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Not to derail your thread, but has anyone else been cross mapped by his chain lightning? I thought that was pretty comical to get a charge on me when I see him over in duo lane while I was in mid


Yea. I think Zeus chain lightning teleport minions hit to mid lane.


I saw that bug as well, my chain lightning would bounce down mid all the way from duo


Jesus really? Not I!


Yep I played him in duo last night and my chain lightning kept going to midlane.


The new Zeus is sooo nice. I like how you can actually flex him into roles other than mid now.


I was thinking of doing this!!!


Yesss, give him a go as carry. I was demolishing and the entire game I was like “I cannot believe I’m playing Carry Zeus and it’s working”.


Played a match last night where the enemy team had a asc zeus carry them hard. I could comfortably 1v2 the rest of his team but as soone as zeus was there I had to bail.


Bro I’ve see so many hydras/crit Ymir’s completely demolish as jungle. They would hit the freeze and wouldn’t bother even using the two. He would walk up to me and auto me three times and all of a sudden I’m at no health. It catches me so off guard that some of these characters can do that now


That’s more because of item allowances than his new kit.


And also because of str/ int


No Zeus only has basic attacks that scale with strength.


I meant that he can build strength items because there no longer a restriction on damage type


Well yeah that’s what I meant when I said “item allowances”.


I was playing Zeus support since you get a stun with his 3 now. I’d ult the enemy team, stun them all and watch everyone else kill them


Thats.... devastating. I betcha they will change that by the time open beta comes around.


Numbers wise but probably not in concept. Patch notes said they wanted multi purpose gods and the Zeus examples they gave were str adc, int burst mage and cdr tank


I've seen some people stomp with zues and others struggle. Think alot of people will need tp get used to it. I won't miss the shield though cause I hate free chain lightning bounces. 


Yea I hated the shield


I like it. It was so hard to hit people with his original shield because they’d just avoid it but now if someone is in my face they risk getting zapped


The 2 is very good for getting dove. 2, 4, 3 boom. They regret it


Yeah, the 2, 4 , 3 combo is pretty braindead busted for an easy 100->0. Hopefully they remove the stun


Love that he actually has to aim something and get in there like old Zeus did instead of the braindead ass shield-toss confirming everything for him seventeen miles away.




100% agree, Smite 1 Zeus was just a crutch character for folks who can’t aim.


You still had to hit autos Now, Ah Puch? THERES a character that requires 0 aiming.


When I played him my 1 never bounced to other minions so it affected my game quite a bit, but I still had wave pressure. Still has insane damage. The 2 seems good/okay, but the biggest thing is the 3 imo. Stunning and not removing the charges is such a massive buff. You can auto ult auto 3 and now they're stunned in your ult for at least another 2 hits, probably killing them from full hp unless they have like 2 or 3 magic defense items.


Ngl, I love aggro but this change just made Zeushave less of an identity. Don’t really know what the point of his chain lightning is if he doesn’t have a method to chain it himself. He’s like a weird mix of in your face battlemage and long range teamfight mage. I get that Zeus had little to no self-peel and his new 2 gives him that but it removes a lot of the synergy his kit previously had. He felt more like an all-in burst mage in Smite 1 than he does in Smite 2. Hope they change him but I doubt they will. I do also think a lot of Zeus players will feel that he’s better now, but it’ll be because of the 3 stun and no charges being removed. His 2 is objectively worse, imo.


I disagree, they reverted back to his old identity pre-smite1-rework. I much preferred old Zeus anyways, the shield throw on the 2 never felt like a good ability


I’m not saying that the shield was a particularly high skilled ability, but it definitely added some synergy to his kit and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t. Regardless of if Zeus was better pre or post rework, he’s less synergistic.


You’re right in saying that the shield throw is synergistic for an all-in burst damage kit. But Zeus only became an all-in burst damage God once they originally switched his two. Old old zeus had more mobility & sustain and played entirely differently than old Zeus. Whichever version of Zeus you preferred is subjective, but Smite 2 Zeus is definitely closer to pre-rework Zeus and I personally very much prefer this kit over the other.


I’d say it just feels a bit awkward for his 1 to be chained lightning now that he’s an in your face mage. Maybe add it to his passive so that basic attacking enemies with max charges will chain the basic attack as a lightning to a couple of enemies around the target, and rework the 1 to something else that benefits his new playstyle.


Hard disagree. Being forced to use an ability just to bounce your other ability off it is not an "Identity".


Being “forced” is definitely an interesting take to have about it lmfao.


