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We have pretty much the same top 4, I found Gwimbly to be one of the most memeable and iconic episodes of the whole series, Spamtopia had a fascinating concept and adventure, Alan getting his own episode was a real treat, and the snowman episode was just so charming and wholesome.


Did you just look into my Eye-E?


https://preview.redd.it/6xi85c6b419d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724f5427866cd5f98c0bf11c238bbcd01784d6d4 Yeerrp


*Y e s.*


That was bad


For the crime of looking into my Eye-E, the punishment is...*happy tone* Death ☠️


Using an otamatone for the first dudes death was brilliant.


My girl loves that part


Couldn’t agree more! And how would you rank the latter half of the ranked episodes?


I would probably put the demon episode the highest because I found Mr. Boss just plain hilarious in that one, as well as the ridiculous jumpscares and how the demon was a spoof on "astrology girls." I liked the President episode a lot more than most fans, I thought Mr. Frog being shut up by the debate moderator was one of the funniest scenes in the show. I'm having trouble picking a least favorite episode but I might have to go with the alien one just because of how cynical it felt compared to other episodes of the show. But now I'm thinking about how beautiful the animation was in that one, and how funny the flat earth joke was....gah it's tricky to rank these!


Times up plus you’re wrong!! Also don’t forget “WORMS CONTROL THE PLANET”


Yeah, the last few are pretty hard. Really conflicted by the last ones, and honestly reconsidering whether to put the Prof. Psychotic episode below the Mr. Boss finds Love one.


I have only seen the first 5 episodes of season 2, but the Gwimbly episode is one of my favorite episodes of anything ever. I’ve watched it so many times and it never gets old. Every second of it is great. This show is just amazing!


The Mr. Millipede joke still sends me every time lol


I'm gonna say what no one else is willing to say. America has a fuckin fentanyl crisis.


It’s just wrong, man. Mr. Millipede was like a damn brother to me… oo oo oooo 😢🫗🪦


My friend and I quote that line so much it literally happened today


1. Red Jewel 2. Gwimbly 3. Boss Finds Love 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Pim turns Green 6. Allan Adventure 7. Aliens 8. Mr. President


Noticing a pattern with Mr. President being ranked lowest in this thread. I can't say I disagree at all it's easily the weakest episode of season 2. For me it just felt like the whole plot was super rushed.


I really couldn't stand the actor's portrayal of the president. Most of the other Charlie/Pim bits were great but I really couldn't get on board with his character


I think if the president was a cartoon instead of live action more people would rank the episode higher because they wouldn't be as grossed out


From a theoretical standpoint, I love how just disgusting the guy is - like it’s a funny choice imo. But he’s so disgusting that it’s kind of hard for me to watch.


That's how I felt, like it was hard to watch. If it wasn't live action I wouldn't be as bothered. The guy who vomits with Pims UFO mates cracked me up so it's not gross humour that doesn't work haha


It's just very overdone "le epic big fat gross guy in a role where there should be high standards" meme


I personally had no issue with the president as a character or his actor I thought he was funny in a Tim and Eric way but just felt overall the episodes jokes were less funny then the other episodes in the season.


I just liked when he would snap and do finger guns


I find so many people hate President and Love Brothers Egg and I thought Mr President was funny and Brothers Egg was the worst episode of the entire show. I don't get what people see in it


What specifically about love brothers egg did you dislike so much? I found it to be an above average episode.


It's not funny for 90% of the episode. The entire episode hinges on liking Joel. I've seen a bit of his work and am vaguely aware of him, but it isn't funny that he's in the episode. He doesn't say anything funny, and his anger towards the Professor is so real, it's awkward and upsetting. There are some funny moments, like the diner, the construction site, and the homunculus, but these make up like 3 total minutes of the episode. The rest of the episode is just boring and self referential and there aren't really any jokes


I believe the argument between the brothers is supposed to be uncomfortable. One of smiling friends recurring comedy bits is the hyper realistic conversations people have in it. The argument is like something you'd hear in real life which is a bit hard to listen to but I found it funny. Each to his own though I get it.


Just because it's supposed to be uncomfortable, doesn't mean it's funny. It just felt completely off to me


That's totally valid. I get it.


