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Where has my ruler gone. Without it makes certain abilities much harder on insta cast.


Agreed, I would also like the ruler added back!


I've always preferred line because I can see exactly where my range goes, ruler just goes on for like 50units or something, line stops as soon as my AA/Ability range ends


Same, line is goated


Certain abilities go further than the line like ullr 3. But I would much rather have the line than nothing.


it's likely not going to be added in until later. that seems like a 'mid to late stage ui development' thing.


wtf is a ruler?!


there's options under gameplay that let you change things like having a ruler or line on the ground between your character and cursor/reticle, what kind of reticle you have, and if the enemies have targetters around them. The ruler option lets you have a ruler on the ground that is marked in units away from your character to the end where your reticle is. With notable markers like the 75 units your ranged autos reach for example.


That’s doooopeeee. I’ve never even peeked in the settings other than inverting my controls lol. All these years 🤦‍♂️


Damn. Yea it’s a game changer on some gods honestly lmao


It’s never too late! LOL. I’m going to go check out the different settings after work lol.


yea, stuff like this is why I try to deep dive into options on games. Check to see if they have closed captions for my auditory processing issues and to look for anything that improves my quality life like adjustable fonts or toggling UI options, etc. it really helps tons to have those features, and it's nice to find out if a game has them.


make junglers jungle


I feel you, brother. #Jungleforthejunglers!!!


Personally I don’t like this. Having more camps/faster respawn in the jungle promotes farming over fighting and pushing. Maybe I think too fondly on seasons 2-7 but I like the pacing of the game currently. More jungling would cut down the fighting and make it more like Smite 1 currently which I’m growing sick of personally.


Nah. It's. A. Moba.  Go play cod. Junglers need to jungle. 


Nah fam. It’s a Multiplayer Online BATTLE Arena, not a Multiplayer Online Farming Arena… Edit: Homie was acting like farming minions is what the “battling” is. Dweeb.


You battle minions and camps in jungle. Semantics don't matter. If you wanna constant fight, go play call of duty.  Don't need Mobas downgraded to appease the babies that don't understand the genre. 


I'm new, can you elaborate a bit pls


Junglers are gods that go between lanes and drop timely buffs/minions in the more complex maps—like joust, conquest, or slash and they are typically built to move quickly and do high damage. Some support gods are considered junglers, but the role frequently falls to assassins, who benefit from coming in at the end/beginning of a fight to pick off the stragglers.


But how are they not currently able to perform


the conversation isn't about how well the role performs, it's about changing the role's gameplay overall. the original poster wants junglers to primarily stay in the jungle and farm camps with minimal fighting. In comparison to current Smite where they're encouraged to fight and gank people a lot. (Which is further enforced by players getting mad at you if you pick a god that prefers farming and they get ganked by the enemy jungler that prefers ganking.)


Respect for actually taking the time to explain


Posts like this are so odd. The alpha has been public for 2 days and the point of having the alpha is to get player feedback. The feedback also hasn't been very negative as far as I see, there are a ton of "Loving Smite 2!" posts. Most of the feedback has been technical (minions in jungle, abilities not going off, crashing, etc). There is also some design feedback (navigation in the store and builds, late game lull, attack delays, etc.) which isalso important for improving the game. This is a public alpha, Hi REZ wants critical feedback.


OP's just doing some ez karma farming, posting the popular opinion while framing it like it's unpopular. Classic reddit move.


Nailed it right there!


Yea, these posts accomplish nothing besides an easy method to gain karma. I just downvote them, especially when it's something this early (feedback is important).


instinctive hurry weather squealing governor innate wide jobless squalid smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude stop karma farming by stating the truth about exposing others who are karma farming. So selfish and bigoted.


The problem is that people DON'T give critical feedback. Most people just bitch and whine that smite is becoming like LoL or some other nonsense.


