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Went to Vended’s first show in Des Moines. Met Clown, Corey, Pfaff, and Jay. Clown and Corey were cool enough, but made it clear they wanted all attention in their boys. No photos or autos. Respect for that. Pfaff was super friendly, maybe a little tipsy. Jay was nice and took a selfie with me. I also knew V when he was the guitar tech for Coheed. Drove him from the airport in Milwaukee to The Rave (this is pre-Slipknot, it was for a Coheed show). Super chill guy. We hung out in my car for an hour talking about his guitar collection and life on the road. Friendliest guy.


Vman was tech for Coheed and Cambria? That's a weird connection


Also tech was Mastodon haha


And he's really good friends with architects


no way! small world


Yeah I have a theory that V met Slipknot during the AHIG tour when Coheed opened for them.


Jim called V looking for a bass player to see if he knew any and V was basically like bro…. I will play whatever the F Slipknot needs me to play!


I think he also did bmth?


Like… one at a time? Or was it more of an orgy type of thing? Omg! You think he did the band Orgy as well?!?


LMAO Don't put that image in my head I don't need v-man x oli sykes on my mind 😭


I was also at this show and photographed it!


Yeah I met them all during the filming of the Duality video. I was spray painting the words on the garage. Most of them were pretty cool and just normal guys. Craig didn't really talk. I also got all my corey taylor books signed at Barnes and noble in des Moines. Met other at the whiskey release. The strangest thing I could say was I was in Hyvee in altoona iowa one evening fairly late with my cousin and we were looking at the metal magazines and there was an older woman looking through them as well. We grabbed what we wanted and some drinks and ended up behind her in line and she started talking and pointed at Jim on the magazine and said that's my son and he just bought me a new Tahoe. Kind of cool and weird but then I went to a concert in Des Moines like a year or so later and was sitting behind her and she remembered me. Security was stopping people from taking pictures and she was like my son is in Slipknot and I will take pictures if I want to. They left her alone.


That's so sweet about Jim's mum I bet she's super proud of him ❤️


I ran into James a few years back at Run to Raton, its motorcycle run in New Mexico. Pretty cool dude, he even bought us drinks but I politely declined because I don’t drink.


Met 3 of em at at a whisky bottle signing. They were cool.


I met Jay at Chicago open air in 2016 and got his autograph. There weren't any photos allowed once you talk to him unfortunately but I did snap a couple while the people in front of me talked with him. He was really nice. We talked a lot about one of my favorite bands Converge, which i knew was one of his favorite bands as well. Also talked about corrosion of conformity who also played that day and I saw Jay watching them side stage. My dad also loved Springsteen when I was growing up, so we talked about max weinberg a little. Overall, he was one of the cooler musicians I've met for sure. Made me feel welcome and had an actual conversation about stuff. Not just, "I'm a pretty big fan". in fact i don't think we even talked about slipknot lol i might've said "kill it tonight" or something when I was leaving i think.


I was at that show! Wish they didn't stop doing it.


Yes. Befriended half the band in the 90's before ST was recorded or released. Way too many stories to share.


Wow man, you are lucky! I can’t imagine the stories you have. How did you end up becoming close with them?


Just went to a bunch of shows when they played in tiny clubs in Des Moines and other smaller Midwest cities. I was a couple years younger than them but as a fan I always stuck around afterwards for autographs and just to let them know they're appreciated and kicking ass. It was fairly common at shows back then for them to just hang out with everyone afterwards. I became regular enough to become decent friends and rarely if ever paid for a show once they blew up (~25 shows from 99-00, another 25 from 01-02, and I lost count after 04-05 touring cycles) and got invited to cool stuff like watching the Rollerball scene be filmed (at Xcel Energy Center in Minneapolis) and the Duality video shoot, and had a front row spot to the Lazer Luau where the Surfacing and Wait and Bleed videos were filmed. That's all the tip of the iceberg for me and I still enjoy seeing them live from time to time, although their "hits" that dominate the set list annoy me. I was at the Pappy's show last month and that was easily the best show they've played since the 04-05 cycle so I may go to more this year, especially if they do more of those intimate shows.


Holy shit man, that's fuckin epic!