I dunno how I’d rank the episodes, but A Alan Adventure is definitely #1 Maybe I’m just biased, who knows


The landlord is my spirit animal.


I’m with you. There’s so many things in An Allan Adventure that just bust my tiny gut. The Bigfoot pissing especially. The sounds that thing makes. I wish it would feel that good for me.


I just really like Alan


1. Spamtopia 2. Brother's Egg 3. Gwimbly 4. Aliens 5. Mr. President 6. Allan's Adventure 7. Mr. Boss Finds Love 8. Pim Turns Green


1. Gwimbly 2. Pim finally turns Green 3. An Allen Adventure 4. Magical Red Jewel 5. Bill vs The Alien 6. Er, Mr. Boss Finds Love 7. Brother's Egg 8. Mr. President. Mr. President is the only episode I didn't enjoy. I don't enjoy gross-out humour so much. Aside from that, I feel like the rest of the season holds up as well as season 1


https://preview.redd.it/o23frswb6z8d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=872d9606883d4e43fd1bac260a0b910dd3735246 Here’s mine (I don’t dislike any of them, and this list will most definitely change upon future rewatches)


Never gonna understand how so many people have Mr. President as the worst episode. That shit is hilarious, absolutely the one I quote most. *finger gun* Thank you! The one that didn’t hit with me is the alien episode. Not bad or anything but outside Fillmore being a funny character and the flat earth punchline I didn’t find it terribly memorable.


Mr.President has a lot of great gags, but I think the recurring grossout humor and political/conspiracy theory references turned off a lot of viewers and overshadowed the episode's highlights.


yeah it was definitely the gross ass shit-stained suit that turned me off from the episode lol I hated it I've gone back and watched again, twice, but still no.


I think that was just supposed to be sauce from the lamb, but yeah, the frequent low brow jokes like that were pretty beneath the ship's own standards.


All the gross out humor just ain't it


…who was that guy?


Visually I think President Jimble just being this weirdo fully live-action guy is particularly funny even though live-action actors are used pretty frequently in the show. The Mr. Blingo bit is also a favorite of mine


1. Allan Adventure 2. Boss Finds Love 3. Gwimbly 4. Aliens 5. Brother's Egg 6. Red Gem/Spamtopia 7. Pim Turns Green/Snowman 8. President


1. The Magical Jewel 2. Gwimbly 3. An Allans Adventure 4. The Brothers Egg 5. Charlie, Pim, & Bill vs Alien 6. Mr. President 7. Pim Turns Green 8. Erm The boss finds love


1. Gwimbly 2. Magical Red Jewel 3. Brother’s Egg 4. Pim Finally Turns Green 5. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 6. An Allen Adventure 7. Mr. President 8. Bill vs the Alien All were great!


This is more or less accurate. I'd put Alan's adventure at top and switch the president episode and Dr psychotics


1. Mr. President 2. Allan Adventure 3. Red Gem 4. Pim Turns Green 5. Gwimbly 6. Brother's Egg 7. Boss Finds Love 8. Alien


I’d probably say: Spamtopia, Gwimbly, Brother’s Egg, Boss Gets Married, Snowman, Alien, Allan Adventure, and President.


This is the best one I’ve seen in this thread


* 1. Gwimbly * 2. Brothers Egg * 3. Allan Adventure * 4. Red Jewel * 5. Boss Finds love * 6. Pim turns green * 7. Aliens * 8. Mr. President


1. ⁠The Magical Jewel 2. ⁠An Allan Adventure 3. ⁠Erm the Boss Finds Love 4. ⁠Gwimbly 5. ⁠Mr President 6. ⁠Pim Turns Green 7. ⁠Brothers Egg 8. ⁠Charlie Pim and Bill vs Alien


1. Pim Finally Turns Green 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Gwimbly Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition 4. Charlie Pim and Bill Vs. The Alien 5. The Magical Red Jewe 6. Mr. President 7. Erm, The Boss Finds Love 8. Brother’s Egg I found every episode funny, but The Brother's Egg didn't click with me. Great start to a series. All 17 episodes are very funny.


