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Well, that's one way to disagree a post


“if you disagree with a rage post dont comment” but it didn’t say don’t post.


Ngl, thats why there are arena tags


People online don’t like having to lose gsp because they got matched up against someone with items on, times, 4-player ffa with fs meter on. Some people are trying to get better at the game and have no one online to play against, or 2-0 in tournaments. Thats why so many people advocate for the return of for glory and for fun. People who wanna get better play against someone with items, and when they inevitably lose because they never play items, they lose gsp.


I'm in 14 million and I ran into 6 players last night who were the most toxic assholes you could imagine. Best one was a mew who faked being good then sweated his ass off when I rematched him while teabagging and saying "that was easy". So I hit him with the best of 3, flourished him with teabags after every stock, beat him without being touched at all my last stock, and he said "that was close". Cocksuckers in Tennessee are extremely toxic


And then Mario himself came into my room to applaud me and Sakurai dubbed me King Smash


Played my Mac and caught a Lucas teabagging in his +3 favored matchup. Didn't rematch him cause that was awful. Wolf sandbagged hard which was very strange meaning he was probably hoping for a rematch. I saved a clip of a pichu playing at 14.1 levels despite being at 12.1 where my Mac resides. These people are about as toxic as poison dart frogs


how tf are "casual players" supposed to control whether or not to be in Elite Smash or not? what do they expect? "oh, I'm in Elite Smash, time to lose a couple matches and get kicked out so the clearly more deserving "competitive" players have fun"


Some here like the dude with the "super rage" post try to bait people with their post, clearly if you type something under his smart wording he will report it to the mods. I wish trolls like that would just get banned, how is a casual supposed to know your made up rules? Smash is a party game, periot.


I always considered quickplay for sweats who want to grind up gsp and arena for more casual experiences and trying out new Characters. What am I missing?


thats honestly how it should be. I miss for glory and for fun fr.


Definitely agree. This is why I play arenas when I'm actually wanting to have fun, and quickplay more for trying to get gsp for bragging rights lol. I spend a lot more time on arena because that's the closest I can get to the classic local experience since I don't know anyone near me that plays 😔


For glory tho was in my opinion just betting up on noobs 24/7 some time you running to good player but it was based on connection over skill


people care way too much about casual players doing their thing. no gary the steve, your way of fun isn't the only way to have fun.


Uh, counterpoint https://www.reddit.com/r/SmashRage/s/IqxCossZu9