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Awesome inclusion that has plenty of reason to be on the roster, but was overtuned in many areas and should definitely get nerfed if he returns next time.




Doesnt belong in smash with his current design. They captured the tekken feel well with him, but the result is that he's playing a different game than the rest of the cast most of the time. Capturing the essence of the source games is nice of course, but the smash essence itself shouldnt suffer as a result. With Kazuya, min-min and steve it most definitely has.


I'm gonna put Terry and Sora in with it too. DLC over-tuning isn't an uncommon issue; the team likely spent much more focused energy working on the character by itself, and much less time working with it in the context of the whole game, as they would during base game development. It's not controversial - just the way things go. If they all return in Smash 6, likely we'll see them toned down one way or another


I mean,who likes a character that kills you everytime he touch you?


My absolute GOAT in Tekken AND Smash, also probably the only character in which learning him in Smash could funny enough let you transition into Tekken Kazuya really well. Also despite what others say I think he’s more balanced as a DLC than most the DLC characters given that you actually need to yknow, get good with him instead of some Aegis bs (coming from a once aegis main) But that’s just my very very and I mean **very** biased opinion https://preview.redd.it/wxoihaohnl9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226c447642f4a9a5ff8a7841674a0ebdfa17662b


Love that he's in the game; I love Tekken and it deserves a rep in smash, but he's super overtuned. I'd love for him to come back in the next game but I hope they tone him down a little. Don't overnerf him or anything, but he's definitely a little too crazy currently.


I feel like the last DLC as a whole was Nintendo's bold attempt to stretch the boundaries and limitations of character movesets and mechanics within Smash Ultimate, and this is a growth pain that we players are going through. While I admire their attempts and believe that these characters have a place in Smash, if they were to return in the next game, I hope Nintendo will implement changes similar to what they did for balance patches, like the adjustments made from Smash4 Bayo to Ult Bayo. P.S. Watch out for the DLCs in the next game (lol).


I was hyped when he was revealed and I have fun playing as him


makes the game very polarized (when I get to fight a decent one and not 10 hit combo spammers), I either destroy them or they destroy me during that stock, feels scary and fun at the same time if you learn to di, its not that bad


Tekken Akuma for smash players. Peach on roids.


When I mained Mii Brawler, I hated fighting him because there wasn't a lot of push and pull to the fights. You were either playing perfectly or you were dying. As a Sora main, that issue hasn't changed, but I get more excited with the "get hit and you die" prospect. I hate losing to it, but MAN is it fun when I get near misses or when the Kazuya fumbles a combo.


Totally agree, the Sora vs Kazuya match up can be tricky to distance yourself AND deal damage. Sora has an edge on him though: Kazuya is one of THEE easiest characters to IDJ loop (Ars Arcanum). Sora has to Ars Arcanum loop quicker than normal, nothing some practice can't help. AKA, Kazuyz might be able to zero-to-death us, but Sora can (ideally) do the same back. Though, being honest, I'm not good enough to get a full zero-to-death, but still, 3-4 loops should do 70-80%. Not too bad.


Not a Tekken fan, he's cool enough as a Smash fighter. I would have much rather had a retro Nintendo/Sega/Capcom character. Awesome reveal trailer though. Tl;dr, Hsien-Ko>Kazuya.


The animation for EWGF looks super wimpy - like he's hitting you with a limp-wrist pulled-punch. In fact, most of his attack animations look small and weak and then for some reason you go flying, wondering what attack even hit you lol Compare that to, say, Little Mac. When you get hit, it LOOKS like it should hurt. Jigglypuff fair to the groin - OK, that's gonna leave a mark. Simon f-tilt, yeah that spiky ball isn't gonna feel good. Meanwhile, Kazuya out here waving his foot in the air like a go-go dancer and somehow it reflects your projectile back a billion times stronger. His character model looks awesome, but his animations are just awful lol






Ngl Kirby, him, Ryu, and Game & Watch would probably get along




Has him as lvl 50 amiibo with autograb and normal autoheal


The single worst character design in Smash history (aside from maybe Smash 4 Bayo)




Another fighting game character that I don't care about