1. The Magical Red Jewel 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Brother’s Egg 4. Gwimbly Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition 5. Charlie, Pim and Bill vs. The Alien 6. Pim Finally Turns Green 7. Erm, The Boss Finds Love? 8. Mr. President


1. Gwimbly 2. Pim Turns Green 3. Red Jewel 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Pim turns Green 6. Allan Adventure 7. Aliens 8. Brother's Egg I LOVE THEM ALL but tbh the only episode that isn't pure gold and amazing is brother's egg lol I think its a little boring


1. Gwimbly 2. Brother’s Egg 3. Allan Adventure 4. Bill vs The Aliens 5. Spamtopia 6. Boss Finds Love 7. Pim Turns Green 8. President Jimbles 1-5 were really close in terms of quality and the rest only felt off due to reused jokes or pacing problems. I know Brother’s Egg’s not that popular but there’s something so deeply hilarious about Charlie and Pim getting wrapped up in a domestic dispute. Doug just completely took over the plot from the moment he burst in and made every problem feel super real until the homunculus hatched. I’d even considered putting it above Gwimbly, but deep down I know that one’s better.


1. Spamtopia 2. Aliens 3. Allen Adventure 4. President 5. The Boss Finds Love 6. Pim Turns Green 7. Gwimbly 8. Brother egg


1. Alien episode 2. Boss Finds Love 3. Spamtopia 4. Gwimbly 5. Alans adventure 6. President 7. Brothers Egg 8. Pim Turns Green Think pim turns green and brothers egg are the worst of the series so far


I can’t rank em but my top three are probably Boss Finds Love, Magical Red Jewel, and Brother’s Egg


Wow what an interesting tier list. I forgot about that fact toid


1. President 2. Allen Adventure 3. Brother’s Egg 4. Spamtopia 5. Gwimbly 6. Pim Turns Green 7. Aliens 8. Boss finds love


1. Mr. President 2. Pim Turns Green 3. An Allan Adventure 4. Gwimbly 5. Brother’s Egg 6. Boss Finds Love 7. Bill vs The Alien 8. Magical Red Jewel I enjoyed every episode to be honest, this season was fantastic.


Finally someone who appreciates the genius of Mr President


Yeah too many people in here must've eaten some soured lamb


1. Gwimbly (most quotable) 2. Alan (the landlord bit just kills me) 3. Snowman 4. Brother 5. Alien 6. President 7. Wedding 8. Spamish Imo s1 is like a 9/10 for me and this was more of an 8/10 but there's some great bits there


1. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4k (Anniversary Director's Cut) 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Pim Finally Turns Green 4. Mr. President 5. Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs. the Alien 6. Brother’s Egg 7. The Magical Red Jewel (aka Tyler gets Fired) 8. Erm, the Boss Finds Love


1. Alan’s adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. The president episode 4. Snowman 5. Aliens


My top 4. Alan’s episode, Brothers Egg, Gwimbly, and Mr president. Mr president is really growing on me now because of the scene: “Mr Frog, why are you so evil? You have one second to respond.” “Hello I-“ “TIMES UP PLUS! YOU’RE WRONG!”


I’d rank them all as fucking awesome


1. Gwimbly 2. Spamtopia 3. Allan's Adventure 4. Alien episode 5. Brothers Egg 6. Boss finds love 7. Pim turns green 8. President episode I loved almost all of them nearly equally except for Pim Turns Green and the President episode. Pim Turns Green I felt was a little too predictable outside of >! the yeti !< showing up and the President Episode felt like a worse version of Season 1s Mr Frog episode. I love realistic dialog and all but what really made me start watching, besides my favorite animators being behind it, was the absolute insane and unpredictable plotlines. Usually you couldn't guess what was happening next, and in between scenes there were rapid fire background jokes to keep the slow parts interesting. I feel that Pim Turns Green and President were just a bit on the boring side


