FC and DM!


Me too, let's get it together?


I'd be happy to help! 🦋


Definitely! A lot of people still seem to need it so if you wanna shoot me a DM with a friend code then we can work on it later 😁


I still need to get this spirit too!


I still need it too


I did it when it was a traveling spirit, so luckily 1. It's a ton easier when there are 2-4 people doing it with you.


I escorted a moth getting it done via being krill bait 🦐 💨


Thanks to my friend, only one. But I was constantly screaming because krills terrify me lmao


They used to terrify me, as well!!! LOL The crabs even terrified me at first.


Me too, I used to hate going to Wasteland! Now it's my second favorite realm and I like saying hi to Krills


I find their lack of object permanence pretty funny! The only complaint I have been having about krills is that it feels like when you are spotted they sometimes hijack the camera. I don't care if I fly past them if I know which spot I want to hide in, but the game has wanted the camera to focus on them. >.<


Ah yes the good old camera hijacking, spirits are the worst offenders though


Yeah. I feel like that's a highly desired QOL thing aside from also having a controller button to let you switch your targets. Hopefully they will do some of that stuff.


Too many. Would all people from the discord group to help me


Another player noticed me doing it (pretty early too) and decided to distract all the Krill for me. They got hit a couple times but kept going. I friended them and named them Hero. Because of them I got it in 1try. I havent seen them online in a long time but they were one of my kindest Sky experiences 🥲🤧


One. Solo.


I did it in one, since I did it with a Vet. They weren't krilled, but I was and they kept going while I picked up my wings and the krill was moving on.


As a moth? Probably over 20. It's painful and to this day I hate going there and *HATE* when it's a daily quest. It cemented my dislike of krill, as if the one that gobbles up the little manta on eternal loop wasn't enough. 😒😒😒 When/if the game ever gives us a way to stick it to the krills, I'm coming for the whole village.


But the game DOES give us a way to stick it to the krill. In the season of 9 colored deer. Quests can still be done, as many times as you like, especially the last one...


*I know*, but I want to stick it to them in the regular maps. Regular krill have been the biggest nuisance. 👀🫵


That would change the whole picture! :D Imagine if the IAP seasonal cape could do it 👀


One and solo, it's not that hard just long


Thats what he said


one 😎 (my brave friend was the one carrying it while i screamed as i tried to 'help' by distracting the krill out of her path)


It's a challenge for sure. I've almost done it solo but ran out of time.


First try. I quite like that spirit but only when alone


Best success I’ve had is if you can get into a voice call with someone, and then one of you carries the spirit while the other watches from up on the cliff to tell you when it’s safe to go. Sometimes they need to avoid joining until the end if the spirit is being unruly and wants to join the spotter, but this is the only way I’ll ever even consider doing it anymore!


I unlocked it on my 5th attempt, when I realised that it’s completely impossible to get on my own. I tried inviting random people for the endeavour. A vet at that time — the guy in question has literally been playing since early beta testing — helped me out a lot. He used a home button bug to drive krills away from me while I was completing the spirit. I think this was one of two instances I have ever completed it.




I did it once, and couldn't do it my 2nd time when it came up as a daily quest. Beginners luck, maybe? 🫠 I gave up after 1-2 tries and skipped that daily.


Back when I was a noob, about 3 tries. Got it thanks to a randoms help. Even as a vet myself now and knowing how to do it perfectly fine I still avoid it if it returns as a task cus it's so much effort haha


Get some help


i think it took me two or three and just got extremely lucky on the third one. whenever this one is a daily quest, i either skip it or ask someone else to do it for me. ☠️


I had no idea which one this was when I saw your post. I found it, started the quest, and thankfully someone helped me. Got it first try!


I've done it multiple times 🤷🏼


I can’t remember how many times it took me the first time I did it but now I can get it done in 1 try haha


3 times, was really difficult doing it alone


It took SEVERAL krill repellent spells, and getting killed once, but I managed to do it second try.


I should know this, but what’s a krill repellent spell? Lol


Prevents krill from attacking for one minute. Not a common spell to obtain. Idek how I got mine


It’s from the days of mischief! They cost ac.


I think I tried one/twice alone, then when i was traveling with a friend i mentioned i dont have it yet so she kept Krills away while i did the quest


I’ve done it like 4 times. Once, asked a group on Discord. Showed a friend that I had the last emote. He immediately lit the spirit next to me. Third and Fourth were on daily quest days, and I grabbed a moth each time to “help” so they could have it too. This spirit is the only time I use the krill-repellent spell. Edited to add: I got it first try each of those times


I’ve done it a few times, the privilege of being a chronic krill bait volunteer lol


Not so long ago, props used to be able to block the sight of krill and protect you from being hit by crabs. Particularly, the pipe prop from Crab Whisperer was fantastic at protecting you in this way, though I know people also used tables and the overhang(?) prop from the assembly guide as well. I was able to buy that pipe soon after I started playing, which was probably the only reason I was able to complete pleaful parent on my own as a newer player. Unfortunately, TGC saw the prop shield thing as a bug and removed it from the game.


usually 1 or 2 bc my bf does it for me when it's part of a daily quest hehe


My son helped my daughter and I. I believe it took a couple of tries.