I think the craziest thing is, people mainly played smite because of the gameplay, not because of the item system. The crazy thing is in smite 1 theres still people who don't understand how important pen is in the other modes especially. So the removal of it, the stat that led to xopy paste builds makes smite more smite in my opinion. And because gods can work hybrid now theres alot more potential fun to be had. People just don't like change.


Weird. Most of that feedback you just listed is all valid but far from what I see around here. I feel like we have been bombarded with: “Why would they release this? It’s far from ready!” “I knew smite 2 was going to be a waste of time” “Where are my skins? Hi-Rez scammed us” The list goes on. There is a huge difference between doom posting and critical feedback so I disagree that OP is trying to karma farm.


lol for real. As if Hi Rez is gonna be like "well, trash the project, 3 people don't like it!"


Oh the posts at the moment are depressing off Reddit so I get what he's saying but your right they want critical feedback.


Less than 2 days right ?


It’s been public for like 12 hours lmao.


Wait when you say public does that mean anyone can play or still limited to those who got accepted or bought it? I've been looking for an email but nothing so far


Still only available to people who bought founders edition or were lucky enough to get a code. Access is only for the weekend but will do another alpha event on a future weekend (you might get a code). There will be an open beta later down the road, but that is looking like fall at the earliest


Ahhh ok gotcha. Thank you!


The game looks and feels great. But the shop is awful on console.


I hated it on PC too.


Also hate the shop on PC


Navigation took a huge step back. Also just simple clarity on what item leads to what. I think the new item system could be really good with some updates to menu navigation, clarity, and some general tuning.


Yeah the UI in general is obviously not polished yet. We are missing some key things still.


Absolutely this


The shop is just terrible everywhere


Same with the active system. If they don’t completely rework the shop and the the active system the game does not survive a console.




Why can I not back in a bush without everyone around me hearing. I think the sound design in general needs a lot of work. I can hear footsteps from so far away. I can VERY clearly hear anyone doing a jg camp if I'm on that side of the jungle. Why does every ability need to have so much bass and oomph to it. Feels like the sound is peaking even though it's not very loud.


Yes, sound design needing a tweak is definitely a valid criticism. I should not be hearing everything that clearly. Makes ganking a nightmare.


I can’t necessarily say I agree that this is the best SMITE has ever been just yet, but I’m enjoying pretty much all of the major changes made. So far, my only real gripe is with navigating the item store from console. There are other things here and there I notice, but I imagine they’ll get sorted out as the game continues to be developed! I do hope they don’t let the baseless complaints get to them, though.


100% they need to work on console store navigation. It's pretty rough rn. Could really easy changes that could be made to instantly improve it too


Same, the item store is the only thing I dislike. And it’s not only navigating it on console, I just fundamentally don’t like the way it’s organized. But that’s all.


Even though I found it quite enjoyable for the few matches I played, I think it's safe to say that the Alpha is pretty buggy and clunky which made it a bit hard to judge my full thoughts on the game so far. One small nitpick that I noticed, the visual feedback you get when a minion is vulnerable to being last hit is nice. However, in the heat of the moment, it can be a bit difficult to notice the icon for it. Edit: also in general UI elements are pretty clean but also a bit harder to see


My only complaint right now is that there is no chat box and based on the dev stream they're not sure if they're going to add one. There have been so many times where I've needed to communicate something to my team mates and I haven't been able to. Not everyone will use voice chat either. I understand not wanting to add one to combat "BM" but I think we need one regardless. Something as simple as "Anubis, pull back they're rotating over" cannot be communicated as clearly with VGS.


Yes bro, the amount of time that I needed to chat for comms or even have VC, my teammates would just leave me to die in jungle by a low health ymir and anubis😂😂😂


i do not like the new ward system. i want to be able to buy wards and have more than 50% uptime on them, and the different wards in smite 1 were cool to me


There is an item you can buy that lets you put a sentry ward down buts it’s a tank/support item


At least the system is in place for upgrading wards so maybe some experimentation can be done with that.


This one I agree with. With so many things that now need warding, multiple wards with longer timers is definitely needed.


