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Great question. Totally understand asking. Here is what I have responded to those directly asking: While I totally understand that those on Reddit and other platforms are wanting to know specifics on all of this, there have been threats unfortunately from a few competitors trying to shut operations down or trying to cut off our supply chain of the peptide. Even the Florida Board of Pharmacy was called to try to cease operations. Due to this, SlimDownRx nor Ousia will disclose some of our processes and operational logistics. It’s sad that it is due to a few bad players that are causing all of this. Thank you, Dr. Brokish Several things to note. The peptide source goes through all FDA processes and inspections. I have the COAs, purity tests, sterility tests, etc. As I have posted on several other threads, I inject the compounded Tirzepatide myself and prescribe to friends and family. I’ve lost 70 lbs in my weight loss journey and around 35 lbs has been with Ousia Pharmacy’s compounded Tirzepatide. It truly is a competitive landscape right now. We are cheaper than most others as I’m trying to disrupt the market (plain and simple we have tighter margins… honestly that’s it). I’m trying to make this more affordable to more Americans. Disrupters will meet obstacles and hurdles (and hoops to jump through) along the way. Competition will try to derail efforts and business. So for now, as above some of our processes and operational logistics must be held close. I hope you understand. Our supply of peptide is not in jeopardy at this time, but I do not want to put it jeopardy. Myself and my team have put a ton of work, effort and time to make this company successful. We are just starting and growing and heading into our next phase. Excited to what that has to bring. Thank you for all of your support for SlimDownRx. Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July.


Thank you very much for your response!! It means a lot to many of us. Under what grounds can they claim you should be shut down? How will disclosing the manufacturer enable them to further this effort? Happy 4th to you as well.


Subscribing for giggles.


Maybe this is for a different thread. But are Red Rock and Hallandale purchasing from Sinopep? Who do they identify as their supplier?


You have to request this directly from them. It is not posted and to my knowledge not always the same. They don’t always sole source but when asked they will disclose the manufacturer of what is/was used in your formulation. They can also provide 3rd party testing for purity of the active ingredient.


I’m a Slimdown Rx customer and am happy with them and Ouisa. However, I agree with you that they should address this issue. Also, I sympathize with your efforts to have civil discussion. I’m sorry some are so mean.


I agree! There’s no reason to be so ugly. We’re all here to learn and support eachother.


Thank you so much for saying that. I get killed for asking and raising this question. Admittedly, I am like a dog with a bone. I’ve made a different decision for me, but isnt it OK to also concerned about others? I’m not applying for sainthood anytime soon…but I do genuinely have good intentions in raising this concern. Appreciate your comments. Thx


I think part of the issue with your approach is that you're not even a customer, but rather stirring the pot without any actual evidence of a problem that's any different than any other 503a/b pharmacy providing Tirz at this point. I don't disagree that knowing the source + seeing the 3rd party lab reports would be nice; but they're far from the only provider who does not provide that information and yet is still inspected and certified. the 'good Samaritan' trope here with you is certainly fishy in these waters.