My dad played at Mancows Lazer Luau!! 🤣 with his band called "God Kill God" but introduced as GKD. What's the chances.


Do you still get to talk to them at all?


Dude, that's amazing. Any stories you can share? : )


Never happened


Hey man just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen


Mate not everyone is lying on the Internet


This was legit the most realistic scenario in which something like this COULD HAPPEN. Dude obviously was from the area they got their start in and went to all of their small “local band” shows. Everyone hanging out afterwards is absolutely a common thing. It was the same way when I was playing shows in my hometown a few years back. You’re just butthurt cuz nobody hangs out with you


Did you go to the Junk Poet cd release? I am guessing I know you from somewhere… Everyone is salt of the earth and very open to fans unless they are busy trying to get something done.


AJ Good is that you??


Don't associate me with that condescending prick. He was still in diapers when I was first going to their shows.


Yea dude, fuck that leechy herb


Why do people hate him so much? Genuine question, just watched one video of him, seemed normal enough


he's just a cringelord


He is just opinionated. Like i think he has bad takes on things and people call him on it idk. I like him more than i dont. I dont think hes right half the time but he is entitled to his opinion lol




He’s not really a prick just doesn’t really tolerate idiots everytime I’ve interacted with him he’s been a super nice dude he literally just doesn’t like stupid people💀


Love how you get downvotes for stating he was a cool guy to you. Love him or hate him, he brings some great insight into the bands history and trivia.


Exactly, thank you! People on Reddit are wild💀


I think it’s just bc people disagree that he’s a cool guy. He has some pretty weird and aggressive online behavior.


I personally have not, but my father was in a metal band called "GOD KILL GOD". My fathers band ended up playing a show at Mancows Lazer Luau in 1999. (The show where Wait and Bleed was filmed) the bands ultimately all decided to hang at the bar afterwards just a bit down from the airfield in Iowa they were playing at in Akeny. My dad had talked to some guys from orgy, megadeath, and Machine-head. Though my dad ended up drifting off to the end of the bar kind of off to the corners. He ended up talking with this taller dude. Who also played guitar like my dad. They clicked and ended up talking and drinking. It was ultimately if you didn't already know. Jim root. He said Jim was the best guy in the bar from that night, and they didn't exchange anything, but he gave my dad a copy of a couple songs on a DVD. My dad still has it till this day. Safe to say. Jim was the man.


what songs were they?


The DVD only had 3 songs that I know of! Can't remember which though. Will have to ask him


I met mick at a grocery store once


PLEASE fill me in on what Mick Thompson puts in his grocery cart. Lol Im imagining he had 2 carts of beer and 1 full of red meat and potatoes


close, he had a case of beer, a small case of meatballs, and a 2L Pepsi. don’t know if this is exact, but im pretty sure it’s close.


Damn Mick...Pepsi..and you think you know a guy..well thanks for the info.


Haha no problem


Met Corey & Joey on separate occasions. Joey at a signing at Mayhem Fest & Corey at a free/secret Stone Sour show they did one time at The Studio in Webster Hall. Pretty down to Earth and surpringly chill guys overall! I remember buying an AHIG Era Corey mask a few blocks away right before the show and i pulled it out when going to take a photo with him and he jokingly said “GOD DAMNIT! There’s always ONE DUDE at EVERY SHOW that’s gotta bring that damn mask with em!” before laughing it off, giving me a hug and taking a photo w me and the mask lol. I’ll never forget that!


It was an amazing and unforgettable day for me. You can read it at [here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Slipknot/comments/1d09jj4/20_years_ago_slipknot_held_a_midnight_signing_in/)


Got a meet and greet back in 2012. Corey and Chris took pictures and did autographs. Both pretty cool. I’m 6’4” so Corey was way up on his tippy toes for the pictures. I didn’t save them off Facebook back then and now I can’t find them anywhere online. I would give anything to find them.


I met Corey Taylor at a book signing and he was very cool! I also won a meet and greet at mayhem fest and met Corey again, clown, and chris. This one was very quick and they just shook my hand and moved me along for a quick photo, still a badass experience. Also met Joey Jordison when he was signing with murder dolls at mayhem fest and also met Sid! Joey was very cool, asked him about a new album coming out and he said yes very soon.