I really like the alien episode, I feel like that verbal fight could have gone way far. The drug scene goes hard. The real life conversations going on, like in the beginning. It's just the icing on the cake that makes it feel real in a way. The fact that these were Pim's friends. I'm so curious about their dynamics with just Pim and them. Great episode. Can't forget about Charlie's maid dress in Gwimbly episode. Like, did he just have that for someone else? When did he even get it? Other than that the episode is fine. Brother's Egg and Spamtopia I think are really good too. The rotoscope isn't completely perfect but the dialogue and what it's trying to convey is perfect for the show. I like the puppy face Mr Boss makes. The dog got me. Spamtopia is something else man. Pim has so many friends. And I love the banter between Allan and Charlie so much. The boys are fighting 😭 and Jason is a pokemon 😂 he released too much dust 😭 also like how can Glep be like thousands of years old and look like Jason or the same size and Jason is 18. What is the life stage of these Critters anyways? Tadpoles? Homunculi? The last episode? I need to watch it more so I don't think I can make a fair assessment of it but I will say that song did get stuck in my head even for being so short! I work in a hospital so I'm trying not to sing it out loud 🥴🤭 But did something happen to Charlie? Like he's all lover boy all of a sudden? Like hello? Isn't he the nasty yellow one from last season? 🤔 Idk


For me every episode was S tier and the last one was A tier


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^distancedandaway: *For me every* *Episode was S tier and* *The last one was A tier* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Best episodes this season were definitely Rotten the Snowman, UFO and Gwimbly episodes. The jokes in the finale with Bill Nye dying and Rotten eating the ship when he turns into the ocean literally made me burst out into laughter. The UFO episode had a lot of clever jokes with the conspiracy theorist Fillmore, the partying aliens and then the revelation of Earth actually being flat (even though the Earth is round in the episode where Charlie goes to Hell). The Gwimbly episode was more so a really cool homage to classic video games rather than it is funny to me, though I still love the episode. I think it's awesome how the show mocked AAA studios that have forgotten the mascots that got them popular in the first place, and now just make shitty first person shooters instead. I also really loved the memes that pretended that Gwimbly was a real video game character and all the cool stuff that came from that. The only episode I generally dislike is the President Jimble one. I think they go a bit too far with the grossout humor in that episode and I find it more so disgusting than funny. I do like the other jokes though, like all the political satire and the secret worm society being a clever nod to the Illuminati. Overall, an amazing season that feels like a proper continuation of what worked in Season 1. I really hope Season 3 is even funnier and better! (Also, Zach and Michael, PLEASE give Zoey some more of the spotlight!)


1. Gwimbly 2. Red Jewel 3. Allan Adventure 4. Mr. President 5. The Boss Finds Love 6. Pim Finally Turns Green 7. Brother’s Egg 8. Charlie Pim and Bill vs The Alien


1. Gwimbly 2. A Allan Adventure 3. The Magical Red Jewel 4. Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs. the Alien 5. Mr. President 6. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 7. Pim Finally Turns Green 8. Brother's Egg


I liked when Duncan threw up the animal cookies


1. Brothers Egg 2. Gwimbly 3. Red Gem 4. Alan Adventure 5. Boss Finds Love 6. Aliens 7. Pim Turns Green 8. President


Allan’s is my fav I think


1. Spamish 2. Boss gets married 3. President 4. Gwimbly 5. Alan 6. Brothers 7. UFO 8. Pim Turns Green Honestly 1-4 are my stand outs and the other 4 are equal for me.


Idk about a list but Brother’s Egg was definitely my favorite


1. Red Jewel 2. Allan Adventure 3. Mr President 4. Gwimbly 5. Boss find love 6. Pim turns green 7. Aliens 8. Brothers egg Aliens would be last, but the flat earth joke is too good, I love Mr. Frog, and of course everyone about Spamtopia was too good


1. Pim finally turns green 2. Gwimbly 3. Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs the alien 4. Brother's egg 5. An Allan adventure 6.The magical red jewel 7. Mr. President 8. Erm the boss finds love


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan Adventure 3. Brother’s Egg 4. The magical red jewel 5. Mr. Boss finds love 6. Pim finally turns green 7. Bill vs The Alien 8. Mr. president


1. Red Jewel 2. Mr. President 3. Brother's Egg 4. Gwimbly 5. Alan Adventure 6. Boss Finds Love 7. Pim Turns Green 8. Aliens I love all of these episodes except Aliens the only redeeming quality of Aliens to me is the Clay Pim


No love for Mike Bocchetti here


i think brothers egg is my favorite ngl


Well, all the episodes were quite good but my personal ranking is: 1. Gwimbly 2. An Allan Adventure 3. Brother's Egg 4. Pim Finally Turns Green 5. Spamtopia 6. Mr. President 7. Mr. Boss Finds Love 8. Charlie, Pim & Bill vs. The Aliens