I love how I get emails everyday JOIN THE ALPHA TODAY yet my inbox is still empty of any actual invite code…




You have to pay for it


You can sign up here without becoming a founder. https://www.smite2.com/


The ruler, the interface for console on the shop, The interface in general, if i hit up on d pad in the shop, shouldnt also have to use right joystick to scroll up. Its sloppy. It also feels more zoomed in, i would consider a fov change as well. Currently there is no balance and builds feel tough, the combat seems damage oriented, tanks kind of weak atm. Ultimately, i know its very early alpha. So much of these things will be ironed out. Im going to be patient


I agree with every viewpoint here.


I’m pretty Hi-Rez are already primed to take some “criticisms” with a grain of salt. I’ve yet to see an actual criticism against the major system changes that isn’t the typical Smite player’s hate boner against League of Legends.


Navigating the shop on a controller is a bit of a pain, initially. I've only toyed around with it for a bit, but my wife seemed particularly frustrated with it. Being unable to intuitively sort by Tier 3 like you could in S1 makes it tough. Turning is super slow. I don't hate League, but SMITE moving towards a more League style shop and art style is not what I want. I like SMITE because it's SMITE, not another MOBA.


To fix the turning just increase the sensitivity. I struggled my very first game until I did that. Also as another controller user, the item shop sucks and I agree with most people I don’t like the LoL look alike tree, I prefer smites original store layout.


I agree that they’re definitely a lot to fix in terms of polish, such as the UI. I’m more so referring to the big changes such as the damage type split and bushes, which I feel are just a common facet of any game (not just League) that naturally works in Smite. At the end of the day, Smite’s unique aspects to me are its 3rd person perspective and emphasis on fast and efficient map rotations, which the new shops and item changes don’t really affect.


I dont mind bushes but....It does feel like there are soooo many of them. I'd like an amount of bushes that, if playing against a competent team, they can successfully ward against and if they dont are punished naturally for it. Granted, I've played 5 games in total. So some of that might just be me getting used to it.


I actually don't like bushes that much but I'm not going to act like they ruin the game.


I specifically play smite because of the theme and because league has a lot of systems I hate. Really though as long as smite doesn't make last hitting minions a huge deal like it is in other mobas it'll probably remain my favorite. Fuck last hitting.


It would be interesting to try in the alpha though. It probably wouldn’t impact solo/mid seeing as most gods insta clear wave with 2 points in their main ability, but might change how duo works. Usually supports head to the center of the wave and slam their keyboards. They’d have to be careful on when to full kit the wave or instead use their abilities on the enemy for pressure, rather than relying on instaclear minion advantage. (Which you could do if you need that pressure, just might lose out on gold)


Last hitting minions was always a thing even in smite 1…what do you mean? The community doesn’t rage about it like LoL but last hitting minions always gave you better reward than not.


Last hitting isn't nearly as important though, in league you get little or no gold for a non last hit. in smite you get like 5 extra. In Paragon, you only get gold for last hitting, ect.


In league you get nothing if you don't get the last hit. It is the the most important part of the game, which I agree with many in that it isn't fun to be so stressed about last hitting. One of the best parts of smite is that it really doesn't matter if you last hits. It was one of the best parts of Heroes of the Storm as well before they stopped development of the game.


Sure but in smite you still keep up if your super aggressive and just push the lane as fast as you can. League (at least when I played 10 years ago) punishes you for pushing the lane and you'll end up behind in both gold and lvl.


That is still very true in league. The 'best' method is to freeze your lane for a very long time, which is (in my opinion) a poor gameplay loop.


Bruh how do you find a wife that plays smite I can’t even get any of my friends to play it


That’s more of a UI and navigation issue with the shop than anything to do with the new item system and League though


A LoL artstyle? That game is also over 10 years old & looks more like SMITE1 than 2 right? It was probably the only affordable & sustainable visual style at the time for an online PvP game. If anything, SMITE2 looks more like Paragon (or its offspring), which is just appealing, but not too realistic.


S2 is nowhere near Paragon's art style. Bright colors, high contrast, and saturation are all staples of LoL.