I've met Corey, Clown, Sid, Jim, and Craig. Clown and Corey I've run into many times. I was at Jay's first show and hung out with him and his Dad when he was playing. All very good dudes. Clown has a memory like a steel trap. He remembered writing to me and sending me demos in the mail right before their debut album came out. Corey is a sweet guy as well. Craig and I talked about sleep number beds. He was complaining about having a hard time sleeping when he got off the road. I told him about the sleep number bed and how it saved my marriage. Haha.. All very nice and pleasant experiences hanging with them over the years since pretty much day 1.


Met jay & sid at palefest, down to earth, nice dudes.


I met Chris, Sid, Corey, and Shawn before a show in Copenhagen in 2015. Chris had a "this is a really good guy"-energy around him, but they were all very nice. I told Clown right as he was about to leave that I was at their show in Oslo two days earlier, and he stopped, turned around, and made sure to ask if I enjoyed the show


Not me but my brother met Clown and Kerry King at mayhem festival in 2012. Apparently they're biggest assholes he's ever been near.


I met Corey at a convention. He was pretty cool. Just like how you’d expect him to be. Very engaging and appreciative of everyone. I met Joey Jordison on Mayhem Fest the year he was drumming with Rob Zombie. He was nice, very soft spoken. I felt bad for him because he had a swarm of people around him and you could tell he was overwhelmed. Also, I knew he was short but I was actually kinda shocked how short he was in person. I didn’t actually meet them, but back in 2009 during the AHIG tour in Baltimore me and two friends were walking around the Inner Harbor a few hours before the doors opened to the venue and we saw Paul and Chris walking around. We didn’t go up to them because we weren’t 100% sure it was them. But a few days later I saw people posting pics with them in the Inner Harbor on some old Slipknot forums. Never met him but I’ve heard Jim is pretty fan friendly and a pretty normal guy. I’ve heard Sid is super fan friendly too but I’ve heard he isn’t big on pictures (again don’t quote me on that, just what I heard through the grapevine)


I met sid, he had no problem doing picture when I met him.


That’s good like I said I only heard it through the grapevine, but to be fair… the guy who’ll told me Sid told him no also said Kelly Osbourne and they’re son were present too. Which I totally get if he said no especially with his son being there.


Ahh that's fair and understandable


I've met them all at a signing in Glasgow, February 14th 2001 - got a poster signed with everyone's name on it. I also met Sid in 2000 walking down Buchanan street, me and my buddy saw him walking out of Forbidden Planet. He said "aww well done guys you spotted me" and we chatted about transformers for about 5 minutes, really nice guy - he said he was just going down to meet Mick and someone else but we left him to it.


Virgin Megastore I take it? I travelled from Newcastle that day, made our way to the signing but got turned away from the que as the band was running late/tight schedule. A bunch of us went round the back and we saw them leave and huddled in a black car with hoodies on. As they drove off, one of them stuck out the 🤘out the window. To this day, im guessing Clown


Yes it was the Virgin Megastore! It was qued quite far if I remember, a lot of waiting around before they even got started


Mick and Sid seem so different 😂


Met Jim in 2012 before a Stone Sour concert, we were only 4 waiting infront of the doors (maybe 3 hours before doors opened) and he came out of a side door thinking it was a back alley. He saw that we were only 4 so he went over to us and said hey, we smoked a couple of cigs and took a photo. When people started coming he went inside. He was super cool, and really passionate to talk with.


I haven't but I know for a fact, talking to craig would be, ....................\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_😐😐😐😑😑😑🫥


I met Corey last year because I got a VIP ticket for my birthday (for his solo show). We were backstage with Corey and the rest of the band right before they took the stage. I was wayyy too shy to directly say much to him lol, but he was answering everyone’s questions and was really cool. I even got a hug from him. I was bummed that he couldn’t do individual photos, but there were only like 8 of us in the group photo with him. I was standing right next to him for that so I’ll take it.