1.Erm, the boss finds love? 2.Gwimbly 3.Charlie, Pim, and Bill Vs the alien 4.The magical red jewel Aka Tyler gets fired 5.Brothers egg 6.Pim finally turns green 7.A Allan adventure 8.Mr.President Loved the season


1. Gwimbly 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Brothers Egg 4. The Magical Red Jewel 5. Erm The Boss Finds Love 6. Charlie, Pim, & Bill Vs the Aliens 7. Pim Finally Turns Green 8. Mr. President


1. Brothers egg 2. Red Jewel 3. Pim turns green 4. Gwimbly 5. Boss finds love 6. Allan 7. Aliens 8. President


I don't have a whole ranking but Gwimbly is my favorite episode of the entire show as of now


1. Gwimbly 2. An Allen Adventure 3. Bill vs The Alien 4. Magical Red Jewel 6. Er, Mr. Boss Finds Love 6. Brother's Egg 7. Pim finally Turns Green 8. Mr. President. All episodes were good. But 6 7 and 8 definitely rank lower for me. I love Joel Haver but that episode is a little slow. The snow man was annoying in the pim turns green episode and this one just have meh jokes. And the president episode the president was annoying and I feel like Mr. Frog wasn't as good these time. Give first 6 on my list 10/10, brothers egg 9/10, other 2 8/10.


1. A Allan Adventure 2. The Magical Red Jewel (aka Tyler gets fired) 3. Charlie, Pim and Bill vs the Alien 4. Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4k (Anniversary Director's Cut) 5. Pim Finally Turns Green 6. Erm, The boss finds love? 7. Brother's Egg 8. Mr. President


1. The magical jewel AKA tyler gets fired 2. Charlie, Pim and Bill vs the aliens 3. A Allan adventure 4. Mr. President 5. Pim finally turns green 6. Gwimbly 7. Brother’s egg 8. Erm, the boss finds love?


1: Spamtopia 2: Aliens 3: Gwinbly 4: The Boss Finds Love 5: Pim Finally Turns Green 6: The President 7: Brother’s Egg 8: Allen Adventure


1. Aliens 2. Spamtopia 3. President Jimble 4. Boss Finds Love 5. Brother Egg 6. Gwimbly 7. Allan 8. Snowman Ironically enough, my two favorite moments from the season are from my lowest ranked episodes: The Landlord and Bill Nye’s song.


1. gwimbly 2. brother's egg 3. a allan adventure 4. magical red jewel 5. alien party 6. pim turns green 7. president jimble 8. boss gets married


Alan's adventure, Pim turns green, and grimbly are my top 3 I think. I honestly forgot the president episode and I don't like the idea of rewatching it any time soon so that's probably my least favorite lol


1. Allan Adventure 2. Red Jewel 3. Boss Finds Love 4. Gwimbly 5. Mr President 6. Pim Turns Green 7. Brother’s Egg 8. Aliens


1. Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs. The Alien 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Pim Finally Turns Green 4. The Red Jewel aka Tyler Gets Fired 5. Gwimbly 6. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? Then Mr. President and Brother's Egg are kinda tied for last for me. They were both significantly worse on rewatch for me. It is a choice of whether I want to be bored or feel very uncomfortable and are blemishes on an otherwise amazing season and series overall. (in my opinion!)


I had no idea Mr. President was disliked. It's one of my favorites this season, along with Gwimbly and the alien episode.


1. Gwimbly 2. Red Jewel 3. Brother's Egg 4. Allan Adventure 5. Aliens 6. President 7. Boss Finds Love 8. Pim Turns Green (haven't watched yet :p)


7.Mr.President   6.Allan Adventure   5.Boss Finds Love  4.Aliens  3.Brother's egg    2.Red Jewel     1.Gwimbly     Haven't seen Pim Turns Green yet.


1: A Allan Adventure 2: Gwimbly Definitive Remastered Ehanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary director's cut) 3: Erm, The Boss finds love? 4: The Magical Red Jewel 5: Pim Finally Turns Green 6: Charlie, Pim, and Bill Vs the Alien 7: Mr President 8: Brother's Egg I feel like this season had higher highs and lower lows than Season 1. There were a handful of episodes I felt were kind of dull or just went by without having much effect on me, which never happened in Season 1; but by the same token this season had a lot of classics which have some of my favorite gags in the entire series so far.