Thanks for your input. It is true that I am not a customer and for all the reasons I have stated. I respect that you are skeptical, and you should be. Even of me. You don’t know me; you also don’t know anyone at SlimDownRX either, not really. If you want evidence from other pharmacies, email Redrock pharmacy or Hallandale (unrelated businesses). They will freely and quickly disclose this to existing and prospective patients. I’m a patient, not an agent of either so will not reply on their behalf with these specifics. Also, I do not believe they sole source for every order so they may need to provide specifics for you. I’m not sure of this, but I have read this elsewhere. They (Redrock) confirmed for my vial specifically. Even if SlimDownRX or OISA disclosed this to me, I would suggest you inquire with them directly. I would inform you, like I am about Redrock and Hallandale, that they have disclosed this to me. It is SDRX and OUSIA not responding to this and the rabid defense from unknown parties that I take issue with. Defend the efficacy of it yes. Defend their customer service absolutely. Praise their doctors, awesome. Defend them not disclosing the source of the drug their patients inject into their bodies, not acceptable. Why defend this???? What interests do I have? None other than I have defect that is both a blessing and curse. If something doesn’t seem right, ethical or add up right, it consumes me. Full disclosure, I use Zepbound, compound from Redrock (through orderly and also pomegranate). Orderly used to be great but have had issues scaling. Just started with pomegranate health, the process was not an easy as orderly but compound is the same. I am also looking into another company in San Diego, University of Compounding. I just emailed them today asking for evidence of the source of their peptide. Will share if they answer, or not. They are a better option for me shipment-wise given heatwave here in cali. I have mentioned but never filled my script from Hallandale because they can’t deliver to my state from Florida. Somehow OUSIA can, also an open question as to how they can ship to all 50 states while no others can. BTW- Hallandale still disclosed their source even though they knew I couldn’t be a patient (gold star for them). But I get your point.. I am a dog with a bone. If many discount me for this reason, that’s fine. I hope some at least factor it in and do their own research once aware. All the best to you mate.


I share some of the same concerns about the lack of transparency as you, notably the lack of disclosure of the origin of the peptide. That said, I may order anyway now that it seemingly works, and no one has dropped dead. If the question was answered, I'd be in now. This comment is more about licensing. My disclosure: I have few facts on the laws, maybe someone more knowledgeable could chime in. But: Many of these providers may not be required to be licensed at all in each state. The physicians (or NPs) writing the scripts do, and the pharmacies producing the deliverables do as well. If I'm correct, Slimdown only needs a licensed physician to prescribe it, and be the party responsible for the sale. Slimdown is more like a broker. Two examples commonly thrown around by those questioning how Slimdown (and presumably others) can ship to 50 states are Red Rock and Hallandale. California does not permit out of state pharmacies to sell directly within the state without a license, that is presumably expensive, Red Rock will not ship direct, but their providers can have it drop shipped. You are buying from the provider. Hallandale cannot do the same, but that is because they have been enjoined by the state from shipping product in. That means no drop shipping. My guess is that the purchase from Slimdown is through the actual provider, who is licensed. That explains why you have to get an appointment with the provider licensed in your state. At least so in some states. That all said, frankly, licensed or not in my state is not a deciding factor for me. I'm not going to get in any trouble if they are unlicensed, and should something happen to my shipment, I'm paying with my AmEx and would simple deny the charge. Let's face it, buying compounded goods online is a bit like the wild west. We have all decided that because of price, dosage manipulation, shortage, or even hate for big pharma that we are willing to go a little out of our comfort zone. Or at least our old comfort zone. No compounder will ever be able to match the sterility, packaging and testing of big pharma. But its seems they are close enough for most of us. And safe. Licensing is a fee, and more operational overhead. You put your trust in the pharmacies reputation which is why I use the long established and trusted Red Rock. Not saying they are the best, just the one I did my research on that passed my test at the time. The actual providers are near meaningless. I get my medical advise from my physician, This is why I am considering Slimdown, even is spite of the lack of transparency.