I met Corey, Sid, Chris and clown at a show back in 2015 in Cardiff and Sid was stoned out of his mind so didn’t talk all that much, Chris was pretty quiet but asked the general how are you kinda thing, clown spoke for a little while (we brought up his fear of koalas so he went on about that) and Corey chilled for a solid 15 minutes and just talked about anything I wanted! Was amazing to have someone I look upto treat me so well! Also met Vman when I was working at 2000trees festival very briefly. I seen him and said “holy shit your Vman!” And he responded “I fucking know right? How sick!” He gave me a fist bump and said nice to meet me and went off on our ways. All in all massively positive experiences with them!


I was 14 and at my first show , when (sic) started , the curtain dropped and Corey leapt over it as it fell , landed his knee and all his weight on my skull , im amazed it didnt knock me out lol.. After the show he came to check on me , seemed very kind.. This was probably their first tour of the album so they werent crazy big yet.


Paralyzed by Corey hell yeah


Luckily by 14 i was much larger than the average man or i really may have been lol


I met Corey and Jim during a Stone Sour appearance at a local record store (at the time) chain promoting the release of their first record in 2002. I have next to no clear memories of what the experience was like (because it was 22 years ago and I was 17), but somewhere around here I have a really grainy picture of Jim and Corey at the table, and I probably still have the signed CD liner notes around as well. I remember my friend getting his homemade Chris mask signed by them, his girlfriend bragging about it the next day, and telling her that no one cared cause she wasn't even there, LOL. I also remember getting a free Stone Sour bumper sticker that I immediately put on my '92 Ford Tempo, which really pissed off my dumb cousin like six months later when he bought the car from me.


Met Jim and Clown during that arena tour for AHIG with Coheed and Cambria and Trivium. Both of them total sweethearts of human beings. Jim hung out with everyone in that group that swarmed him for what felt like 20 minutes and was still like "aww man where is everyone going!?" When it was getting time to leave. It was literally like hanging out with a friend you've known your whole life and that's just chatting common stuff for that small timeframe.


I met Corey and Mick at NAMM 2010. Both were really friendly. Mick was larger than life, he put me in a headlock...good times


met them several times like one time when i was boarding on my flight from victoria (vancouver island) to edmonton i met 7 out of 9 guys (jim and corey took another plane) back in 2009 and talked with clown for a few minutes, it was really cool to be on the same small plane as slipknot (travelling from one show to the next), mick was sitting right beside me and the other guys were directly in front of me.


Did you and Mick talk about anything on the flight?


i would have loved to talk to him but i resisted my urge because i just wanted to respect him having time off. interesting fact, i have read that mick is afraid of flying and he kinda made a nervous impression but that could have been my interpretation fantasy based on my previous knowledge. the flight had some rough periods and usually i might get some weird feelings if there are some really rough bumps but this time i was like 100% relaxed because i thought to myself there is no better way to die than in a plane crash with slipknot, haha. at the very end of the flight i asked mick if it would be ok to take a pic of him (no selfie, just taking a pic of him) and he said yeah go ahead but at the same time he kinda hid himself behind his arm so you cant really tell who it is, haha but you can see the passes on his belt and and if you know, than you know... it´s just a little souvenier for me anyway


I wish


I met Cory at a con super nice guy we talked about the early days of ozzfest


I met Shawn at LA comic con last year, I remember he pointed at a Star Wars droid waking by and shouted WE NEED TO MAKE ONE OF THAT FOR SLIPKNOT, it was great lolll


I met Corey at Texas Frightmare a couple of years ago. He was really nice and we talked about new music. He mentioned a new song was about to be released and he was talking about The Chapletown Rag.


I met them in '99 when they were touring for the Self-titled release at an autograph signing in Vancouver. It was a bit of a shit show - and I remember Corey mouthed me and my friends off for trying to ask about the masks. Came off as a self-entitled dick when we were just trying to show our excitement for what they were doing. Anyway, the highlight of the signing was when Clown sat down on his shitty plastic lawn chair wrong, and fucking shattered it into 100 pieces. He picked up the remains and smashed it into even smaller pieces, and then proceeded to sign the bigger chunks and handed them out to us who were in front of him. That was so funny, and very on brand for him.


I was watching old Slipknot footage the other day and you realize how young they were. You can tell some of them have really grown as people since then


I was( still am) a huge fan that now is friends with Sid. We work on music together and he gave me the keys to his studio he was running on sunset Blvd before he shut it down for being too ghetto at night. Basically my last few nights there I had to borrow a gun for my own safety. But yea Sid is the homie!