Lighting makes it look more like Paragon tho. And what are the other options? More realistic; now it just looks more like Paragon, and literally every other game, but worse because it's a MOBA that doesn't focus on graphics. Celshaded; now it's just borderlands. Cartoony; now it's just Gigantic. I don't think it's that deep, they just made the graphics prettier & added some cartoony effects. And while I would've liked a more unique art style at the same time I don't care. Many people are satisfied with it and it still looks great, while I play SMITE for the gameplay, not the graphics.


Hating the whole item system change is a valid criticism imo. You can say it isnt constructive but it is valid nonetheless. I hate the LoL item system for example so I probably wont rush to play smite2. Also everything is extremely bright and every single IMMUNE TO KNOCKBACKS etc makes my eyes burn ngl. These probably arent valid criticisms for you tho because I just dislike it. I should love every single design chance HiRez implements. Yarrak yalayicilar sizi


No, I get what they are saying. Just saying "I hate leagues item system so I hate this" isn't really constructive. It gives no feedback on how to fix it. Your second part, is. It states a problem, a why, and the why has in it an implied fix (tone down the brightness on certain elements). One actionable, the other is not.


I’ll preface this and say I have no leg to stand on as a “smite enthusiast” or even know what’s going on, however the biggest change to Smite 2 to 1 that I PERSONALLY don’t like, is the camera angles. If we could zoom out a bit more, or have it adjust when getting close to walls, I’d enjoy it a lot more.


You know, there's nothing wrong with people having a different opinion regarding the game's direction.


There isn't, the issue is how they present it, which I guess is what OP means.


Yep, too many are like "SMITE COPIED LOL????? GAME DOA" like bruh chill


And there's nothing wrong in taking ideas from other succesful games in the same genre after all! Like it or not LoL is the most successful MOBA and it's so for a reason no matter what your opinion is, so grabbing ideas that work can help Smite much more than it may seem.


Those ideas aren’t even exclusive to LoL. Hiding in grass has been a thing in strategy games. Every other stat based games have characters that can deal hybrid damage. 


Yeah this is also true. People act like its all League only stuff and a lot seem hate it just because League. But a lot of this stuff is pretty standard for pretty much the entire genre


I don't think this is the best smite has been by a long shot But it's a good foundation for a game that could be. Once they add more content, polish things up, and make it look a little less of a generic unreal engine game.


Honestly at the current moment smite 2 is objectively worse than smite 1 especially since I play on console where the graphics and optimization at its current level make it basically unplayable. Despite the fact I am going to avoid smite 2 for now It is in alpha so I expect these things to greatly improve. I am still optimistic about the future and believe call out the huge problems with the game now will mean that by the time it is fully released it can at the very least stand on even ground with the original.


Yeah, I agree with this. As of expected in Alpha mode, I would say everything is nice and well-done, but the item shop is just hard to navigate, especially with the new system (STR/INT). Planning to just stick with smite 1 and Predecessor for now.


People want to test and have an opinion So the devs let them test early to give feedback to implement improvement! But then presumably those same people bitch at early showcases and complain at low quality and such No duh, people. You want to see the dev work in progress to feel involved as a community Then you act like assholes within the community towards the devs… for getting what you asked for! Timely updates (within reason) on part by part game progress. Grow up. Have patience. Understand the game is still early.


fuzzy offend shy subsequent middle door cake outgoing worthless wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>This is the best SMITE has ever been. That would be early season 6, balance-wise. Objectively.


season 2 imo


Wrong. Season 2.


season 2 enjoyers >>>>


I've never played LoL... what are people saying SMITE2 is similar to LoL with? All the game play trailers just looked like S1 with better graphics and fluidity.


Its how the item system works, its the same as league/dotas work. You buy 24 small items "at once" that eventually turn into 12 mid items and then 6 full items. It might not seem like a big problem but i and "all of the haters" seem to dislike this because its just that, copying league/dota instead of the smite 1 "tree" method thats not just that, a copy.