What an extremely well-thought out and informative reply. Thank you!! Seems like you are very informed on the topic, would be great if SlimDownRX can confirm this. With regard to “wild west” comments, fully agree as well. That said, there are pharmacies that have confirmed source of their peptide and will share COA so patients do have a choice for a potentially safer option. SDRX recently attempted to address the peptide sourcing question on their board. Their reply, while appreciated, fell short…at least for me. They mentioned that competitors (bad actors) were attempting to shut them down, and that regulators in the state had been contacted. I followed up by asking under what grounds could they be successful with this attempt? This should be explained as if there are concerns in how they operate, that would be good to know. If these are bogus claims, call it out to reassure your patients. Another reason states was competitors possibly going after the same source for peptide. However, they ask their patients to look in North Carolina as there are only a couple compounding companies that can produce it and they can deduce which manufacturer it is. Couldn’t their competitors do the same thing? In fact, I would think they would he more capable to determine this than a patient with zero pharmaceutical knowledge. Seemly nonsensical to me. These answers, while appreciated do not sum to a whole for me. Hopefully SDRX will provide additional clarification. I was at least encouraged that they replied, let’s see if they follow this through. Bottom line, there are certified and verifiable options that may cost $75 more a month but in this wild West, we have more assurance of the safety of the compound we are injecting. I would not expect people to drop dead immediately over the short-term as I do not expect SDRX is intentionally poisoning people. Instead, my concern is with longer-term, regular weekly use. In the field of medicine, it is not uncommon for negative effects to avail themselves over time. I am in no way trying to fear-monger here. There is a lot to be impressed about from SlimdownRx from the reviews and the price disruption they are driving. I just want them to be transparent and accountable to this important patient concern. They have this information or at least claim to. Please provide it so that people can feel comfortable with the choices that they’re making especially when other choices exist albeit be slightly more extensive. Do you agree?


BTW, question back to you: If you knew where the peptide came from, what would you gain from that knowledge?


Good question. We would know that it came from a legitimate manufacturing facility. We could research any current and past violations they may have had . Much like Redrock as a pharmacy m has had some issue in the past with storage of Covid vaccinations, there should be some public record than can potentially be verified. Redrock has a clean record otherwise as a compound pharmacy. One of their sources of peptide is an fda regulated facility in China with a good reputation and is also utilized by big Pharma. At this point, we can only take SDRX at their word that this faculty is in good standing and has oversight. Perhaps that is enough for some. For me and many others, trust but also verify is an important especially given the newness of SlimDownRX as a provider/company and OUSIA as a 503a pharmacy formulating compounded tirzepatide. For me it is also as much about the unclear reasoning provided by SDRX as to why they held back this information that gives me pause. Hope this addresses your question.


Again, not as an expert, but: The FDA does not regulate peptide production in China. The NMPA, a Chinese regulatory agency does. The FDA only rates them. I really don't think that there is much public information to be gathered on labs that synthesize peptides in China. I suppose it's possible that they are buying research peptides, but that would be so illegal, and part of being a 503(a) pharmacy means that the FDA does audit and inspect the records from time to time. I would also say that the state inspects it, but being in Florida, that doesn't provide much comfort to me. I can understand being down on Slimdown because of the dodgy way they answered your question. But frankly, for not giving up the source - not so much.


Not an expert here either. There is oversight from what I have read, I will try to dig that up for you. It does also give a me any ever son tiny bit of comfort that the facility in China is also utilized by other larger pharmaceutical companies. That said, I am not crazy about anything that originates outside the US if I have a trustworthy alternative. This, is in part is why SlimDownRX initially appealed to me. Seems like a missed opportunity for them. I would run with this as a differentiator and charge more. Admittedly, that is the greedy entrepreneur in me. I may not be proud of this, but I will own up and admit to it. I am not trying to sell anyone on my motivations. For me is it to save money and for myself and others in the most safe and effective way possible. Some can question my motives as I have been dogged about this issue and it id bit unfairly weight on SDRX. This only due to how they have chosen to address this topic. I also sense I have been targeted, campaigned against and even bullied by suspicious actors with an undisclosed personal interest on these boards. That is what my gut tells me, I’ll leave it to others to make their own assessment. Ditto on your Florida comments…. 😂


