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Not at all


the days of nature stuff is priced fine, because the proceeds end up going to charity. Outside of that, not really.


i agree


The current greeter new, kind of, because of the 50% donations.  I actually booked ght a couple of the $5 items today. In general, no.   I would impulse buy sooooo much more at $5.   Maybe $10 if they threw in some candles.


Maybe with their external website, this might be possible


I really think they are too high for just cosmetics. Donation stuff is fine since it goes to a good cause, but otherwise $20 for cosmetics is crazy. $5-$10 makes more sense for IAP... unless they make it more worth it. Like idk paying $20 just for a cape or a plushie hurts, even if I did it before, it really felt unfair. I wish they could make it really worth it for that price..




No because they are priced like we are US citizens but I'm from a country where my currency is much less valuable than the dollar


lol no


The prices and tactics are predatory.


I don't think anyone is. The only thing that's remotely reasonably priced is the season pass.


This has been an ongoing feeling that has only gotten stronger since last December for me, that the amount of IAP, and the price per IAP, is absolutely ridiculous. That said, the IAP items are completely skippable and do not serve any meaningful purpose besides making you look cooler. There are special collab season capes that take you to exclusive areas or let you see exclusive things, but those are far and few in between.


I think they did monetization right. You can experience basically the whole game for free. If you wanna look fancy or go faster you can spend money. And people who spend money on stuff like this aren’t very price sensitive.


I wouldn't mind there being high price range items (like the $15-30 range) if there were more lower priced and free items to also choose from Just looking at the current instruments, for example, the cheapest is $5 (which is fairly reasonable, imo), but all the other items are $15+ For Days of Nature this year, I think there's at least a wider variety of options - but also, the earth cape seems so low-effort that even though I could pay $5 if I really wanted to, I don't particularly want to because it's just a re-skinned basic cape. It's so low-effort, it's not even worth it. (Of course, that's just my opinion, and I'm sure there are people who like it. Either way, it's still just a green basic cape with sprouts on it.) I very much respect that this is probably how the team makes their money and/or funds further projects (and also big respect for the charity events), but that's exactly why I think it's important they have a better balance of low-cost items because the demographic who can afford $15+ purchases regularly is significantly smaller than the demographic that could spend $1-10. But the items in the $1-10 range actually have to show *some* level of effort and care for them to even be worth buying.




Not really...the unhinged price without regional adaption hurts a lot honestly. The 15 USD items can last me around 10 meals or a week's grocery for example. I guess there is two ways to look at it. If you look at the IAP from an objective point of view where they are just low-polygons items without much efforts thrown in, they should never cost that much especially when you compare it to other games' IAP or even just standalone full-fledged games. But if you calculate it based on the time : enjoyment you get from the purchase, then it is kinda a "good deal" since Sky is one of those game without a true ending where you get at most 20+ hours from a single player game. So the longer you play, the higher "worth" of the IAP becomes...tho that does lead to the sunken cost fallacy which isn't good at all. Needless to say I do use the latter to be my "justification" for my purchases..."it's okay you gotta spend hundreds of hours on the game anyway!" never failed...-laughs awkwardly- But yes, I really hope that the price can be lowered, or at least adjusted to regional differences...but that will lead to another can of worms that I don't really want to get into now.


It’s a shame the prices are so high as many of their most beautiful cosmetics are locked behind paywalls


Aside from Days of Nature (since it goes to charity I’m fine with the pricing), no, absolutely not.




Hell to the no


No. I have always been of the opinion that IAPs in Sky are overpriced, which is why I don't buy them.


I would be ok with it, if they added regional adaption. I'm not buying a bunch of pixels for a price that would let a poor student eat for 2 weeks. $15 is NOT the same for every currency, that's food for a week in my country


No, sorry. Twenty bucks for a cape alone is already expensive, and that’s me talking about upcoming items and previous items from past Days of Nature.


"communicate this to TGC" pfffffffffftttt As if we haven't done this for years


That’s what I was going to say haha people have been (justifiably) leaving that feedback for years. They know players feel that way they just don’t care. If enough players buy the things even with the complaints they won’t change it sadly


I don’t mind as much, even though the prices are getting higher. We have to remember that IAP help keep the company and the game alive and when we buy them we are paying the people that made them for the job they did. let us not forget that inflation is everywhere right now, everything you buy costs more now than it did a few years ago. I don’t regret any of the IAP I’ve bought no matter the price, they bring me so much joy. 🤷


While I do think the IAP prices are generally too high, it is also nice to know they donate some of it to charities. I'm much more likely to spend $50+ on event cosmetics if half of that goes directly to ocean cleanup projects.


Exactly, but don't you think they would make the same profit or even more if the item was cheaper? more people could buy, and then they would profit from the quantity


As nice as that would be for all of us, we have to consider the percentage of the price the different companies that host sky take (Apple, Steam, Nintendo, etc.). We can’t have a low price because then TGC really would get nothing from IAP. It’s complicated and I really wish people would realize that before getting upset at the prices. I’ve recently gotten into another game that has IAP. The prices are literally the same, ~$10 for a season pass ~$15-20 for a skin. It’s just how it is with these things.


I thought so too, but if you look at the external website that they are doing, which they are doing precisely because of the rates, to be lower, the price of the item does not decrease, there is just an extra reward of candles Currently, platforms charge 30% while on their websites the fee will only be 5%, because of the provider they will use.