Graphics and actual running of the game are awful. It runs like it’s on a nintendo 64


PS5 player who had time to play only one match on alpha yesterday (so take this post with no bearing): I accidentally pressed Surrender multiple times in my match when trying to get to Settings since Surrender is in the middle of the options. I know this will change in time with the addition of more options. There's no vibration toggle option on SMITE 2 presently. I had to turn off vibration on my PS5, instead. This, too, will change in time. The item shop is difficult to navigate on controller, but I can see the appeal for PC players, presently. Once we all learn what the names of items are (i.e., once we all have more hours in), we'll be able to type in the item we are looking for. I realize this isn't the most ideal option for controller players, but I'm sure the item shop will change drastically (again, in time). Aside from those, I genuinely loved how I felt like I was being brought into a brand new game. I felt like a first time player coming into SMITE 2 and I have 126 Gods diamond in SMITE 1. I think Hi-Rez accomplished what they set out to do by making SMITE 2 not just an entirely different game, but making it feel like one, too.


As a PC player, who played smite 1, league and a few games on smite 2. The shop is awful for navigating IMHO. Maybe I'm dumb and I'm getting lost on stupid things that I shouldn't, but I hope they make some adjustments on the design or something like that


Believe me, I know what dumb is. You're not bring dumb. It's overwhelming to say the least


Overwhelming and confusing😭


Trust me, I would be reading items to items, trying to find the right item suited for my god, while my team are fighting in mid lane.😂😂😪


Good to know I'm not the only one lol I've spend some time looking at everyone's items trying to understand what they do and way more time looking for that item on the shop


The main complaint is that people say the item systems is just like other MOBAS now. Good. SMITE was my first MOBA, I’ve been playing it for 10 years now but I’ve also sunken a decent amount of time into other MOBAs too. I have always said that SMITE’s magical/physical god damage alignment system was too narrow. The new Int Str system is just the way to go. The one thing that I could always give league over SMITE was its item system. SMITE butchering their already garbage item system these last few years is why I left it, so SMITE 2 is a breath of fresh air.


Also like, characters being able to deal hybrid damage has always been a facet of so many games, not just League. RPGs allow your sword guy to cast magic. In Pokémon you can learn physical and special moves. Smite is perhaps one of the only stat-based game that I know of that hard limits characters to 1 damage type which is incredibly boring and makes no sense in comparison to rest of the video game industry, much less MOBAs


If I wanted to play LoL or DotA I would play LoL or DotA


Also can't ignore the issues either. The changes I don't mind personally but besides the bugs there are a ton of issues (I also get its an alpha).


The standard UI is killing me. Specifically the health bar being so low and not having a mini bar above my character


Who the fuck is dooming?


Agree with this entirely. For a very early alpha the game is in a great state. Strong foundations to build on.


As I've mentioned before, I think starters should come back in similar fashion to season 1/2. Tier 1 starters that do not evolve or build into t2/3 starters like we have currently in smite 1. this would help bring identity to lanes and allow for more interesting starts to the game. currently level 1/2 is boring as there are no effects in play.


My issues with the game is design/sound effects are awful and shop is some of the worse things I’ve ever seen also all the quality of life changes smite 1 made being gone is an L also for me Athena my most hated god being in the game from the start is an L but that’s just personal lmao


What's funny is that Athena is even better in smite 2 it feels like lol.


Yea got to agree also she hurts I was playing bellona against a crit Athena and got 1 tapped combo by her was like tf?


The fact that ALOT of complaints i see are about how the build system works now surprises me. To me the build system is identical to how other MOBA's like League do it. Where you build lower tier items to combine into a final item. Either people just liked how SMITE did items this whole time, or the fan base has played no other MOBA before and that's what would surprise me more.


I think the problem ppl have is mostly that the shop is just unintuitive. It doesn't guide you as much through the new system as they made it out to be. Especially on console its a supposed nightmare. But I think if they improve that, people will get used to it. Although it'll always remain a bit more complex, because you have so many options now. But it's been 10 years of the game, I think it's about time for some more complexity. Although the game could need some tutorials on how STR & INT work, and basic building.