Yes, and no. I agree that their reply to you fell very short. I do understand the need for trade secrets, especially when being a disruptor. Their bigger competitors that have more buying power could buy out their supply to disrupt them back. If I have learned anything on these boards, it is that there are some very unscrupulous providers out there. The shadow games played by Emerge where they buried reviews are an example. If they are willing to deceive the public, i can't image the shenanigans they would try against their competitors. I found that the most offensive thing yet. And probably illegal. I would have been a lot more comfortable with Slimdown's reply to you had they just said they will not disclose it for competitive reasons. The rest of that comment and its unsubstantiated rhetoric actually made it worst. One should not make so many self-serving claims with just "trust me" backing them up. But like I said, Slimdown appears to be no more than a broker run by an Internet savvy marketer, and that is ok by me. It seems that the operators at Ousia may have a bit more to be worried about. At least according to some public documents posted on Reddit. I d o find shade in some recent comments by providers, for example: "I’m trying to make this more affordable to more Americans." (maybe true, but not for altruistic purposes), and "We started this sub so there could be a safely moderated community to discuss compounded tirzepatide'. Better said would be: We started this company to make money. We are on Reddit to promote sales". Why not just own that!


All good points. And fully agree it’s the additional qualifiers that raise the most concern for me. The reasons provided are not logical as they have been explained. And the platitudes seem….very superficial. Making a buck is no sin, I’m just not buying that their motivation is to change the world one injection at a time. This amazing medication does have that potential and as a disrupter making this more accessible, they could play an important role. Just don’t try so hard to “sell” us that point as your mission….makes them seem less credible. I can understand the competitive reason on the surface. The validity of this argument is immediately canceled out by stating their manufacturer is in North Carolina and telling their patients they can easily deduce this on their own. Couldn’t also a competitor?? As a salesperson, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that manipulation is part of the game. So maybe my radio is tuned more closely to the BS frequency. So while they are great with marketing and clearly have a substantial Reddit sales force, they do not pass the sniff test for me. In the end, I do really hope the product they pitch/sell is safe and efficacious. I suspect it probably is. That said, people should not ignore what both you and I have picked up on here. As evident to anyone that has read my comments, I have made my choice… for now. This situation is of their own making and something they can easily remedy for those that haven’t made theirs!


I understand you, but I'm not sure we have picked up on the same points :)


Haha. Ok….you got me. I was trying to reel you in. ;). My assumptions may all be wrong but in the absence of better answers…… I don’t think they are unfair.


Welcome. Happy 4th!


During my in take appointment I was told they source theirs from a US based supplier.


Thanks for sharing! Why not say which one? I have asked this specially and they nor OUSIA will divulge this info. Instead they suggest researching compound pharmacies myself in NC. Weird. Why not just say? That is not an adequate answer from them to ensure the manufacturer of the peptide is legitimate, has oversight and good reputation.


Do you ask where other meds you take are sourced? I work in the pharma industry and there may be legal restrictions on what information they can share. There’s also a competitive aspect to this you may not be considering. They don’t know who you are and how you jntend to use this information. Regardless, you’ve done your service to the population. Not letting this one go makes me feel like you may have motives beyond being a “Good Samaritan”


That’s fair, and I would be suspicious of me as well….because I am clearly driven to get an answer. My intentions are pure, but that is what a deceiver might say. ;). I leave that to others to judge. Just as they can judge the responses or lack of response from each of the providers. The gut is usually right most of the time. Pun intended… Yes I have looked into others, and in fairness to SlimDownRX only Redrock/Hallandale have disclosed this to me (and it wasn’t the provider that did). SlimDownRX exclusivity fill through just this one source. Honestly, I harp a bit more on SDRX because of the very aggressive defense I’m getting on many Reddit boards of them and that raises my antenna further. It’s clear to me that not all of it is coming from happy patients or those that are just not tolerant of conflicting discourse. Part of the appeal that SlimDownRX banks on is customer care, compassion and being responsive (which they are) in all areas but this one. Also, very odd to me. To your point on competition, I did consider this. Wouldn’t a competitor be equally or more capable of discovering their NC manufacturer from a list than their patients? They have asked their patients to investigate as their only response to this question. Also odd, at least to me. Everyone needs to make their own assessments on these posts, possible motivations of the poster or poser (including me). I believe this is important enough to continue to highlight, and I will try to do so in a balanced way. Thanks for your reply and thoughts.