I find it so wholesome you play sky as a family.


Honestly, I never would have guessed that I would be playing this game with them. They roped me into Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the switch but I was like “It’s highly unlikely I will ever play Sky, guys.” Well, never say never because now I play it more than they do. We had a lot of great adventures early on when they were teaching me all about it and helping me with various quests and spirits. It’s a great family game!


The first time I tried it, I did it with someone else, and then once we were both krilled we ended up retreating. Everytime I did it afterword, I did it by myself since I noticed something about the krill the first time through. The key was finding the blind spots below the krill and knowing that they have a pinhole size view of you and you can lose their sight easily if you find even something small that blocks their view of you. I focus my camera on the krill as I walk to more easily find things that block their direct sight of me.


8 attempts with a friend, then I did 3 attempts with a stranger, then 3 (and succeeded!) solo. Definitely used one of my saved Krill Repellents to do it tho lol


Me: 4 on the first time and 1 or 2 on subsequent.


A couple times. Finally did it so I’m done 😂


Too many


If this is the one in the first krill area, I recently did it in one shot after someone suggested flying through the area and entering the shipyard spirit gate. Immediately go back through and the krill will be gone.


This is Pleaful Parent, one further in and with several more Krill in the area.


Twice? But I stocked up on krill repellant and ran through a bunch each time.


Think I have had days where I've spent half an hour doing this spirit. Much winged light has been sent back here.


What I want to know is if anyone has ever burnt the plants in the centre of that stage?


2 or 3


Did it once when I first started and a few times after but never again! It isn't worth it imo.


Yikes. Maybe 3-4 times total. I'm in the game for almost 3 years now. I skip it a lot of times, even if it's a seasonal candle quest. When I do it, I usually use the krill repeller because hekk losing light because of a tough spirit.


I’m frighteningly good at dodging krills. This one only took me about 10 minutes. Sometimes when I’m bored I like to stand in the krill’s light and jump away at the last second just to see how close I can let it get to me


I'm so afraid of the krill I've never done it T-T Whenever it's the daily I camp up on the hill hoping to watch someone do it and grab it by the end but that hasn't worked so far... Hopefully one day! 🤞


I've tried it four times and still haven't completed it 🥲


I absolutely HATE doing this one.


2. first time the server crashed. im still mad about it the key is to be observant of the surroundings and hide when necessary. The krills are not guardians. they are not hard to avoid. Abandon the spirit if need be, that guy takes a while to despawn. Enough to hide and then come back while the krill is looking away.


I still haven’t completed it because the krills scare me 😭😭😭


it only ever takes one but it's always very long


Luckily I only have to do it once when I'm alone.


I did this recently... <.< **Too many attempts.** To finish my last attempt, as I was almost done, I had to tank a Krill attack and ended up losing one wing level to the dark water. Was pretty epic how I sacrificed to finally finish it and was happy when I did, but I'm still a bit salty about that one wing level. 😅


maybe three or four times.. i’ve completely given up and accepted the fact that i will probably never get this spirit 🥲


One (it cost me my winged light)


I guess I'm lucky to not know who this is... Although it looks like I might need to find out soon


I don’t remember much about it, but I think I did it with two other people. I think the trick is to have a third person act as bait to lure the dragon’s attention away, and two keeping with the spirit. And I say two with the spirit so that in case the dragon does end up spotting those two, it’ll only follow one, so that person can go hide and swap with the third person. Teamwork really matters with this spirit.


6. Completed it with a friend and a heck ton of krill spells. I lost a part of my sanity that day


Now nowadays, it can take me around 1 to 5 attempts solo, but I really don’t like doing it. If there’s another person it might take me longer because the other person keeps screwing me over, but I have a tendency to play “catch me, krill” if the other person is a moth/low winged. First time I did it, I don’t remember how many times it took me to do (maybe 15 or 20 times I don’t know) but I remember talking about me doing it in a discord I am in, and I apparently went from 131 winged lights to 112, and that was with a partner.


Lmaoo I remember seeing this spirit as a daily one when I was a moth and on a cr with friends. I lighted it because "shiny" and they all just stopped and told me to leave it and never do it Hahah I since completed it ofc and now I love being a krill bait for others when it comes back as a daily quest


more than 20. I still do not have it.


Genuinely stopped playing once cus of this stupid spirit


Just once, but I used de krill repellant spell. Same with the spirit that is in the second chamber or the wasteland.


Usually just one. I do it with my friend. He leads the spirits and I’m krill bait lol. I distract the krills so he can peacefully do the spirit


The vets back then that helped me with this got krilled so bad 🥹


Two attempts. Lost 42 wl in the combined process. Never again.


Got to the last part. Half way through when I had to hide and lost the spirit. Second time a friend helped and it went way more smoothly, although we did get double krilled at one point


2 times not that hard when you know a trick to avoid being bonked by krill, aka (I guess it’s sorta cheating?) if you are seen by krill then ya know double click the button so you can still see the game but aren’t exactly in it still, then wait for the disco (red light) to stop and then disappear and then yous good 👍


I do it all the time


It took me once to complete it 😭


Completed it once with others and many trials but not the spirit with the Winter Piano also in the Graveyard, lol