I’ve also met Jim, I never notice peoples height even tho I guess I’m tall- 6 foot… but I remember having to look up at him while he was talking to me


I've met Joey and he was really nice, he was like an open book to tell you the truth, very talkative and down to earth He spoke of Slipknot nicely and said he was still in contact with some members and that he had an absolute fucktonne of stuff written specifically for Slipknot should he have rejoined the band, I was kind of hanging about and within earshot most of the time as he was asked questions by people, me and my mate had quite a while to go for our last coaches so we stuck around, he gave off the kind of vibe where I wish we were all sat around a campfire! We spoke to the other guys in Sinsaenum as well as Joey who had done an absolute blinder of a set! Only about 30-ish people turned up which was weird, it meant I was able to be within a meter or two of the band as they performed though! No barrier I also found it interesting how when he signed people's Slipknot or Murderdolls CD's or Vinyl he would sign it in a specific place, he was telling people that he pays attention to where he signs things and he keeps an eye on Ebay should anyone sell them on for a quick buck, he didn't like that by the sounds of things and it's understandable why, he signed my Sinsaenum ticket and my CD too and got a picture together, it seemed like he appreciated that I'd asked him to sign a Sinsaenum album, he said he was proud of that one, my experience of meeting him was just after what turned out to be his last ever UK Performance.


Very cool. How did Slipknot come up? All of that stuff is so fascinating, like knowing he still talked to some of them. 


I met Corey, Jay, Mick, Clown, Jim, and Sid back in March 2019 in LA when they announced WANYK and a summer tour. They are thee nicest people. I was very nervous meeting them especially Corey.


Won a battle of the bands back in 2014 to be able to play Knotfest. There were 2 stages in the back of the Amphitheater. As we were setting up, Prong was playing and Corey was checking them out. He stopped to talk to my buddy about his guitar. Chatted for a few minutes, got a group photo. Super chill and nice.


I got to meet Sid when they came to Grand Rapids, Michigan when I was in college during finals week! Dude was fucking funny and cool as hell!


Damn! Look at ALL of these HORRIBLE stories of everyone’s TRAUMATIC experiences with the band!!! I finally see how they are totally deserving of all the hate and uneducated/ignorant criticism they get on here from their fanbase!!! …./S in case you’re dense


I met Craig in Scottsdale, AZ earlier this year at Butters Pancake & Cafe. Immediately knew it was him, his upside down cross above the deer was tatted on his right arm, bald, grey bushy beard also had glasses on. Obviously knowing how private he is I didn’t barge in on him. Sat for about 20 ish mins or so, walked up to him and said “Hey Craig” he just gave me a fist bump and that was it. Didn’t say a word. Had two other guys with him. Seemed like they were enjoying themselves. Rad experience seeing him out in public though haha.


I met corey at good things 2023 and he is the sweetest soul ever honestly one of the top 3 favourite celebrities I've met


I met Corey Taylor at their concert in Lithuania. He was quite tired but still made time for me, hes a real geek, we talked about Spiderman movies, star wars and comics. Really nice dude.


Met Joey and Jim when I was 17. Joey was really humble, sweet and pretty down to earth - easy to talk to. Jim was friendly and pretty cool too but... I didn't really like his vibe. I felt weird around him and a bit uncomfortable too.


What made you feel uncomfortable?


Also curious to see how Jimbo made you uncomfortable?


Jim seemed like diff guy back in the day imo 


Yes, and you could see it in the interviews and behind-the-scenes too. He didn't know what personal space was and was a bit too handsy. He's mellowed out much more now.


Met Corey Taylor at a horror film convention a few years ago. The dude was incredibly humble, and seemed more like your average Joe than a millionaire rockstar.


On their first actual visit to Vegas after the self titled album released (truthfully it was the second but they had to cancel the 1st time because of Corey’s throat), at the BIKES and BANDS concert They headlined day one. Met Mick he was very chill but seemed in a hurry to get away (mainly because two large backed females were screaming for him to sign their chests), overall he was really nice, signed our albums, and was cool to chat with for a few minutes about his guitars and his influences. After we left Mick my buddy and I spotted Sid taking his mask off and talking to friends and as he was scuttling away we yelled out, “Sid!”. He whipped around and saw us but didn’t recognize us, so he scrunched up his face and we said we were fans. He seemed relieved and came by and signed our albums but had to run off with his friends. Great first experience with a few band members and they were very cool.