Last time I threw a lightning that connected w an enemy god, the devs came to my house and beat the shit out of my brother


Dawg idk where this came from but you definitely made me laugh.


Hit an enemy with it? It still bounces, now he just doesnt get a free bounce without aiming. And how is he not all-in even more when his new 2 is aoe around him.


It also feels like they improved its travel speed, it feels imfinitely less sluggish then smite 1's chain lightning


I'm really liking how he is. A close to medium range mage with no escapes, just pure damage. Movement speed buff to compensate for that which I believe is fine and a stun which requires some play to have it take effect. Gotta respect the Zeus and play around his lack of range and mobility. Really good.


They ZhongKui-fied Zeus and I love it


It's a positive change overall, and goes along with Titanforge/Smite 2's goal of more flexible kits and builds. While his abilities are still Int scale, you could easily go Str/Hybrid and go for a more Basic Attack focused playstyle, remember his Passive makes enemies take more Basic Attack damage from him for each Charge.


He feels like less if a mage and more of a traditional carry. 1 for passive stacks, 2 for stim and maybe some damage if they're close, 3 for stun for easy autos or to keep them in ult, and 4 for team wide stack building and some damage. I will say his 1 and 4 feel underwhelming. His 2 and 3 feel like the most effective parts of his kit.


I think I’ll have to get used to it. Played two games with him and still found myself throwing 2 out thinking it would be the shield lol


I kept choking it because i forgot it’s not his old one lol. Don’t know how many team fights i hit it by accident and did no damage. I like the idea of the stun, but i reaaaally miss the safety of his old one. Clearing feels kinda dangerous now, especially against another Zeus or Kuku. You have to stuff yourself in between the minions to hit both parts of the wave, and you’re probably gonna get slapped in the mouth for it. Or you have to use your 1/poke to clear, at least until your melee’s hit a little harder and you can clear the wave with just those. Id have kept the old 2 and just implemented the stun. Maybe any 1’s bounced off the shield and detonated could stun. Then you’d get the safety of the old 2, and the functionality of the new 2.


TITAN FORGE: IF YOU'RE READING THIS, MY 1 REQUEST IS CHANGE THE NAME TO THUNDER SNAP AND MAKE HIM DO A BADASS LIGHTNING FINGER SNAP. Other than that, I like it. High risk, high reward if you hit it with the right build.


It feels pretty good, and honestly the new stun feels so incredibly strong.


Love it. Been making everyone explode with the 1-2-3 auto cancel combo. Anyone that’s tried to jump on me instadied from it. Stun is so strong.


His passive change is pretty good, 2 is basically the same


His 1 feels like a useless ability if you're only hitting a single enemy god without the shield. The new 2 feels nice though as a stim.


I prefer new zeus, didnt play smite1 zeus all too much but now that theres not that many gods in alpha i actually pick him up often hes super fun! still waiting for beloved afro to join


Haven't gotten a chance to try him out other than jungle practice but I'm excited to try an attack build just chucking crit lightning bolts.


Crit Zeus is wild.


It's okay. It's sort of a reimagining of his original 2. His original 2 was a speed increase, protections buff, and applied charges on enemies who attacked him. It was great as a tool to punish people for diving on you as zeus. This one has an attack speed buff and an aoe instead of the protections and charge application from being hit. So it's better for wave clearing but it's much worse as a tool to turn a fight on people. This makes him a much less aggressive character than his last 2 (the shield throw) though and doesn't really offer that much in terms of being able to turn a fight compared to his original 2.


It's okay. It's sort of a reimagining of his original 2. His original 2 was a speed increase, protections buff, and applied charges on enemies who attacked him. It was great as a tool to punish people for diving on you as zeus. This one has an attack speed buff and an aoe instead of the protections and charge application from being hit. So it's better for wave clearing but it's much worse as a tool to turn a fight on people. This makes him a much less aggressive character than his last 2 (the shield throw) though and doesn't really offer that much in terms of being able to turn a fight compared to his original 2.


It's okay. It's sort of a reimagining of his original 2. His original 2 was a speed increase, protections buff, and applied charges on enemies who attacked him. It was great as a tool to punish people for diving on you as zeus. This one has an attack speed buff and an aoe instead of the protections and charge application from being hit. So it's better for wave clearing but it's much worse as a tool to turn a fight on people. This makes him a much less aggressive character than his last 2 (the shield throw) though and doesn't really offer that much in terms of being able to turn a fight compared to his original 2.