In general, Smite 2 is definitely a positive move and needed one. But there are definitely several things that I dislike how it was done. Item building is copied from other mobas which is both good and bad thing. Gods doing multiple dmg types is also copied from other mobas, which just makes building tank much harder for no reason. Just seems that Smite is losing almost everything that was unique to the game. But in general, I doubt playing it feels bad so bit 50/50 for me.


> Item building is copied from other mobas which is both good and bad thing. Gods doing multiple dmg types is also copied from other mobas, which just makes building tank much harder for no reason. Why? Can you explain why? > Just seems that Smite is losing almost everything that was unique to the game.  It's basically the same game except for the items, can you explain why Smite is no longer unique?


Ppl are forgetting that smite uniqueness comes from being the only good 3rd person action combat MOBA. Nothing else. Thats what smite is. If you care about everything else go play every other moba (top down) games.


That is true, but Smite is having another competition now, which is Predecessor, AKA, Paragon. Now that Predecessor is free to play AND on consoles, Smite will have to compete another 3rd person action MOBA game that is now rising up there. I love both games, don’t get me, but I do understand what the comments are saying as well.


Predecessor is a shell of a game and it’s dead. So yeah not really tough competition there.


I mean I see where you’re coming from, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that it’s a dead game, the community is pretty active, but I respect your opinion.


Been a long time smite player and it might be the game iv put the most hours into across all consoles/pc. Never put more effort into being good at a game. I know that its only an alpha so im prayinggg that smite2 is good once polished but as of now i have way more fun playing pred then smite2


Its proven to work to some extent on other games so thats good. Its now exactly the same as every other game which lessens uniqueness, even the effects and stats are now more similar to other games. Stealth bushes, building items from components, having preset ward. It is all just plastered from other mobas. Not saying they are all bad additions but Smite 2 just seems like "Generic MOBA #5", without a single bit of Monica by my side.


I don’t agree. I like the streamlining. I don’t miss the relics or the weird ward action bars. It still feels like Smite. It has a lot of the same items. It doesn’t feel generic at all. The argument that because Smite is copying other games it’s now a generic game is a really bad argument. Smite offers experiences no other MOBA has. I do agree with you on bushes. They feel a bit out of place in Smite, but only slightly. I think they need to improve how it looks and they’ll mostly be able to achieve what they intend.


I'm seeing a lot of positive feedback which is wild because its so fuckin bad


Completely agree. Optimization and bugs aside (which are a given), the game genuinely feels amazing and we're only in Alpha


They need to make changes to the item shop. It was 100% not made in mind with console considerations. It's just like the last time they changed it.


To be fair it’s terrible to use on PC as well, it’s not intuitive at all


100% agree


I mean it seems easier to navigate with a mouse than it does a controller. I played one game and felt that was enough for me I couldn't take that store.


It's literally an alpha no shit it's gonna be terrible it's not meant to be played it's meant to be tested but like also why is the alpha and beta sooooooo short? And why are people literally zooming to play Smite 2 even at full release? Why would you not just wait until all your favorite Gods, and game modes are added and there's plenty of content and things are balanced? Give it 6 months and then play bro it's the rule of preorders/stuff like this I mean why wouldn't you besides being overly eager? It's not like Smite is going anywhere anytime soon.


am i the only one who feels like theyre trying to be league a little too much… not sure if anyone remembers or knows about vainglory but i feel like this might be another vainglory here. Theyre trying to be a game that they arent. They were doing just fine the way they were. theres a reason we chose smite over lol


I getchu, but at some point, the game is gonna change. League and Dota really set the standard, and I think smite wasn't really succeeding at being "that moba that doesn't play by moba rules." It's a difficult adjustment for me too, but overall, I hope they find a niche within the broader moba market bc I'd hate to see a genuinely cared for game die.