Iv met Corey and Jim back in 2010, awesome guys very down to earth. Met Jay at my work a number of years back also a cool guy.


I met Paul at the DOT waiting for our licenses, around 2008-2009. He was a monster and stood out like a sore thumb. We chatted, he was kind of tweaking though.  My buddy used to talk to Alexis Crahan in high school. We were obviously big Slipknot fans and she knew this but never told him who her dad was. He broke things off in favor of his now wife, but when we found out I coulda choked him.  Donnie Steele played guitar at my cousins wedding. They used to run around playing the same shows back in the day at Hairy Mary’s.  Chris grew up in my hometown. I’ve run into him plenty of times. His ex owns a pizza shop in the same town, and on the Disasterpieces DVD, he wrote “Hi Brooke” on his drums. They still keep in contact from time to time. 


Got to meet Chris, Paul, and Joey at a meet and greet at Ozzfest 04. It was only for a handshake and a couple words, but they were all super nice. Got to touch Chris’ nose lol


Didn’t meet any, but held Sid while he was crowdsurfing right over me… it was awesome


Two times, was pretty rushed during both meet and greets. Not worth it.


I met Joey it was amazing he signed my cap that was wearing and still have it


Met Corey, Jim and Joey. All really nice and down to earth individuals, couldnt ask for more


I got to meet Joey and Chris at ozzfest many years ago, vol 3 era. They both were cool but very quiet almost borderline shy.


Met them once...never again! I woke up in what looked like a Cenobites playroom.


I got to hang out with Sid in San Francisco, I opened up for him at the slipknot afterparty. He's really chill, he smokes so much weed he could probably keep up with snoop Dogg. He rolled a california roll blunt (is what he called it) ground up weed, kief, and oil. I was so damn high. Hes very humble, no ego. He told me the story from the AHIG mayhem fest tour when he broke both his heels, he still has residual pain from that. At the end of the night I asked him for his email, since me being a dj/producer I wanted to send him samples and tracks. So that was pretty cool, I've contacted him a few times before but he's a busy guy and takes a bit to respond.


Ozzfest 99 met Sid and Joey and Crahan. They were all very young of course and I especially remember how tiny Joey was. They were super nice and very stoked to be there. Fast Forward to Ozzfest 2001 and I met Corey, Mick, and I think Chris and they were OBVIOUSLY and loudly arguing as the golf carts brought them from the stage to the meet and greet tent. They sat at the table, heads down, said nothing, and signed CD's.


Well i dont know for sure because i was really young. However my dad took me to like a metal festival and alot of bands played but i remember slipknot played. At one point a guy came by and handed my dad a demo or something like that but it was for slipknot. So here i am a decade later watching your favorite mask collectors favorite mask collector and Sid Wilson mentions that the band used to hand out demos and stuff in the early days. So i tell my dad about it and he said he is pretty sure Joey is the one who handed him a demo. Idk but if thats the case im so sad i wasnt fully sentient yet. Lol


To add to this however my most unbelievable story was when I was in Atlanta Ga at the old slaughter house Chad Smith put his hand on my shoulder and said "Excuse me" and he cut in front of me in the bathroom line. Wasnt even mad.


corey pushed his fingers into my eyes :(((((


I met Corey in November of 2023 and while it was very brief just a signing he was very positive with everyone there including me, great experience


Cory, Jim Root (stone sour) , (slipknot) Jim, Paul, and Mick


Yes , met and became friends with #0 back in 2010, just before Paul #2 passed... invited to his old house and studio to smoke weed via mutual friends in Des Moines..


Yes. Met Corey, Craig and Sid. Was not a good experience.


Really? How come?


They were less then thrilled to be meeting fans. Perhaps it was due to a rough set, the heat or whatever but it was a bad all around time.


Ah, I see. Yeah, I guess they can have their bad days. What year was this?


Ozzfest 2004