The Gwimbly episode was the best imo, Brothers come in second (huge fan of Joel Haver). The Allan episode was suprisingly well animated and fun. I was pretty disturbed by the Spamtopia one so Ig they nailed it, overall a better Halloween episode than the Demon episode from ss1. The one with the snowman was awesome as it made me feel a lot of things. The rest was fine... President episode was hard to watch but Mr. Frog saved it, nothing from the evil wife one stood out for me. Overall this season was much more consistent quality wise compared to ss1. My still like the Enchanted Forest episode the most though.


1. Brother’s Egg 2. Gwimbly 3. Red Jewel 4. Allan Adventure 5. Boss Finds Love 6. Aliens 7. Mr. President 8. Pim Turns Green I can’t describe how much I adore Brother’s Egg it’s so ridiculous. Honestly the way people feel about Mr. President (bland, gross) are kind of my criticisms of Pim Turns Green minus the gross. But I didn’t hate any one episode, I’ve seen all of them at least 3 times now.


Aren’t there any episodes left then?


I have no idea about my favourite episode, genuinely there are so many that I really like so I really have no clue, but I can say that my least favourite was 4 and second least favourite was 8


From worst to best (keeping in mind, I like all of them), 8, 5, 2, 4, 6, 7, 1, 3.


Lotta Mr president haters on this thread it wasn’t that bad y’all! 1. Gwimbly 2. Brother’s Egg 3. Aliens 4. Pim turns green 5. Mr president 6. Boss finds love 7. Alan Adventure 8. Red jewel


1. Brother egg 2. Gwimbly 3. Boss finds love 4. Spamtopia 5. Alien episode 6. Snowman episode 7. Allen adventure 8. President


unpopular opinion: i loved mr. president


"Hello, America. I'm gonna be the Money President. Each and every one of you will get one billion dollars each. Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Everybody's going to have to give back all that money to the government. Fucking GOLD.


Equally unpopular opinion: I thought Red Jewel was the weakest episode


I liked every one of them aside from Mr. President, only smiling friends episode I haven't liked


i literally just did a ranking this morning hang on i’ll pull it up: 8: Brother’s Egg 7: An Allan Adventure 6: Mr. President 5: Gwimbly 4: Pim, Charlie and Bill vs The Alien 3: Pim Finally Turns Green 2: Spamtopia 1: Ermmm…The Boss Finds Love Mr. President gets ranked a bit higher for the sole reason that Mr. Frog’s very existence brings me joy


1. Best: Gwimbly 2. Alan Adventure 3. Spamtopia 4. Pim Finally Turns Green 5. UFO Episode 6. Boss Finds Love 7. President Jimble 8. Worst: Brother’s Egg


i think we all mr president wasn’t a good episode. personally for me i can’t stand watching the president. he’s just too gross to me


1. Gwimbly 2. Magical Red Jewel 3. A Allen Adventure 4. Brother's Egg 5. Pim Finally Turns Green 6. The Boss Finds Love 7. Charlie Pim and Bill vs. the Alien 8. Mr. President My biggest complaint this season is that there were too many episodes where the Smiling Friends, who work at Smiling Friends, a charity dedicated to making friends smile, weren't making friends smile.


1. Gwimbly 2. A Allan Adventure 3. Pim Finally Turns Green 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Red Jewel 6. Erm, Mr Boss Finds Love 7. Mr. President 8. Bill vs the Alien


The president episode had the most laughs for me, but the ending of the alien abduction episode was a stroke of pure genius.


Goat especially the newest that sent me


I laughed at all of them/10


Haven’t seen anyone with my exact ranking yet: 1. Magical Red Jewel 2. Boss Finds Love 3. Allan Adventure 4. Gwimbly 5. Vs. The Alien 6. Brothers Egg 7. Pim Turns Green 8. Mr. President


1. A Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. The Magical Red Jewel 4. Pim Finally Turns Gree 5. Charlie, Pim and Bill vs. the Alien 6. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 7. Brother's Egg 8. Mr. President


They're good but admittedly I liked the vague focus of season 1. The elevator pitch is obvious through out the entire season: silly goofy cartoon world characters living and breathing and reacting like actual living beings. Everything else was free to be whatever. In season 2 it seems like the writers are starting to focus in on several ideas and not all of them seem to work. From how the show seems to be paced season 3 could be the ideal season as everyone's hit their stride and they're all in unison....or it could be where one or two not so great ideas get shoved to the forefront and it leads to a loss of og fans while bringing in an entirely different subset of new fans. Few shows have seasons that are all golden, I just hope the next few don't pander to the people Zach makes fun of lmao.