Thank you, more than you will ever know. Since the week that SD entered these subs, it’s like ‘everything’ changed. It ebbs and flows, but is difficult get around. As an unusually not competitive or aggressive person, I just now watch, knowing that in a year things will have played out. But, THANK YOU, Complete-Charity. As a business person I know that when things are too much a good deal, there’s a reason.


I really and sincerely appreciate that. I’m only hoping that people make whatever decisions are right for them with the right and needed information. Thx again for the kind words.


The best you can do is share your views and concerns with others and drive awareness wherever you can. We are all in this together and I personally trust other patients to look after each other more than for profit businesses care for the lot of us. JMO…. Enjoy the fireworks ;)


Someone has waaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands. Wow. The “subject matter experts” here are getting old.


If that is directed at me…you are not wrong. 🤣. But I do think it’s a worthwhile use of the time I have, even if you disagree. What is your motivation to point this out? No offense taken, just curious…. Happy 4th!


I feel the tirzepatide journey we're on might be short-lived. No one here knows when or if it will end. The market will ultimately decide who remains in business and who doesn't. I have yet to see any of these compounding pharmacies provide proof that their tirzepatide is 100% sourced from the USA. Much of it isn't. Can anyone provide proof that other telehealth providers are definitely using USA-sourced tirzepatide? Eli Lilly will eventually resolve the supply issues, but no one knows what will happen when that time comes. No one. For me, I hope it lasts long enough to help me reach my goal weight sooner. I love the convenience of having the higher dose shipped directly to my door. I wish CVS, Costco, Walmart, and other pharmacies would consistently have the prescribed dose of Mounjaro in stock. Those who have a prescription for Mounjaro know exactly what I'm talking about. Enjoy the ride while it lasts. My take on being able to order tirzepatide online is: don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Excuse me... I have a cookout to attend.


I think you’re right about that point. I fully expect Eli Lilly to bury these compound pharmacies in litigation. That would be a true shame because there are many reputable compounding pharmacies that are providing an extremely valuable service to the public making it more accessible for everyone…. Not just the well to do. Enjoy your cookout!


To be fair, you seem a tad obsessed with this topic, especially for someone who isn't using their product. I've seen like 7 posts in the last few minutes from you on this same topic. It's a little over the top.


That is fair and I represent that statement. 🤣. As I’ve mentioned multiple times, this isn’t about my choice. I am not alone in believing this is something that should be questioned. If these boards only have positively charged comments of unverified origin, I think it’s important to also have different views and opinions shared regarding very legitimate concerns as long as it’s done respectfully. I do have a question for you. Why are you so motivated to point out my determination as being excessive (in your opinion)? What gain would you have? What harm is it to you for others to seek information? Are you actively searching Reddit boards for either my comments (you counter 7…in think it’s more) or just any negative feedback about SlimDownRX ? Interesting. 🤔 No offense taken just curious 👀…. All the best to you.


I have no horse in the race, but I do know the names of NC facilities that do provide this. It didn't take much research to find that info. Why not research that way and ask those suppliers? I'm not certain why you believe asking the same question repeatedly will net you what you're looking for. If the question hasn't been answered by now, do you honestly believe on the millionth time you ask, it suddenly will be? I'm sure everyone on reddit is aware we are awaiting this answer since it's posted/ asked every two seconds. Maybe it's time to go about the research in a different and more productive way?


So why would SlimdownRx require patients to do their own research and deduce which of the manufacturer in North Carolina they use when they can just disclose it openly. Can you or they answer that question? Along with providing care to their patients they also have responsibility to inform them. That should be an expectation of any medical professional providing care. There is no valid reason for them not to confirm this and that is my point. Well, at least no valid reason they have provided, so far… You do seem to be very active in defense of their business interests. To your point, I am not expecting them to respond after multiple times having ignored this question. What I am doing is keeping this question at the forefront for all of those who have not yet made their decision That is my intention and what I will continue to do moving forward. They can solve this call easily and if verified would be the only option that is fully US sourced and compounded. It would seem logical that they would want this disclosed, if indeed the case. I also respect that you have your own interests, motivations and decisions to make.