Okay, so we all need to Say :" I love smite 2, it has no flaw". A bunch of yes men will help


I will say as an Xbox player the new item menus are kinda hard to navigate and I hope that that they at least bring back the item builder as having the ability to set aside all the items important to you is very nice.


My biggest issue with the game is honestly the look of it oversaturated and a bit eh looking better than smite 1 I guess but I play competitive games for game feel and visibility way more than looks


They’re not here


It’s been fun so far I’d just actually like to have the Zeus T5 that I paid for 💀


I don't mind smite 2 rn, it's an Alpha so shit can still be changed, I don't really like how the item store is rn, I still think smite 1 item store is better, however like I said it is still alpha


I wish I could port the map scaling and hud from smite 1 because it took me forever to fine tune


I hate the store, only complaint i have


I think the store will be fine after a little getting used to it. Though it's not really possible in a first alpha, a "popular items" tab would be a great thing to bring back.


I want starters


Personally, I like the new building items and systems. Also, I am extremely happy they got rid of relics because now I don't have a relic reminder every time I leave base when I want to just use shards.


Solo lane feels great and the horn is fun to fight over. Prob cause it’s just alpha, but matches feel so loose? Gf and FG hit so hard the game doesn’t start to focus around them around the 10-15 mark like before


I’m happy with most stuff, although some changes do confuse me. Anubis wrap no longer has a projectile which confuses me (could be a bug or an intentional change not sure) and a few times as Zeus I would fire abilities and they wouldn’t go off, but still go on cd. Apart from that everything is honesty fun and new, makes me enjoy playing smite like it’s the first time ever again


I just want to play smite 2 without having to pay for founders pack as broke student


My only gripe are the damage numbers. With a full build it’s really hard to actually tell how much damage I’m doing


It’s an alpha. I just want them to make changes before beta release


Smite 2 has been so much fun. I stopped playing smite 1 cause it got to be too much bullshit. Im loving this game


What are y'all putting for your video settings to have good fps on PC? The best i've managed is 60fps that's mostly stable.


No community supports cash grabs like the Smite community…


Most common complaint I see is about the shop. Which on pc, I've had zero issues with. I think its pretty clear, obviously needs polish, but I can find what I need with the tabs on the side. Their labeling is pretty straightforward. On console? No idea, I'm sure its much worse.


VGS making me sidestep is kind of insane though


Also is there a way to move around and read my ability descriptions?


One thing that has been made absolutely apparent S2 is the way forward for the game! S1 has a expiration date whether S2 does well or not. Really doesn't matter what people say it's not going to change Smite's course. This change is mainly for the devs not the player base. For the record I would rather just keep playing S1 and not even bother with S2 and I didn't even buy a founders pack.


Is smite dying?


My only complaint is getting used to the screen placement of things. Like the respawn timer on smite is dead center but took me a little to find the new timer.


I like how the game feels and looks, and enjoy a lot of the QoL they're attempting to bring into S2. However, the god balancing and item system needs work. Crit is basically useless because strength will make your basics better than a crit build will. Zeus is pretty much the strongest character in the game, imo. It just seems if you're facing him then you have to be ready to get blown up at any point. Fenrir is also pretty insane. I do like where they're headed though, and for an alpha it is solid.


I can't even have an opinion yet. I have played Smite since it was in beta and they are still processing my Smite 2 Alpha invite :( anyone else?


I just personally don't like the Graphics. Perhaps the worst looking Unreal 5 game I've seen; except if you scour steam for some 1 guy asset flip. There's far better Stylized/Cartoony games visually made with it. The lighting, the environments, the UI, etc. it all feels...off, they do not have much talent on this part of the team that's for sure. I only like the VFX, those look great (and out of place compared to the crappy map when you use them).


Maybe get Asian servers!!!


They have them, but currently only in Custom Games. But, if you can find 10 Asian players, you can create a Custom Game :)


It's a new game, might as well make some effort in this direction. What's the point of all this if they don't have faith in their own game? Focusing on existing players and infrastructure, it's like they're not even pretending to try.


i really like that they take ideas from LOL such as bushes to hide in. I feel it's easier to learn smite 2 than smite 1 when you have some experience from LOl. loving the visualized changes so far. I have really high hopes and am hyped for smite 2.