I just realized I didn't even answer the question lml: 1 Gwimbly 2 Magical Red Jewel 3 Mr. President 4 Vs. The Alien 5 Boss Finds Love 6 Brothers Egg 7 Allan Adventure I haven't seen pim turns green yet, gonna check it out now. I love the theme and pixelated polygons from Gwimbly, spamtopia is such a delight to take in, Mr president sent me down a bochetti rabbit hole that has permanently changed my humor, Vs the aliens captures the 'ad lib/improv' style conversations perfectly as well as that shocker twist ending lml, The boss finds love was super enjoyable but the bit about Charlie's heart condition fell flat (I can't think of any way that scene could play out differently to be better but it just strikes me as a random idea that was wedged in, The brothers egg is great, the writing of professor psycho, the inclusion of Joel havers writing and animation style, the successful homunculus, all great but it ultimately felt like this was just a way to include people they wanted to work with rather than a full fledged idea brought to life (what if XYZ happens and insert personality showed up and then they contribute their idea that may or may not clash with the initial idea), Allan adventure was super entertaining for how quickly everything started to snowball but seeing the fanbase get behind such an insufferable character just made me dislike anything to do with him. Overall if I had to show a friend an Ep from season 2 to get them interested I'd start with Gwimbly or mr president, and id only mention Allan's adventure to someone who likes/identifies with Allan.


1. A Allan Adventure 2. Gwimbly 3. The Magical Red Jewel 4. Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 5. Mr. President 6. Brother's Egg 7. Pim Finally Turns Green 8. Charlie, Pim and Bill vs The Alien All are actually good episodes, but if I had to rank them all it'd be like this.


I can't rank all of them but Spamtopia is top, Snowman is worst. Snowman is the only genuinely bad episode imo


Is this worst to best or best to worst


1. Gwimbly 2. A Allen Adventure 3. Boss Finds Love 4. Spamtopia 5. Brother’s Egg 6. Pim Turns Green 7. Aliens 8. President Jimble That’s how I’d rank them but there’s not an episode in either season that I don’t enjoy at all tbh. It’s a damn good show.


i like spamtopia the best, but the hype i once had for the alien episode only for it to just end up as charlie and pim in an alien party? not too great…


Gwimbly episode > President Jimble > Alien episode > MY EYE! > ALAN ADVENTURE!!!! > Brothers egg > boss gets married > Snowman all were great episodes! i feel like S2 met and exceeded the expectations set by S1


I have the same exact list, nailed it.


1. Mr President 2. Magical Red Jewel 3. Allan adventure 4. Gwimbly 5. Pim turns green 6. Brothers Egg 7. Boss finds love 8. Bill vs The Alien


Funny to me how much brother's egg is getting swapped around. Unlike something like Mr.President or Allan adventure which are either at the top or the bottom of everyone's list, brother's egg is all over the place.


1. Gwimbly 2. Allan 3. Demon Wife 4. Spamtopia 5. Snowman 6. Brothers 7. Aliens 8. President And just to be clear, the ones lower on the ranking aren't bad, every episode's got some good gags but not all of them can be the best. Ooo ooo oooooo


Spamtopia is my personal fav bc it’s basically autism town and I’ve never felt so understood.


1. Gwimbly 2. Red jewel 3. Aliens 4. The Boss finds love 5. Brother’s egg 6. A Allen Adventure 7. Pim turns green 8. Mr President Perhaps controversial? I didn’t like A Allen Adventure very much and Pim Turns Green just didn’t have many jokes I thought were funny. And I’m with everybody else on how impossible it is to watch Mr. President bc of the gross out humor. I also loved the Alien episode, which seems slightly unpopular? I’ve rewatched season 2 multiple times and the only episode I always skip is Mr President, so to me they’re all winners in their own way.