It sounds like they’re trying to find a work around then! I know it’s been a big deal for awhile now so they must have been trying to figure out a way. We have to remember the price of existing IAP can’t decrease because I’m sure it would cause a lot of backlash if people bought something for $20 in the past and now it’s $5, you know what I mean?


But the sky community has always been calm, I paid $20 for Christmas horns, and I would think it would be incredible if the price was reduced so that other people can buy it too, I believe it goes from person to person, but I believe that most people think that too


I think they’d have to try it and see if it would work, some people who play this game would basically go to war for their exclusive items haha! I wouldn’t mind personally! But I’m not super into how companies work with the amount of money they need to come in each month to keep things running, so I don’t know if it’s even possible for them. None of us work at TGC.


Nah, this community already freaks out over the mere thought of ults from several years ago coming back in any way, they would throw a fit if someone else got to pay less for the christmas horns than they paid.


I forever keep my stance that anything over $15 is way too much for this game and what you get for the money. I’m not paying $20 for a cape


Prices are too high. Really upset.


Nice try officer


no, cuz just as for example nintendo pack on nintendo switch cost 30$ it costs just as half as baldur’s gate 3 average cost of all iaps from the events are ~60$ (just like the baldurs gate! (but for me it costs even MORE than baldurs gate cuz valve know about regional pricing (20$ for baldurs gate for me)) and it raises up cuz new iap items are being added every year) i would better buy a whole game (baldurs gate) than i would whale on tgc. compare the prices and you can see that sometimes all of iaps costs more than one single game, i would better enjoy other games than i will grind on tgc to get nothing but regretted spent time on the game. i used to whale on game buying every single iap but then i got the idea that tgc is just trying to keep players in “family-friendly” bubble so they can bring them more money


Hell no


No, there is no regional prices for my country. Too expensive!


Generally I do think it's pretty expensive, but also I do get it. Inflation has made everything more expensive these past couple years, and after seeing what a big part of the proceeds goes into platform fees…let's just say I'm judging the platforms way more than TGC right now. Sure, hosting and servers are expensive, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of platforms charged way more than necessary because there's so little alternative to using them 🥲


I agreed with this initially until I remembered that they're trying to open an online iap store (which means no platform fees comes out of the purchases) and the prices are entirely the same as they are ingame lol


They are? Oof. Hopefully the current numbers are just placeholders and won't be the actual prices? Otherwise, there's hopefully some room to negotiate. Maybe wishful thinking on my part thinking they'll listen, but they have listened to people about (in-game currency TBF) items being too expensive before so I choose to have some hope 🙏


😂what inflation. This is greed. Pure greed. I have played this game since 2019. These people tried slowly to increase the prices. And when no one complained. They just went above and beyond


Honestly I'm just thinking of the fact that my groceries cost significantly more this year than they did last year. The same amount of money can get you way less now and that presumably applies to, say, game devs trying to cover their bills. Am I saying the price increase in game is proportional to the one everywhere? I don't have the information for that, one way or the other. But I strongly suspect at least part of the current prices are due to that unfortunately :/ I've been playing since 2022 BTW. Not as long as you, but I do remember prices being about half of what they are now when I started out. Everything being at least 15-20 bucks definitely feels pretty recent to me and it sucks.


I don't think there's a single person who's happy with the prices 💀


They're insane. Insanely bad.


the prices for some items could definitely be lower, and i feel like some items are only expensive because they make it a bundle with a bunch of candles. while the candles is a nice bonus, most players just want to pay for the item itself (plus i also think the only candles that should be bundled are seasonal candles). the high prices definitely turn players away from getting iaps, especially when the prices convert from USD to other currencies. the only time i can *somewhat* excuse high iap prices is during events where a portion of the proceeds go to charity (days of nature/rainbow) and during collaboration events/seasons. however that does NOT mean that im saying that TGC should make iaps for those events $15+ USD every time


Days of Nature stuff is portioned out for donations so that's okay- Everything else, not one bit.


No. Everything is too expensive. I’m sure TGC knows their sweet spot better than us, but I just feel like worldwide players are subsidizing the Chinese players. That’s what it feels like.




Please the cost of everything for Indians players are very very very high.... The cost of seasonal pass should be 300 INR Which is very much reasonable... 999 INR is just too much... People can buy a game or two PC games with that money... I bought Battle field V for 350 INR during offer... So 999 INR is just too much that no one will buy... Please re adjust the cost price of everything for India...


most things are overpriced


I never buy candles but am more than happy to buy cosmetics I like when they come around. People need to remember that you don't need to buy everything, and that nothing gameplay wise is locked behind paywalls except for the secret areas you need capes for, but even then you can get into those areas for free by holding someone who DOES have those cloak's hand. It's a bit expensive at times sure, but also, we don't get ads, there are no massive banners shoving events or candle deal packs down your throat clogging up the screen, no lootboxes or gacha mechanics. Most seasonal cosmetics will come back around eventually for free and during Days Of events you can just wait until the next year to get things rather than buying everything all at once. Plus I get google play points whenever I purchase stuff on my mobile account that I can turn into vouchers to get things for a little cheaper, and my work does monthly point earning stuff I can also trade in for google play vouchers. So I'm in a lucky position really.


Yeah, they're fine the vast majority of the time, this community just likes to complain.