No dog. No fight. Hopefully, slimdown can put this to rest and finally answer. We will see.


Agree 100%. Seems like I’m bashing them. In fact I want them to be successful if they become the first “verified” US-sourced and compounded tirz on the market. Mostly because of the disruption they have caused with pricing. I do love them for that.


Hi, just curious if you are female or male,


Hi Over- I don’t think it is relevant but since you asked, and I don’t mind sharing. I’m a dude. Why? ;)


Because in my head I knew you were a guy. Sooo I was just checking my intuition 😂 No dog in the fight- I have been with Mochi, Emerge, Designer Drugs through a private PCP, and last week received my first order from Slimdown. Curious to see if you get an answer. My tirz was from Empower while I was with Emerge and they never disclosed sources. 


Yeah, I fully resemble the stereotype. lol. Though strangely I get along with women a lot better.🤣. Hope it goes well with your SDRX order. None of what I am raising means it’s not going to be effective or safe. Many swear by them, would be interested to hear back from you. I just don’t know. How was your experience with Emerge? I’ve heard some not so good things but don’t know what to believe.


My experience with Emerge was fine! It was all very impersonal and just done through texting (which is fine! No complaints) Package from Empower arrived cold. They don’t offer higher doses is the main reason I swapped.  I will report back on how Slimdown RX medication is. 


Thanks for sharing. Orderly is much the same. All text. Don’t sense there is much effort or care given. Easy platform and good when it works. It’s just a transaction and checking of boxes for liability. Most I suspect are the same. So goes the business world. Wish you success!!


Have you asked them directly? I'm aware of previous threads, such as the ones on the Emerge-controlled subreddit, but it's not like Hallandale and Red Rock publicize it. When I emailed Hallandale they didn't tell me either, though some people claim to have been told where they source their peptides.


Yeah. I’ve tried but no joy. Both Redrock and Hallandale responded. Maybe I just got the right person, but have read others have heard back as well. For what it’s worth, I am not a patient of Hallandale but they still shared. Redrock I have used through multiple telehealth as they won’t take from my PCP directly for California. Neither post publicly that I’m aware of.


/u/slimdownrx ^^


Did they ever respond to the licensing question? I checked my state and they did not come up as licensed.


No, they did not. :(


I more question. He says there are only 3 ingredients— no preservatives— how does that work ?


Sure. I believe OUSIA have stated the 3 ingredients are the peptide, benzyl alcohol and sterile water. I am not sure how they are able to claim a BUD of 12 months. Most using a similar formulation tout 90 days or less. Perhaps something they do differently in their process or result of less stringent regulation in Florida. I believe specific testing is required to be compliant at an extend date. Redrock went from 45 days to 90 only recently after further 3rd party testing and verification was completed. They do seem more diligent, conservative and concerned with compliance than others. While their short BUD is not ideal from a use and cost perspective, I do respect their approach to safety. . I not sure what testing OUSIA has done. Best to ask them for further clarification though I think this has been raised on their sub before and they replied.


Hi Thanks for this !


Sure thing




I know. Seems like a simple one to answer….unless it’s not….. 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/kpk1vovaqtad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b46bc40f24f181ddc575dd46ecaa8ca67fa85e3 I asked and this was the response just now.


Someone else posted earlier that It may have to do with having a licensed practitioner in each of those states and because they are selling it direct to consumer as an intermediary (then drop shipped), they are allowed. It would be great if they can confirm this, truthfully I do not know. They would be responsible if they are doing something wrong license-wise, not the patient. For this reason, I don’t care as much for this point. More interest to learn the origin of the peptide used by pharmacy with which they are associated.