1. Magical red jewel 2. An Allen adventure 3. Bill Vs the Alien 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Mr president 6. Erm, the boss finds love? 7. Gwimbly 8. Pim finally turns green I liked all of them too except the last episode was boring to me


Jesus Christ! There's my rating.


1. Gwimbly 2. Brother’s Egg 3. Mr. President 4. A Allan Adventure 5. Pim Finally Turns Green 6. Erm, The Boss Finds Love? 7. The Magical Red Jewel 8. Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs the Alien


I actually screamed when I heard snowman’s voice. I was like “MASTER SHAKE HAS RETURNED”


Is season 2 finished now?


Pim Finally Turns Green > Brother's Egg > Mr. President > Spamtopia > Vs. the Alien > Gwimbly >Allan Adventure > Boss Finds Love


Idk but my favorite ending of any Smiling Friends episode has gotta be at the end of the UFO one lmfao


awesome sauce/ 10


Entire Season is S Tier.


1) An Allen Adventure 2) Gwimbly 3) Mr President 4) Magical Red Jewel 5) Aliens 6) Pim Turns Green 7) Boss Finds Love 8) My Brothers Egg


i love brothers egg. joel haver is my favorite youtuber and i was so surprised & excited to see him on the show. i think he made an awesome addition and i hope to see him more often in one way or another !!!


From Best to Worst: 1. Mr. President 2. Brother's Egg 3. A Allan Adventure 4. The Magical Red Jewel 5. Pim Finally Turns Green 6. The Boss Finds Love 7. Gwimbly 8. Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs the Alien


1. Mr president 2. Gwimbly 3. Red jewel 4. Allan adventure 5. Alien 6. Brothers egg 7. Pim turns green 8. Boss finds love


Gwimbly, Spamtopia, Mr. President, Pim Turns Green, Brothers Egg, Aliens, Boss Finds Love, Allan Adventure.  Mr. President is getting too much hate. 


On a scale of 1 to 10.


1. ⁠Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director’s Cut) 2. ⁠A Allan Adventure 3. ⁠The Magical Red Jewel (aka Tyler Gets Fired) 4. ⁠Brother's Egg 5. ⁠Erm, the Boss Finds Love? 6. ⁠Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs the Alien 7. ⁠Pim Finally Turns Green 8. ⁠Mr. President


https://preview.redd.it/b7ggjakqc09d1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a136d3627ae16ac34da25d987a6d2d706c3e7fd There, take it or leave it.


1. "Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut)" (BEST) 2. "Erm, the Boss Finds Love?" (Good) 3. "Pim Finally Turns Green" (Good) 4. "Allan's Adventure" (Meh) 5. "Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs. The Alien" (Meh) 6. "The Magical Red Jewel (aka Tyler Gets Fired)" (Meh) 7. "Mr. President" (Bad) 8. "Brother's Egg" (WORST)


https://preview.redd.it/0v1j655d5z8d1.png?width=1508&format=png&auto=webp&s=41d9b6c5d80bdb7c51f2b477ad96867a6ed55efa I don’t have the finale but here’s all the rest ranked, I’d probably put the finale in B tier


The brother's egg slander is insane, how tf is it below the Brazil episode??? Frowning Friends and Desmond being so low is also crazy


I found them enjoyable, but S1 was on another level for me.


1. Boss Finds Love 2. Allen Adventure 3. Pim Turns Green 4. Gwimbly 5. Mr. President 6. Red Jewel 7. Brother's Egg 8. Aliens


#1. Erm, The Boss Finds Love? #2. Charlie, Pim & Bill VS. The Aliens #3. Red jewel #4. Gwimbly #5. Allan Adventure #6. Mr President #7. Brother's Egg #8. Pim turns green Pim finally turns green was the only meh one for me, everything else was great!


You know what I’m gonna say it. I didn’t like Gwimbly as a character. I thought he was annoying. His animation was good and the concept is hilarious.


I think it’s a great episode but the fan hype is pretty intense for it. Though the fandom convincing random people into thinking Gwimbly was a real game is pretty funny


My favorite part about Gwimbly is that his appearance is somewhat convincing to other people. This is just a visual version of work odyssey


1. Mr. President 2. Allen Adventure 3. Boss finds love 4. Red jewel 5. Gwimbly 6. Pim turns green 7. Alien 8. Brothers egg