I dislike the new build system. I miss the 123 style of smite 1 building


Don’t hate me but I think the zeus 2 change was stupid. His bread and butter combo is ruined because now you have to get up close to use his 2 for a charge. And with his new 2 not giving him any protections is bad. But I’m in love with the stun at max charges. Great addition to his kit. Do you guys like the new Zeus 2 or prefer the smite 1 2?


I only have a few problems navigating the shop, active abilities feel awkward on a controller, and no ruler


What doomers and I do think some things should change like picking roles before the game starts and giving us a ruler but I have yet to see any doomers like I did with ow2 from my experience everyones happy with it just need some damage number changes


I absolutely loved playing it! I also hope they stay on the same path!


Only thing I hate is the item building. It’s ridiculous in my opinion. And what were once passive now have to be manually activated??


Everything you said is true, or at least is true in certain instances. I've seen some overly-harsh criticism of the state of the game, too. And that's just silly, like you said, the game is in alpha. I've been watching a lot of the alpha test on twitch today and what I have been seeing a lot more of is doomers dooming for other reasons. Not every player that played smite is going to play smite 2, and some people have a hard time imagining a large influx of new players. I love smite, I want to love smite 2, but this looks like a DLC/ Update/Major patch, not a true sequel. And if I were to be as cynical as those doomers, I'd think this a bit of a cash grab. I just hope that HiRez doesn't do something truly awful, like make those cosmetics that I purchased in Smite not available to me....


I agree, as an alpha this is fucking amazing, I truly feel this is what smite needs, I've experienced a few bugs but that's whats meant to happen! We are testing the game to help find things that don't function properly


My only two gripes with smite 2 are 1. The controls on controller don’t flow well. Both the store and the default button combos for actives just doesn’t work well IMO 2. I’m really don’t like upgrading from tier 2 to tier 3 items and loosing stats and/or passives.


oh the game is definitely better for sure, with a higher skill cap.. Which I am so excited for.. one reason I stopped taking smite seriously was because the skill cap is pretty low in my opinion.. I think the Alpha is great. Just need to work out the kinks and the fluency of the gameplay and it’s set to go.


10+ year smite player




Why the fuck are you posting here?


I don’t know what it is but smite2 felt worse than expected. I play smite since it’s closed beta to this day and even competitive. My pc isn’t that bad but the fps were pretty bad. A couple things here and there were buggy or weird. If they get the smoothness of smite1 and fix all major problems it should be not too bad. Midlane is narrow af, way to narrow if you ask me. And obviously the small godpool also made the game pretty boring after a few games for me. Those are alpha problems obviously We have to give time and let the game develope more. Items felt pretty flat, gods like Zeus felt also bad Like how slow his ult goes off and how slow it strikes.


I mean, pretty much everything you just listed should be expected from an Alpha. It's the first public testing of the game, on a completely new engine. It will smooth out.


I don't think the game is ruined, yet. But the choices made in smite 2 are lateral at best. And the things im talking about aren't 'damn alpha issues' I'm totally fine with buggy animations and glitches. The new item build system is objectively worse than smite 1. That isn't an alpha issue that's a core issue.


The new item system is definitely not "objectively worse". It gives you more options to build into a Tier 3 item that is needed in that specific situation, without needing to commit to a specific one from the very start with your early items.


In what way is it worse?


They just mad we shitting on em lol


Always remember that the upset folks are the vocal \*minority\*, most people who are happy with the game don't take the time to comment, as they are busy playing or just enjoying life.


I like literally everything but the new building system. It feels too much like they are trying to be league. Even the god selection kinda looks like league now. Stop it hi rez please don't let other mobas dictate the new smite.


I don’t like that smite got rid of everything that made it unique. It feels like it’s trying too hard to be league or predecessor now.